When the running order was released, many said North Macedonia would need to surprise us to stand out.

But when they said that, few would have expected that at North Macedonia’s first rehearsal at Eurovision 2019, the surprise would be similarity in staging to Russia.

However it rapidly became clear that Tamara Todevska‘s stageshow stands on its own.

Her mirrors are purely for reflection. Where they are integral to Sergey’s staging, for North Macedonia the mirrors are window dressing.

Instead the focus of her stageshow is photos flashed up on the screen of women and families, channeling her message of female empowerment. The other focus is her voice.

Tamara sounds outstanding, but this needs more warmth. Like many other performances this is a really dark stage show and that doesn’t tally with an empowerment anthem.

Tamara Todevska — “Proud”: Reviews and Reactions

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North Macedonia: First rehearsal at Eurovision 2019

North Macedonia: First press conference 2019

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Photo Credit: EBU

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Talentina Monetta
Talentina Monetta
5 years ago

I stand by what I said last month that this will be the “surprise” qualifier from SF2

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
5 years ago

Tamara is proud to show her back to the audience in all the mirrors. Wait. Isn’t that a huge insult in some countries?! Careful.
I appreciate what is trying to be done here – the lyrics say “go on, break the rules” and that is certainly what is being done. Still a bit much though. Great vocals. 🙂
The only other thing in my notes was: Lighting. (Again.) But maybe I am just going blind.

5 years ago

I love this song, perhaps not so much the staging based on this short clip, but fingers crossed. It is all rather dark

Karl Fradgley
Karl Fradgley
5 years ago

Im calling this for the top ten in the final on

5 years ago

Tamara is one of the bestbest song!!!Better than Netherland

5 years ago

North Macedonia and Russia both went for a musical theater number staged with mirrors, but I would say the strongest asset here is exactly what “Scream” lacks: strong meaning. This staging is not as polished and not nearly as technological as Sergey’s, but I like the fact the mirrors aren’t there to show Tamara, but to reflect the audience. The lighting and the colors are not the best, but the concept is very nice. And her vocals sound very impressive from the short snippet.

5 years ago
Reply to  Sabrina

I think both songs used mirrors in a way appropriate for them to shine. I would disagree that Scream doesn’t have a strong meaning. It’s a song about loneliness and dealing with echoing pain. It’s actually quite impactful if you are in the right mood. Even if you are not, it has a powerful beat. Now back to Tamara. The staging is poised and elegiac and the empowerment might come from showing the audience behind. Second part of the semi is more competitive as it turns out.

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
5 years ago
Reply to  Sabrina

@Sabrina: My notes were similar, except that we disagree on Russia having a less powerful meaning. But maybe that’s just a matter of having a personal connection to the meanings. Basically I feel the power of “Proud” even though I don’t personally connect with it, whereas I do personally connect to “Scream”, so “Scream” evidently has more impact on me.

5 years ago
Reply to  Purple Mask

Colin and Mask: I guess in the end it’s a matter perception (like Mask pointed), more than taste. As I told you both before, I can’t warm up to what’s behind the Russian spetacle this year. It’s a cool package, I appreciate they’re really going for it and Sergey is entertaining as always, but sadly it doesn’t move me. While “Proud” in the other hand is not as “wow”, but really speaks to me. So we’ll probably never agree on this one. But we can agree that both did what they should in terms of staging. NM is aiming the… Read more »

5 years ago

North Macedonia Top 10 final
Strong voice! !!

Loin dici
5 years ago

This is not a breaking-through staging, but still a fair improvement over what they have brought in recent years. Tamara sounded great — I’m actually afraid that she would lost breath at the big moment since she didn’t sing that high before, but she prove me wrong up to this point. I like how they took the advantage of the mirror and turned it theatrical-wise. And the most important part, Aleksandar Noshpal (see North Macedonia 2002 and 2004) evolved and tailored a nice and fitting dress with a great color that looked good on those reflections. I still think that… Read more »

5 years ago

The staging is not bad per se, at least looking back at its record over the years. Nonetheless, it needs more colorful lighting. Also, they should have better choose a warmer color for the stage. I get green means faith, but green is a cold color and I agree it need some warmth. This could still qualify though, Tamara is impressive and they have time to tweak the lighting. I still don’t get why every staging is so dark this year.

5 years ago

Unlucky running order for NM, being right before Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan is far superior visually, it will look expensive, the song is upbeat, Chingiz is gorgeous, awesome outfit. Tamara, good vocals, ok, awful staging, the eyes are drawn to those reflections of her – so many, with her back to the audience, never a good idea, it’s in fact a silly idea, cheap looking dress, the sound is whiney, just like Albania. It can’t qualify on vocals alone.

Loin dici
5 years ago
Reply to  Whisker

Sometimes you wrote great comments, but this one discrediting other delegation just for the sake of one don’t resonate with me at the moment.

5 years ago
Reply to  Loin dici

I don’t want to offend Tamara or anyone else. I do stand by what I wrote. It’s a silly idea to have that kind of staging especially when the title of the song is “Proud”, the meaning of lyrics included. Show me “your face”, not “your back”. Simple.. And the design/cut of the gown is bad on the bust area. It shouldn’t be difficult to fit the gown to the body. Wrong fabric combination by the looks of it.

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
5 years ago
Reply to  Whisker

It’s like reading the real AD’s feedback notes. 😀
The “wrong fabric combination” is probably a deliberate attempt to “break the rules”, as the song lyrics suggest. But yes, I agree that showing one’s back to the audience many times is a bit much. Tamara is an excellent singer though, and sells the song well on her own. The team could take the mirrors away completely and the performance would still work as a piece to camera.

5 years ago

Tamara in 2008… good song in Macedonian… good position (19th? last, as I remember), support of Balkans (as they supported each other back then)

Then… song changed into English… Tamara wearing… huh… nothing special… and.. a first loose, non qualification for Former(!) Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.

She was the one who cut the lucky line for (F)FYROM
Now… (not mentioning lovely Kaliopi) can she bring it back to the final?

Loin dici
5 years ago
Reply to  ESCJudge

To be factual, she actually ‘qualified’ (10th), although back then they have that ‘backup jury’ situation and they choose ‘the country that does the Eurovision best’ to qualify through.

5 years ago
Reply to  Loin dici

hehe FoxNews style.

She actually did not qualify. Period 🙂

5 years ago

North Macedonia finally has a good staging! This is great. Should qualify!
I think ute even better than Russia.

5 years ago

Balkan women are slaying this year with looks, vocals and self-confidence on stage, and yes, finally not fked up staging from North Macedonia! Well done!

5 years ago

tamara will marry conan please

5 years ago
Reply to  kanfn


5 years ago
Reply to  kanfn

it took me a while, it’s the color of the outfits. D’ah.

5 years ago

that vocal was EVERYTHING. Probably the best vocal from today’s rehearsals. #TeamTamara #Proud

5 years ago

LED are back to to stage design and many delegations just cover them with items 😀


5 years ago
Reply to  ESCJudge

That’s the best you know. This isn’t the led contest. Whoever wants, can use them.

5 years ago

Mirrors again.

Anyone has that special feeling to get there and somehow smash all those mirrors both for Russia and North Macedonia? 😀

5 years ago
Reply to  ESCJudge

Tamara’s mirrors are just reflecting, Sergey’s are LEDs if I noticed well?

5 years ago
Reply to  Bobby

I think it’s combined…

As it is Russia…
it is always somethging combined 😛

5 years ago

YAAAAS, finally the not fked up staging North Macedonia has come to ESC as well. And they still have time to make the lights orange-toned overall my second winner of the day with Malta. It’ll be so hard between choosing Malta, this and Romania to vote for. Hope the result does this justice.

5 years ago

they’ve got a name everyone can agree too, no more FYROM – its this year for North Macedonia to qualify or never

5 years ago

That song is such an imitation to “One last breath” from Esc 2015, but it is still a pretty decent song. Hope it was more original though.

Roelof Meesters
Roelof Meesters
5 years ago
Reply to  Savvas

Because it’s a woman singing a power ballad? Please

5 years ago

Because the melody in the chorus is the same.

5 years ago
Reply to  Savvas

Cause Greece also invented piano ballads.
If they added sirtaki and floating gyros maybe but a piano ballad is something you definitely cannot claim.

5 years ago
Reply to  Leafy

How stereotypically racist are you, Leafy?

5 years ago
Reply to  Leafy

I didn’t say that we -Greeks- invented the genre, but this song is an imitation to One last breath. Just that. At least in my ears. You should really choose your enemies. I already said I like it. But, still it’s a copycat for me.

5 years ago

It seems that North Macedonia is the New Macedonia, cause that staging sure wasn’t a disaster. Tamara looks great, the staging concept sounds interesting, overall N. Macedonia is in a good position to qualify.

5 years ago

This is me and thanks to you I’m #PROUD.
Pure emotion, the best vocal this year and after so many years, great staging. Love you Tamara.

Frisian esc
Frisian esc
5 years ago

I think this is a song that actually needs darkness in it’s staging. The music has a sad undertone to it so you shouldn’t make it look to jovial.

5 years ago


5 years ago
Reply to  Boateng


Polegend Godgarina
Polegend Godgarina
5 years ago

they’ve outsold russia tbh, tamara’s staging looks so much better

5 years ago

agreed! it looks more authentic

Roelof Meesters
Roelof Meesters
5 years ago

I’m worried for Albania, because so many countries are delivering in this semi and it’s going to be difficult for a lot of people to make it trhough

5 years ago

That’s when you spend most of money for the dress.
Albania’s songs have such a potential… and in the end… forefight.

Still one of my favourites.

5 years ago

So similar to the Russian choreography. Weird.

5 years ago

This was a real masterpiece! The best performance from today’s rehearsals! Top 10 for North Macedonia

5 years ago

This is actually stunning and more natural rather than Sergey’s. I am in love with this.

5 years ago
Reply to  Thomas

It is better overall because it’s a better song compared to Russia. Best of luck to our neighbors from Greece!