She’s bringing fun and positivity to the Eurovision Song Contest 2023 on behalf of Portugal. And on Friday Mimicat shared a slice of the joy with our Cinan as he cosied up with the “Ai Coração” singer at the Barcelona Eurovision Party.
Mimicat, who won a competitive Festival da Canção earlier this month, was all smiles as she told us about the origins of her song. Apparently the melody and cabaret spirit came to her totally out of the blue.
“I wrote the song ten years ago out of boredom,” she says. “I was at this house waiting for someone and starting singing ai coraçãoooo. And I thought, ‘This sounds kind of cool, let’s see where this goes.’ So I actually did this song in five minutes right there.”
Portugal’s Mimicat: I wrote “Ai Coração” in five minutes
The inspiration came quickly. But the fine-tuning and decision to sing it herself did not.
“I actually kept it for ten years without doing absolutely anything to it. I thought I was going to give it away to some other singer in Portugal — some more traditional one — but I never did.”
And what was it like to win Portugal’s national selection?
“I started crying my eyes out as you might have seen. I was super grateful mostly because people were so kind to me. They felt connected to my song I think. They felt the connection with me. And that was the most important thing to me — to get connection. I think people felt that and paid me back. I was super happy and super grateful.”
You can watch the full interview above. Are you loving Mimicat’s number? And are you as impressed by her turn on the red carpet as we are? Let us know down below!
I can tell…
I remember the hate comments when Sanja gave the same interview for Loco Loco.
I love the photo of Mimicat as a Realtor that’s going around.
She’s so lovely! This year’s FdC deserving winner! 😀
Blanka did hers “Solo” in half an hour. And I thought that was the reason. Now I know it’s because of talent that isn’t there. Just like the vocals.
She´s such a sweetheart. I will call for her from Germany in May and I want to learn Portuguese.