The coronavirus/Covid-19 pandemic continues to escalate at an alarming speed. No one is quite sure what to do. But in a bid to get a better grip on the ever-evolving situation, the Eurovision reference group will convene on Tuesday 17 March at 10:00 CET.

Under normal circumstances, such a meeting would be considered routine and almost not newsworthy. The Reference Group is essentially the Executive Committee for all members. Its purpose is to control and guide the Eurovision Song Contest.

However, according to the official Facebook page of the Czech delegation, the meeting will address what is to happen with Eurovision 2020 given the current circumstances. The post also confirms that the postcards will not go ahead as originally planned.

Meanwhile, HOD45 — a blog which claims to written by a delegation insider — reports that the event could be pushed back by a month.

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Posted by Eurovision Song Contest Czech Republic on Monday, March 16, 2020

Eurovision 2020 postcards — original postcard filming plans cancelled

Ever since 2013, the Eurovision postcards have consistently featured the competing artists. These are typically filmed in the host country, although on occasion acts have recorded their pieces in their home country. For 2020 the plan was to film all 41 postcards in the Netherlands.

However, at least two countries have already cancelled their postcard commitments — Israel and Lithuania. But as more and more governments close their borders and announce varying stages of lockdown, the original idea seemed to be becoming increasingly untenable.

Filming has been cancelled and it now appears that organisers will be returning to the drawing board.

Could Eurovision 2020 be postponed for one month?

On the eve of the reference group meeting, the HOD45 website published a story claiming that Eurovision 2020 could go ahead in June.

The writer alleges that both the Dutch government and EBU are keen for the contest to take place in light of its founding goal to unite a divided continent after World War II. Given the impact of the coronavirus/Covid-19 pandemic, this message has never been more important.

“For them the reason is not financial, but mainly symbolic”, says the blog. There are apparently multiple options up for consideration. Supposedly the favoured one is to postpone the contest for up to one month or six weeks. This would mean that the final would be held on 6, 13 or 20 June.

The writer goes on to explain that the thought process is following a logic that cases will peak in the first ten days of April and then fall off. It also claims that scientists believe the virus will “melt down” due to warmer summer weather.

It should be noted that the “myth busters” section of the World Health Organisation’s website unequivocally states that “COVID-19 virus can be transmitted in areas with hot and humid climates”.

In conclusion, HOD45 also claims that a September date should not be ruled out either.

We are living in an era of fake news. And as alarmist Whatsapp messages circulate and crackpot Twitter theories go viral, it is important to remain sceptical of unverified sources.

HOD45 has broken a number of stories before anyone else, including Montenegro’s withdrawal and Nicola Caliorge departure from his role as Italy’s Head of Delegation. On the other hand, it has also been wrong. It previously asked “Tamara Todevska set to perform during the interval act?”. The answer was no.

For detailed information about the coronavirus/COVID-19 and how to stay healthy, please visit The World Health Organisation web site.

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4 years ago

Just move the contest to september where everything will be better. Whoever decides to break a 65 year old tradition would be an idiot that would damage the reputation of the show forever.

4 years ago
Reply to  jack

Whoever decides to put people at risk of getting infected would be an idiot.

4 years ago

Happy St. Patricks Day from Ireland, our national holiday. Everyone is confined to their homes as the virus starts to sweep across the country. There will be better times ahead for us all. After all this ends we will have to enjoy every moment of life like never before!!

4 years ago

Gretchen, stop trying to make Rotterdam 2020 happen.

It’s not going to happen.

Jimmy Smit
Jimmy Smit
4 years ago
Reply to  Amadeus

Nicely done !

Though I really hope Regina’s wrong about this one.

4 years ago

One month is not going to be enough. If I were them, I’d go for August, if the situation looks like it’s winding down. Let all the contenders and their teams clear their heads and get back to a point where they can properly prepare for the contest without worrying about the possibility of infection/re-infection. That is going to take a couple of months, at least.

4 years ago

Was that supposed to be funny?

4 years ago
Reply to  Escf

I’m afraid so. One cannot deny that Europe has many different cultures.

4 years ago

They cancelled the euro in june for a reason. Its comletely utopia to see the competition taking place on this side of summer. Italy has very high death numbers and Spain is only one week behind. I foresee the next countries to hit this evil spiral will be Switzerland, UK, the Netherlands, France and Sweden already recording many deaths per inhabitant

4 years ago
Reply to  Anna

All national leagues and Champions will have to be played and finished. Priority. It makes sense. And Euro is every 4 years.

4 years ago
Reply to  Alex

And french open is postponed till september. diamond league until ? Do you really believe there will be any big sporting events in Europe the next 3 months?

4 years ago
Reply to  Anna

It sounds like a pretext as all games are suspended, perhaps except France.

4 years ago
Reply to  Anna

they cancelled euro because it would be held in 10 different european countries. Check you facts felicia.

4 years ago
Reply to  vox

You believe then it would take place was it only in 1 country? Please read the news butterfly

4 years ago
Reply to  Svanson

”You didn’t see graphite, because it’s not there!!”

4 years ago
Reply to  Escf

Fantastic tv series!

A random russian guy
A random russian guy
4 years ago

Sorry for the offtopic. It is about Russian representatives.

Every now and then Little Big are accused of being homophobic in this forum. I want to end this ungrounded accusation once and forever.

This is the backing singer kissing a guy in support of the LGBT community of Russia (he has not been buried alive yet as you can see). All the members of the band support the minorities of Russia.

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
4 years ago

Thanks for the insight into the Russian representatives.
Now, all keep calm and carry on. Drink the tea, don’t spill it. (Please.)

A random russian guy
A random russian guy
4 years ago

If you scroll down, you’ll see who’s talking about “Russian atrocity”. They really need your advice about off topic discussions. Thank you.

A random russian guy
A random russian guy
4 years ago

Don’t call ISIS Syrian people, because they are neither people nor Syrian. And don’t make statements on behalf of peoples. Talk with Syrians first.

4 years ago

Open a topic?

4 years ago

Please google russia and gay.

This is from wiki

The most significant human rights issues included extrajudicial killings, including of LGBTI persons in Chechnya; enforced disappearances; torture that was systematic and sometimes resulted in death and sometimes included punitive psychiatric incarceration; harsh and life-threatening conditions in prisons; arbitrary arrest and detention; lack of judicial independence; political prisoners; severe interference with privacy; severe restrictions on freedom of expression and the media, including the use of “antiextremism” and other vague laws to prosecute peaceful dissent;

A random russian guy
A random russian guy
4 years ago
Reply to  Anna

If you want to be educated, read also about Russian-Chechen wars, how was Chechnya being radicalized by Saudi Arabia in 1990’s and how the society of Chechnya is gradually becoming free after those bad days. Chechnya is an Islamic state, it is radical and homophobic. But it is changing. Anyway, this is not a political thread, stop politicizing it.

Yes, Russia is a homophobe country, but less so than Ukraine, Belarus, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Armenia, Moldova, Poland, Hungary. And if Russia is a homophobe country, that doesn’t give you a right to vilify Little Big.

Thank you.

4 years ago

Then you should not have written

“I want to end this ungrounded accusation once and forever.”

I never wrote that Poland was better as the topic was Russia. The accusation is not underground, its from UN and human rights organisations.

A random russian guy
A random russian guy
4 years ago
Reply to  Anna

Read the sentence carefully please: “Every now and then Little Big are accused of being homophobic…”. I didn’t write about Russia or Chechnya. I wrote about Little Big and you started to politicize it. That’s not nice of you.

4 years ago

Sorry my mistake

4 years ago

Whoever says that eurovision should be cancelled are delusional and pathetic. A contest created to unite a continent after the World War, its more than a tv show. 65 years there wasnt a year that the show was cancelled. Its better to move it in June. Cancelling something that unites people in these difficult times is a crime.

4 years ago
Reply to  vox

It’s not more than a tv-show……it is a tv-show.
Nothing more. I know that there are partys everywhere in the host city. But we’ve never saw a big problem like this. This is a pandemic. The Eurocup was cancelled…. and Eurovision is the same thing. What we know about June? Nothing…. and once again I must say: a symbolic contes in this times would be a small contest with videos or without public! How people could be so blind?

4 years ago
Reply to  vox

The “uniting” part is mostly symbolic. After the war unity and peace could be established by ESC because it was held during more STABLE, more peaceful times. Now the current times it is not comparable at all; we are living in everything BUT a stable period. We have no idea how long it will take. Some people really keep parroting that it all will be over before May, but that is based on what exactly? The crisis in China started in December, maybe earlier and is still ongoing. Are we really believing that this deadly virus will stop so easily… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Vincent

You cant stop life for something that will eventually end. Stop crying and panicking lol

4 years ago
Reply to  vox

Vox you’re the last one who should be talking about ”unity” because in fact you are acting like a selfish snowflake without empathy. Artists and delegations shouldn’t risk their health so you can have your few hours of entertainment. Scientists doesn’t know at this moment when it will end, but here’s smarta** Vox who knows when this will end.

4 years ago
Reply to  Escf

He is just repeating the mantra from swedish television. Any other opinion is suppressed.

4 years ago
Reply to  vox

Where are you from? I guess Sweden.

4 years ago

It seems that EBU is ready to make some announcements today. I’m not sure if we should expect any breakthrough announcements yet, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they announce that they are considering to postpone the contest or explore some alternative scenarios.

4 years ago

Just cancel it already!! People’s lives are more important than a song contest.

4 years ago
Reply to  Amadeus

Are you this concerned for the people that die every day of starvation? Or poverty? AIDS? All who have higher mortality rates than corona.

4 years ago
Reply to  Denis

Obviously you don’t care about anything but the contest. Let me quote your contrywoman: how dare you.

4 years ago

I’m shocked how Eurovision fans react on the situation now!
People are dying in Europe! We are not normally if we think that everything will be better in 2, 3, 6 month.
Cancel Eurovision or make a video contest or something else. Without people- without party!
!!! Healthiness is the most important thing !!!

4 years ago
Reply to  Escfan

It’s hopeless to try to explain to some people that there’s life outside the bubble. I mean if people don’t care what artists and delegations think about travelling and putting their lives into risk just to entertain the audience, then there’s nothing more to say. There are already 1,705 cases and 43 dead people in the Netherlands and they still are at least 2-3 weaks before the pandemic peak similarly to the rest of West Europe – why on earth would a sane person would want to travel right now or in the following weeks? I have faith in EBU… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Escfan

Every singlr event other than eurovision can be cancelled because the progress of that event has just begun … eurovision’s progress has been way to deep for it to be cancelled … people has been working tireless just so they can create an original song … some people even had to bury that dream because they lost … if some tv program can keep going i’m sure EBU have a last minute plan for this contest

4 years ago
Reply to  Jason

Just begun.? Other big events have also had a long plannning periode. Of course they can make a show but it wont be live and there will be no audience.

4 years ago

No, it makes much more possible that ESC will be cancelled too. We must be realistic. So many deaths right now. Only yesterday +370 in Italy, today +135 in Spain but it’s just 2 pm. For me personally, talking about songs and all the parties seems to be way of touch, sorry.

4 years ago
Reply to  Peter

So why you here instead of doing some voluntary work?

4 years ago

I mean, postponing the event a month was my main idea. It is expected that by the start of April the virus infection takes its peak and then start to fall. So by June everything could be much much better.

4 years ago
Reply to  HĂ©ctor

True. I have heard from reliable sources that the virus will end in April.

mark dowd
mark dowd
4 years ago
Reply to  btw

And the moon is made of blue cheese, did you know that? Your “reliable sources”: please name them publicly so we can assess the evidence. Because medics and scientists in the G20 countries and beyond are saying there is no foreseeable end to this. And it is IRRESPONSIBLE to get peoples’ hopes up when the truth suggests the opposite of what you are saying.

4 years ago
Reply to  mark dowd

Dont you think its a joke

Mark dowd
Mark dowd
4 years ago
Reply to  Anna

No. And there are others who say the virus ‘ will disappear with the warm weather.”


4 years ago

It’s easy to be alarmistic about the virus considering the headlines we read and the panic fear people have but it’s not doomsday. Majority of people getting the virus will only have mild symptoms and won’t need medical care. 85% will also recover from it. It’s not like the virus is sudden death as soon as you get it. Majority of deaths are really old people with underlying health issues,and those are always at risk. So if you have old relatives, don’t visit them, and wash your hands regularly.

Frisian esc
Frisian esc
4 years ago
Reply to  Denis

In the netherlands more than 50% of all people on the intensive care for corona fall in the age group from 30 to 50 though..

4 years ago
Reply to  Denis

Actually it is bad . People are losing jobs as this virus is happening because businesses are closing . If you have a retirement fund you lose money everyday in the stock market. If your fruit and veg has been picked by backpackers/ tourists there is no one to pick them . Truck drivers get sick so then suddenly food and goods don’t get shipped. You get sick and there are no Doctors to treat you or there is a delay because medical staff are all sick.There is more being affected than you get the flu or a cold .… Read more »

mark dowd
mark dowd
4 years ago
Reply to  Denis

UK medical officer says today that if we have 20,000 or fewer deaths, that is will be good outcome. That is 7,000 more than the capacity of the Rotterdam Ahoy arena. And that is ONE country only. Imagine if you were the family of someone who had died of this and they read your statement.

4 years ago
Reply to  mark dowd

Deaths are terrible of course but in Sweden we have had 10 000 deaths these last two months, 8 from corona. 65 has died from the common flu. So there is perspective to numbers..

Frisian esc
Frisian esc
4 years ago

How about we let tick tockers from all 41 countries film a small cringe routine while in quarantine for the 40 second slot?

4 years ago

Eurovision was inveted to unite people after world war the second. now it should unite people with the fight against this pandemia. I hope they will stick to their plan and eurovision will be sheduled right on time.

4 years ago

Are you not aware of the current situation of the virus outbreak? It’s getting far worse than people initially expected. We can’t risk any life to have this event.

4 years ago

Your statement reminds me of medieval times when people gathered in churches thinking plague won’t go there.

4 years ago

This isn’t rational. The Second World War wasn’t a virus that can be passed on through close contact between people, hell Eurovision wasn’t even around during the war it started after to bring Europe back together. If it’s a health risk, Eurovision should not go ahead.

4 years ago

Why are Rasmus and Ivanov so quiet these days? I want to laugh a little. Bring us joy, guys!

4 years ago

For the postcards they could have a lock down theme. Idk how they would do it but they could be filmed in each country like in 2013? And 2014

4 years ago

The whole reason why Eurovision started was to test broadcasting technology, and it has continue to be a testing ground. Treat the crisis as an opportunity to make something new work.

Henrikh Mugosa
Henrikh Mugosa
4 years ago
Reply to  miskdisky

Very good comment. The Netherlands has always been synonymous with innovation. It was when they last organized that we started 1-12 points, for instance.

4 years ago

just cancel the contest. it is a serious Situation..

4 years ago

At this point if I think it has to be canceled. Sad, but it’s what it is.. Health is more important than contest.

4 years ago
Reply to  Mia

I think going on like planned is not an option, without an audience is also not possible anymore. But before announcing it the path towards 2021 should be thought out, so questions like will there be a 2020 edition at all, if not can selected songs compete in 2021 and are countries allowed to select other songs if they want. I understand that the EBU takes there time to think about those questions before making an announcement. There is no time to organise a normal contest anymore but plenty of time to think about alternatives or the way to 2021

Jack Pricefield
Jack Pricefield
4 years ago

UEFA are also holding a meeting today to decide if Euro 2020 will be postponed til 2021, if that is the case then it has easier for Eurovision to be delayed til June without clashing with any major event. ESC held in June is something I’ve actually thought of for a few years… the contest was regularly held in April before moving to May in the 90s and June 20th would be the ideal postponement date cause it’s the eve of Summer solstice across Europe, imagine during the voting and still seeing daylight in Sweden, Norway, Finland, Estonia & Latvia?… Read more »

4 years ago

In Sweden though that day is also Midsummer, the most important holiday. No one would care about ESC then, he ratings would be so low..

4 years ago

We all need Eurovision Song Contest more than ever!!! Music is what brings us people all together. In this difficult time, Eurovision brings us all joy and happiness.
If Eurovision take place with no audience I still know that more than 200 million people are watching the same as me, and that unite us all together.
We need you more than ever before, ESC <3

4 years ago
Reply to  Preben

I understand that people want some ray of light in these dim times, but I would NEVER request from any artist, crew member, or any other individual involved with the contest risk their own lifes for my own entertainment. If EBU can still hold the contest with artists singing from their own countries then it’s fine. Otherwise postpone or cancel the contest already. People’s safety, health and wellbeing is above entertainment.

4 years ago

no, too soon and btw this virus will not go away for a long while, everyone must get sick in order to be immune from this virus

Jacob TeglbjĂŠrg
Jacob TeglbjĂŠrg
4 years ago

Let s see. 2 months is still far away, and in Europe it’s only until late April the sights, museums, concerts and sports competition are cancelled to, and if that is anything to go by then Eurovision in May would still be possible. Maybe they could also just have the Ahoy Arena half full, so there can be space between the audience, which would also lower the risk for getting the virus. The mayor of Rotterdam has stated that he won’t rule out a competion without audience in May. That are probably their plans, or to have it in start… Read more »

4 years ago

Just let the competition be like what is said earlier from sources in slovenian broadcaster, and make it small and less without audience. And just have the dutch broadcaster do a show in a small studio, and broadcast through satelite, and each other broadcaster have the same thing. “Show must go on, just without delegation in Rotterdam, and NO audience”. That will also be the best way to make things right for next year selections for everones broadcaster that has its own national final. We can for once just see the eurovision back in our home, and see eurovision on… Read more »

4 years ago

Postponement until September seems like the best plan.. Yes may be less time for the next country to organize but probably our only chance to have a full Eurovision that is if the Corona Virus has decreased at that point.. Postponing until June makes no sense, wouldn’t make a difference virus wise I guess.. The situation in other countries may be worse than in the Netherlands and delegations may not be able to travel..

4 years ago
Reply to  Robert

If 2020 was in September they could do 2021 in like July or something to allow for time to prepare and then back to May for 2022

4 years ago

Yes, I’d like to know too!

4 years ago

I can already see EBU uploading a 5 minute video of all 41 artists telling us to #stayhome in late April.

4 years ago

There’s nothing to say the postcards have to have the acts in them. Years ago (I’m taking the 90s!) didn’t they just show nice videos of different areas and activities in the host country?

4 years ago
Reply to  Paul

They can do Rome 1991 and let every entrant perform Dutch songs.

Or do clips about Netherlands as a country.

Or do clips of history of every competing country.

4 years ago

So is today the day we will know if eurovision gets cancelled or not?

4 years ago

UEFA has already said that they are extremely likely to move the Euros until 2021

4 years ago
Reply to  Cameron

They haven’t though

4 years ago
Reply to  Denis

They’re pretty much going to announce it soon, I’m saying this as someone that has got tickets at Wembley to see it

4 years ago

Why is everythingbeing postponed whats happening???

4 years ago
Reply to  Kleo

Kim, there’s people that are dying

4 years ago

From lock down to open up

Gil Dadia
Gil Dadia
4 years ago


4 years ago

@William Lee Adams misleading your readers is even worst that the fake news you are referring to. Our article about Tamara Todevska was referring to the intention of the EBU to make things right by allowing her to perform at the interval of the final. It was also mentions that the host broadcaster would have the final say. So where exactly we were wrong? Do you have any kind of information regarding the intentions of the EBU? Did anyone from the EBU said we were wrong? Moreover the fact that scientists believe that COVID 19 will melt down in warmer… Read more »

Ashton Schier
Ashton Schier
4 years ago
Reply to  HOD45

jeez, chill

4 years ago

The important thing is that they are trying their best to make Eurovision 2020 happen in Rotterdam. The Dutch deserves it, even if it is delayed for one or more months. They have worked so hard to organize it.

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
4 years ago

September should be much safer than June, going from the projections I have read.
Very interesting that part about Eurovision still being “symbolic” to the EBU and the Netherlands government, even this long after WWII. That was nice to read. Pinch of salt taken over the source, however.

4 years ago
Reply to  Purple Mask

But then the host broadcaster of 2021 will have so few months to do what Netherlands have done for a year.

4 years ago
Reply to  Name

If the 2020 contest were to be postponed I think a 2021 host country should be preselected so that they have proper time to host the event. Give it to a country that has never before won (or hasn’t again in the past 40 years) but really wants and has the resources to host eurovision, for example.

A random russian guy
A random russian guy
4 years ago
Reply to  Name

They have started most preparation works in November. That wouldn’t be a problem.

Yes, September would be better. If held in June it may coincide with Euro 2020, in July-August we’ll have the Olympic games (I am almost sure they are going to be held).

4 years ago

How about tickets can only be sold to people who can verify that they have successfully gotten over Coronavirus and are immune?

4 years ago
Reply to  gilpgilp

Not particularly unifying, is it? To make it an exclusive event (at least in principle) – not when spolidarity is needed more than ever! Think about it!

4 years ago

Well the 1977 contest was postponed by a month (although due to internal BBC problems, not due to an epidemic) so this wouldn’t be something new, and personally I think this is the best option.

4 years ago
Reply to  Tajikistan

Nice history reference! Not many of us knew that.

4 years ago
Reply to  gilpgilp

In 1977 there were no postcards either but a view of the audience. One of the entrants was too young to be at the postcard event (I believe as drink was served) and so they were all scrapped.

4 years ago
Reply to  RobNI

Yeah, Anita Skorgan from Norway. I don’t know why the part with her drinking wasn’t just edited out? Or was she drunk the entire time? 😀

4 years ago
Reply to  Tajikistan

It certainly made for an interesting predicament with those 40-second time fillers they had to do in place of postcards.

4 years ago

Apart from 2014 when contestants had to make their own flag, the post cards are not worth watching anyway. So in regards to just that, might as well just let them film their post card at home. I don’t even know why that’s an issue.

A random russian guy
A random russian guy
4 years ago
Reply to  OhhHoney

I like 2009 postcards, They show the culture of the participating countries, not the participants.

4 years ago

Just cancel the damn thing already! Stop beating around the bush. It’s in everybody’s best interest to cancel the event ASAP instead of giving people false hope. It’s in everybody’s best interest that this get resolved once and for all, so stop adding fire to the speculation. Staying alive and healthy and containing the pandemic is more important than a song contest. Sorry, but it’s true. FIFA and the Olympics already put an end to the speculation of their respective events decisively. They will not be happening this year. It’s time for the EBU to step up to the plate… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Amadeus

FIFA will have a meeting tomprrow so you are wrong. Check your facts better.

4 years ago
Reply to  LinusESCfan

FIFA already declared the Eurocup will not be happening this year.

4 years ago
Reply to  Amadeus

Wrong. They didn’t declare anything.

They’ll probably postpone it to winter.

4 years ago
Reply to  Amadeus

Not true (yet). Even less did it the IOC about Olympics (yet).

4 years ago
Reply to  LinusESCfan

FIFA is not responsible for The European Championships, it’s UEFA and nothing is decided yet.

4 years ago
Reply to  Kauri

UEFA is under the umbrella of FIFA, fyi.

4 years ago
Reply to  Amadeus

I would’ve started with cancelling you.

4 years ago
Reply to  Amadeus

No one cares about FIFA and Olympics! Don’t even try to compare that scheiss with Eurovision.

Joseph Mendy
Joseph Mendy
4 years ago
Reply to  Amadeus


4 years ago
Reply to  Amadeus

Actually there is talk about EURO being postponed til September October

4 years ago
Reply to  Amadeus

amen, what do we even care about some z-lister artists on the esc2020 line up

4 years ago

If Russia would win, dont forget the articles about gay people buried alive in Chechnya and the storys they told the world that got out. Remember them? it was not that long ago, . I would never go to Russia if they won. there are A LOT of articles about it if someone dont dont believe it. Google it.

4 years ago
Reply to  LinusESCfan

Oh hi, it’s you again. Chechnya is an authoritarian islamic state that bears little resemblance to the rest of Russia in terms of customs and views, just like any muslim country.

A random russian guy
A random russian guy
4 years ago
Reply to  LinusESCfan

Hmm this is the backing singer kissing a guy in support of the LGBT community of Russia (he has not been buried alive yet). All the members of the band support the minorities of Russia (no matter which – Chechens, gays, disabled people)

Pedro Paulo
Pedro Paulo
4 years ago

“Open up” should be canceled, the slogan must change for something more in agreement wih the time we live…like: “we stand together” or “rise up” .

4 years ago
Reply to  Pedro Paulo

They should change it from “Open up” to “Shut it down” because that’s what needs to happen with Rotterdam 2020. Public health is more important than a song contest.

Jimmy Smit
Jimmy Smit
4 years ago
Reply to  Pedro Paulo

“Gather round”

4 years ago
Reply to  Pedro Paulo

“Don’t touch anything”

4 years ago

I personally think that the EBU and the Dutch broadcasters will decide to host te ESC without any audience

Jacob S
Jacob S
4 years ago

Guys someone help me understand this……ARE THERE NO POSTCARDS THIS YEAR?!

Jimmy Smit
Jimmy Smit
4 years ago

I never thought I’d say this but can’t we just go back to when the only controversial thing for Eurovision was Aly Ryan?

Jacob S
Jacob S
4 years ago

Guys I’m sorry but I’m thinking about the postcards because for some reason I really like them, lol! So does this mean that we will have NO POSTCARDS this year since Israel and Lithuania aren’t doing it? Why can’t they just film in their own country? It wouldn’t hurt everyone!

4 years ago

eurovision 2020 in first half of September, Eurovision 2021 in first half of June

4 years ago
Reply to  PP77

Not bad idea!

4 years ago

Great. So now instead of having three major events spread out, ESC, EURO 2020 and Olympics we could have all three possibly at the same time.. Which can be quite problematic. You think broadcasters can afford all three, or that it fits their agenda? ESC isn’t even high priority for some broadcasters, yet along the audience. ESC will get lost lost among that sports crowd. If choosing between a game or ESC who do you think will win? Not to mention of course that the virus might act the opposite and thrive in warm weather, which would make it a… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Denis

if esc is getting delayed so is euro 2020 and olympics

Pedro Paulo
Pedro Paulo
4 years ago
Reply to  ani

Euro 2020 will be in December or June next year, UEFA just sugested that…

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
4 years ago
Reply to  Pedro Paulo

Pahaha, December 2020 in London for Euros football? So much rain! 😀
June next year would be better weather, but sadly after Brexit. But best of luck with that.

4 years ago
Reply to  Denis

Don’t know about the Euro, but the Olympics will only start in July 24th and could also be postponed for the same reasons. And if Euro gets delayed to 2021, EBU would have until early July.

4 years ago
Reply to  Sabrina

Actually EURO could be postponed til September October. If Olympics and ESC all gets postponed til then then it will be major broadcasting issues..

4 years ago
Reply to  Denis

Honestly, we will most likely have none of them. Euro 2020 is already postponed for next summer and the Olympics will most likely follow suit.