He’s the singer-songwriter who gave Austria a third-place finish at Eurovision 2018. Now the Czech Republic has turned to Cesár Sampson to give his expert opinion on the songs competing in the upcoming 2020 Czech national selection.

Cesár Sampson’s top three Czech national final songs

The “Nobody But You” hitmaker was invited to listen to the seven songs that will compete in the Czech Republic’s upcoming online national selection for Eurovision 2020. Cesár listened to the songs without knowing anything about the artists. He shared a video where he talks about his top three picks from the selection.


???? VESELÉ VÁNOCE ????DNES rozdáváme ??? jako PRVNÍ ? Cesár Sampson jsme pustili všech 7 finálových song?, bez toho aby v?d?l cokoliv (v?k, styl, vizáž atd.) o daném um?lci. Cesár si vše poslechl a VELMI p?ísn? zhodnotil…TADY ??? jsou t?i jeho nejoblíben?jší pecky

Posted by Eurovision Song Contest Czech Republic on Monday, December 23, 2019

Cesár describes his third favourite song as being “like contemporary Czech Eurovision pop. It fits in well with the previous years’ contestants.” So we can assume it’s along the same lines as Mikolas Josef and Lake Malawi.

The Eurovision hitmaker was quick to warm to his second favourite song. “Eurovision is always crowded with a certain type of song — that this isn’t.” He praises the song for having a fresh, quirky style and reckons it will be easy to stage well.

But it’s Cesár’s top pick that really gets him excited. He comments, “Radio is radio, video is video, but we’re going to Eurovision so might as well tell a story, go for impact, go for feeling.”

Cesár also gives some expert analysis, saying, “If there’s no song with a special feeling, then the most commercial song wins. But if there is a song with a lot of feeling, a lot of personality, a lot of intimacy, then that will win out against a commercial radio song.” This could be a reference to Salvador Sobral’s sweet, sentimental “Amar pelos dois” winning Eurovision 2017 over Kristian Kostov’s contemporary pop track “Beautiful Mess” — and possibly a hint at the style of a song in the Czech national final.

Meanwhile, broadcaster Czech Television has been dropping more clues about the identity of the seven competing acts and their songs.

Clue five: Superpowers

3. ADVENTNÍ NED?LE, všem p?ejme poklidný nadcházející týden p?ed Vánoci ?Ješt? nás ?eká posledních pár nápov?d p?ed…

Posted by Eurovision Song Contest Czech Republic on Sunday, December 15, 2019

The acts were asked which superpower they would like to have.

Of the 11 people who answered, three wished that they could fly, and another specifically wanted to fly over the entire universe to see what it looks like.

Another person wanted to be able to freeze time around them, one wanted to move things with their mind, while one other act wanted to be able to calm people from a distance, make them more chill.

One person was inspired by the UK sci-fi TV series Misfits — but said they definitely didn’t want the show’s dilemma of not being able to touch another person without killing them.

Two people seemed to be happy with their regular human powers as they didn’t answer, while another possibly shared a little too much information by saying they wanted to ‘last longer than three seconds’! *cough*

Clue six: Favourite musicians

Tak už jsou skoro VÁNOCE ? a proto, že jste nebyli úpln? nadšení (a pobavení ?) poslední nápov?dou … a protože budou…

Posted by Eurovision Song Contest Czech Republic on Wednesday, December 18, 2019

The acts were also asked who their favourite contemporary musicians were. The seven acts picked these stars:

  • Billie Eilish (American alternative pop)
  • Vlasta Rédl, První Hoře, Lenka Dusilová (Czech folk artist, alternative rock band, alternative rock artist)
  • Anderson .Paak (American funk/soul)
  • “Rather, I pull songs. I can’t say the artist…”
  • Ed Sheeran, Kodaline, Imagine Dragons, OneRepublic (male singer-songwriter, pop-rock bands)
  • “Psychedelia and a mix of things… there’s so much to say…”
  • Rosalía (Spanish urban flamenco pop)

Do these genres offer clues as to the type of music we’ll be hearing in the Czech national final?

Clue seven: Origami personality

Cesar Sampson ADVENT

???Vánoce ???… jsou už doslova za dve?mi a stejn? tak poslední nápov?da a to jak bude vypadat Vám prozradí sám Cesár Sampson, jeden z nejvýrazn?jších a nejlepších zp?váku posledních n?kolika eurvizních ro?ník? a hlavn? úžasný sympoš ??P?EJEME VÁM KRÁSNÝ ADVENT A ZDE JE MALINKÁ, P?EDPOSLEDNÍ NÁPOV?DA????NÁPOV?DA #7?:Celý letošní ro?ník ESCZ se ponese v duchu ORIGAMI a tak dostal každý ze sedmi finalist? za úkol si vybrat sob? blízké origami zví?e nebo tvar a následn? ho jakýmkoliv zp?sobem ukázat ve svém videoklipu … sami jsme zv?daví, jak se toho zhostí, ale než zmín?né klipy uvidíte (20.1.2020), tak vám už m?žeme prozradit jaké ORIGAMI si finalisté vybrali…- prase ?- je?áb ?- králík ?- osmicípá hv?zda ?- drak ?- lev ?- leknín ??Tak co, t?šíte se na Váno?ní nápov?du, kterou odhalil Cesár ?

Posted by Eurovision Song Contest Czech Republic on Sunday, December 22, 2019

The visual theme for this year’s national selection is origami shapes. Each act was asked to select an origami shape which will be featured in the song’s music video.

But do the style of the paper creations give clues as to the identities of the competing acts? Four of the acts picked animals: a pig, a rabbit, a lion and the iconic origami crane. One act selected a mythical dragon, another went for a water lily flower, while another picked an eight-pointed star design.

The guessing will soon be over. Broadcaster CT will reveal the seven competing acts in less than one month, on 20 January 2020.

What do you think the clues are suggesting? Has Cesár heard a winner? Who is the Billie Eilish fan? And who picked the lion? Tell us your thoughts below!

Read more Czech Republic Eurovision news here

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5 years ago

Who’s here after the finalists got announced and they are still mostly confused by the clues? XD

5 years ago

I’m stanning whoever said Billie Eilish

5 years ago
Reply to  Alex

You mean that girl from Bulgaria?

5 years ago

I think that it’s interesting. For me as Czech person, I think I know someone, however I’m not sure. I think it will be like last time, when I didn’t know more than half of the singers.

5 years ago
Reply to  Denis

Kdo myslíš, že tam bude? 😀

5 years ago
Reply to  Tessa

Nevieme ni?? Sná? nás prekvapia.

5 years ago

I hope that Cesar is honest and the songs (at least his top 3) are good enough and better than last year because last year was a complete tragedy, even though Lake Malawi improved so much and I’m very happy for that
But I have to say again that these clues are.. I don’t know, clueless? It says almost nothing about the artist but for Czech team seems it’s very funny again even though it’s far from funny

5 years ago

Do the artists feel annoyed to have to answer a million questions before getting a chance to sing?

5 years ago

“Rather, I pull songs. I can’t say the artist…”

I like this one

5 years ago

I guess I now have an idea how 4 out of 7 songs sounds like, but no clue on who sings them. Oh well, I guess I’ll have to wait to January – but 13th or 20th, that’s what’s confusing me the most.

Joe Black
5 years ago
Reply to  West

13th is for the artists reveal, 20th for the songs, then voting open until 2nd February and results will follow right away on 3rd.

5 years ago

Interesting, and I’m rather hopefull since Cesar seemed honest and direct, rather than saying all songs are 10/10