It’s the eve of Eurovision fortnight. Tomorrow nine acts will take to the Tel Aviv stage for first rehearsals with 32 more following in the days to come. And as always, the early run-throughs could shake up everything. But for now, all we can do is look into our crystal balls or examine tea leaves.
On 13 March, we asked y’all to vote for your Eurovision 2019 favourites before rehearsals. After counting a total of 42,632 votes for 41 acts, the results are in.
He’s become a frequent poll topper in these pages, including yesterday’s semi-final two rankings. And the Netherland’s Duncan Laurence continues his streak today. The “Arcade” singer picked up 5,036 votes, that’s 11.81% of all votes cast. That’s over 1,500 more votes than his nearest rival.
Duncan Laurence “Arcade” (The Netherlands 2019) Interview
Taking silver is Albania’s Jonida Maliqi. The “Ktheju Tokës” songstress scooped 3,484 votes or 8.17% of all votes cast. Back in December, Albania became the first country to select both its singer and song for Tel Aviv. And slowly but surely, Jonida has been gaining momentum ever since.
Jonida Maliqi “Ktheju Tokës” (Albania 2019) Interview
Taking the third and final podium spot is Italy’s Mahmood. The “Soldi” performer amassed a tally of 2,964 votes or 6.95% of all votes cast. He’s remained a consistent favourite since his Sanremo victory and even won the annual OGAE vote.
Mahmood “Soldi” (Italy 2019) Interview
If our readers are to be trusted, the rest of the top ten will consist of Armenia’s Srbuk, Switzerland’s Luca Hänni, Russia’s Sergey Lazarev, Greece’s Katerine Duska, Portugal’s Conan Osíris, Iceland’s Hatari and Malta’s Michela.
Elsewhere, Israel’s Kobi Marimi and Georgia’s Oto Nemsadze, who sensationally won the automatic qualifier and semi one polls respectively, must make do with less glamorous positions. The former comes 16th and the latter 19th.
Poll results: Who should win Eurovision 2019?
- Netherlands: Duncan Laurence “Arcade” 11.81% (5,036 Votes)
- Albania: Jonida Maliqi “Ktheju Tokës” 8.17% (3,484 Votes)
- Italy: Mahmood “Soldi” 6.95% (2,964 Votes)
- Armenia: Srbuk “Walking Out” 4.75% (2,027 Votes)
- Switzerland: Luca Hänni “She Got Me” 4.71% (2,010 Votes)
- Russia: Sergey Lazarev “Scream” 4.51% (1,922 Votes)
- Greece: Katerine Duska “Better Love” 4.49% (1,916 Votes)
- Portugal: Conan Osíris “Telemóveis” 4.31% (1,839 Votes)
- Iceland: Hatari “Hatrið Mun Sigra” 4.13% (1,762 Votes)
- Malta: Michela “Chameleon” 3.96% (1,687 Votes)
- Cyprus: Tamta “Replay” 3.93% (1,677 Votes)
- Croatia: Roko “The Dream” 3.56% (1,516 Votes)
- Spain: Miki “La Venda” 2.95% (1,257 Votes)
- Norway: Keiino “Spirit In The Sky” 2.77% (1,182 Votes)
- Sweden: John Lundvik “Too Late For Love” 2.57% (1,096 Votes)
- Israel: Kobi Marimi “Home” 2.07% (883 Votes)
- France: Bilal Hassani “Roi” 2.05% (874 Votes)
- Slovenia: Zala Kralj & Gašper Šantl “Sebi” 1.96% (836 Votes)
- Georgia: Oto Nemsadze “Sul Tsin Iare” 1.87% (797 Votes)
- Azerbaijan: Chingiz “Truth” 1.82% (778 Votes)
- Belgium: Eliot “Wake Up” 1.62% (691 Votes)
- United Kingdom: Michael Rice “Bigger Than Us” 1.39% (593 Votes)
- Romania: Ester Peony “On A Sunday” 1.22% (519 Votes)
- Australia: Kate Miller-Heidke “Zero Gravity” 1.18% (504 Votes)
- Poland: Tulia “Fire Of Love (Pali Się)” 1.04% (443 Votes)
- Belarus: Zena “Like It” 1.03% (437 Votes)
- North Macedonia: Tamara Todevska “Proud” 0.96% (410 Votes)
- Estonia: Victor Crone “Storm” 0.86% (368 Votes)
- San Marino: Serhat “Say Na Na Na” 0.86% (366 Votes)
- Serbia: Nevena Božović “Kruna” 0.82% (351 Votes)
- Hungary: Joci Pápai “Az Én Apám” 0.74% (316 Votes)
- Czech Republic: Lake Malawi “Friend Of A Friend” 0.71% (304 Votes)
- Ireland: Sarah McTernan “22” 0.67% (287 Votes)
- Denmark: Leonora “Love Is Forever” 0.65% (277 Votes)
- Lithuania: Jurij Veklenko “Run With The Lions” 0.6% (254 Votes)
- Germany: S!sters “Sister” 0.56% (239 Votes)
- Finland: Darude Feat. Sebastian Rejman “Look Away” 0.48% (203 Votes)
- Latvia: Carousel “That Night” 0.36% (153 Votes)
- Austria: Pænda “Limits” 0.34% (144 Votes)
- Montenegro: D Mol “Heaven” 0.3% (130 Votes)
- Moldova: Anna Odobescu “Stay” 0.23% (100 Votes)
Total Votes: 42,632
Do you agree with the results? Is the Netherlands your favourite? Which songs are underrated? Let us know in the comments.
Vote in all our Eurovision 2019 polls.
Note: This poll is just for fun. It is not designed to predict the final result in May.
Someone can explain me please what is the “dress reharsal “? The big 5+1 will exhibit only on the final or also in this dress reharsal ? It will be showed to the public these dress reharsals or it is just for the press ? Thank you very much.
a dress rehearsal is a rehearsal which they do with dresses on. where are you from?how old?
I’ll say the Netherlands or Switzerland for the win, based on prior to rehearsals. Cyprus, Greece, Norway, Albania, Iceland, Italy and Russia will fight for Top 10. United Kingdom, Spain and France are dark horses and ones to look out for, especially the UK, I know it seems to be a “Bottom 5 finish” for the UK as it’s a “generic, X Factor’s winner’s single” as many of you will say but, with Michael’s vocals and personality and that the EBU/The Broadcaster don’t screw the UK over with the Running Order on the Saturday night things do look promising for… Read more »
Montenegro wasn’t last! Yaaas! My job is done. 🙂
Duncan song is good and he does have a good voice, he can song really nice, but the song of personal, sad story is not victorious, too emotional and depressing..definitely not a winner look for norway and iceland next to norway
As a young gay man from Middle East, loving somebody has always been a losing game for me and it will be. So, when i listen to this song for the very first time i felt like i was stabbed from the center of my heart. Do you have an idea about living in a country that there’s not anybody ‘different’ like you?It is the truth slapping on your face every day., you can’t breathe sometimes. I really wish this song wins, if it does i will feel like some part of my life was awarded. But will i get… Read more »
Denmark is EASILY the most underrated song of the year!
its not appealing for votes, so it can easily nq
Guys does ‘arcade’ mean that salloons we go for playing videogames or is it sth like a bazaar? Confused rn.
Don’t worry, he already asks how many pennies in the slot and since said Mahmood is great artist mahmood soldi (money) is an answere to how many pennies in the slot thats before attraction gets deeper for pen _s in the holes lot
You are making no sense….
In the song, “Arcade” is used as a metaphor. An Arcade is basically a hall with a bunch of impossible games like the claw. Duncan’s song is about loving someone you’ve lost (i.e. an ex or someone who’s passed). Let’s see if you can figure it out.
Overrated. If Laura was there this fraud wouldn’t be even hyped.
Oh wow, Albania so high! It does have other fans than just me after all! <3
Do you agree that Duncan probably will be the winner of the contest, but mahmood is the winner of Mr Eurovision 2019, the most handsome and cool of the contest? 🙂 🙂
I don’t see Denmark not making the final. I think it’s an easy qualifier bringing the same type of energy as Portugal 2009, Malta 2013 and Switzerland 2011. There’s a niche that they satisfy. I think Ireland have the potential to bring a surprise again – but it’ll depend on presentation and Sarah’s charisma which is essential. Don’t discount Lithuania either – when they sing well they do well, and have Ireland and the UK to carry them across the qualifying threshold. Would love to see Azerbaijan, Romania and Armenia fail twice in a row as I don’t think any… Read more »
LMAO, the delusion in seeing denmark as safe qualifier, it has no wow moment just a snooze
Didn’t expect Srbuk to come so high! Pleasantly surprised, her song is quite good and she’s a wonderful person 🙂
Goo Nederland! Would love to have Eurovision in my home country =)
i need to know who’s in charge of choosing header photos bc this one is…….a choice
It is fantastic, isn’t it?
I suppose it could be a way of demonstrating how, subconsciously, we all know Duncan is gonna win, no matter what he looks like. 😉
My seven favourites:
1st Malta 9/10
2nd Cyprus 9/10
3rd North Macedonia 8.5/10
4th Albania 8.5/10
5th Italy 8.5/10
6th Greece 8/10
7th Serbia 8/10
Tbh as long as these all make the final (Italy obvs already there) I’ll be happy. If their performances are bad then fine but fingers crossed their not
I’m pretty sure none of these will have a bad live performance.
Can you believe that rehearsals start tomorrow??? We’re so close, I’m so damn stressed lmao.
Why if the winner is already known.
Doris don’t be so friggin bitter all the time…
Laura was the winner.
This Duncan-guy won’t get my votes (I’ve got three)!
I just wanna start to watch this Eurovision already )))) !!! Portugal & Italy #ONELOVE
My favourites too!
Armenia Russia and Greece need to be below the top 10. Otherwise it’s a good top 10.
I voted for Albania. So…deal with it 😉
Me 2 vote for al
People, you have to understand that odds favourites don’t have to be peoples favourites. I am not Albanian, and I love Albanian song this year. It is my winner. I don’t like bookies favourites this year. So, why bookies favourites have to top every poll, I don’t understand. Why odds have to force my preference ? I am pretty sure that there is a significant number of people who don’t like Switzerland, Russia even the Netherlands. So why nobody says something about them, when they are at the top of polls, and if a under-rated song as Albanian song is… Read more »
Totally agree with you, Albania always sends good songs on Eurovision, but they are always underrated. This year Albania has a great song (native language, great vocal and ethnic music). That’s what Eurovision should be about and Eurovision should appreciate such songs, not to underrate them why they are from small or undeveloped countries, Eurovision exists to appreciate art from wherever it comes, not politics.
BIGGEST GROWER – Romania (I called it terrible, but two months later I can’t appreciate enough how BRILLIANT it is)
BIGGEST DISAPPOINTMENT – Russia (so much hype for so little quality. This is probably one of Sergey’s weakest songs).
Duncan is THE CLEAR LEADER and nothing will change that. But the biggest GROWER for me – and I’m shocked to say this – is Romania. I started by calling it an “utter rubbish” and ended up having it in my TOP5 on last fm. The song is just so good that you eventually realise that. The biggest disappointment is Russia. So much hype for so little. I was one of those most excited for his comeback, but this song is not half as good as his solo repertoire. Really sorry he has to sing THIS.
For God’s sake, don’t let this depressing song win. I would prefer even Latvia to win with their snooze one.
Welcome to #Moscow2020 my friends.
Yes it is depressing song but isn’t this world getting sad and sadder? ?? As for Duncan arcade, it’s good song but it’s not winning type of eurovision song. The lyrics are based on personal story. Sad story not victorious. Still its better than soulless song Russia sending this year. I am sorry but it’s true Russia relying on sergey this year the song is nothing special. Remmember so gnu from France in 2011? It was bookies polls favourite. More than sergey song but in the end we all saw what happened. Same goes with Russia this year wait and… Read more »
This song reminds me my old neighbor’s dog who was beaten regulary. It has the same sounds. wooooooooo woooooo.
So depressing.
God you made me laugh
My old cat jumps into the curtains when she hears “They ScreeAAAAAMMMMMMMM’………………………….
You have so bad taste, that it’s you, who are depressing, Russian! Moscow 2020??? Give me a brake! xD Actually it’s Russia, who wan’t so desperately to win, like 2016 and you can hear it too.
I am happy to see that after all, a big part ESC fans in wiwi have actually some taste in choosing Duncan or Mahmood for the win (Albania doesn’t count obviously). People are growing up and out of the banger/bop dictatorship. Unfortunately still many people remain with no taste at all to choose Switzerland or Armenia, but hopefully this will change too.
Sergey only 6th is a crime against good taste.
jesus christ….
Why doesn’t Albania count?
Ah Ah true, I would say NL, ALb, ITA, ARM, SWI doesn’t count and then we have a real top.
Songs I’ve fallen in love with: Belgium – message means a lot and I just want to squeeze Eliot’s cheeks! Italy – pure class from first beat to last Iceland – great message and I love a bit of controversy! Norway – full of hope and optimism and catchy Poland – visually arresting and unusual sounding Songs I wouldn’t mind winning: Sweden, Cyprus, Malta, Australia, Slovenia, Estonia, Latvia, Azerbaijan, Netherlands, Switzerland, Russia, Spain, France, UK, Ireland, Israel, Hungary Songs with artistic merit that I just don’t connect with: Albania, Armenia, North Macedonia, Georgia, Austria, Czech Rep, Serbia, Portugal, Greece Songs… Read more »
Yey for Belgium! 🙂
Finland Eurovisa has even Serhat ahead of Duncan.
Top 10 so far
1. Iceland – 30 points (10,10,10)
2. Sweden – 28 points (9,9,10)
3. Malta – 26 points (10,8,8)
4. Russia – 26 points (8,8,10)
5. San Marino – 26 points (8,10,8)
6. Netherlands – 25 points (8,10,7)
7. Estonia – 25 points (9,7,9)
8 Ireland – 24 points (9,9,6)
9 Poland – 24 points (8,7,9)
10 Republic Czech – 23 points (10,6,7)
Italy still to be reviewed but Greece is 12th, Switzerland 15th, Cyprus 26th and Norway 35th!!
They are so lost, like always. Still think, why Finland never can choose the good songs (if there are), if they have taste like this?
I think it’s worth to mention that the show is a program that recycles guests every episode (2 regulars, 1 guest) and that it’s a Finnish Swede show as well and the mainstays are definitely past their 40’s so their music taste will definitely differ from a lot of us opinions since I assume the people who read Wiwibloggs are much younger.
Staging update: It has been reported that Katerine (Greece) will wear a white and she’ll have on stage a double sided tableau vivant, created for her in Tel-Aviv from someone who has worked for Lady Gaga and X-Factor UK. She will have 5 more girls with her on stage (3 vocalists and 2 dancers-actresses) The staging in general will be very theatrical, with pink smoke, much like the videoclip but more mature and bold and will allegedly be reminiscent to a rennaisance painting of Bosch with surrealistic elements (take a look at his “Garden of Earthly Delights”. There will also… Read more »
The song is among my favorites, but that all sounds a bit too much and might distract from the song. Is that really a good strategy?…
Yeah, I love Albania, but they’re obviously not 2nd …
My top 20:
16.North Macedonia
I don’t even know why I’m getting downvoted, like… That’s not even a controversial top 20, is it?
No matter what list you post, you will get downvoted. There will always be more people dissapointed for not seeing their (favourite) countries in your top 5 than people happy for the contrary. And, on top of that, many people here simply do not respect or understand that others have a different taste/opinion
It is! You can’t have the Netherlands on the top pirydt
Great top 20 imo, you have taste!
The controversial thing is that you were able to correctly write “Netherlands” having such a low IQ! Guess someone helped you
We will send you flowers and a bulk of tissues after Duncan has taken the ESC crown this year!!
no australia no upvotes
Fair enough! But I don’t dislike it anymore, it’s really growing on me right now.
Because you called Albania not deserving of the 2nd place :’D
Let it be a bop, a dance song to win this year. Something that brings you joy and not a depressing song. Life is hard enough so no need to push the depressing songs. You can still go to a funeral or your local cemetery if you want to cry.
As if people are dow nvoting you for saying let’s have something positive!
Can one be more superficial and tasteless than this?…
Everybody votes to own country in a poll. It isn’t right
Yes it should be better to have to vote for another country… but as you can see people from big countries don’t vote so much, otherwise italy france germany ecc. would always win the polls; on the contrary, people from little countries are tipically more involved.
In general Italians don’t follow Esc, maybe because they have their own important music festival that is Sanremo Festival.
Seeing how not well this poll did previous year Im not giving it two thoughts
Albania 2? Thats funny…Not even 5th in the second semifinal..
You are just butthurt because Sweden comes 15. LOL
D. Laurence is the favourite. LOL

After Salvador “boring lover” Sobral, I hope we will not have another cry song. Just let it be Russia.
After Sobral we had an uptempo chicken song dear.. get your facts straight please..
And russia?? A scream song instead of a cry song? No thanks……..
Since when men are so cry-babies, like Sobral and Laurence? Let a real man win for once in this century!
You mean a real man like Netta?… Or like Bilal? Or like Luca?… Or like Tamta?… C’mon, your gender fluity is getting the best of you…
Everyone but not Russia !!!!!!
Why? Just because it is Russia? “Don’t go too political” as we say in Denmark. Personally i am hoping it will not be Sweden or Russia, because both have won relatively recently (so yes rather Russian than Sweden) but I actually like the Russian song and I cannot be too upset if he wins. He is so charming and honestly he was robbed in 2016, where he was places last position of some juries which is absurd and a bit offensive. I would love for any of the other favorites to win. Netherlands won last time in 1975 (before I… Read more »
ESC have been political for the kast 4 year, why not this year. Italy in 3rd playce, yeahh, they arn not gonbs be in top 10. Sweden gonna be topp 5.
Agreed, this song is so underwhelming for me and I can’t see how it would do well if not for politics, for neighbouring countries voting massively for it because Sergey is well-known.
By the way, SF results based on this poll:
SF 1
1. GRE
2. POR
3. ICE
4. CYP
5. SLO
6. GEO
7. BEL
8. AUS
9. POL
10. BLR
11. EST
12. SMR
13. SER
14. HUN
15. CZE
16. FIN
17. MON
SF 2
1. NET
2. ALB
3. ARM
4. SWI
5. RUS
6. MAL
7. CRO
8. NOR
9. SWE
10. AZE
11. ROM
12. NMC
13. IRE
14. DEN
15. LIT
16. LAT
17. AUT
18. MOL
1. ITA
2. SPA
3. ISR
4. FRA
5. UK
6. GER
If you take out Croatia and Georgia these are very believable results and qualifiers.
Why do people get annoyed that duncan is overexposed
He can’t help it that he wins most of the polls he is in…. (thus sounds more arrogant then i mean it but idk how else to put it)
It’s not duncan’s fault but it’s annoying because it seems that the winner is already decided,and it is strange because this year there are a lot of very very good songs in the competition. We’re talking about musical tastes and not objective things like a word champion in a sport competition, when we already know who is the best in the world and the probable winner. It seems strange all those people have similar taste…. netherland has a beautiful ballad, but portugal is unique and with a wonderful performance, very deep meaning; , Italy is catchy, emotional and has oriental… Read more »
Yes, there are a lot of good songs. but this one trumps all of them. there has to be a winner after all.
I’m still glad that more of 88% people think the NL should not win. He’s not the clear winner as stated here and there by the ones who overhype it. And taking out the dutch who voted for their own it’s even less.
hahahaha, if Lazarev was number 1 at the bookies you would fully agree with that and did NOT make this “overhyped” comment…
Also , Ireland is 12th in the semi 2 ranking here if we remove Croatia’s random result .
Gives me some hope that if the juries give it sufficient points , it might be able to sneak through to the final.
Ohk , Albania will come second overall but not be in the Top 5 even in second semi ? Yeah that’s believable. It’s a good and approachable song though unlike Georgia and Israel
Sensationally , lol , atleast some acknowledgement that the results were not ‘Our’ results
Croatia only on the twelfth place? Something is VeRy wrong here.
Yes, it is, but not because of Croatia being 12th. I´m much more suprised at Albania being 2nd.
Yeah seeing a contender being 2nd is a surprise to you but a bottom 5 song is not. Whatever
I noticed a paradox. During OGAE voting a lot of fans were annoyed by club’s votes being all similar to each other and predictable. But when some countries’ placings in Wiwibloggs’ poll are slightly different from what the bookies predict, they say the poll’s rigged. Yet when the bookies’ favourite tops the poll, they complain that it’s a result of hype. I don’t get it.
Plus there are not the majority of voters who vote in the final.
Because everyone likes to complain!
I don’t know how many people vote for these polls… I didn’t, nor for this nor for the others, yes it’s my fault but I think these polls don’t always show the real taste of the majority of the people. Duncan is not my favourite even though he’s very good. my personal list is: 1. Italy 2. Portugal 3. Greece 4. The Netherlands Duncan is a very nice boy but risks to become a little unpleasant because he’s really too much overexposed, as it was the representant of Switzerland some times ago. We’re bored because it seems there is no… Read more »
That’s a strange thing to say. Because You placed Italy first and if there is one act (especially here) that is overexposed it is Mahmood.
I don’t think it’s true. Maybe also Mahmood is overexposed in comparaison to other countries, but sure not in comparaison to Duncan… see the results of almost all the polls, always duncan and duncan and duncan. Kobi marini won the poll as best automatic qualifier (sic!) , not mahmood… and do you think the best video was the duncan’s one ? But when there is duncan, people vote duncan, always. It is true that italians are not used to follow Esc so they generally don’t know these blogs or vote. It could be alsi because Mahmood didn’t attend a lot… Read more »
Duncan fans are slowly losing their minds. So desperate to keep the momentum that is going away. Iceland knows to be quiet these days.
Jonida has a great song and a great voice, but 2nd place seems too imaginary.
oh yes she is the first
A lot of hilarious diaspora votes…
Albania 2nd? Armenia 4th? ROFL
No need for diaspora for a poll. You can vote for your own country in a poll.
Gagarian the albanian song is just artistic and yes the diaspora can vote in poll and in semi.Love from albania
It would be fantastic if Albania would reach this result (2nd) Janida is a great singer and her song is epic, but i guess it will not happen , unfortunately…
I think you’re a bit overweight for the winner this year, a man did not do any trial, or anything like that, you already announced it as a winner. You kill the will to watch Eurosong.
remember it happened as well in 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 16, 17 and 18!! The top favs in odds and fanpolls usually are the actual winners! maybe 2017 and 18 were some diff, Gabani was the ultimate fan fav to win prior the rehearsals but Sobral and in 2018 Netta became also huge fan favs in the last weeks towards the contest!! In 2018 only after the first rehearsals Cyprus became high in the tops. That Duncan or Mahmood are current favs, wont say they will win. The race isnt over yet!!
When i said y’all picking and choosing Duncan pics i forgot to add PERIOODDDT on it 😀 Keep the same energy when y’all write about Mahmood cause i keep seeing the same pic of him over and over again