Benidorm Fest — Spain’s Eurovision 2022 selection — has all of Europe talking. And with the publication of the Smarkets betting odds, it seems that the conversation includes a lot of whispers about Rigoberta Bandini.
As of Sunday January 9, the “Ay mamá” singer sits at the top of the betting exchange with an available price of 2.06, putting her just ahead of Tanxugueiras (2.86).
The prices rise quite a bit after that: Unique (11), Xeinn (13), Rayden (14), Blanca Paloma (16.5) and Chanel (20).
Benidorm Fest 2022 odds: Smarkets lists Rigoberta Bandini as favourite
Rigoberta, one of the hottest artists in Spain at the moment, has gotten a lot of attention for her entry — a feminist hymn that seeks to break taboos regarding the female body, directly tackling stigmas about breastfeeding and menstruation.
“Ay mamá” is an electro pop experiment, which builds from choir-like verses to a very catchy “mamamamamamamá” line. The in-your-face lyrics have become talking points online and within Spanish media. At one point Rigoberta says: “I don’t know why so many people are scared of our tits.”
Fans have been singing the praises of her recent live performance, which suggests she won’t be phased by delivering this live to Spanish voters later this month.
Primer winner alert de este #BenidormFest, y por qué no de #Eurovision. La canción de @rigobandini y la atmósfera que genera es de ganadora. Soy muy fan de su prima. Menudo descubrimiento 😍😍😍
— LukaES 🏳️🌈 (@LukaEurovision) January 7, 2022
📹 by @euromenchu
As for Tanxugueiras, they’re making their attempt at Eurovision with “Terra” — a song that draws on Celtic music and the most ancient folklore of the Galicia region.
“Terra” is sung entirely in Galician, but includes the lyrics “there are no borders” in all the co-official languages of Spain. The song amassed over a million views in just one week.
Group members Aida, Olaia and Sabela often refer to the pandereteiras, those women who have kept oral tradition alive, helped by their tambourines.
In their minds, they are “poets who didn’t know how to read or write.” They’ve even dedicated their song to these women, and honour them through action. “You’ll sing and I’ll sing, the way our mothers did.”
Benidorm Fest 2022 winner: Smarkets odds by price
Rigoberta Bandini 2.06
Tanxugueiras 2.86
Unique 11
Xeinn 13
Rayden 14
Blanca Paloma 16.5
Chanel 20
Varry Brava 22
Sara Deop 23
Azucar Moreno 26
Luna Ki 26
Marta Sango 29
Gonzalo Hermida 30
Javiera Mena 30
What do you think of these odds? Do you think that favourites would translate outside of Spain? Who do you want to win? And who do you think would do the best at Eurovision? Let us know down below!
I recognize Rigoberta got my attention for a while till I listened “Eco”. Xeinn is my very first option, though I think both of them will be in bottom 5…
Ay mama being the favorite one, shows that the problem with Spain was not the RTVE delegation or the selection of songs, it’s the bad taste of the Spaniards choosing their song. People are sleeping on Culpa.
Tanxugueiras…yes nice song in a folkloric way, hypnotic and dramatic, similar to the Polish entry a few years ago; didn’t even get to the final, and here will be the same. Ay Mama thing catchy chorus but rest is vulgar and common….en fin pena da .. Spain bottom 3 again.
Ay mamá is a good song to go to her lives. As a fan is good. As an eurofan l think is going to be missed completely. Isn’t strong enough. Spain wants to leave from its yearly bottom but needs more potential, a breaking out song. This is too generic to keep the attention between 25 countries on fire. My choice is TERRA. A strange, dark, lightening song, with a stunning metal bass dark production. Something unexpected.
I love Rigoberta song. I understand the beatiful lyrics she sing but even if I do not i think is a wonderful and risky song. This is not about showing tits . I love because she make me happy, to jump and fell good. I do not care if it is botton or not.I love the song
Yesterday the Vicepresident of the Spanish Governemnt, Yolanda Díaz (from Galicia) said she was supporting the Tanxugueiras… regardless of what we think or which one our favourite is, it is SO GREAT that the Vicepresident of the government herself talks about Eurovision. I never imagined something like that before.
Actually, it is ok if she supports TANXUGUEIRAS but as a public personality she should have not said anything.
I do not agree: Ione Belarra (Minister of Social Rights) already said that she was supporting Rigoberta. I do not think anything bad in them expressing their opinions.
sorry but to me, Terra becomes boring after listening to it a few times
I agree with the fact that Ay Mama grows on you after a few listenings and Terra can get boring also after a few listenings, but the fact is that most of the ESC voters are just going to listen the Spanish song once. Therefore, I think that Terra can do better at the competition.
I have the same feeling with Ay mamá. Boring to me.
At Eurovision, the audience would only have to listen to Terra once. Spain already is in the Grand Final!
ay mama, definitely the most outstanding and different song
I love it!
Such a bummer that out of such a nice selection of songs, people are paying attention to the weaker options. It’s either lalarilala for 3 minutes straight, the most generic song ever sand by the most generic boy band ever (reaching for another zero points here) or the song about tits, mamamama for a minute and half. Spain is probably comfortable in the bottom 6 and don’t plan on leaving it this soon 😛
Hmmm!…. I kind of like this idea. Spain should always finish in the Bottom 5. Regardless of the song they choose. How about that?
Every Eurovision needs a feminist anthem so I’m okay with this.
Let’s be honest, while the songs are not bad, some are more “bottom 5 material” than others. I love Ay Mama, but I can’t imagine it in the Top 10. I just don’t see it, and the winner alert that reporter says… really? Come on…
I like the song but it’s evident that lack appeal for the rest of Europe, which is sad 🙁
And technically, this can be saved with a good staging… but they’re not the best at it. You just need to check their live shows, appearances on TV and youtube videos, and it’s always the same simple idea, beautiful but that’s it. I just hope they find the formula to sell it, but right now this is hard to buy.
Yes. Completely agree m This song is good to pay a bill and listen to her lives. But not to compete in a powerful show. I see another bottom with Ay Mamá.
Once again the Spanish eurofans are choosing a song for all the wrong reasons… Now they have seen a video where the singer shows her titis and they, in their blissful naivety, think this will shatter all the foundations of Europe and Eurovision and will make people vote the song like there is no tomorrow while thinking “wow the Spaniards are soooo avant avant garde and brave and bold”. Besides, as regards “messages” the chorus for this song is mamamamama, most Europeans won’t even be aware he is singing “mama (mum)” for them this mamama will sound as lalalala and… Read more »
Spanish fans haven’t chosen Rigoberta. Support sadly goes for Tanxugueiras. I am on Rayden’ s team, though
As a non-spanish speaker I can say that this is just another medicore entry to us who don’t speak the language, the whole songs success comes from it’s lyrics. This won’t bring any better placing than 23 in the Grand Final this year.
I am Spanish, I understand the message and I dont think its success comes from the lyrics but from what the Spanish eurofans think Europe will think of the song: wow the song says tits.
Bottom 5.
You’re right, at the end of the day we’re talking about Spain, not Italy or Ukraine
Agree. I’m 46. 30 as an eurofan. I work in a record store. Is a nice song but a sure bottom to ESC
Unique is first now :O
oh no – that is typical summer-music from Spain what nobody wants. “Unique” sucks!
You can check on Twitter, among the Spanish fandom, we are just so shocked. We do not like it either. Somebody powerful may be betting so that they are high.
I wouldn’t rule out that someone of their team is behind…
It’s quite suspicious that a song which is not a fan favourite and doesn’t appear at any official charts or tops in Spain becomes first all of a sudden.
Fake it until you make it. But they’re not gonna make it, I’m confident. Luckyly they won’t clasify for the final.
Ufff… let’s hope so!
Besides it’s easy to manipulate betting odds, just ask Azerbaijan and Malta!
Also, if jurors can get translated lyrics, it could score well with them.
I think it should be imperative for all the jurors to get, and read, the translated lyrics of all the songs in languages they don’t understand. Heck, I’d even provide them with the lyrics of songs with languages they do understand. On occasion some words can get blended or pronounced differently in the context of music. Especially in rap songs.
That’s asking for too much. Eurovision allows the songs to be in any language. If the country does not allow foreign languages, then it is up to them to make them get the message. As an example, Non me avette fatto niente was shown in lots of languages in the screen to make sure everyone got the mesage.
For casual viewers, I agree. For *professional juries* who are paid for this job, it should be a part of the package. It’s not hard to go through 26 sets of lyrics in a course of at least a week. They shouldn’t find it that bothersome, as it’s literally their job. It’s like rating films based on visuals and acting without knowing the dialogue. The delegations should have the obligation to provide them with the lyrics, though. It’s not a juror’s job to go search for them.
Thanks, Una. I agree with your description of the process. It either is done like that, or should be done like that. 🙂
I think Rigoberta *could* do well, but it’s a slippery slope. I believe that a lot of songs in this selection, Ay Mama included, could get a 11th-15th placement, if not higher, if the stars align regarding staging, running order, and the variety of music surrounding it. Then again, I think that Voy a quedarme also *could have* done better in different terms. If the emotion of loss translated through staging, and his falsetto wasn’t as dramatic for a song this personal, this *could have* done decently. Not to mention that the superior male ballad from Switzerland being placed so… Read more »
The beauty of our conversations is usually in half-agreements, and half-disagreements, Tibor. 🙂 Sure, trends change, hence similar sounding songs fail in one period, yet succeed in another. In 2021/22 1980s-2000s throwbacks have become ”in” again, while similar songs would’ve been seen as ”dated” a few years ago. So, forever gone is perhaps a too definite assessment for a show that tends to circle around its trends. 🙂 Again, I would like to note that I see ESC success through a lot of shades, and not binary like some would like to think. Is being 15th a success? 12th? Even… Read more »
PS. The exact level of success of any song is so far a mystery, and many songs have overperformed or underperformed their projected results. Even in a phase when the whole competition as known. Ballads, pop songs, rock songs, and alternative songs. All I’m saying is that Ay Mama is a risky song. It’s perhaps not niche enough to say it’s inaccessible to a wider audience, but it’s also not trendy or immediate enough to count as a ”fan-favorite” from the very start. It’s a risky move which could go either way. Personally, I don’t particularly care about the trends.… Read more »
Jurors don’t get translated lyrics but they do listen to their commentator.
Huh, Javiera Mena at last…. What a crime!
ugh I love Ay Mama. I know people hate on it, but it’s so anthemic! Rigoberta’s live with her bra out is so interesting (I LOVE it). Hopefully she’d be able to bring it back for the ESC stage in a less brazen manner.
Bras out, wow so ground breaking..
Spain will most likely be taking a step in the right direction with any of the fest’s entries. So, I don’t mind what the bookies say, I’ll be happy if anyone wins 🙂
You’re absolutely right! That’s why I don’t have a definite top 14 or something. I like most os the songs anyway. Awesome line-up!
I don’t have a definite top 14 either, I don’t like some of them, but all of the songs are far better than Spain’s last entries and I recognize that they all have quality
Rayden is by far my favorite for Benidorm Fest and it’s disappointing not to see it among the favourites with the bookies. I’ve seen a lot of people compare it to Soldi and I think it could do very well at Eurovision based on that similarity. I imagine I’ll get a lot of hate and downvotes for saying this but I think Terra is extremely overrated. As another comment pointed out, it’s too repetitive and lacks development. I also don’t think it’s as strong as Shum, which many people have compared Terra to. I also think Ay Mama is extremely… Read more »
It’s normal that the bookies underestimate a contender, maybe after the heats they’ll rectify.
Regarding the language barrier, most Eurovision viewers don’t speak Italian or French either, that doesn’t make an entry less impactful or enjoyable.
I’m not from Europe and I hadn’t heard of Rigoberta, and from the first time I listened to all the Benidorm songs, “Ay mamá” was the real standout for me. I love the lyrics too, so meaninigful, different and creative. My second and third places are Javiera Mena and Rayden respectively.
I don’t think you have to know the lenguage to appreciate a song. My two favorite songs from last years contest were the Italian and the Ukranian, and I can’t understand what they’re saying.
Someone on a YouTube comment said Terra was as good as Maneskins Zitti e buoni and I was like lol I think not xD
I like Terra but yes it has nothing similar with SHUM, but it reminds me of Poland 2019
#TANXUGUEIRAS #TEAM TANXUGUEIRAS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’m in love with this song. But I would love to see Tanxugueiras at Eurovision, just to give representation to Galicia and the Galiciano language.
It’s called Gallego.
Thx for the correction. Gallego, that’s it.
Galego, chamase galego.
My favourite is Mejores so I’m pleased Unique are finally getting some recognition. I’d be a little disappointed if Rigoberta won as it probably wouldn’t do that well at Eurovision itself, but if Spain want to choose that then that’s totally fine. I personally think if they want a good result, even though they’re not to my personal taste Tanxugeiras or Rayden would be the best choices.
A question for the experts here – in this live performance Rigoberta Bandini and her co-singer show their breast on stage – do you think they could do that in Torino too?
That’s the question. There was Blind Channel and the middle finger saga. Or Jendrik and his middle finger, for that matter. Given those, would the EBU be fine with a blatant bra reveal? Perhaps Rigoberta might be able to get creative and do an onstage costume change that ends up with a similar result. But then are they even going to allow the word tetas when they didn’t allow coglioni?
I think Rigoberta can expose her bra on stage in Turin (it would not be that different from a skimpy bikini top which dancers have worn in the contest before) but a naked breast would probably not be allowed.
well, that makes sense what you guys wrote – maybe they have a 2nd shirt under it with an picture of boobs or they will she their bras – that would be a good compromise.
Ebu is vague with rules. In 2003 they warned russia they would get a total bann from the contest if the tatu girls would do a kiss on stage. In 2013 that was fine with finland.
No. This is the problem. This song needs “something” to shine. The song itself will be missed in low results.
I hope we get the Mahmood situation at Benidorm Fest. Meaning that Rayden ends up winning while being a song which was totally under the radar of Eurovision fans, betting odds and the bookmakers and ends up getting a top 10 result at Eurovision.
Unless we have a huge surprise, I’ll probably be happy or at least fine with the Spanish entry. My favorites are “Calle de la Llorería” and “Terra”, but “Ay Mamá” would be one of my alternates. These 3 have been consistently the most liked by the Spanish fans (there’s also “Voy a morir”, but I don’t think the amount of autotune will help its case with juries) and for now it seems Rigoberta and Tanxugueiras are getting all the spolight to themselves. What concerns me is how this battle between their fanbases may end up derailing everything positive Spain is… Read more »
I think either of the current favorites would do very well for Spain this year. Indeed, there is no real dud in their whole selection. I think Spain can look forward to a positive result this May.
Pop off! Love her, she has a lot of charisma 🙂
Hope she actually wins.
I can’t imagine anyone else but Tanxugueiras for Spain this year. I am OBSESSED with this song, been streaming it on repeat as well as their other works (Figa and Midas are also amazing). It’s also great to get a glimpse at Spain’s cultural diversity. It occurred to me that other countries have sent songs in regional languages before (France, Italy, Russia, Ukraine, etc.) but Spain never did.
This is the year!
No please Tanxugueiras for Spain !!!! I don’t like Rigoberta’s song at all, she sings really badly live and her song is just really bland and no originality in fact !! If she wins, Spain shoots another bullet in the foot and will still finish in the bottom 5 with her, with the Tanxugueiras group, the top 10 is guaranteed !! GO tanxugueiras !!!! NO RIGOBERTA !!
couldn’t agree less
I think Rigoberta could get a decent result at Eurovision if they make the feminist themes of the song obvious with the staging.
yes, in the live performance (which was uploaded today on youtube) the girls show their boobs.
that’s hardly a feminist theme. it will be seen as a joke.
Malta tried a female empowering song and it failed.
care to explain how a semi final winner and 7th place finish from a country with less than 500k people “failed” ? because it didn’t. destiny delivered, y’all can not get over hating on that poor girl. how about you go accomplish more than destiny has, let’s see it!!
she literally came top 10 in the final, how is that a fail lmao
Lol the eurofans making their predictable predictions it’s so funny to see… last year if we had listened these eurofans, Maneskin couldn’t win, Barbara would have flopped, Go_A song was too messy it wouldn’t do well, Dadi song was not enough good compared to “Think about things” and everybody saw the results, all these acts were top 5 so the eurofans prejudices about everything you know….. If Rigoberta is chosen, she could do well, and even very very well whatever people here think.
Clapping my hands right now.
What are you talking about? Maneskin and Voilà were on top of betting odds the whole time last year (with Switzerland) and Go_a was a fan favorite since the beginning. The “trends” you’re describing did not happen.
no one said that Barbara would flop or Maneskin wouldn’t win, not true at all
She cannot sing live.
Spanish Eurofans do this all the time – they hype up songs with stories or messages behind them (think Tu Canción) and then complain when they place poorly.
I speak Spanish so I can appreciate Ay Mama, but most of Europe don’t. That’s why the melody of a song is very important, and musically speaking Ay Mama is extremely bland.
Tu cancion hasnt got any message. Ay Mama is a great song beside the boob. U can also explain the message of the song with the staging, clothes, lighting. So, im sorry but Ay Mama is the best song and it would be a surprise like The Common Linnets in 2014, nobody was rooting for then because it was country and them…BOOM
Here in Spain, the talk is always between Tanxugueiras & Rigoberta, and to be honest, I am not mad about any of those two songs — In fact, I think both songs are still trending in here on YouTube and that is huge regarding Eurovision, something to be really happy about. While I see many fans hyping “Terra” because it is something new for Spain (it’s really cultural and special, particularly for us who live in the North, and far from the flamenco vibes we have always been known for), and the many possibilities it could offer stage-wise, I see… Read more »
What’s your favourite then?
Mine is “Calle de la Llorería”, to be honest 🙂
Mine too! At least so far, before live performances (althogh I have seen Rayden live and I have big expectations for him as well).
You have every right to be proud of this selection, as none of the 14 songs are bad. That said, I don’t see all of them being an instant top ten (or even top 15) magnets. For that, you need *international hype*. I believe that Terra or CdlL would do that instantly. Ay Mama, as well as several other songs, *could* reach a solid position in the finals under many conditions regarding staging, running order, competition, ect. I don’t see that Terra would have to struggle regardless. But perhaps I’m wrong. Good luck in any case. Spain deserves to finally… Read more »
I know international hype is important, it always is, but right now BenidormFest is just starting, therefore, TVE is trying to create something that entices both Eurovision fans, and a mainstream Spanish audience (they have repeatedly said that this was a Spanish music festival rather than a national selection) so… it is not weird to see songs that could do very well in national charts, and maybe not that well in Eurovision, being hyped on Twitter, or being played on radio stations. Therefore yes, I know the hype is important, but this is the beginning of a new era for… Read more »
That’s a really good attitude. If Spain remains consistent with Benidorm fest as their selection method, you just might be onto something. This year’s result might be a progress, if you nail the staging. At least to a degree to enter top 20, a la Molly Smitten-Downes for the UK in 2014. That would still be a step-up, result-wise. I really hope you will make it. 🙂
I don’t see Rigoberta doing so great in Torino, and even as someone who speaks Spanish I feel like the lyrics clash with the rhythm and other aspects of the song. I would definitely go for Tanxugueiras, then Blanca, and even Azucar Moreno (which I don’t see anyone talking about!). I’d be happy with Xeinn, Gonzalo, and Rayden as well.
Rigobeta would just be another Destiny 2021, in which she is the bookies favourite after being revealed as Spains entrant but, when it comes time for the final it will fail in the televote and subsequently won’t do nearly as well as people will hope for. Appreciate the message behind the song but, heard before by artists in the contest, during the contest, outside the contest and much, much better to boot. Tanxugueiras and Terra, is a whole new chapter for Spain, the Galician language has never been featured in the contest before, it showcases a part of the country… Read more »
Rigoberta is like The Common Linnets in 2014 or GoA nobody were rooting for them, and then in the rehearsals BOOM they became a bid favorites!
No way is Rigoberta anyway shape or form as good as The Common Linnets, it isn’t comparing like with like, Rigoberta has only been out for a few years whereas Waylon and Ilse De Lange were both doing their thing for years before Esc 2014, quality and experience was the reason why they did so well not hype and trends.
Before you even say it Conchita was in that same category, but like with Salvador a fee years later, the personal backstory of the performer and the quality, strength and power of the song was the reason why they won.
I honestly think that if Blanca wins and maybe the last chorus gets more added to it she could pull a Barbara and come really high
I think it is very important for the Spanish soul that they love their own song and identify with it. It is bad when a song is chosen that will be well received in Europe, but is rejected by its own people. If it is to be Rigoberta Bandini, then Europe has to accept it (even if we would rather have the Tanxugueiras group).
That is my thought as a German.
I don’t really want Rigoberta to win and would rather Tanxugeiras or Rayden but I really do feel like I’m witnessing another Dotterdam on here with Terra.
Spain has a true gem in Terra with real possibilities of getting at least an awesome top 5 placement but it seems like they’re gonna waste it. well I sure hope they enjoy their nul televote points once again then.
In my opinion there are 2 songs that can break into top 10 at ESC. Those are: Slo mo –This is very current and catchy and is something that Euro fans love especially sang in Spanish language which is one of the most adored languages in Europe. It’s not something we haven’t heard before and it won’t be a winner but it will do really well at ESC regardless. Terra– This a winner material for ESC if revamped. It starts really well but it becomes a bit repetitive at the end. This is not Tulia or Go-A. This sounds ancient,… Read more »
Let me just tell you something: Spanish people do not recognise themselves in SloMo, because it’s rather a Latinamerican rythm. That’s why you do not see much support to this song. Plus, it’s been very heard already.
I have already mentioned that is not something we haven’t heard before but Euro fans love this type of songs and indeed it sounds more Latin that Spanish.
One of you guys of Unique is from Latinamerica too, I can recognize the pronunciation…
Yes, so is Javiera Mena, but I am not talking about nationalities, but about rythms and types of music. SloMo does not represent Spain. Nowadays, it acutally represents Cyprus better, at least at Eurovision.
haha so true. Cyprus this year however will be sending something more locally produced than previous years. Possibly in Greek
Yeah, but isn’t the secret of success in delivering variety? Some countries mostly produce international-sounding entries, and their national melodies and languages haven’t been heard for ages. Some countries send songs with undeniable local flair every time. Spain is in the second category, and recent results suggest that some aspects might be injected with new ideas, no?
I really like your view and totally agree.
I live in Spain and many people here just want to vote for what they really like for once without trying to overthink or guess if Europe will like it or not.
Spain tried before and people regret later.
We just never know until live performances and having all entries.
Are you saying that before Spanish people were voting for songs Europe would have liked? haha. That’s so funny. Boring ballads year after year or cliché old fashion songs. Definitely they haven’t made their research. Euro fans do not like those songs at all and the proof is on the results. Same goes for the UK by the way.
This song is great for Spain and spaniards, but i don’t think people abroad will join to the boat… The lyrics are very special, and people out of Spain only understand “mother, mother, mother…, 1000 times”. I think if Ay mama! wins they are going to have a bad result again, but at least this time with a song that they like ane have success in their country – something we couldn’t say last year… Good luck Spain
acaso tu entendías el mensaje de Soldi o the Shum, o la letra de Zitti e Buoini, Voilá. Que pesados sois. La canción de Rigoberta es buenisima y no sólo por la letra.
Nice joke. What’s nice about it seriously talking. Terra is your best song by a mile in your selection. As a Greek don’t make the mistake to go for generic monotonous in chorous songs that people who don’t understand Spanish will hate. The songs you mentioned at least had good melodies and represented something unique not annoying. That something unique is Terra for you. It’s like us sending traditional Cretan sound.. These things are appreciated everywhere. I should know. As a Greek Army BTS’s songs that are some of the best is when they fuse their culture into their sounds.
I totally agree
Rigoberta would be a great choice just as much as Tanxugueiras, guys. How can you predict it will be in the bottom 5 if we only know 3 songs so far? She knows how to perform and no one would send a song similar to that. Before rehearsals, Ukraine wasn’t even predicted to qualify by some and it did so well. Barbara was thought to fail in the televote and she finished 3rd there. What I want to say is that the songs which are original, authentic, different from the rest are the ones that do well at Eurovision. Sending… Read more »
Lorenzo I can imagine from your name you speak Spanish and lyrics might mean something to you but this is absolutely nothing special for the Europeans they don’t speak the language. It is not impactful and very average song. You cannot compare the songs you have mentioned. Those were very impactful even if sang in the native language.
No, I’m Italian, even though I speak Spanish. If it’s impactul or not, let the live performance decide that. Cause one can be the favorite to win, but if the live performance is not strong enough it certainly won’t be “impactful” enough. It’s not just about the song, but also about how you sell it to the viewers
Sure. As explained by other people, I do understand how meaningful and anthemic it might be for Spaniards but this is the very reason it should not compete at ESC. You can only do well at ESC if you understand what the rest of Europe likes. My opinion still stands. Bottom 5 at ESC if selected.
Sure, Europe has to like the song, but as I said earlier the performance counts as well. At Festivali I Kenges in December, I started to like more songs than before thanks to the live performances. I really liked El Diablo before Eurovision, but then I realized there were much better and much more original songs with the live performances. ESC is a live show, and you have to deliver live as well, otherwise the song will remain just a good song. Never give anything for granted, especially when it’s so soon to start making predictions
Thank you very much! This exactly. There are countless examples of songs which on the studio version nobody cares about but are incredibly upped by the staging, and the other way around as well. So nothing is decided yet
I’ve learned so much from ESC 2021. I could make countless examples of songs that were undereatimated at first and then they receive countless love at ESC. I’m seeing potential in both Tanxugueiras and Rigoberta. I just want to people not to argue or offend someone in case their winner is not selected, that’s all! Thanks for understanding what I wanted to say!!
I don’t support anyone. This is for the Spanish to decide but I do have an opinion as a potential ESC voter. I do want to vote for Spain if they make the right choice. They haven’t won since 1969. It’s about time to win.
Of course! I’ll be more than happy if any of those goes to Eurovision, but people love to polarize it so much unfortunately, just like Keiino and TIX last year
The worst thing is when fans start attacking eventual winners because their favorite didn’t win, like it happened with Arilena Ara or TIX for example. If people could be more respectful, it’d be better for everyone
I’m sad Sara Deop is so low. She’s my favourite at Benidorm and I added her song to my regular playlist. The rest are just meh. And I must point it out that I loved “In Spain we call it soledad” but “Ay Mama” is just mediocre, just like “Terra” is thousands of miles away from the gem “Figa”. I think Spain will struggle to leave bottom 5 positions this year again if the odds are anything to be the real indications. And I had hopes it will change!
Honestly, before the Benidorm fest my favourite is Rayden, although this may change and I will decide my vote after watching the live performances (I am a Spaniard, by the way). BUT I think that both Terra and Ay Mama are very good options as well (among others). I would be very proud of any of them representing us in Turin. I am fed up with foreign eurofans saying they don’t like a song, so what? It’s up to us to decide what we want to take to Eurovision. I think we should do as our dear Portuguese neighbours have… Read more »
I think Gonzalo Hermida – Quién Lo Diría and XEINN – ECO are the best opions for Spain against all odds here!
quien lo diria is voy a quedarme 2.0 and we all saw how that one did
Because this song of Gonzalo is an ballad, doesnt mean it is the same as last year! Its all about how the staging is. See Barbara with Voila.
I love Qld as a song, and it would likely be very high on my personal list. However, a realist with me agrees with Polegend. It would be a risky choice to go with a breezy ballad once again in a row. Hope I’d be wrong.
Voila and Tout l’univers had amazing results, but they are quite different in style.
Actually, last night I had a dream in which Rigoberta wins the Benidorm fest!
Hopefully, it won’t come true
Jajajaja one time I had a dream where I won Eurovision lol
Spain needs a song which is unique. Check! But Spain also needs a song which is approachable to a wider audience. This is not it. Ay Mama is not a bad song. It has its moments. It has its lyrical strenght. However, in a selection with so many better options, this definitely wouldn’t be my choice. I also suspect it wouldn’t do well at Eurovision result-wise, which is something Spain should aim at this point. I might be wrong, though. Weirder things have happened. Good luck, anyway, Spain!
rigoberta probably won’t do well at all at esc. i understand its message and everything but spaniards need to realize an entry needs a full package beyond great lyrical content that this one does not provide.
hear! hear!
Samanta Tina also had the women empowerment in her song. She ended up getting last in semifinal 2.
My winner is Xeinn, but I wouldn’t be mad if Rigoberta Bandini wins Benidorm 2022. As a fanboy, I love how Rigoberta talks about an important message about the woman’s body in her song.