The Wiwi Jury — our in-house team of music unprofessionals — is reviewing and rating the 37 competing songs in Eurovision 2023. Next we review Italy, who have chosen Marco Mengoni with “Due Vite”.

Are we rejoicing Marco’s return to the contest? Read on to find out!

Marco Mengoni – “Due Vite” (Italy Eurovision 2023)

Review: Marco Mengoni – “Due Vite”

William: The three-minute version of this song is significantly better than the winner from Sanremo. It now feels compact, efficient and breezy, despite carrying some very big emotions that would have weighed down a lesser artist. The build-up in the first 30 seconds of this song is incredible — it’s pacy and dynamic and makes you want to stick around for the chorus. The production — with its very subtle electronic tones — turns classic Italian song into something more contemporary and hard-hitting. Marco isn’t just back at ESC — he’s charging to the Top 5!

Score: 7

Pablo: Is Italy certain to send a solid effort year after year? Fact. That being said, with the bar raised as high as they have, one can’t help but think of “Due Vite” as the weakest effort they have sent in recent times. While the three-minute cut actually does this song favours, as we get to the goods quicker, on paper it risks fading away and not creating as lasting of an impression. Marco and the Italian team have their work cut out for them if they want to keep going on with the success they’ve achieved year after year. A good score is possible, but it’s less of a given at this starting point.

Score: 6.5

Tom: I thank Italy every year as you can always rely on them for bringing a touch of class to Eurovision. The music needn’t be in any particular genre, they just know to send something quality and authentic to the contest. Marco Mengoni is back and with the most beautiful song. I love the simplicity and honestly of “Due Vite”. I feel what he feels when he sings and without knowing the language, I understand what Marco is going through throughout the song. If Italy keep the staging simple, like in Sanremo, it’s another top 10 finish.

Score: 8

Diego: “Due Vite” is the the typical overrated Italian ballad, just like Marco Mengoni. And I’m not talking about his great abilities and talent as an artist, but for me, Italy hasn’t chosen a song that could make the difference in Liverpool. Nevertheless, they will surely do what they know how to do: an intimate and sober atmosphere, Mengoni’s artistic maturity and the roller coaster of emotions in each of his performances will definitely connect with whoever listens to be part of the song.

Score: 5

Luis: Marco Mengoni is one of the best performers at this year’s Eurovision. He manages to elevate “Due Vite”, which would otherwise be a nice Italian ballad, to the Olympus. Where the Sanremo version failed, the Eurovision cut has rounded the pack: it goes straight to the big moment. Everything from the second chorus onwards is a musical orgasm. The way he builds anticipation for the big note is a masterclass. Yes, he could have chosen a much more interesting song than “Due Vite” for his long awaited come back. But he’s going to compete with what he does best. And make no mistake, there’s no way Italy will not make the top 10 this year.

Score: 9.5

Italy Eurovision 2023 ranking

In the Eurovision 2023 Wiwi Jury, we have 20 jurors but only have room for five reviews. The remaining scores are below:

Antranig: 5.5

Cinan: 5

Dayana: 8.5

Deban: 9

Forrest: 9

Jonathan: 6.5

Kristín: 9

Lucy: 5

Oliver: 8

Renske: 7

Rick: 5.5

Ron: 7.5

Ruxandra: 9.5

Samuel: 7.5

Simon: 8

We have removed the highest and lowest scores prior to calculating the average. This is to remove outliers and potential bias. We have removed a low of 5 and a high of 9.5.

Wiwi Jury verdict: 7.33/10

What do you think of Italy’s Eurovision 2023 entry? Share your own score and review for Marco Mengoni’s “Due Vite” below!

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Kate F
Kate F
1 year ago

Wondefful song and singer.Buona fortuna Italia 12 punti.

Kate F
Kate F
1 year ago


1 year ago

Juries will underrate us like every year and I feel that we will not be strong by televoting like other years… It’s sad because Marco is amazing and the song is very powerful (probably because I understand the words). Anyway I’m very proud of my country this year (as about every year for luck). Buona fortuna Italia <3

1 year ago

My favorite song from Eurovision 2023; I hope they would also bring a creative staging for this nice song and I hope juries would not underrate this song

1 year ago

I don’t know why people are criticizing it so hard. Must be jealously because italy always does amazing. Sometimes less is more, and you only need a beautiful song with a stunning melody, had hitting lyrics and an amazing singer. Simplicity is NOT boring, it works.

1 year ago

The more I listen to this song, the better it sounds. This could be a dark horse for the top 5.

1 year ago

This song has all the ingredients for a win. Beautifully sung, emotional and very catchy. It’s going to be in the top 5 for sure. Just hope they stage it well. Loreen might still win because of who she is but this is my 12 pointer.

1 year ago

Finland and Italy are both my favorites for this year; I hope this song would be in top5.

1 year ago

It is sad how much people don’t even understand what is the song about, but still think they are qualified to make comments.

1 year ago

It’s a good ballad and shows of the singers vocal abilities. I’m not usually a fan of power ballads and this one’s no different. I had other favourites in San Remo. Still this could trouble with the jury leaderboard.

Overall: 11-20

1 year ago
Reply to  Kristian

Juries will not give any points to Italy as usual ahahah
Only Albania and sometimes Spain (not even San Marino lol)

1 year ago

Much better than overhyped Czechia, Austria and Norway’s songs 🙂 I believe Italy’s song would be in top5.

Patrick Pastor
Patrick Pastor
1 year ago
Reply to  Roger

Is Czechia overhyped? Maybe back in January/February, but it seems to me that people kind of forgot about it after their lackluster NF performance (and especially after more acts got released).

1 year ago

Boring for me. sorry.

1 year ago
Reply to  Dave

For me to. It’s nothing new. Boring

Leo M
Leo M
1 year ago

I loved his entry in 2013 but I’m kind of bored of these Italian ballads now. Think this will be on the lower end of the scoreboard

1 year ago
Reply to  Leo M

In the last 10 years Italy has sent only 4 ballads, so what’s the problem? Emma, il Volo, Francesca Michielin, Francesco Gabbani, Meta-Moro, Mahmood and Maneskin chose other genres…. Why nobody complains other countries for the same thing?

Also, the 4 ballads were different from each other and the singers were great and very famous in Italy. Maybe we complain because (unlike other countries’ songs) Italian songs every year stayed in our heads easily, whether we want to or not…

1 year ago
Reply to  Sos

They are just envious about the class that Italy deliever year after year

1 year ago
Reply to  Eve


1 year ago
Reply to  Sos

Yeah, sure, and 3 male ballads were sent in the last 4 years alone.

Rosa Chemical with his brilliant electro swing would have shown more creativity and versatility.

Even Elisa’s ballad from last year sounded more original.

1 year ago
Reply to  Daxo

Yeah, what’s the problem? I’m Italian and I like Rosa Chemical and Elisa, but the truth is that I would not feel represented by them. Also, Marco (and also Diodato, Mahmood and Blanco) are some of the most listened and loved artists in Italy. We like ballads (especially in Sanremo), but we have also artists like Maneskin and Mahmood that can do a lot of different genres. You can be bored, but it’s Italy

1 year ago
Reply to  Sos

Anyway I understand your point even if I disagree, but my question is: why we always blame Italy for it and not other countries?

I think that there are a lot of countries that had sent the same genre amost every year (like Cyprus for example), but nobody blames them in the same way…

I think that every country has the right to be repetitive if this choice represents what the country listen every day, especially when it comes to quality artists

1 year ago

Marco Mengoni is obviously the best in the pack. The song is just another male Italian ballad about love. The song per se isn’t bad, it is just too typical and uninteresting. Sure Italy will receive a lot points because it’s Italy and he’s a handsome seasoned Italian singer, nothing out of the box here though.

Italy is placed the 24th in my top:

15. Estonia (6.75)
17. Australia (6.75)
23. The Netherlands (6.5)
24. Italy (6.5)
25. Malta (6.5)
28. Iceland (6.25)
30. Denmark (6)

1 year ago

Believe me or not, but Italy will win this year! The song, the voice, the stage presence… – Marco has it all. “Due vite” is sung with great sensibility and honesty. It makes you feel emotional every single time you listen to it. And even if you don’t speak Italian, you exactly know what Marco is singing about. He achieved top 10 result in 2013 and right now he is back with an even better song. So, see you in Italy in 2024!

Chingiz Tulegenov
Chingiz Tulegenov
1 year ago
Reply to  Diana

Completely agree with you

1 year ago

I am seduced by this gorgeous song and singer that is jostling for a place in my top 5, and Marco is such a charismatic performer that it is sure to hoover up plenty of votes. Italy give us class and beauty again.

1 year ago

Bravo Marco Mengoni! My top 3, if not a winner. I loved every second of this song and got connected with it immediately.
And what a voice!!!!!!

1 year ago

The thing about romantic ballads is that they need to strike an emotional chord on you, otherwise they’ll probably just sit in the background. Sadly, it’s how I feel about “Due vite”, it being too familiar to many other Italian ballads I’ve listened to in the past. That said, in my opinion, Eurovision 2023 failed to offer a strong field of slow songs and this one stands out for its quality when compared to its more direct competition. Partially because of its very professional production (no song can win Sanremo without some degree of musical excellence), but also because of… Read more »

Benito Camelo
Benito Camelo
1 year ago

It’s a good song but I didn’t connect with it, and I did try. Feels formulaic and seen before, but Marco’s voice and the sense of space and time in the lyrics sell it. I’m sure it’ll be a top 10 (or will barely miss it out), but there’s at least ten songs that I like more than Italy this year

Karina Schnabl
Karina Schnabl
1 year ago

He is my winner, together with the french song.
Unfortunately a lot of people like fast, noisy songs in english, so he probably won’t win.

1 year ago
Reply to  Karina Schnabl


1 year ago

Once again, Italy does not send trainwrecks! Their streak of top-10 finishes will continue unchallenged.

1 year ago

I love Italian Music, I love Marco Mengoni, I love this song, easy Slot #1 for me, innit? But I do know he’s not a winner, not this year. And I know that putting him in the first place might be well related to the fact that I do have a long story with him. I’ve started to say that I have two #1 Marco and Kaarija. My old friend I have a decade long love with, and my shiny new friend I fell in love with during the NF season and whose stuff has become prevalent in my playlists… Read more »

Amar pelos dois
Amar pelos dois
1 year ago

Italia 6/12

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
1 year ago

Marco is great, the lyrics are poetry and the music is Italian ballad music on default mode. The key hovers around D major for the verses and Pre-Chorus. The Chorus expressively swoops us up via chord II (E minor) and there are some beautiful refrains and motif extensions, and even an interrupted cadence that works well… you’ve heard it all before from me. And maybe, just maybe, that’s the issue. We’re all getting so used to these kind of ballads from Italy; they have spoiled us! 🙂 The good news for Italy here is two-fold: 1. The three-minute edit of… Read more »

1 year ago


1 year ago

A solid ballad, it’s nothing special but Marco makes it special.

I think this could possibly land top 10 in Liverpool.

1 year ago

29. Marco Mengoni – Due Vito (Italy) – 5.5/10 – too predictable from a musical perspective, I can sadly feel this song desperately trying to pull at my heart strings and I need something a little more subtle to sucker me in. Marco delivers a strong vocal and there are elements of the track which are engaging but overall, this track does not lift off as it should.

1 year ago
Reply to  Kosey

Our streak of agreement had to end some time, Kosey, I told you.

1 year ago
Reply to  Tibor

It was nice while it lasted!! I have a very strong feeling that there are going to be yet more wild disagreements (both ways!) in the days to come, which makes this all so exciting! For an emotional ballad to work for me I need to feel emotion and sadly I feel like a lump of coal whilst this song is on. But that is not to say that the production is strong and Marco is a very good vocalist

1 year ago
Reply to  Kosey

I would probably agree with this review a lot more if the third minute of the song didn’t exist. It definitely doesn’t come across as “predictable” to me and I certainly think it gets pretty close to that “lift off” that you’re wanting, even if it does come a little late.
Giving Italy a 5.5 seems wild to me, I’d have to go back to the 2012-2014 era in order to do that.

1 year ago

Ever since Sanremo, I’ve been holding a place for Marco in my top tier, just waiting for the moment when that emotional connection would hit, because the pieces all seem to be there. Especially with the release of that punchy 3-minute edit that revs right up to that first emotional plateau like a sports car, it just felt like a matter of time. Alas, the lyrics have always seemed kind of strange to me. Okay concept but the details are always getting lost. Marco’s almost a good enough performer to get me there on his own, but not quite. 6.5/10

1 year ago

Regardless of whether Italy is overrated or underrated or just rated, no other song this year creates imagery quite like it. “Due vite” is a sleepless night where time stands still and you access “a place in heart where the sun is always off”. The melody that comes and goes throughout the song reminds me of the sounds one only hears in the quiet of thought – the ticking of the clock, the wheezing of the breath, the beating of the heart – ours or that of someone on the other side of the world. From a bird’s-eye view we… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Skiwalko

It’s that time of year again, when I just have to stan you. What a great comment.

1 year ago
Reply to  Skiwalko

Your review had me fully expecting like a 10/10 at the end of it…then I see the 7/10 and I’m just like o.O.

1 year ago
Reply to  Briekimchi

I don’t know, for me 1/10 means “I never want to listen to this song again” and 10/10 means “I never want to stop listening to this song”. I like Italy, it’s just not a song I would listen to ten times in a row. The scores are there for fun anyway 🙂

1 year ago

Best song in the contest. Obvious the wiwbloggers wouldn’t go for it. No sequins or z clicking. Top 3.

The truth
1 year ago
Reply to  Patrick


1 year ago

This song makes me cry every time I listen to it. There’s no other song in the contest that does that. The community is not “connecting” with it because it’s “nothing new from Italy”. Well if you have a product that is premium why would you want to cheapen it? If it works – it works.

Chingiz Tulegenov
Chingiz Tulegenov
1 year ago
Reply to  John


1 year ago

I love this song, classic italian song! I don’t care if it wins..
So many good songs this year! Sweden, Finland, Italy, Norway, France, Israel…
It’s hard to choose! this is gonna be all about the LIVE performances! the best will win!

1 year ago

And finally, we have something that’s genuinely good. But, alas, has so little hype behind it. In my opinion, Italy this year are suffering almost entirely from the fact that they are indeed Italy. The expectations are so high at this point that anything short of a potential Eurovision winner, is seen as a disappointment that needs to be picked apart. Is it as good as what Italy have been sending recently to Eurovision or as good as the best songs were in Sanremo this year? No. Is it still one of the best songs in this year’s Eurovision? Yes.… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Briekimchi

Agree with your assessment of how it will fare in the contest. People are severely underestimating Italy’s televoting power to such a degree that I actually believe that it will be more difficult to earn a high jury place than a televoting one for Italy. I mean I remember 2018 when no one thought Italy would come 3rd in the televoting and outside the top 15 with the juries. I think we are in for a similar scenario in May.

1 year ago
Reply to  Thanos

Yes the 2013 televoting score for him bothers me but I hold on to the opinion that Due Vite can be more impactful than L’Essenziale for first listeners. Also Marco is much more famous now than then. The public more often than not, enjoy Italian style ballads. For this reason I am hopeful he will do well.
Italy was my winner in 2018 and I am still mad at the juries for that by the way 🙂

1 year ago
Reply to  Thanos

The moment when you find both Italy and Germany in 2018 masterpieces, and you have to simultaneously agree and disgaree. 🙂

1 year ago
Reply to  Colin

Plus, this is the second time someone described ”Non mi avete fatto niente” as a ballad, and I’m genuinely not seeing it at all. It has the fastest BPM out of all 2018 songs, and it’s a pretty fast pop-rock entry. The only thing that may sway people thinking that it’s a ballad are its thought-provoking lyrics, but that shouldn’t be tempo-based, no?

1 year ago
Reply to  Briekimchi

Despite knowing that you had a few songs ahead at Sanremo (which is understandable, as there were at least 7-8 potential top 10 songs at Sanremo this year) I am so happy that you like this song regardless. Great review, and a great score! Not far off from mine. When discussing results, while I said that Estonian ballad is a ”safe top ten entry”, I meant on my list exclusively. I’d be very surprised if it scores top 10 at ESC! I’d be also kinda surprised if it NQs. What I objectively expect is a decent Victor Crone / Birgit… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Colin

You have to go in with a fresh set of ears when one of your favourites loses to another song at a national final. I did something similar when moving up “My Sister’s Crown” in the Czech Rep (Of course, after those pre-parties, I’m starting to move it back down again) or “Eaea” in Spain. And thanks for the explanation! I think it’s much more understandable for Estonia to be in more personal top tens than the actual top ten. Birgit’s is one of those hidden gem songs that definitely got underrated for me so if “Bridges” was able to… Read more »

Anna Karenina
Anna Karenina
1 year ago

I love it!

1 year ago

This is probably the first time in the history of this contest that I dislike the Italian entry. I don’t know if it is Marco’s voice that makes these 3 minutes really struggling or just the pacing of the ballad but I’m not having a comfortable experience listening to the song. Surely, Italy is mostly known for their ballads in Eurovision but this specific song is too boring and predictable to follow, in my opinion, it lacks uniqueness. At least, the lyrics are great. My 33# with a 4/10 rating.

1 year ago
Reply to  Efthymios

*4.5/10, my mistake.

1 year ago

I cannot connect with this song. However, Marco is one of the best artists of the year, and I have only respect for him. Even if the song is not for someone like me, I highly respect it and its performer. It will do well—it’s Italy 100 %.

1 year ago

This song for me IS too intense and not a regular kind of intensity but the Italian kind which IS a lot of intensity.

1 year ago

I find his 2013 entry extremely overrated and boring, and his entry this year isn’t THAT much different, but still an improvement. It’s more memorable, the composition is more interesting… and Marco’s live vocal breathes life in what would otherwise be another boring Italian ballad we’ve seen become accustomed to by now.

I’m giving this a 6.5/10. I already said this with Estonia’s entry, but this entry feels like it’s a ballad for the sake of being a ballad

1 year ago

Italy: I’ll be honest, I havent connected with this song, particularly like I have with some of the other ballads we have this year. Perhaps that’s a reluctance on my part due to some of my favourite national final songs which were in this selection that didnt win.

I thought this song had the potential to click with me like their 2020 entry did but it hasnt happened yet. It’s still sung very well and it is a quality song but due to my lack of connection with it, I’m giving it 6.

1 year ago

That’s entirely dependent on personal taste .I’m only growing to dislike Spain more after each listen. It’s probably a good song , but it’s not the kind of song I listen or enjoy. It’s a great performance though. Yes !! I dislike the disjointed song that Israel has sent. I really like the fun and dance-worthy UK track. Norway is not that dancey but still pop enough for me. Pop music is still music. I don’t think very many people will listen to performance songs like Spain without the video attached to it. You can keep listening to a song… Read more »

1 year ago

Israel is not big 5 but I agree with your point there, although France has been instant love for me. I never managed to connect with the other 2 unfortunately but I appreciate them from a technical perspective.

1 year ago

28) Italy – Welllllp, this is the first time since 2014 where I’ve not had Italy in my top 10. The song as always is solid – there’s absolutely no denying that – my main issue is that I’m just not a fan of Marco Mengoni’s voice. Sanremo is always chock full of really great quality songs, and honestly I would have taken /any/ of the other four super-finalists over this (and C+D, but y’know… they came 10th… TENTH!!). I still love you though, Italy, and I’m sure they won’t be on the right-side of the scoreboard, but I just… Read more »

1 year ago

France is not among my top songs of the year (we will get to that review at some point) . But I do have it higher than Norway and Israel. But I totally agree about Italy and Spain being miles better than the songs you mentioned.

Rambo Amadeus
Rambo Amadeus
1 year ago

This is basically Italy on autopilot but that’s still enough to be ahead of a lot of the other countries anyway, because that’s just the standard they have set for themselves in the contest, tho Due Vite is actually one of the few instances since their 2011 return when the Italians are not at least top 5 of the year for me.

Pablo Nava
1 year ago
Reply to  Rambo Amadeus

This is THE Due Vite take. Put my thoughts exactly how I felt them.

1 year ago

I have Norway ahead of France, but I do share the overall sentiment of this statement.

Ria van de Velde
Ria van de Velde
1 year ago

My favorite this year !!

"Music first"
"Music first"
1 year ago

Not a big fan of the song.I think Italy has sent many better entries. Grows a little on me though 🙂 Sometimes I like to read reviews also on songs I don’t like very much. Maybe they can tell something which makes me appreciate the song more?

1 year ago

Italy overrated? I hear it every year from your juries, but I think that simply people like Italian entries. This year no one has quoted Marco among the best or the winners, so who exactly would overstimate him? There has always been a lot of malice towards Italy and I don’t know why. Obviously after Turin has increased, but it seems useless to show all this resentment. I love Eurovision, but I hate the nastiness around. Due vite is not my favorie this year, but I don’th think it deserves all these shortcomings. I don’t want to see the rotten… Read more »

Rambo Amadeus
Rambo Amadeus
1 year ago
Reply to  Sos

The malice towards Italy is exactly because they’re historically pretty much the best country at ESC without really caring too much about the contest anyway, and that just rubs obsessive eurofans the wrong way.

1 year ago
Reply to  Rambo Amadeus

Yes, it’s probably true… I’m Italian and I’m sad for this because a lot of Italians started watching Eurovision (and also Sanremo) after Francesco Gabbani and Mahmood songs and they care a lot now.
I think that many eurofans don’t understand that we care about Eurovision even if we choose our winner for Sanremo and not for Eurovision. We don’t want to win, we want to spread our music and discover other european artists. (Yes, we also hope to win but it’s not the main thing)

1 year ago

Love, Love, Love this sing and Marcos delivery of it!!!

1 year ago

We talk a lot about how Tatoo would not be as well received if it wasn’t for Loreen. Well, Due Vite would not have got 7,33 if it wasn’t Italian and Marco Mengoni either.

1 year ago
Reply to  Lorena

Because you think it’s good or bad?

1 year ago
Reply to  Sos

Because I think it’s the same type of song and quality as Alika’s Bridges and she just got 5 point something.

1 year ago
Reply to  Lorena

Oh ok, I like Alika’s song but I prefer Due Vite. In any case I think that a lot of countries are underhyped every year for the same reason

1 year ago
Reply to  Lorena

Despite my favour for Tattoo, I agreed. This may be just personal preference, but I’d rank Due Vite (Italy) no higher than Bridges (Estonia).