Immediately after announcing that Eurovision will return in 2021, the EBU published an FAQ regarding the planned comeback contest. Here are its answers to some key questions, including where, when and how will Eurovision 2021 take place?
Note we will publish a separate post regarding ticketing issues for both 2020 and 2021.
Eurovision 2021: Key questions and answers
1. Where will Eurovision 2021 be held?
As announced at the end of Eurovision: Europe Shine A Light, the EBU and the three Dutch broadcasters — NPO, NOS and AVROTROS — intend for Eurovision 2021 to go ahead in the Netherlands. Rotterdam will be the host city once again.
According to official sources, preparations are already underway for next year’s event to be staged in the Ahoy arena — the same venue that was due to house the 2020 contest.
2. When will Eurovision 2021 be held?
The EBU’s current line is that Eurovision will take place in “the spring of 2021”. This has raised some eyebrows, given that Eurovision has come to be traditionally associated with the month of May. In its early years, the contest hopped back and forth between March, April and May. However, in recent decades it has always been May. The last time this was not the case was in 1994 when the final took place on 30 April.
Organisers are reluctant to set a date as there are many events — both national and international — which will also be due to take place in the same period.
Dates are set to be announced “in the coming weeks”.
3. How will Eurovision 2021 take place?
We are living in uncertain times. And while the next contest won’t be for 12 months or so, there remain many questions as to how it can take place. What if restrictions remain in place? What if the pandemic hasn’t eased? Will it even be possible to hold Eurovision as we know it?
3.1 How will Covid-19 affect planning for Eurovision 2021?
Organisers stress that the health of participants, employees and visitors is paramount. Accordingly, the EBU and the Dutch broadcasters have committed to working closely with the Dutch health authorities. Together, they will map out the impact of coronavirus on the 2021 contest. Their intention is to “ensure the 2021 Contest can take place in circumstances that protect the health and safety of everyone attending the event”.
3.2 Is there an alternative plan for if Eurovision 2021 cannot go ahead in Rotterdam?
In answering this question, the EBU first expresses its regret at having to cancel Eurovision 2020. It goes on to highlight the “ever-changing and challenging environment” and the difficulties this poses in organising a global broadcast with many international stakeholders in a year’s time.
Despite these challenges, the EBU has committed to ensuring the continuity of Eurovision in a “number of different scenarios”. These scenarios have not been made public.
3.3 Could Eurovision 2021 take place without an audience?
Organisers say that “the current situation across Europe is likely to remain uncertain for the coming months and at this stage, we cannot comment on the final organization for the Eurovision Song Contest next year”.
4. Will the Eurovision 2020 plans be carried forward to 2021?
It would appear that most elements from Eurovision 2020 will be kept on for 2021.
The Rotterdam 2021 announcement was accompanied by the existing “open up” slogan. It would seem that the logo will also be retained — headers on the official Eurovision social media accounts have already been updated for 2021, complete with the 2020 branding.
The three show hosts — Chantal Janzen, Jan Smit and Edsilia Rombley are also set to return. Speaking to wiwibloggs before Eurovision: Shine A Light, Edsilia confirmed that they will be back for 2021. Online host NikkieTutorials also told wiwibloggs that she’ll be back next year.
So, it means that even the stage will be carried over for next year?
Helleo I am hoping to come to Rotterdam next year what will be the cheapest price for tickets and do I get a concession as I am 60 plus thank you
We’ll have more participating countries next year as Montenegro will comeback.. I don’t think Hungary will do so.
The fact that Montenegro showed Europe Shine a Light but Hungary didn’t would probably indicate that. (Heck, it was the first Eurovision event Bosnia & Herzegovina’s broadcast since 2016, so hope springs eternal there too).
Bosnia and Montenegro need to come back pronto, and while I have little faith for Hungary I truly hope they change their mind.
Hungary blocked NikkieTutorials in Europe Shine a Light, so don’t count on it.
Please stop spreading fake news, Hungary never aired Europe Shine A Light.
Suddenly ESC goes all politics. Imagine protesters around the world with the open up logo. By keeping it, they suddenly make a clear statement
For them to keep the logo, that means that all the same 41 countries that were set to take part this year, will still take part next year. That means no withdrawing or returning countries, unless they decide to alter the logo a bit, since it was partially based on the 41 participating nations. Then again, they said the brand was discontinued when the contest was announced to be cancelled, which would go against their own wording if they keep the logo for next year as well.
I can’t see them keeping the logo based on that alone
First, that have been spoken a lot before i guess, but…regardless of COVID-19, the taste of 2020 is extremely bitter. I really don’t get (still) why on earth ESC must always take place at the month of may. EBU should have postpone it for late 2020, then ESC 2021 should take place somewhere at late summer\early fall, and then in 2022 we would get back to normal at the holly month of May. Second, due to the circumstances, i think the decision not to allow the 2020 songs to compete again in 2021 was extremely wrong. if ESC is canceled… Read more »
I’m doing a little jury thing with some musicians, but I’m not pretending it’ll be anywhere near an “official” result.
I wonder how many of next year’s songs will be coronavirus themed? I am betting at least 75%. Same goes with films or any other form of art, I think our recent experiences are likely to inform popular culture for quite a while.
Not necessarily coronavirus themed explicitly, but there will defo be a few power ballads about isolation imho.
There was a pleasant surprise to hear the Dutch TV team will be in charge, it’s like a breath of fresh air especially regarding the running order of the both semifinals, after all these years of Bjorkmann’s meddling and his subjective taste (giving Sweden and basically all the Nordic countries + Australia the best slots in the semifinals and especially in the final). Congrats to The Netherlands for organizing again!
Subjective taste? Well well, who is subjective now, suggesting Nordic countries aren’t strong on their own without “”slots”” Maybe Nordic did well because people actually liked them? Shocking as as it might be to you to find that maybe the songs were strong enough on their own without any “help” needed.
In order to be fair, running order cannot be anything but random.
i just love those hosts! they were great! Edsila i saw in action at the ESC event in Amsterdam,last december,one question dough,why did the hansome Jan smith make himself look like 10 years oldr?! well, whatever,he still can come in without knocking?
Even if we have no vaccine by next year, we can’t follow social distancing measures forever, it’s completely against human rights! We’ll just have to carry on as usual like we did with Swine Flu.
Nevertheless, I look forward to seeing the 2021 in Rotterdam. The hosts are great and charismatic, so I’m glad they stuck with them. What would make it even more great is if they brought back the live orchestra (at least make it optional), some songs are really elevated with them.
I just LOVE that they wanna keep the logo as well. It’s seriously one of the best in the past years and I’m so happy that we will see the three hosts again. They’re amazing!
Im happy they will keep everything. Especially the logo, one of the best of these past years. And Nikki as well <3
It’s the perfect logo to reuse. Assume the participating countries will change, and when they do the logo itself will change slightly to reflect the new list of participating countries. Same theme, slightly altered logo, if it could happen to any year. Think it’s a good job it was this one – from a branding standpoint
Agree with @yodenman, my country (Slovenia) has already announced the end of the pandemic (as the first country in Europe) and more and more countries will follow, till september Corona will not really be a pandemic anymore (it will be just a flu) so it’s 99% sure that ESC 2021 will happen, especially if they develop a vaccine.
Let’s get one thing out of the way first. Eurovision 2021 is happening… Fact. Even now all over Europe the restrictions are easing. An antibody test is ready to go in the UK and many thousands have already had it and fully recovered. Let’s state the facts because there’s no point in saying what you think might happen. In the UK the statistics show a rate of 1 in 400 infections. That means you have well over 99% chance of not catching it. Also out of those infected more than 80% have mild to moderate symptoms. The reason for the… Read more »
Those are valid points but seeing as how many chances the virus has had to mutate it could mean that people are no longer immune to it (just like the flu etc.). If this happens next year there could be a similar situation as we have now. Or at least travel restrictions etc. Furthermore, in the UK the infection rate is rising again so I don’t know if that’s the best example. Obviously, I’m really optimistic and feel that it will happen next year. But I don’t think we can jump to conclusions. A year can change a lot (2019-2020… Read more »
Just to confirm to everyone that the figures I have quoted are recent government figures. I haven’t plucked them out of the air to support my argument. I always try to mix optimism and realism in equal amounts. You can’t live life forever in fear. Life always has risks so you have to deal with them. There are so many doom and gloom people out there. The media are by far the worst culprits. I’m sure they love all the bad news. They always give the death toll but conveniently forget to state that the rate is falling considerably and… Read more »
So they have back up plans? Then how come they didn’t use back up plans for this year?
You can have back up plans at 12 months notice, at seven/eight weeks’ notice it is a nightmare…..I am sure they looked at hasty safe options, but even scrambling studio technicians together for a “remote” ESC was never an option given the need for distancing……I am sure there will be a ESC 2021, but it still may be a rather unusual one, unless the much awaited vaccine appears by late autumn….
I kinda hope they change the stage design I wasn’t that impressed tbh
I am very sure that they will read your comment and reconsider everything! Hopefully nobody dislikes the new concept.
change the stage design they did not even use?
Then I have disappointing news for you because in a talk show after Europe Shine a Light, Shula Rijxman (the NPO boss) said that they were already building parts of the stage and that she is happy now they can continue on the chosen path .
Which show? Im interested in the interview
So let me get this straight: Hosting city – the same; Arena – the same; Show hosts – the same; Slogan – the same; Online host – the same; Logo and branding – the same; So what was the big deal about forcing performers to change songs? You kept everything the same, we could have kept the songs too. Most of Europe wouldn’t have known the songs anyway because they don’t follow the fandom, and only hear it for the first time on the live shows. Even the fandom would have gotten excited, because another year would have meant a… Read more »
EBU wants to sell CDs, and Christer Bjorkman’s last year in charge of Melfest is next year and his ego and right to have some big farewell party comes before the Mamas and their feelings
Love that they wrote over 10 paragraphs to basically say they don’t know anything, lol…
Well, Miss Rona is playing hard to get basically XD
What about the tickets? Will we get our money back or will it be valuable for 2021?
Maybe you can read the article or click the link for the ebu statement, everything is answered there.
They are valid for 2021.
I just ask myself, how bad would it be to keep the logo and the stage design? It’s all done! And all the work put in it won’t have been for nothing
This time I think the EBU have an actual buttload of backup plans, and countries have already been figuring out small-scale events that can put people in the same room without much danger, so hope springs eternal.
OK, this cancelation was enough for me, buuuuuuut a following cancelation would kill me completly
I think there would likely be one next year as they have more time to come up with other options if required. There could be a full discussion on how the performances could be carried out if the pandemic is still around. My suggestion would be to pre record live performances in studios. Maybe they could then use that
Not impressed by the hosts except Edsilia who seemed to be taking part in a different show?
Yeah, personally I felt like she was too stiff and had a hard time presenting the show, she was exactly the same in the allocation draw. Luckily there’s a year left so she will have time practicing. I was very impressed by Nikki on the other hand who presented the show very professionally even though she has the least amount of experience of them all from live television.
Nikkie should be the green room host in 2021 if EBU knows what’s good for them tbh
Edsilia was meant to do the Green Room. She is better at spontaneous conversations than official moments. I think she fits much more in a usual Eurovision Song Contest. But all of the four, well done!
Yes, but at the same time consider that Nikki might hold the record for most hours spent presenting to an invisible crowd! I think they did well presenting in a more news flash kinda style, just being the three of them in that deserted studio. Hosts thrive on the energy of a crowd I presume
I actually liked the hosts. I found them professional, confident and all of them looked really beautiful. Same goes for Nikkie <3
I believe that the presentation of the show would even be awkward and stiff if Petra Mede would have presented it. Compare her rehearsals to the live shows; live she shines like the best, but during rehearsals with hardly any audience it is stiff and silent in the venue. It’s not the presentation itself, it’s the lack of response by the audience. Next year will be much better, I expect. We know that Edsilia is fun and bubbly with audience. For Chantal, she’s the best presentor in the Netherlands, for a reason.
spring is march april and may
Till 21 june. Maybe ESC in june?
no it will be may as usual, people misinterpreted the spring comment.