The Wiwi Jury ranks and reviews the 39 acts competing in the Eurovision Song Contest 2021. Next we listen to Belgium’s Hooverphonic and their song “The Wrong Place”. Did this song make us feel like we were in the right place? Read on to find out!
Hooverphonic – “The Wrong Place”
“The Wrong Place” reviews
Jonathan: While “The Wrong Place” is still a ballad with very linear melodic progression, there’s much more intrigue and mystery surrounding the song. This creates an aura that grips listeners as they follow along with Geike’s storytelling. Overall, “The Wrong Place” is moody, sombre and downbeat, which is what makes it absolutely right.
Score: 7
Lucy: “The Wrong Place” entry has an air of ’90s nostalgia to it in the best way possible, reminding me of bands such as Garbage and their more sultry, slower songs. There is a ferocious charisma to the way this song sounds live, even the Johnny Cash line which I have come to unironically love. I truly see this as standing out in the field in semi one, and I really hope we get to see the magic in the grand final.
Score: 8.5
Renske: Sennek’s “A Matter of Time” was one of the most promising tracks Flanders had sent to Eurovision in a long time. However, upon reaching the Eurovision stage, the song completely fell flat. “The Wrong Place” — with its soundtrack like-appeal, similar to “A Matter of Time” — might end up in the same position. The song is different from the usual Eurovision status quo, but with its wordiness and somewhat monotonous sound, it is sometimes hard to pay attention past two minutes into the song.
Score: 6
Robyn: Hooverphonic are serving the coolest song about a regrettable hookup. The lyrics of “The Wrong Place” are packed full of amazing lines, including the absolute gem “You get up because you need an organic cup of tea”. It very much paints a picture of morning-after regret, when the choices of the night before seem a million times worse in the cold, hard light of day. My worry is that “The Wrong Place” might be too subtle to stand out in the quality-laden first semi-final, but with Geike’s strong and mesmerising vocals, Hooverphonic do have the potential to stand out.
Score: 7
William: Guns, taxidermy and decapitation aren’t obvious choices for a Eurovision video. Yet here they are, providing the gripping backdrop to Geike’s masterful performance. Her steely looks and command of the camera make it hard to look away — you’re intoxicated, yes, but you’re also concerned bunnies might be boiled. She is a force of nature that draws you in and keeps you there. The song itself is sleek, sophisticated and undeniably polished. I just wish there were more peaks and valleys, as the progression is perhaps a bit too linear to hold me without visuals. No matter. With the right staging — and lots of close-ups of the mesmerising lead singer — this could sail into the grand final.
Score: 5
Hooverphonic with “The Wrong Place” rankings
In the Wiwi Jury we have 24 jurors but only have room for five reviews. The remaining scores are below:
Antranig: 6
Calvin: 7 Deban: 7 Diego: 6 Erdi: 5 Esma: 6.5 Jordi: 5 Josh: 7.5 Julian: 7 Kristín: 4.5 |
Lauren: 6
Luis: 8 Natalie: 5 Oliver: 7.5 Pablo: 5.5 Ron: 4 Sebastian: 6.5 Tobias: 3 Tom: 6.5 |
We have removed the highest and lowest scores prior to calculating the average. This is to remove outliers and potential bias. We have removed a low of 3 and a high of 8.5.
Wiwi Jury verdict: 6.16/10
What do you think of this song? Share your own score and review below!
I worry that the one thing commentators will mention during Hooverphonic’s postcard will be their “Love Shine A Light” boycott. That won’t help.
BELGIUM- Now this is what we wanted from their 2020 entry! Everything about this song is so Hooverphonic and that’s one of the many reasons why I love this entry! The music is amazing and I would say the same about the lyrics, however the ‘Johnny Cash T-Shirt’ line kinda bugs me a bit sadly… I am really nervous about the staging as we all know Belgium have been unreliable in the past, but if that’s all good this is for sure a borderline qualifier.
Should have been Sandra Kim or Barbara Dex, not Johnny Cash.
Begium 9/10 one of the underrated entries this year.
this song is so unremarkable in every sense, i’ve never met anyone who has it in their trinity or in their bottom three. and i can totally see why all the wiwi jury’s votes are “middle of the road”
One of my favourite entries this year, I am surprised it didn’t score higher. I hope they get a high finish in the final.
After Gjon’s Tears, this is the absolute number 2 for me. Hooverphonic adds class, quality and sophistication to make you forget the Loco scream Queens and the maniacs from Italy trying to imitate the genre Finland does best. The Wrong Place deserves a nice spot in the top 5!
I don’t expect the public to vote for them but i do hope that the juries will be able to appreciate it and vote for it as much as they vote for Sweden every year!
I’ll say, put this on a Netflix horror show intro or episode and it can be a hit.
Halloween show or American Horror Story! Or perhaps Netflix’s You…
Hooverphonic are good at producing soundtracks.
I think this is so good and so underrated by the Eurofans. I’m hoping it might thrive in the arena while it’s at a lower capacity as it may feel more intimate. I really am gonna stay optimistic about this ones chances.
I love the breathiness in the vocals . The song progresses along nicely and this is one of the songs I have added on my playlist. The song has simple yet effective lyrics and easy to sing-along.
Belgium’s staging has been a disaster recently. Seeing her live performance I have no doubt juries are placing this high. It’s borderline in terms of qualification. 7.5/10
I do like this song. Looking at the music, there are simple chords to start with that then grow with further mystery in the melody and harmony. I particularly like the end of the Chorus; specifically the use of the A chord (with a raised third) – I perk up every time I hear that chord, it’s great! Even better, it then slides unexpectedly to C, followed by a resolution to G minor. It has echoes of blues on guitar throughout, but the general vibe it gives is identifiable with the band Hooverphonic itself. With the band being so recognisable,… Read more »
I give it a 7!
I personally don’t like it so much. I prefer ‘Release me’. I agree with the song being so linear and flat + the lyrics are a little weird to me. But We can’t deny the musical quality here: It’s really well produced, very authentic, very classy and her voice is pretty good. Maybe I’m biased because I miss Luka & I feel it was so unfair to change the lead singer like that. I think it will struggle to qualify, but it could deservelly go to the final in a 8° or lower place.
William what’s wrong with you?
I think Wiwibloggs is obsessed with the Latvian girl that’s why they gave Latvia a better score (not about the song), so yeah it’s so random.
Belgium is serving quality and I agree with the review video that the song needs an atmospheric staging like Netherlands 2014 to attract people’s attention and vote. I think they can get it right after the failure of Belgium 2018 and Sennek (great song, horrible staging). Lesson learnt hopefully.
Yikes, Belgium scored pretty much the same as Latvia…
It’s so sad to see such a powerful entry get underrated by everyone: OGAE, YouTubers and now the Wiwi Jury, at least the odds have it in a KINDA deserved spot (16th if I’m not mistaken)
Unpopular, useless opinion: the song slaps, Geike’s voice slaps, the instrumental slaps, the lyrics slap (idk how some lyrics can slap but forget about it) overall pure Hooverphonic originality, I LOVE IT! Btw my 10th
One of my favourites, I especially like how the first verse is her experience (negative) and the second verse is about his (more positive/healthy)
Yeesh. Maybe they should change the name to “Wrong Crowd”.
8/10, 7th in my overall top and 4th of semi final 1. Let’s wait for the magic to happen in May.
If presented and portrayed well this should find itself in the Grand Final.. Quality!!
It’s still to be seen if Hoovephonic’s style is too neat for Eurovision or if there’s just a severe lack of chemistry between them and the fandom. But it’s hard to deny how professional their music is. It’s like every single detail is in the right place (pun intended). I love the narrative of the lyrics and how they allow us to create a scenario in our minds. The failed one night stand theme is fresh. I trust Geike’s experience as a live performer will bring the spontaneity lacking in the studio version. 7.5/10
Im really confused about the wiwi jury this year, this song is so well produced and gives me “City Lights” or “Rhythm Inside” vibes, and I dont see why its given such a low rating. Yall called Serbia “trash pop”, and now this is “boring”…. but Sweden gets a grade higher than 7, when its the most generic song Sweden has sent in years? Yall seem to have a huge bias, and honestly its kind of disappointing
City Lights and Rhythm Inside are masterpieces. For me, The Wrong Place could not be further from the quality of those songs
I personally think it’s a great song and I’ll probably be enjoying it long after Eurovision. I would be a bit sad if nobody votes for it. It’s my n. 5.
6.16 for one of the most captivating and well-produced songs of the year? “The Wrong Place” has the potential to do well commercially in lots of places.
Calm after the song was one of the lowest rated songs In the WiwiJury, this is the rating by a group of fans and not representative of the entire world . We need to respect their taste and hope that the world disagrees
It’s not one of my favorites, but I can’t deny the quality and I think juries can put it in top 5.
It’s kinda a mysterious song, so I genuinely give this an 8/10 with a position close to my top 10
14. Belgium: One of the biggest improvements from last year!! I believe that it’s a great mystical and jazzy song and it also has a very captivating and mysterious music video. In my opinion it must qualify (and I think it will) but it will all depend on the staging (since it’s obvious that the vocals will be amazing). If they pull off a mystical staging with the video clip’s atmosphere they have nothing to fear!
Oh well.
This will do much better than expected! Top 10.
Oh, Belgium is one of my favorites this year, The Wrong Place is a dark, moody, sophisticated and yet appealing song, it’s actually Belgium’s speciality 🙂 Geike is one of the best female singers in my opinion and she has a lot of experience, her vibes are different from every young girl in the SF, so I already see the public liking it enough to make it qualify, while with the juries is an easy top 6, looking at the quality of the act. I love the fact that the song title pretty relflects the fact that Eurovision is not… Read more »
My ranking so far
4) Belgium
15) Sweden
36) Latvia
37) Serbia
Today I’m happy to be able to review two songs from my top 15
So this one is 1 grade lower than Sweden. LOL.
Sweden apparently is more powerful than that song, even though Geike’s vocals give to the song a darker vibe, which makes me love it
Interesting how the scores on this one are very similar to one another
Gold star.
The steady beat is really nice and I quite liked the instrumental it gives me such a vibe. I hope it has sort of a more obvious structure, the song feels the same all the way through. Nevertheless, it’s the instrumental that draws me in and her (live) vocals are good enough. It’s kind of creepy and mesmerizing, but it might be a little “too” steady throughout. Solid, not outstanding. Depends on stage show.
6/10 for me.
SO YOU MEAN TO TELL ME IT GOT A LOWER SCORE THAN LATVIA AND SWEDEN??? pleaaaase. This song is really good and Geike is a fantastic live performer. A 7/10 to me.
No offence to the previous singer, but Geike does fit this band better than she did, might be because she just was so young compared to the others.
Take an intriguing premise, a paintbrush-like voice, a pinch of dark humour, twenty-something years of experience and a couple severed heads, mix them all up, put in the fridge for an hour, and what you get is a deliciously refreshing and pungently uncompromising entry. To be fair, it’s more pop than trip hop, but hasn’t that been the case for Hooverphonic in the past few years? And don’t let the Johnny Cash reference misguide you, they don’t walk the line, lyrically this song is anything but an obvious choice for Eurovision. Allegedly inspired by Lee Hazlewood’s lyrics, “The Wrong Place”… Read more »
This is a family show that comes with a lot of artistic limitations you have to work around, there’s only so much you can do. I wouldn’t have anything against an “extended” version, that’s for sure.
I like Hooverphonic, I don’t even mind their snobbish attitude that seems to rub some people the wrong way, but both last year’s entry and this one I find incredibly dull and uninspired. The songs don’t seem to come from a genuine emotional place, but rather ‘well, what will we write about today?’
Give the jury the Lady Gaga’s copy or the ‘Live long and prosperous’ circus and they’ll be happy. This master piece is too much for them.
You know what it means. And no, it’s not the Lady Gaga! But the bad copy of it!
Did you follow Elena music befor ESC that is very different from Lady Gaga her ESC song is similair to Lady Gaga
Disappointing, then, that Cyprus did not let her represent her own style of music and have more creative direction.
Homogenic by Bjork, definitely not trip-hop.
“Trip hop” is essentially an umbrella term used to describe artists who were incorporating elements of hip hop, electronica, jazz, house, breakbeat and a whole smorgesbord of other genres into their music, usually in an experimental fashion. While its easy to point out obvious examples, like the Bristol alternative scene (Massive Attack, Portishead, Tricky, etc.), the boundaries are unclear and debatable. Bjork is certainly somewhere on the spectrum, and “Homogenic” is widely recognised as a trip hop record.
I find the song itself a bit unispired. I usually love this genre but this song does nothing on me. It’s melodically pleasing but leaves me completely cold.
My biggest problem with the wiwi jury, and the thing that is most incomprehensible about it, is that individual jurors can’t decide whether they’re judging the song or the video/full package.
As a fan of this song (I thought that last year’s one was just okay) I can say that I hope they will qualify. I might even give them one call, despite of telling myself I won’t be doing that (because of Alex’s comments last year). Still, I can see a version in which they do not qualify if they decide to go all the way pretentiously minimalist, like they did in 2018. One thing is having a limited staging which tells a story (Salvador, Anouk), and another thing entirely is looking like you just woke-up (Sennek). If they nail… Read more »
Something tells me they’ll go for a simple but ellegant performance with good camerawork. Also known as “the Calm After the Storm move”. But what make me confident about their chances is that for the first time in a few years we know the Belgium artist won’t be nervous. Those 3 have enough life and professional experience to perform like they’re doing it from their living rooms.
Same. A little gore is okay if it serves the overall atmosphere. 😉
I wouldn’t mind either. But I would avoid the severed head, because not every viewer have my dark sense of humor. 😛 The head part reminded me of a show called Santa Clarita Diet with Drew Barrymore.
Belgium is one of the few countries in eurovision who’s not affraid to bring something new to the stage. And sometimes they’re far ahead of their time. Telex in 1980, Pas de Deux in 1983 etc… Is it always good? Hell no, but at least they’re trying. And knowing the fact that mediocre popsongs are gonna get a higher score than this, makes me pissed. Is The wrong place the best song in the competition? No, it’s not but it is by far one of the better ones!
I scored it 7.5/10 (16th place) Well this song has grown on me the most. To be honest, it was my 28th place when all songs were released. Over the time, I have been listening to it more frequently. And here we are: it is now on my 16th place, which is really good. In any other year, this might have been top 10 potential, but this year is so strong ugh… But this song is quality and has this dark vibes to it. And I like the reference to Cash “Don’t you ever dare to wear my Johnny Cash… Read more »
This is tricky. I expected there will be the average mark around 3 or 4 for Belgium, when I clicked on this article. And, according to wiwiteam – it’s 6.
I’m trying hard but I struggle with the homogeneous reviews. Belgium’s song this year shouts ‘forget-me-now’ vibes and there is little, if any, way for it to qualify. I’ve been impressed by Belgium’s choice over the last years, but this is a comparatively embarrassing sound that is attempting to be music.
Below Latvia? What a joke! Latvia is easily the worst of the four!
One of my favorites of the year. Not a song that I immediately was captivated by, but it has grown on me a lot. I really enjoy the vibe and the atmosphere that this song is able to create. I really hope Belgium qualifies to the Final, especially due to the fact that this song is really unique comparing to this years line-up. I am not very confident, though: I suspect that the public will not aprecciate this and I fear a “Blackbird” kind of result in the juries. Nevertheless, a great effort — I give it a 9/10. Way… Read more »
BELGIUM – Moody, intriguing, and just slightly pompous, this hits all the right buttons when it comes to owning the dark country-pop genre. They made a song to fit their style regardless of how ”ESC-friendly” it feels, and it paid off. Geike is probably one of the best vocalists this year, and this feels tailored for her. It is about a regretted one-night stand, but it also has some darker undertones. Reminds me a bit of Nick Cave’s ”Murder Ballads”. Even if this is comparatively tame, it has that similar heavy atmosphere and a strong narrative form. The interesting thing… Read more »
Wow, so far I really agree with all of your reviews, you were just a tiny bit harsh on Sweden
Sorry about that. I am kind of indifferent towards it, but some objective qualities in production and performance pushed it on a positive side. I am looking forward to your future reviews too.
34th: Belgium. When I first heard it, I thought it was good. I was left a little underwhelmed, but I expected that the song would grow on me. Unfortunately, it did the opposite. First of all, this song is not bad. There is nothing about it that I can genuinely say is bad. But it simply doesn’t connect with me at all. I find the beat to be plodding and repetitive with nearly no variation, and the lyrics to be quite amateur (which is not something I am used to getting from Hooverphonic). If you took away the melody and… Read more »
I give this song a 9’5. I know I am in the minority but it is one of my favourites since the first time that I heard it and I really wish it advances to the Grand Final. It has so much quality and the beat is amazing. I also think Geike’s voice gives the song a unique vibe. A really big improvement from last year imo.
Last year we had a more quality composition, but it was much less accessible than this year, so I am happy to say that in 2021 Hooverphonic are probably going to get through 🙂
I really hope so 🙂
The score is way too low for this song, no way should it be below Sweden this year. I would give it an 8.5/10.
Can we appreciate how constructive are William critics? Even though he only gave the song a 5 he said really nice things about it. And he does he does it with every song!! It’s nice to hear positive criticism like these
Hahahahaha below Sweden and Latvia… People have very very different tastes indeed…
Below Latvia is the craziest thing… quality vs trash
Indeed. How on earth, has Sweden 7.14, this is so unfair… Belgium has deserved at least 6.9