For weeks world leaders have attempted to use diplomacy to deter Russia from invading Ukraine. But early on Thursday, Russia’s President Vladimir Putin announced that he had decided “to carry out a special military operation” in Ukraine. As he spoke on television, explosions were reported across Ukraine — from Kyiv to Kharkiv to Karmatorsk.

U.S. President Joe Biden responded by saying Mr. Putin has “chosen premeditated war that will bring a catastrophic loss of life.” And Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky has Tweeted that Russia “has embarked on a path of evil,” adding that Ukraine “won’t give up its freedom no matter what Moscow thinks.”

Ukraine asks EBU to ban Russia from Eurovision 

UA:PBC — Ukraine’s state broadcaster — has now called on the EBU to suspend Russia’s membership and to exclude it from the Eurovision Song Contest 2022.

In a strongly worded statement, Mykola Chernotytsky, the chairman of the board of UA:PBC, said that Russia — “as an aggressor and violator of international law” — should not participate in Eurovision and that its presence “undermines the very idea of the competition” to encourage dialogue and unity.

She also points out that Russia’s EBU-affiliated broadcasters are used as mouthpieces for the state and that they “contradict the very idea of ​​public broadcasting and provide informational support to the Kremlin’s illegal activities that threaten peace in Europe and the world.”

We are reprinting a translation of her statement below. You can read it on the UA:PBC / Suspilne web site in Ukrainian here.

UA:PBC’s letter to the EBU

President of the EBU, Delphine Ernotte Cunci

Dear Mrs. Cunci,

UA:PBC, as a Public Broadcaster of Ukraine, shows you its respect and asks for support and protection of common values ​​of members of the broadcasting union.

As you know, on February 21, 2022, the Russian Federation decided to recognize the “independence” of its quasi-entities in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine – the so-called “Luhansk People’s Republic” and “Donetsk People’s Republic”. By such actions, the Russian side disregarded international law, the UN Charter, and violated the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the state of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders.

Such actions are the result of Russia’s long-term aggressive policy, which is implemented in part through propaganda through biased Russian media, including EBU broadcasters First Channel and the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company.

Since the beginning of Russia’s aggression against Ukraine, EBU broadcasters from the Russian Federation, including Channel One and the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, have been the Kremlin’s mouthpiece and key instrument of Russian-funded political propaganda. Instead of following the values ​​of the EBU, these broadcasters constantly and systematically spread misinformation, violate journalistic standards, spread hostility, and are a leading element of the Russian government’s information war against Ukraine and the rest of the civilized world.

According to Article 3.5, paragraph 3.5.5, of the EBU Statute, EBU members must demonstrate their ability to fulfill their membership obligations, in particular to promote the EBU’s objectives set out in Article 1.2 of the EBU Statute, namely:

  • promotion and development of the concept of social media and their values, including universality, independence, excellence, diversity, responsibility and innovation in accordance with the EBU Declaration on the key values ​​of public service broadcasting
  • ensuring freedom of speech and information
  • free formation of points of view
  • development of intercultural dialogue
  • strengthening social unity

In connection with the systematic conduct of Russian broadcasters-members of the EBU disinformation policy of the Russian Federation contrary to the above principles of the EBU, UA:PBC asks you to begin the procedure of termination of membership of Russian broadcasters “Channel One” and 5.2 of the EBU Statute, namely the inconsistency of paragraph 3.5.5 of Article 3.5 of the EBU Statute.

In 2021, the EBU suspended Belteleradiocompany’s membership for violating the broadcaster’s core values. As Russian broadcasters First Channel and the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company are similarly instruments of power, systematically violating the journalistic standards and values ​​of the EBU, UA:PBC expects similar consideration and further positive decision on termination of their membership in the European Community of Public Broadcasters.

We recognize that the process of suspending or suspending EBU membership requires careful consideration by the EBU Executive Board and referral to the EBU General Assembly. In the meantime, we call on the EBU to respond now to the unacceptable situation caused by Russia with the support of its essentially state broadcasters that are members of the EBU.

We call on the EBU to initiate the earliest possible consideration by member broadcasters of excluding Russia from the 2022 Eurovision Song Contest due to a gross violation by the relevant broadcaster participating in paragraph (ii) of Section 2.7 of Part 1 of the ESC-2022 Rules on EBU Values. The corresponding #EurovisionWithoutRussia campaign was launched by supporters of this international competition and is already spreading on the Internet.

In addition, we would like to emphasize that the Eurovision Song Contest was created after the Second World War to unite Europe. In view of this, Russia’s participation as an aggressor and violator of international law in this year’s Eurovision undermines the very idea of ​​the competition. Please note that Russia’s participation in this year’s competition is provided by the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, which is an instrument of the Kremlin’s power in the information war against Ukraine and constantly violates journalistic standards underlying public broadcasting. Russia’s exclusion from this large-scale song event will be a powerful response by the international community of public broadcasters to the unacceptable aggressive and illegal actions of the Russian Federation and support for the country’s state broadcasters’ hostile policy of aggression.

Currently, the activities of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, as well as the Russian broadcaster Channel One, contradict the very idea of ​​public broadcasting and provide informational support to the Kremlin’s illegal activities that threaten peace in Europe and the world.

The common values ​​and principles of public broadcasters of EBU members are not just slogans, so we expect the unanimity and support of all fellow broadcasters in this matter.


Chairman of the Board



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Izzy Lamb
3 years ago

Thank you for using the proper spelling of Kyiv in this article – it may seem small to some people, but it’s really important that these nuances continue <3

3 years ago

Avrotros have even asked to ban all Russian broadcasters from EBU!

3 years ago

I do not understand why banning Russia is so important right now? I’m totally against this crazy war of course, and i hope everyone in Ukraine will be fine, but it’s not like Putin is gonna give a F about this ban. As far as i remember, Russia isn’t bringing politics into Eurovision. I might be wrong tho, but i see past contestants like Sergej or Manizha supporting Ukraine, while Ukraine is the one often trying to bring politics into Eurovision.

3 years ago

Remember Russia’s entry 2017 when Eurovision was held in the Ukraine? They send a disabled singer that went to the Crimea, knowing very well that she would be disqualified. That was an attempt to make Ukraine look bad and a huge provocation.

Sending songs about peace and love was also a huge provocation.

3 years ago
Reply to  Brötchen

So they should have been singing about war and murders? I’m pretty sur Putin nor anyone from the Kremlin wrote those lyrics. Now if the writters or singers are there supporting Putin you’ve got a point.
Also where was the provocation in 2005 after Ruslana won? Like singing 1944 wasn’t a provocation by itself.

Last edited 3 years ago by HaveMySkeletons
3 years ago

The Ukraine act are going to get the biggest cheer of the night, even before their song starts.

3 years ago
Reply to  Ted

Russian tanks are in Kiyiv now, there will be no Ukrainian act. There will be no Ukraine by tomorrow. Your useless cheers are not helping anyone. The world has abandoned this country completely. You can keep your cheers to yourself.

3 years ago
Reply to  Ana

That’s pretty awful for you to say. I hope everyone in Ukraine stays safe ??

3 years ago
Reply to  Diego


3 years ago
Reply to  Ana

Supporting Ukraine would mean a WWIII, a nuclear and biological war, a noone wants that. The world has abandonned a LOT of countries in the last 40 years, Ukraine isn’t the first one. So yeah, cheering is the only thing people can do right now.

3 years ago
Reply to  Ted

I also dont see how Ukraine can go to Eurovision at this point

3 years ago

The Ukrainian broadcaster made indisputable point in its letter.
The Russian broadcoster is Putin’s mouthpiece and should be banned.
Of course this won’t do anything regarding the invasion but at least EBU would stand up and defend the values of the competition.
Also it would be humiliating for any Russian contestant to be in Turin. Imagine only all the boos during the performance…

3 years ago

Excuse me, but the big leaders have left Ukraine to their own devices, they have left them alone. Should Ukraine take part in Turin 2022, I expect European countries not to have the hypocrisy to give them 12 points just for pity, to say the least. Ukraine is on their own now.

3 years ago

No withdrawal. No. Just hard booing.

3 years ago

If they not ban Russia – there is no eurovision anymore – every single person must understand if you buy or listen or get entertainment from Russia – your hands is in blood of inosenct people same as you – God bless everyone in Ukraine
If EBU will not be in European people side
End this for once and for all –
Eurovision is for people not for few people who earn money of it!
And if EBU think they are gods
Bless them people will never forget it!!!

3 years ago

Russia pays too high fees. EBU will never ban Russia. It’s not poor Belarus.
Funny how they disqualified Georgia for “We don’t wanna put in”

3 years ago
Reply to  Steven

It’s also funny how noone gave a F about the war between Azerbaidjan and Armenia last year. Efendi sharing racist and hateful content on her social platforms, but who cares, Efendi Tix so cute <3
Guess that people are chosing their fights, just like the EBU.

Last edited 3 years ago by HaveMySkeletons
3 years ago

On a (somewhat) related note, can we all finally stop saying that “Eurovision is not political”. Absolutely everything we do in life is political. Participating in society is political.
And eurovision has ALWAYS been very political – from songs, to controversies, to withdrawals, uses of flags & other political symbols and critical audience reactions to certain representatives.

3 years ago

If Eurovision wishes to be held this year, there is absolutely no doubt that Russia should not participate. I cannot see it happening if they are allowed to come & actually dare show up.
Nothing against Russian artists – many of whom have bravely spoken against the war – but participation means representing one’s country, for better or for worse. They need to stay out of it and the EBU should let them know they are not welcome.

3 years ago
Reply to  Mqe

As you said, they’re representing a country, not a government.

3 years ago

Stop that russian crazy bi+ch Putin

3 years ago

As Verka Serkudchka once sung on Eurovision stage “I want to see RUSSIA GOODBYE”. Kick them out for good. End of story.

3 years ago
Reply to  ThorBeta

We don’t wanna put in – Georgia 2009

Angela Merkal
Angela Merkal
3 years ago

I completely agree with all the comments about excluding Russia. But i’ve never seen vitriol directed against Israel when it commences on a campaign of ethnic cleansing, illegal occupationism and undiscriminated arapthied policies.

Angela Merkal
Angela Merkal
3 years ago

Fully supportive of banning Kremlin mouthpieces. Maybe the actual people don’t agree with everything, but no to further legitamisation of this imperialist power

3 years ago

if alina pash went to eurovision this year ukraine would score a win without a doubt

3 years ago

That must be done /ban for all artists to not allowed participate everywhere!
Russia name must not be represented
In any democratic country! The genocide against peaceful nation is not acceptable any way!

Esc fan
Esc fan
3 years ago

I think that Russia should be suspended from the contest.

3 years ago

Both Russia and Ukraine shouldn’t participate, it’s too dangerous, I don’t even want that this edition happens bc of this huge war and even the songs don’t appeal me so much

ESC Stan
ESC Stan
3 years ago
Reply to  Cams

Then don’t watch.

3 years ago

Right now, I’m not sure I’d enjoy any contest. Let alone one with Russia.

3 years ago

Omg, you see this only now? I live in Russia, I was on all protests last year, when Alexis Navalni got in prison because he survived poison and returned to Russia. He is still getting new cases why his time in prison should be even longer.. So today horrible stuff happened, Old Woman who survived Leningrad Blockade went with “No WAR” Sign to protest and they arrested her for that, Leningrade Blockade is when nazis didn’t allow anyone out of Saint-Petersburg, people were starving, my great grandmother so corpse of her friend who was killed and eaten by neighbours, they… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  Alexioz

why do u write “nazis”? these were germans, not nazis…

3 years ago
Reply to  bibsskj

What? They were nazis at the first place

3 years ago
Reply to  Alexioz

I’m heartbroken for Ukraine and I am heartbroken for the Russian people that have to live in a country whith Putin as their leader.

Love, love, peace, peace… in not just a fun song. That is all I want for Europe and Eurovision.

Last edited 3 years ago by Malin
3 years ago
Reply to  Alexioz

Don’t let it be the end, Alexioz. Think of the woman you mentioned who survived Leningrad – she’s still here eight decades later. You can be like her. Keep taking your medication.

3 years ago

What will happen in Turin if the EBU doesn’t ban Russia from the ESC & Co? Every russian artist would be booed on stage ….and would you like to be that russian artist – always thinking “here I stand and sing during my country kills people in Ukraine”? No, I wouldn’t want to be that artist.
Music should bring people together but not during war. After war maybe.

3 years ago

I hope someone has the balls to show up for Russia just so I can hear the bombardment of boos. Unless they make a public statement on international television condemning Russia.

ESC Stan
ESC Stan
3 years ago
Reply to  JSU12

I cannot imagine many artists wanting to represent Russia at this moment.

3 years ago
Reply to  ESC Stan

Julia Samoylova

3 years ago

This would be the equivalent of allowing Germany to compete after invading Poland in 1939. Hell. No.

The EBU needs to reconsider, every Eurovision-fan should contact their broadcaster/delegation and demand that they tell the EBU to take action or threaten not to compete.

ESC Stan
ESC Stan
3 years ago

I knew this would happen and I’m not mad. This is not about the Russian people, who I’m sure don’t want this war. This is about Russia being in direct contravention of EBU ethics. This is about the world sending a message, no matter how small, that this is not okay.

The Voice of Reason
The Voice of Reason
3 years ago

I have seen some of the things the Russian Broadcaster who is responsible for Russia’s entries at ESC have said and let me tell you that they are VASTLY different from the voice that is coming from Moscow and the Kremlin. They represent the Russian people’s opinions far more than Putin does.I have done a lot of research into this. From my perspective, if the Ukraine wants ‘Dialogue and Unity’, Russia should be allowed to participate in the contest and the two delegations should try to talk to one another instead of cancelling each other and not speaking at all.… Read more »

3 years ago

I’d like to see your opinion if Russia invaded your country and dropped bombs in your house…and you’re suggesting that after what Ukrainian civilians have to go through, the EBU should ban both Ukraine and Russia? Like wtf…

3 years ago

Why would UKRAINE have to be banned?


3 years ago

The way things are going there won’t be a Ukraine to ban. Aggressors must face the consequences of their actions. Even if they don’t care.

3 years ago
Reply to  Roo

Putin is the aggressor, not some random singers nor a population not supporting this war at all.

3 years ago

Queen Jamala was right all along…

3 years ago

“When you fire that first shot, no matter how right you feel, you have no idea who’s going to die. You don’t know who’s children are going to scream and burn. How many hearts will be broken! How many lives shattered! How much blood will spill until everybody does what they’re always going to have to do from the very beginning — sit down and talk! Listen to me, listen. I just — I just want you to think. Do you know what thinking is? It’s just a fancy word for changing your mind.”

Twelfth Doctor, Doctor Who.

3 years ago — petition to BAN RUSSIA FROM THE CONTEST FOR 2022

ESC 2021
3 years ago

EBU says that ESC not is politik. But e erybody knows that Ukrain gonna winn. People gonna wote for the contry, and not the song. Then its politik.

3 years ago
Reply to  ESC 2021

I’m OK with that. They need to win!

3 years ago
Reply to  ESC 2021

I don’t know because last year Israel attacked Palestine and they still qualified so let’s hope people really vote for the song they like

3 years ago
Reply to  ESC 2021

Ukraine isn’t going to win. Because that would mean next year ESC would take place in a country at war during a pandemic that still isn’t totally canceled. Also, and this isn’t something you can overlook just like that, Kalush’s song isn’t winner material. Probably they’ll get a better result than what they would deserve, but they won’t win.

3 years ago

This is just horrible! It has become a problem not only for Europe, but the whole world. The stock markets are crashing, and the prices of petrol & diesel and even gold are increasing. Here, in my state, literally all the news channels have been announcing this for hours. Im so sorry for the Ukrainians as well as foreigners stuck there. My friend’s nephew is also stuck there, by the way. EBU must take action right now. There is no way they can allow Russia to participate after what they’ve done. I hope Putin doesn’t order attacks on any other… Read more »

ete sech
ete sech
3 years ago
Reply to  Addie

idk why but I feel Russia will go after Finland when they’re done with Ukraine :/

3 years ago
Reply to  ete sech

Why would they go after Finland?

3 years ago
Reply to  Tomi

Finland was once a territory of the Russian empire until its independence in 1917.

3 years ago
Reply to  BadWoolfGirl

Yes, I know that. But Finland has been independent for more than 100 years now. Putin can’t ignore that. Or can he? Because if he invades Finland, what’s stopping him from invading other neighbours. Like Norway or Sweden or Poland?

Angela Merkal
Angela Merkal
3 years ago
Reply to  Tomi

he’s proven he can ignore whatever he wants
3 years ago

Eurovision is about “love,love, peace, peace”. So this time there is no place for Russia!
They show us that they don’t care about every Eurovision messages that this contest brings with it like: “We Are One”, “Building Bridges”
War isn’t “The Sound of Beauty”!

3 years ago

After seeing Zinchenko’s Instagram story, definitely understand now why Ukraine wants Russia out. I don’t wish war to literally NOBODY. NOBODY.

3 years ago

Eurovision stands for unifying European countries and bringing them close together by celebrating all countries’ diversity.
Russia spits on all the European diversity, spits especially on Ukrainian diversity and sovereignity with gun violence.

A country that wants to split our friendships and brotherhood and exterminate a country that is an equally important part of this very friendship , has no business at all here!

Russia does not stand for one thing Europe and Eurovision stands for.


3 years ago

Russia sucks

3 years ago

I can see Russia being dismissed from the EBU, like Belarus and the benefits it comes with this will be sanctioned. Booting Russia from EBU isn’t the best solution but probably a much needed one of it comes to it. The EBU is after all a union and a regulatory body which Russia is a member of and it is no means supposed to be a political entity. To be honest if they were kicked out , TV and media in Russia would just become an even more polarised propaganda machine , more so than what it already is. They… Read more »

3 years ago

Horrible news in Ukraine. I’m a little conflicted about banning Russia, as a contest is meant to bring people and nations together, in a celebration. Or course Russia is a huge country and its participants are diverse people. But on the other hand, Eurovision is also about all these national broadcasters coming together, and I believe them (in this letter) that Russia’s broadcaster is practically an arm of the government, and spreads fear and propoganda. And whilst of course Russia’s contestants (like Poli and the twins) don’t deserve booing, it seems like many of their entries from the last ten… Read more »

3 years ago

Crazy! Finally Putin shows his real self. Poor russian people. You had the opportunity for a democracy but you failed.

Last edited 3 years ago by Vincenzo
3 years ago
Reply to  Vincenzo

They failed? Good luck protesting the government in Russia. It’s always easy to judge from abroad.

The Voice of Reason
The Voice of Reason
3 years ago
Reply to  Vincenzo

Try saying that when Putin rigs all the elections! And even then he didn’t exactly advertise this in his manifesto did he? Don’t blame the Russian people. They are great.

3 years ago

Hey, they elected Yeltsin, a drunkman, first. Then Putin was selected among other candidates. And he was from KGB. Do you feel appropriate to select a candidate as president coming from KGB? If you are used to democracy you know how to select candidates. That’s what i think.

3 years ago

It would be wonderful if RAI and EBU could invite Jamala to sing 1944 in Turin for an interval act of the final. But I am sure RAI doesn’t want to be harsh with Russia. That’s sad.

Last edited 3 years ago by Vincenzo
The Voice of Reason
The Voice of Reason
3 years ago
Reply to  Vincenzo

I don’t see what that would do. It would only add fire to the fuel.

3 years ago
Reply to  Vincenzo

It is things like that which has caused what happened today. Ukraine has a U.S.-installed puppet government since 2014 and has been provoking Russia. They have also been shelling the people of Eastern Ukraine for 8 years – killing and maiming mostly women and children, destroying homes, apartments, infrastructure. Recently U.S. sent Ukraine chemical weapons of mass murder and trained them to use it. U.S. Department of Defense and Ukraine also have set up biotech/virus labs on Russia’s border. U.S. was doing gain-of-function virus engineering in Wuhan before the ‘covid’/lockdowns. The final straw was Ukraine’s president coming back from Munich… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  jojo

The US Installed is not good. The Russia installed one was good? Come on. We see Russia likes to install leaders in various countries, like Ruzlan Kadyrov in Cecenya. The one who killes gays and makes them disapper. Come on, jojo, either you are blind, or you are fool, or you are Russian. We are not stupid in EU, you know? We have a decent amount of intelligence and are used to democracy from so many years that we know how to detect a dictator. And Putin really gives all the vibes to be one. And very dangerous as it… Read more »

Oy oy
Oy oy
3 years ago

Ban Russia! No doubt about it. Lots of love to my uknown Ukrainian friends.

3 years ago

I make a proposal. If EBU will not expell ASAPnRussia from EBU and ESC, all the lucky ones who will participate live to the semifina and (hope not) final in ESC 2022 in Turin, will bring the Ukrainian flag instead of their own and wave the flag during all the russian exhibition and boo the singer along all the performance! Easy! All the world will know how we support Ukraine and how we despise Russia.

Last edited 3 years ago by Vincenzo
3 years ago
Reply to  Vincenzo

That would be amazing!

3 years ago
Reply to  JSU12

I will search an Ukrainian flag immediately.

The Voice of Reason
The Voice of Reason
3 years ago
Reply to  Vincenzo

We already had the Orange Revolution politicising Eurovision in 2005 with the Kyiv acts all using orange symbols. This will never stop…

3 years ago

I don’t care if it stops here or not. Orange is a color like all the others. Or do we have to ban orange for the light spectrum as ordered by Putin? God. I am really impressed to see how people is weak and fearful to stand up to defend our rights and the rights of Ukrainians to live in peace. There is one country attacking another (and they are sisters and brothes, same ethnicity and religion) and I sincerely don’t care is Mr. Putin will be shocked by the Ukrainian flags. I live in Italy, a democracy. And I… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Vincenzo
3 years ago petition to BAN RUSSIA FROM THE CONTEST FOR 2022

3 years ago

If Russia decides to participate and the EBU doesn’t stop it, the artist will receive the biggest Booing ever.

The Voice of Reason
The Voice of Reason
3 years ago
Reply to  Gurl

And EBU will use the biggest anti-booing system ever…

3 years ago
Reply to  Gurl

I don’t think they will do only boooing
Every people in audiance will do everything to stop this performance- you can imagine about 20000 people attack barbarian performance –
If EBU want this it will be blood everywhere

3 years ago

Ban the aggressor!

3 years ago

Currently packing things with my family in order to evacuate ourselves. Yes, ban Russia. If that matters right now.

3 years ago

Your family and others like you are what matters now. I’m sorry this is happening to you.

3 years ago
Reply to  Jonas

Thanks for support! We already packed the minimum, but there’s still no signal to go. In my city there’s one evacuated district, but they had an explosion there and were shoot at 6 times.

3 years ago

I’m so sorry that you and your family have to deal with this horror, I hope you quickly get yourselves to safety. Russia should not be allowed to get away with this like they did in 2014, their aggression needs to end.

3 years ago

I feel really sorry reading this. Stay strong and be safe. Big hugs from Spain <3

Last edited 3 years ago by Grace
3 years ago petition to BAN RUSSIA FROM THE CONTEST FOR 2022

3 years ago

Support Ukraine by signing the petition to ban Russia from ESC 2022

3 years ago

everyone should listen to 1944 today. it means more now then ever. Russia should be banned idec if it’s political the innocent people of ukraine are suffering. bet they wish they sent alina now her song would have been the most powerful moment on the eurovision stage im a long time espically during these horrible times

Last edited 3 years ago by lol
The Voice of Reason
The Voice of Reason
3 years ago
Reply to  lol

I’m listening to Razom Nas Bahato from 2005!

3 years ago

Well… of course Russian broadcasters shouldn’t be let in this year. But beside that, this will be a really weird Eurovision. I am afraid Eastern European countries could potentially be targeted by Putin too. This is the kind of moments where you realize how much this friendship and solidarity between Nations is important – be it expressed through a high camp glittery crazy song contest. I’m lucky to be in France, although people are seemingly scared here, the conflict still doesn’t seem to be at our doorstep (maybe we’re wrong). We still don’t know how our government will react in… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by eurovisionfrance
3 years ago

Yes, who’s next? I don’t think Ukraine is the only target here. I think about the Baltics and other ex-Soviet countries in Russia’s orbit. Could they be in danger of invasion too?

3 years ago
Reply to  BadWoolfGirl

Putin has dramatically changed his tone monday. First hardly anybody believed that Russia would maintain their troops on tje ukrainian borders, : they did and they recognized the two separatists republics in the East ; then some said they would stay on theur side of the border : they crossed it ; the analysts were sure he wasn’t seeking more than the control of the two separatists regions : Putin then said the territory he considered to belong to the Republics was much larger than the actual territories controlled by the separatists ; the analysts said he would not get… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  BadWoolfGirl

I hope you’re right. But it seems here that Russia’s invasion isn’t actually motivated by national security matters, or because they would fear Ukraine would join NATO. Here it’s only driven by a nationalist narrative. It has more to do with passion rather than reason. And you never know how far it can get. I truly hope that western Europe won’t let down the East.

3 years ago

If EBU bans Russia this year, it will be pretty hypocritical given that they did not ban Azerbaijan last year after they invaded Armenia, and Israel’s participation has never been questioned despite their crimes in occupied Palestine. Russia has done nothing the EBU hasn’t turned a blind eye to. Why should they start now?

The Voice of Reason
The Voice of Reason
3 years ago
Reply to  Elizabeth


3 years ago
Reply to  Elizabeth

Preach! Everyone know EBU is a as political as they come and they have a political narrative. Azerbaijan and Israel are on par with their political narrative.

Princess Diana
Princess Diana
3 years ago
Reply to  Elizabeth

Get your facts right, Azerbaijan did not invade Armenia, Azerbaijan’s territories were invaded instead (check UN resolutions about Nagorno Karabakh)

3 years ago
Reply to  Princess Diana

Artsakh is not Azerbaijan.