Update: The EBU has specified “performance on stage” will form part of the criteria for juries in the jury show for the Grand Final.

The Aftonbladet report referenced below refers to criteria used for scoring during Semi-Final 2. The EBU article also suggests criteria used in the semi-finals will be the same as the Grand Final. An earlier version of this article did not clarify that the criteria reported by Aftonbladet was only used during Semi-Final 2.

They’re supposed to judge Eurovision acts based on the full package.

But this year the criteria for the professional juries was altered at the last minute.

That’s because production problems throughout Eurovision 2019 have compromised artists’ performances.

Swedish tabloid Aftonbladet reports the EBU and Christer Bjorkman issued fresh instructions to juries on Thursday.

Apologies were made to the juries that the production was “not complete”. They were then instructed to vote on “song” alone and “how it sounds”.

Aftonbladet also reports the move has been used to placate delegations frustrated by production problems:

“They [the proudction team] have tried to calm everyone with the fact that the jury groups have received special instructions on disregarding the TV production.”

The Swedish tabloid suggests the move was motivated by problems in rehearsals experienced by Sweden and North Macedonia among others. It also suggests problems in sound mixing have influenced the decision.

The decision has huge implications for scoring. If visuals are disregarded it has the potential to wildly change results.

Professional juries will vote during a dress rehearsal of the Grand Final tomorrow night.

Their votes will then be revealed by spokespersons across Europe during the Grand Final, with results of the televote revealed later in the show.

The order for spokespersons will be announced after the jury show. That can often give some indication for how acts have fared in the jury show.

Clusters of particular countries (e.g. Nordics) can suggest producers want a particular country (e.g. Sweden) to gain points during the results and momentum to add jeopardy into the results reveal.

What do you make of the news? Do you think it will change the results? How do you think it has affected tonight’s Semi-Final? Let us know in the comments below. 


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Peterson Florindo
Peterson Florindo
5 years ago

I’m Brazilian and Eurovision has no jury criteria. This year was good, but ESC generally presents us some creepy presentations. Perhaps jury votes should be based in specif criterias, as it happens in Brazilian Samba School Parades.

5 years ago

Please look at this petition, and if you could maybe sign, that would be amazing, and much appreciated, thank you so much.

5 years ago

no, but where are we going? it becomes ridiculous Eurovision, at the last minute they change the program as by chance, and disqualify the Armenia I do not agree because the viewers liked his songs she was appreciated by the public it was a big favorite too but no one spoke of her, Eurovision always put forward those they want them to win, shame on them. I will not look at Eurovision anymore because everything is boycotting. and one more thing if I was Armenia I will not participate in Eurovision anymore

5 years ago

Ok guys the theme is Dare To Dream, so why come a country like Albania can’t win why can’t a Balkan country of Europe ever win. Albania has tried so so so hard this year and Jonida is a amazing, sweet person. So when your voting think of Albania ???????

Fast Food Music Lover
Fast Food Music Lover
5 years ago

Why not extend this to the televoting as well?

Swedish Moose
Swedish Moose
5 years ago

I cant’t find anything about this in Aftonbladet! Just an article about the issues with the cameras and that the swedish delegation felt that they had to be more clear about how they want it in the finals. I don’t get where this coming from….

Naty Costa
Naty Costa
5 years ago

3000 Subscribers from several countries ask to see why the votes of many voters in the song of Portugal did not come were not accepted we want Portugal to be part of the final because the quality of the song does not deserve to be left out is a huge injustice

we will not stop looking for justice Portugal in the final

Maria Natividade Costa Vinhas
Maria Natividade Costa Vinhas
5 years ago

Justice From Portugal

Maria Natividade Costa Vinhas
Maria Natividade Costa Vinhas
5 years ago

3000 Subscribers from several countries ask to see why the votes of many voters in the song of Portugal did not come were not accepted we want Portugal to be part of the final because the quality of the song does not deserve to be left out is a huge injustice

we will not stop looking for justice Portugal in the final

5 years ago

Let me just say, as an eurovision lover we all want this show to be bigger better and more spetacular, however we see songs like san marino going to the final helped by the televote but also with the help of “professionals”…and i saw a lot of messages here saying “it would be graet to see san marino sneak throw, it would be amazzzziiiiing”…so if we want the best to this show, we sould reward what it is QUALITY, what is FOWARD THINKING…and NOT what was good 20 years ago…or never ago, cause then it will be seen as an… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  Elfi

You say we should reward quality, but don’t forget “quality” is a very subjective term. San Marino has a catchy tune and I guarantee you I won’t be able to throw a stone without hitting a few that would rather listen to that over, say, Greece. You’re talking about the continent where Macarena was the best selling single for 8 years in a row back in the day, and I’m not saying this or the other has “low quality”, I’m just saying that “quality” is a problematic term. You cannot argue with personal taste.

5 years ago
Reply to  Goor

I could agree more with you…but i think also that you can reward “quality” if you know where you wanna go with this show…for example, if the lyrics are too generic with a “metric” to known already and the singer well…the singer can’t be called a singer cause he can’t be on pitch…well (for me) that ia not quality… however what u said is also true.

5 years ago

Can’t understand this, The live broadcast seemed flawless to me. Also, why in Wiwibloggs the comments are always so negative towards the production and in other places like Youtube many of the comments say this is one of the best eurovisions?

5 years ago
Reply to  Yuv

And even if it is the worst eurovision in your opinion, what good do you get by slamming it in the faces of countless people working day and night to provide the best show they’re able to produce?

5 years ago
Reply to  Yuv

Bitches will be bitches. I wouldn’t get too excited about it.
The BBC reported it was the highest rating they had in the last 4 years. Now that’s a fact, not an opinion.

5 years ago
Reply to  Yuv

I’ve been watching Eurovision since 2003. More fanatically since 2008. I can ensure you that 2019 is THE worst production of the last decade at least. The only thing watchable until now has been Shalva.

5 years ago

There is no secret. The results will get unveiled tomorror after the grand final. If the results would get published right after the semi final(s), it would be possible to predict the winner very well, so the bookies would be not very amused, and of course the surprise would be very minimised in the end.

David Thielen
5 years ago

Like I said – worst host ever – https://www.americaloveseurovision.com/2019/05/is-israel-to-worst-eurovision-host-ever.html

Note: Conchita was the wurst host ever – a much different thing.

5 years ago

If Itunes is an indication for the Grand Final then Duncan Laurence will win. Switzerland and Azerbadjan do well there. Australia performs badly.

Polegend Godgarina
Polegend Godgarina
5 years ago
Reply to  Peter

if itunes was an indication in 2017, kristian kostov wouldn’t even have been top 10 and blanche would’ve won. some songs are more commercial than others.

5 years ago
Reply to  Peter

Itunes doesn’t indicate anything.

The OA
The OA
5 years ago

Let´s all vote for Serhat! Ok? Let´s boycott Eurovision 2019, for the bad work done so far.

5 years ago
Reply to  The OA


5 years ago

Great Tamara – North Macedonia!My favorite No 1

5 years ago

Thank you for making it so easy to prove what a scam you are, spewing outright lies presented as facts. You are even worse than any rotten tabloid out there. The EBU should ban you from Eurovision. 🙂

J Leigh
J Leigh
5 years ago

They realised that Australia might actually win so this is just another way to ensure Australia doesn’t stand a chance of winning

5 years ago
Reply to  J Leigh

It’s all about the staging, the song is just nothing. Wouldn’t win in any case.

5 years ago

The EBU has just confirmed this story is false (https://eurovision.tv/story/tonight-juries-decide-50-percent-of-the-eurovision-2019-result). I expect you will be issuing a correction any minute now?

5 years ago
Reply to  MyHeritage

Thank goodness for that . I couldn’t work out why this would have happened if the 20 acts that got through to the finals were judged in the performance which is 50% of the scoring and the big 5 and Israel were not in the final. It’s a really weird story to come out the day before judging . I hate fake news but sometime you have to wonder if there isn’t a little bit of truth behind this information . It would hardly be fair.

5 years ago
Reply to  MyHeritage

Please can you refer exactly at the link where it says that the story is false?

5 years ago
Reply to  Izzy

Reading the article would help:
How do juries decide?

As with the Semi-Finals, all jurors decide their points based on 4 key elements:

Vocal capacity of the singer;
Performance on stage;
Composition and originality of the song;
Overall impression of the act.

So what does that make this blog? That’s right: liars.

5 years ago
Reply to  Justice

They reported in good faith. That doesn’t make anybody a liar.

5 years ago
Reply to  Jonas

In good faith. From Aftonbladet. That’s hilarious.

5 years ago
Reply to  Justice

Vocal capacity of the singer, AHHAHA , that’s why San Marino is qualified.

5 years ago
Reply to  IVANOV

He looks like an old drunk karaoke singer…what a joke.

5 years ago
Reply to  IVANOV

They only do that in the second semi-final, that explains San Marino qualification which I’m still in shock. I just don’t understand how a jury could have score any points to that vocal

5 years ago
Reply to  IVANOV

I will be very interested to see the votes that Serhat got, i believe its possible that some of the countries who could vote in the first semi maybe gave their top scores to Serhat (thinking he would never qualify anyway) thus giving their own country a better chance to go through, i might be wrong we shall see when the votes come out.

Loin dici
Loin dici
5 years ago
Reply to  IVANOV

Or he sounded great at the jury rehearsals (i have’t watched the livestream yet).

5 years ago
Reply to  Justice

so where’s the “radiofriendliness” factor???

5 years ago
Reply to  Justice

Hmm. Apparently I’m the only one that can make out the difference between “performance on stage” and “TV production”, and between “vocal capacity” and “how it sounds”.

5 years ago
Reply to  Justice

lets see semi final 1
Vocal – Conan Osiris only miss a note as best voice
Performance on Stage – Conan Osiris or Iceland
Composition and originality of the song; Conan Osiris or Iceland
Overall impression of the act – Conan Osiris

What he say to the jury ?

Na na na na , na na na, na na na

5 years ago

hey come one people. why all this complaints? I think everyone tries their best. and seriously, this is a tv-show, we are not starving here, being attacked by nuclear weapons or getting seriously ill by watching something that we are not 100 % pleased with, right?
work with all this negativity and dissatisfaction in yourself please and try to see the things that we actually have here.
love. love. love.

5 years ago

This year’s contest has been a mess. with Wiwibloggs Team some just need to leave Team for good

5 years ago

The thing I don’t understand about Wiwibloggs why are so fakes people

5 years ago

The thing I don’t understand about Wiwibloggs is how major stories can be ignored for days on end, and then as soon as some random tabloid reports something that seems clearly false, it’s posted immediately.

5 years ago
Reply to  MyHeritage

Because not everyone could report everything. Many working in Wiwibloggs are volunteers who allocate as much time as they can to run and contribute reports to the website.

5 years ago

soooo i will try to send my coment in 3 different parts to see if it’s not bocked…

5 years ago

why is tel aviv such a disaster host…?

5 years ago


5 years ago

i would like to know why my post it is deleted every time…it has no political or obscene purpose… :S

5 years ago
Reply to  Elfi

WIWI team??? someone…can enlight me… i don’t get it…the comment it has nothing to be blocked for!!

5 years ago

They need new producers , these old guys need to retire already. Not sorry

5 years ago

They’re not saying to ignore the staging, they’re saying to ignore production issues (if any).

Marty Mc CU
Marty Mc CU
5 years ago
Reply to  Bella

Then if this is the case then I guess it’s fair !

5 years ago

I think what the producers mean by ignoring production is that there might be issues with audio or issues with camera work or too many wide shots and that the acts should not be penalized for things like that which are not their faults…they are trying to give judges some breathing room to judge the performance/staging without judging how its filmed and directed by the KAN production

5 years ago

Such a miserable ESC this is…

Melissa J
5 years ago

It seems like Israel was wildly unprepared to host Eurovision, which feels odd for a country with several previous wins (even if they were awhile back). Between this, the late contract signing with Madonna, the unfortunate accident resulting in a worker’s death….hmmmm says a lot, doesn’t it?

5 years ago
Reply to  Melissa J

I did not know about that accident… :s

5 years ago
Reply to  Elfi

From what i heard, a piece of lighting equipment fell on a worker and he ended up dying at the hospital on the night of the first semi final

5 years ago

Sad :/

5 years ago

Ok. Now let’s try it without the piece of information left outside: a piece of lighting equipment fell on a worker WHEN HE TOOK IT UPON HIMSELF TO UNLOAD IT FROM THE TRACK ALONE, AGAINST SAFETY REGULATIONS.

It’s marvelous how everyone is slamming wiwi for their reports and at the same time have no issues with not checking out what they write beforehand.

5 years ago
Reply to  Melissa J

KAN have only been in existence for two years. A major production like this would be a challenge for anybody.

5 years ago
Reply to  Jonas

It’s all about how professional staff are there !! If they are no matter how long existence is! But they are Not

Loin dici
Loin dici
5 years ago
Reply to  Mag

But being two years in TV experience obviously doesn’t make a professional staffing condition. I haven’t read properly if KAN is either a restructuration of IBA or a new independent body, yet for any small broadcaster this could be a challenge to produce.

5 years ago
Reply to  Mag

Enlighten me please what you found unprofessional? I’m dying to know.

5 years ago
Reply to  Melissa J

Yes, it does. It means the press is reporting in an unbiased manner. The things you do hear about don’t make up for what you didn’t previous years.

5 years ago

If it is just for the song Sweden gets the crown, as it is the best song. However, this is a staged performance competition so other things are at stake. For instance, Sergey’s performance is very strong, though the song is average. As I am visual person and want to believe in the story I am being told, I will vote for Sergey. But musically Sweden is the best.

5 years ago
Reply to  Elsa

Wow so many dislikes! Guess it is not a consensual opinion

5 years ago
Reply to  Elsa

Elsa if you like Sweden or Russia on this site you get automatically downvoted. It is silly Sweden wont even win this year. Try likning Italy instead and you Will get likes.

5 years ago

The article itself is weird. I mean, if you don’t care about the staging and you know the song mixing is bad, then you better judge on the studios version and give the artists just a rehearsal and not a jury show, it will be better for everyone. And why giving such an instruction so lately, it could have been the case for the semis since rehearsals showed were the problem was But I agree on the fact that song mixing is rather bad this year, now it must be fine for the final. It is often the case during… Read more »

5 years ago

This is just rediculous. Nobody who watched a performance is able to skip what he saw and judge only what he has heard. Are we in the 21st century and not able to fulfill what is asked from a production team?

Matt D
Matt D
5 years ago

I think the Jury votes will be captured by Australia, Sweden, Russia, Netherlands and Switzerland Televoting will split out between Iceland, Czechia, Malta, Switzerland and Norway Genuinely think folk will get bored of Sweden, Russia and Netherlands during show… and before you say ar Portugal won with a cute ballad… there was a nostalgic sentimentality in his performance that captured something that Arcade and Duncan is lacking and I’m not convinced stage presentation would have helped with that… For what it’s worth Switzerland’s creative in terms of camera work but at times reminds me of Sweden 2018 which didn’t translate… Read more »

5 years ago

This year’s Eurovision is reminding me of Fyre festival

5 years ago
Reply to  Trocatroc

Dare to dream (…) sounds like a sentence the guy responsible for the fyre festival would say!!! XD

What a disgrace…

Henrikh Mugosa
Henrikh Mugosa
5 years ago
Reply to  Trocatroc

Yep, this has been the worst edition of the contest I can remember.

5 years ago

This year’s contest has been a mess. Start to finish. KAN has proven their ineptitude. Last year’s biggest drama with the delegations was Denmark unhappy with their snowstorm. This year so many delegations have complained–Netherlands, Moldova, Malta, Estonia. The list goes on. You see the difference with countries that had national finals and their performances there were better edited, better Lit and better shot (see Estonia and Portugal). Israel has tons of television production with talent. And if they have money to spend on madonna then they should have money to spend on production.

5 years ago
Reply to  Jake

Madonna isn’t paid by KAN, but by a billionaire.

Henrikh Mugosa
Henrikh Mugosa
5 years ago
Reply to  Dan

That billionaire could have paid for the production instead of paying for Madonna…

5 years ago
Reply to  Henrikh Mugosa

It’s adorable that you tell people what to do with their own money. It’s unbelievable that instead of saying “great, he didn’t have to do it at all but it’s nice he did” people complain. Who put you to be his financial advisor?

Question: how many hours did you volunteer to do for the ESC this year?

5 years ago
Reply to  Dan

I agree with Henrikh, that billionaire should have spent money to make sure the cameras at least work, before even thinking of Madonna.

5 years ago
Reply to  Bella

Apparently she is bringing her own team for camera work…that was one of the issues.

5 years ago
Reply to  Jake

Sigh… 1) “Israel has tons of television production with talent”. And you actually think those are working at the public channel, yes? That being said, there might have been a couple of hickups (though it should be said: during the shows? Because I only hear complaints about peripheral production, which isn’t at the hands of KAN) 2) KAN exists 2 years, but is broadcasting only 1 year. It is also not a commercial channel that mostly making its revenue from advertising. All KAN have is sponsors. On top of that, this is by far the biggest event Israel have seen… Read more »

5 years ago

In all honesty there’s too much complaining from those countries which put too much importance on a Song Contest.
Just get on with it. Biatches!

5 years ago
Reply to  Nadors

Imagine preparing a power point presentation for months, with specific fancy slides etc. only to arrive to the conference and find out that the projector light is too dark so the words can’t be read or the auto slide change doesn’t work. That is how I see it with the delegations. They’ve worked hard to present something and in the end have no power over it.

5 years ago

If you can’t workout your production problems before the competition in the rehearsals I say tough luck . It’s a live production nothing will go perfectly right – eg stage invaders over the past few years. If they discount the staging why bother showing up and singing live .The countries only need to send a video of clouds and the artist singing over the top of the pictures if that is the case. Why have a live comp at all . I call BS .If you can’t show your act why bother entering because the televoters will switch off in… Read more »

5 years ago

Even if it is really true? What then? How they can even enforce it? It is always a question of taste and musical preferences. Have they finally realised this is a song contast? hahahah

5 years ago

I said it two days ago and I’ll say it again. Esc 2019 has been nothing but off-putting all across the board. What a mess.

Frisian esc
Frisian esc
5 years ago

Rip san marino xD

5 years ago

Could they be scared that Australia may actually win? 😀

(From one very excited Aussie about our chances of winning!)

5 years ago
Reply to  dar1971

I mean the televotes might hurt your chances, but the Jury could score you very well and put you in the running with The Netherlands, but good luck from the UK.

5 years ago
Reply to  dar1971

No, I dont think that is the case. If so the same people wouldnt have let Australia sing in spot 25. I have a feeling they would like Australia to have a good chance.

5 years ago
Reply to  Maria

Yeah don’t get me wrong Australia got probably one of the strongest crowd reactions with The Netherlands and Switzerland so Australia will do well for sure in the Juries you will rank possibly top 5 maybe top 3, it just depends on the televotes, but still Australia could do better than last year.

Melissa J
5 years ago
Reply to  dar1971

Australia has one of the best stage shows this year. I’m not a big fan of the song, but the staging and the way the graphics and angles are set up, they really look like they are flying through space! Even if the juries aren’t looking at visuals, the televoters are and I think this demands attention from a TV audience. Best of luck!

5 years ago

Or if worse comes to worst vote for the UK, and then finally they would have to say a big screw you to all the brexit voters, and put on a great show, but still next year I’m hoping for good things.

5 years ago

I really just hope next year whoever wins can save the embarrassment that Israel has put on the show this year, Last year Portugal did an amazing Job, Sweden when they hosted was amazing, and the numbers talked, so if The Netherlands, or any of the favourites win please put on a fantastic show next year, so we have something to look forward too, cause this year although amazing songs and entertainment the camera angles, hosts, aren’t really on par with last year.

Henrikh Mugosa
Henrikh Mugosa
5 years ago
Reply to  EzZ

ergh… no… the songs this year are very very bad, there’s only a few that are ok. As for the hosts they are a looot better than the Portuguese chickens and the Ukrainian robots. (The script, though, is cringey.) For the rest, i agree. I hope the next winner will put on a great show you can look forward to. Because I’m actually glad ESC2019 will soon be over.

5 years ago
Reply to  Henrikh Mugosa

Well that’s your opinion and I respect that because funnily enough you do make some good points like the script, and considering I have my favourite songs most of the others I have to give to you are bad. But still I really hope my own country the UK really take into consideration the average quality of songs they send unless the manage to make it to the left hand side of the score board and send hits like The Netherlands and Switzerland. But yeah apart from that Next year better deliver.

5 years ago
Reply to  EzZ

On behalf of KAN I would like to apologise that a public channel on a tight budget with 1 year experience did not manage to secure a director and hosts to your liking. It’s like people don’t know it’s all a question of costs (or think that KAN picks money from the trees in a nearby orchard). Just to put things into perspective for people who don’t have one: the hosts budget combined, so for the entire cast, is 450,000 Israeli Shekels – roughly €110,000, not per hosts but combined for demanding work over a couple of months. Wow, I’m… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  Goor

Ran some numbers. If not your proportion skills, maybe math skills? Back in 2016, the UK’s Telegraph reported a team of economists have calculated the cost of hosting the Eurovision at €37 million. Let’s add to it the €6 million in security costs KAN had, that’s €43 million minimum as we’re now 3 years later. KAN has an annual budget of €190 million – for an entire year, to maintain 3 TV channels and 8 radio stations plus an extensive digital platform. For comparison, SVT’s annual budget is €530 million; and in Sweden you pay as a citizen public service… Read more »

5 years ago

That moment when production is so bad you cant even judge it across the board….