Earlier in the Summer, Serhat bagged another Golden Butterfly award for his work crossing borders through music. That accolade nodded to his international hit “Say Na Na Na”, which took San Marino to the Eurovision 2019 final and which went on to slay the digital charts in Slovakia, Indonesia and Turkey.

But that was just the beginning for the track born of Eurovision, but made for any occasion. “Say Na Na Na” was later released in German to target the German, Austrian and Swiss music markets. And in two days Spanish-speaking fans can also join the ride: “Di Na Na Na” — the Spanish version of “Say Na Na Na” will hit Spain and Latin America.

“Di Na Na Na” contains messages of hope for happier times ahead. 2020 has been a rather difficult year for most of us. The 24-hour news cycle reminds us — constantly and in real-time — of awful developments of a global pandemic, regional conflicts, financial collapse and bomb explosions. Serhat’s musical chant “Di Na Na Na” is a soothing distraction in a world that seems to be crumbling, and a friendly reminder that things will calm down after the storm. The Eurovision singing dentist also reminds us that he’s a polyglot. Why not add Spanish to his repertoire that already includes English, Turkish and German?

Wiwibloggs very own designer Josue Gil Aleman, the genius behind our annual Eurovision cartoons, created the animated clip that accompanies the song.

Speaking exclusively to wiwibloggs, Serhat explains:

“After the success of the English and German versions, it was time for the Spanish version of ‘Say Na Na Na’. Why? Because after Eurovision, I  received numerous requests from Spanish speaking fans. We worked for a long time on it and finally ‘Di Na Na Na’ is ready. I believe with the lyrics of Adolfo Caiman and the new animation video clip created by my dear Josue Gil Aleman, ‘Di Na Na Na’ will give hope and positivity to our lives. 2020 has not been an easy year for all of us, but we will win overcome all our difficulties in the end. As I always sing : Life is beautiful and fine.”

Do you like “Di Na Na Na”? How does it compare with “Say Na Na Na?” What other Eurovision songs would you like to hear in other languages? Let us know in the comments section below!

Read more new music reviews here

Read more San Marino news here

DI NA NA NA (lyrics)
By Serhat / Adaptacion español Adolfo Caimán

Estas solo y triste
la noche no va bien
todo estará en calma
no hay por qué correr
tienes que ser fuerte
y escuchar mi voz
nadie se va a preocupar
de tu desamor
Hagas lo que hagas
tus sueños volaran
Los colores de tu vida
Son toda la verdad
No olvides llamarme
yo siempre estaré aquí
Que la vida es bella hay que sobrevivir

Di Na Na Na
En la oscura soledad di na na na
Al final está la luz es na na na
Di Na Na Na
Di Na Na Na
no estás solo vente arriba¡¡ na na na
eres como el arcoíris canta na na na
Di Na Na Na

Hagas lo que hagas
tus sueños volaran ( dime )
Los colores de tu vida
Son toda la verdad ( es verdad )
No olvides llamarme
yo siempre estaré aquí
que la vida es bella hay que sobrevivir

Di Na Na Na
En la oscura soledad di na na na
Al final esta la luz es na na na
Di Na Na Na
Di Na Na Na
no estas solo vente arriba¡¡ na na na
eres como el arcoiris canta na na na
Di Na Na Na

Part C
Si te sientes solo ( si te sientes solo)
tómalo con calma ( tómalo con calma )
Creo que estoy loco (creo que estoy loco)
me estoy volviendo loco
todos estamos locos
Un, dos, tres

Di Na Na Na
En la oscura soledad di na na na
Al final está la luz es na na na
Di Na Na Na
Di Na Na Na
no estás solo vente arriba¡¡ na na na
eres como el arcoíris canta na na na
Di Na Na Na

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Regina Phalange
Regina Phalange
4 years ago

It’s great to see Serhat is also a fan of queen Dinah Nah.

4 years ago

A pretty good translation. I’ll never forget the iconic moment when San Marino was called as penultimate finalist and everyone was just floored! You could make memes out of everyone’s expressions. Again, congrats to Serhat. Not everyone could make it to the finals singing off-key and representing a microstate with no major influence over the juries. Sure, maybe by some objective parameters, this was “bad”, but it was so irresistibly charming as well. I know that ESC shouldn’t be a revolving doors competition, but I am certainly not the only one who would like to hear the ultimate “so bad… Read more »

Last edited 4 years ago by Colin
Ria van de Velde
Ria van de Velde
4 years ago

I am waiting now for the Italian version…