Wild Youth Ireland Eurovision 2023 Declaration of Interest
Photo: Wild Youth

The Wiwi Jury — our in-house team of music unprofessionals — is reviewing and rating the 37 competing songs in Eurovision 2023. Next we review Ireland, who have chosen Wild Youth with “We Are One”.

Were we united in our opinions? Read on to find out!

Wild Youth – “We Are One” (Ireland Eurovision 2023)

Review: Wild Youth – “We Are One”

Jonathan: Is it slightly generic? Yes. But there’s still something about the anthemic pop-rock quality of “We Are One” that feels so empowering. Once you just let go, the melody can really lift you up. The chorus in particular is perfect for people to sing along with. Sure, Wild Youth shot themselves in the foot a bit by writing a song for [their perception of] Eurovision, rather than a standalone hit. But ultimately, ‘generic’ is just another term for ‘universally accessible’.

Score: 7

Simon: This is what a collab between One Direction, Westlife and The Script would sound like in my ears, so Wild Youth are certainly keeping the Irish boyband tradition alive here. The 90’s kid in me likes the catchy chorus and Conor’s distinct vocals, but are the lyrics a bit cliché? It would totally work as a theme song for a football championship and it reminds me a bit of when Emmelie de Forest made “Rainmaker” for ESC 2014. Probably not a last place in the semi-final for Ireland, although it’s gonna struggle in such a tough semi-final.

Score: 6

Dayana: “We Are One” is criminally underrated. Being one of the many boy bands this season, it’s difficult to stand out. But Wild Youth never fail to give 100% during their live performances and you can feel the immense energy coming from the artists. They had amazing performances in the first pre-parties and I would totally love to go to their concert!

Score: 8

Lucy: Oh gosh…where do I start with “We Are One”? I’m not one for saying a song is “typically Eurovision” but that title most certainly is. When speaking to my Irish friends it seems Wild Youth are better than this song, so I’m sad they’ve chosen this over something more daring or at least more genuine to them! Honestly, I find it very generic, though their lead singer Conor does sell it live, and I adore his love of Eurovision. Their staging will really matter in Liverpool…let’s say that.

Score: 2

Renske: Earlier, I found Wild Youth’s entry “We Are One” a little underwhelming as it lacks a bit of originality compared to the band’s other work. Since RTÉ’s Late Late Show, I’ve grown more fond of the entry. It is a crowd pleaser that will no doubt be able to make people sing a long. It is a breeze of fresh positivity in this year’s contest, albeit not the most original one. A clear qualifier.

Score: 6

Ireland Eurovision 2023 ranking

In the Eurovision 2023 Wiwi Jury, we have 20 jurors but only have room for five reviews. The remaining scores are below:

Antranig: 6.5

Cinan: 5

Deban: 6

Diego: 6

Forrest: 4.5

Kristín: 8

Luis: 5

Oliver: 2.5

Pablo: 2.5

Rick: 2.5

Ron: 4.5

Ruxandra: 4.5

Samuel: 6

Tom: 7

William: 6

We have removed the highest and lowest scores prior to calculating the average. This is to remove outliers and potential bias. We have removed a low of 2 and a high of 8.

Wiwi Jury verdict: 5.31/10

What do you think of Ireland’s Eurovision 2023 entry? Share your own score and review for Wild Youth’s “We Are One” below!

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Noam Chomsky
Noam Chomsky
1 year ago

“RTÉ has been chronically underfunded.” My ASS. Get in SHAPE. You’re competing against ATHLETES, not “songs.” All that pussy! Can’t compete with that.

1 year ago

It was one of Ireland’s worst ever. I was cringing from a different country. Go back to making real irish music. Overall not good enough to be good and not outrageous enough to be outrageous. And my god that gold jumpsuit was horrendous.

Jennifer Wright
Jennifer Wright
1 year ago

2.5?? Really what sort of geeks are on this site ?

1 year ago

Sounds anthemic and got a good beat . They had the best performance at Eurosong , but Wild and midnight summer night were more likely to do better at Esc. It’s not standout in any way to make people want to vote for them. I don’t think this can qualify.
Score: 6/10

Semi: 12-15
Overall: 28-37

1 year ago

Much better than the average eurofan is making us to believe. It’s an uplifting and entertaining piece of complety harmless and motivational pop-rock. And that’s what you can expect from it. It does its job tbh. Nothing new or original but enjoyable and easy to listen. I’m sure Wild Youth doesn’t deserve some of those harsh critics. Coldplay could have a similar song as an album filler and everyone will be ok with that. Ireland needs to start focusing on a new selection format though and how they market Eurovision in the country. There’s plenty of independent talent out there… Read more »

Leo M
Leo M
1 year ago

This is getting way too much hate. Yes it’s generic and the music video is horrible but it’s a real feel good song. Can’t see it qualifying though as there’s just so much stronger songs in semi 1

Jennifer Wright
Jennifer Wright
1 year ago
Reply to  Leo M

Except William who is now a hypocrite didn’t rate it a 6 when on Irish tv or radio

1 year ago

Thank God for the few reasonable people in the wiwi jury who rated it low enough as to lower the final score to an acceptable number.

1 year ago

Nice lads, capable of more, some of their previous songs are good, but this… Nope does nothing for me. Call me butt hurt or whatever I genuinely don’t care, but CONOLLY was our best chance at qualifying and in comparison to the other countries, would have stood out somewhat. Wild Youth are just giving us another factory made generic pop song from the same Swedish hit factory. It’s like they had a checklist for “typical Eurovision song” and just went with that. Okay song as a World Cup anthem or even Eurovision opening act, but in no way stand out… Read more »

1 year ago

The way I feel about this one is very similar to the way I felt about the Maltese entry last year. Both have professional acts that could do much better if they weren’t performing a bland, uninteresting, insincere anthemic song with a vague well intentioned message that was probably written by cynicals trying to figure out what a major audience wants to hear. It’s like a versatile “We have Coldplay/U2/One Republic at home” meme. The only entry that, in my opinion, doesn’t deserve to qualify from semi 1, under any circumstance. 3.5

1 year ago
Reply to  Sabrina

“Probably written by cynicals trying to figure out what a major audience wants to hear”. That’s exactly what the issue is. There’s no connection to an actual genuine experience or message. It’s entirely empty.

1 year ago
Reply to  Briekimchi

Yep. Song by focus group.

1 year ago

I’m just sorry that Ireland have a transphobic moron doing their staging. It kinda stands against everything the song stands for, so it’s an odd choice. I like Wild Youth themselves, but I won’t really be too sorry if it doesn’t qualify.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jonas

Stop making character assassinations without providing a reliable source. Typical Eurovision fan behavior.

1 year ago
Reply to  Karl

I didn’t want to name him, but okay. Ian Banham. People, read his twitter if you want to judge for yourselves.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jonas

Against vaccinations, against immigration, against trans rights, and more.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jonas

Jeez, he’s BASED!

1 year ago
Reply to  Jonas

Reliable source is not “read his twitter”.

1 year ago
Reply to  Karl

Why not?

1 year ago
Reply to  Jonas

“Read his twitter” is not a source. Either you provide a link to a specific transphobic comment he made or shut up.

1 year ago
Reply to  Karl


1 year ago
Reply to  Jonas

Yeah, that’s what I thought.

1 year ago
Reply to  Karl

I’m not interested in stirring up “debate” on his views, or platforming his ignorance. I’m sorry I mentioned it. Apologies to anyone who came here to read about the actual song, this was not my intent.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jonas

Just because that guy is making their staging, that must mean every member of Ireland shares every one of their ideas… Riiight, makes complete sense

1 year ago
Reply to  Jonas

Whoa. Take a moment on this one, Jonas.
Did what you said and read his Twitter, and guy has opinions (mostly about contentious issues) I don’t agree with. Nothing that warrants calling him a moron or disqualifying him from work though.

1 year ago
Reply to  Briekimchi

And where did Jonas call for any of this again or are we just jumping someone for rightfully being upset an act calling for inclusivity is being staged by someone against inclusivity? I feel like these are things we are allowed to take into account with the full package of a performance.

1 year ago
Reply to  Alex

He could leave out the petty name calling tbf.

1 year ago
Reply to  Rall

I will when he stops making cruel jokes about Sam Smith, and calling trans people a cult.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jonas

No, you should leave out petty name calling always.

1 year ago
Reply to  Rall

Yes, but this is not that. Not all “opinions” are deserving of respect. Some are literally moronic.

1 year ago
Reply to  Alex

Thank you!

1 year ago
Reply to  Briekimchi

This person does not help me to warm to the song. That’s all I’m saying.

Leendert Jan
Leendert Jan
1 year ago

I had hopes that Wild Youth might bring us something like Joker Out, but sadly they’ve opted for a very uninspired “Eurovision formula” song. They’re good live, so if they get the arena clapping along this might not be without a chance to qualify (especially with the great draw), but I don’t really see it happening. The song itself is just way too bland.

1 year ago

This is the kind of music you would make if you were afraid of getting sued for being original. Who in RTÉ was thinking “Hey you know our song that didn’t qualify in 2016? Let’s send that again!” Brooke at least had charisma.
Despairing for my country in Eurovision. If Sweden do get the 7th win this year, we deserve it.

1 year ago

This is quite bland and forgettable unfortunately. I appreciate the effort to create a feel good anthemic vibe but everything is so mediocre that the song will go completely unnoticed. Ireland have lost the plot long ago, and they need to give up on their national final format sooner or later, because no decent artist seems interested in entering a good song there.
That’s a 4/10 and 32nd in my ranking btw. Certain NQ.

1 year ago

I must agree with most of you when I say…Well, back to the drawing board. This will not qualify.

1 year ago

If you’re going to make a Eurovision anthem, go all the way. Ireland understood the assignment and I peace peace love love that for them. If you haven’t already, check out Wild Youth’s song “Can’t Move On”, it’s a jam.


Rambo Amadeus
Rambo Amadeus
1 year ago

The production, the vocals, the lyrics, this is just genuinely annoying to listen to, it’s not going to qualify so Ireland are looking at 8 NQs out of the last 9 editions, quite rough.

Noam Chomsky
Noam Chomsky
1 year ago
Reply to  Rambo Amadeus

They are all utterly delusional. Especially that guy Marty whatever.

1 year ago

Very bland and monotonous, doesn’t go anywhere and a shame considering they have better songs. I wish them well but this won’t qualify. They don’t deserve any abuse, but are any of them aware of the criticisms? After last years strong effort was ignored, this doesn’t inspire much confidence in future Irish entries. Especially given how crap their selection show was, I really wish it was held in a bigger more suitable venue, was it’s own show and marketed much better. But the way it seems, if RTE get solid rating with this low effort, would or could this prevent… Read more »

1 year ago

If this qualifies (and I hope it might) then that will be one of the moments of the week

Pablo Nava
1 year ago

At least it’s a dignified effort. And I feel they could at least create an effective stadium-appropiate show. But… we got to connect with TV viewers, not just the 10k in the stadium.

Voilà monsieur
Voilà monsieur
1 year ago

I’m sorry but this hasn’t got a hell in chance. Wild Youth have released songs that are way better than their Eurovision entry. At least RTE won’t be faced with the expenses of staying another 4 nights, since they’ll be back on the ferry to Dublin the day after SF1.

1 year ago

I find myself wondering why people show THIS much disdain towards an entry that’s just OK and not particularly awful, and it’s not just the constipated Connolly stans either. I myself kinda like it, but the revamp did take away some of its simplistic charm, so I gotta penalize it on that at least slightly. In my opinion, this entry is a decent one, and while it doesn’t break any mold nor does it take any risks whatsoever, it’s a decent anthemic entry that shouldn’t get all the hate that it ends up getting. It’s a 6/10 from me, but… Read more »

Benito Camelo
Benito Camelo
1 year ago
Reply to  Vivian

I couldn’t have said it better! I can’t fathom all of the hate they’ve been getting, and it’s so much that I do agree that it isn’t only Connolly’s annoying stans.
I mean, granted, it’s not the band’s best song but still it’s a good one and a grower, and the guys are enthusiastic about taking part of ESC, so it’s such a shame that most of the fandom isn’t reciprocating 🙁

1 year ago

I quite enjoy this song.

1 year ago
Reply to  Karl

Me too. It is one of the songs that have specially grown in me after the preparties.

Benito Camelo
Benito Camelo
1 year ago
Reply to  Karl

X3, at first I was indifferent but it grew on me recently. It’s way better than what the fandom paints it out to be 🙂

1 year ago

My #35 with a 2.5/10 rating, the perfect way to describe this is with the words “souless”, “bland”, “worse than average”. I mean, it’s SO MEDIOCRE, ESPECIALLY LYRIC-WISE thst I cannot simply find anything positive to say about it. BARELY listenable. Would’ve been my bottom of the barel had two other countries not screw things up.

1 year ago

Irlande zero ponts.

1 year ago
Reply to  Doris

They will get points, but it will almost certainly be a fight to avoid the dreaded double-donut.

1 year ago

With the right staging this could qualify. I know it’s getting bashed alot here but it’s important to remember how out of touch alot of commenters on Wiwibloggs are with the broader European audience. I’ve noticed year after year they get things completely wrong on here.

1 year ago
Reply to  Rall

Exactly. The comments on Wiwibloggs and the comments on Reddit are like night and day. I take the opinions here with a grain of salt because they wildly differ depending on where you’re reading them

1 year ago
Reply to  Rall

Remember they amped Je Me Casse up like it was the winner? Hahahaha 70% of the time they get it wrong everytime.

Amar pelos dois
Amar pelos dois
1 year ago

Ireland 5/12

1 year ago

Im actually surprised about this rating, I was expecting more of a slating (negativity). Firstly, in relation to what Jonathan said because I do agree, I don’t like when people use the term generic to describe a song because its used pretty much always as a negative but as Jonathan pointed out, generic can mean a song thats universally accessible or even a song which has recognisable elements of a particular genre which people do connect with. I’m in the minority with saying this but I don’t think every song countries submit need to be out of the box, ground… Read more »

1 year ago

I won’t hit Ireland too hard when it comes to their decision in their national final. There wasn’t a clear alternative that could’ve worked on the Eurovision stage and they went with, what they thought, would be a professional and comfortable-in-front-of-large-crowd (not so much Connolly then) act. So yeah, I get it. The six songs put to that national final vote should never have been there but that’s another question for another day. I don’t know much about the band’s back catalogue so maybe, this is just a case of their weakest song being the one that gets the Eurovision… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Briekimchi

From the songs I’ve heard from Wild Youth, this is the weakest ive heard and furthermore, its not even in their typical style which I think makes it all the more frustrating as to why they picked this to enter into the selection. Comes back to the “esc formula” point I made in my comment.

1 year ago
Reply to  Briekimchi

While I do believe that MSN had a much higher ceiling in its potential after a revamp, in reality, it likely would’ve come out as another NQ from this strong semi, but as it actually has some quality in it, it’s fate would’ve been sadder to witness. WAO is headed that way too, but likely without the crowd who will go on about how underrated it was. The staging / production / setting of the Irish NF is the worst one of this year. Perhaps only comparable with Moldova, but professionals like Pasha and Aliona managed to surpass that. Plus,… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Colin

I had absolutely no faith in anyone involved with the Irish selection process being able to revamp MSN with any sort of professionalism or, indeed, even being aware of the problems that the song was facing. So yeah, maybe it was for the best as Connolly coming last in a SF for issues mostly outside of her control would’ve be harsher on her as a young artist. Wild Youth already have their fan base etc. and I imagine will be fine come what may in May. 😉 Ireland have needed to tear down their entire Eurovision process and start over… Read more »

1 year ago

It’s like you ordered U2 from Wish. Still I have a soft spot for this song, even though I see it’s flaws and I don’t think the revamp did the song any favours. The music video creeps me out.

1 year ago
Reply to  West

The video itself might be the worst Eurovision video since Latvia 2010. I have no idea how they thought it’s a good idea to present their song that way. The ONLY chance they might have not to finish last in the semi is to use Conor’s charms as he approaches the audiences as he did in Israel. The staging from the video would make them gain minus points. 😉

1 year ago

I bet if this was in Irish it’d be 2 points higher.

1 year ago
Reply to  Zisk

If it was in Irish, and if its Gaelic / Irish lyrics don’t translate as ”You might be a leader, I might a freak… tonight, we are one”. Sometimes people tend to forget that formulaic lyricism can come in many languages. Reminds me how the Albanian entry Fairytale was so criticized for its English lyrics, yet when you translate Perrale literally from Albanian, they are virtually the same. Equally uninspired. That said, We Are One being in Irish would certainly being it a dash of unique sound that’s missing now, and we’d have something more creative to latch onto.

1 year ago
Reply to  Zisk

Conor the lead singer replied to a tweet asking for it to be in Irish that they’ve a surprise coming that’s going to shock everyone

1 year ago

21st place: IRELAND: I find this song to be an awkward crossover between U2 and Coldplay: and with very bland and unimaginative lyrics, taking into consideration that it’s an English speaking country, we are talking about. But I think I will be more generous than most of us on this one: In my book it’s not as bad as many claim: it’s pleasant, the singer has an appealing voice and I very much prefer it to some of the frontrunners. The pop-rock, electric sound is familiar and for this reason it sits well with me and doesn’t bother my ears.… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Thanos

Agreed. Even if you were more generous than me this time, this is far from being the worst song imaginable. It comes off as quite uninspired, which is a big no-no nowadays. I’d argue that it’s *so uninspired* that it becomes an unintentional guilty pleasure. But in all honesty, if it qualifies, it will take place of a better entry. This is not bad, but much like ”Our Choice” in the semi final 1 of 2018, it’s obviously the one that should be left behind. In semi 2 of their respective years, both Our Choice and We Are One qualifying… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Colin

I think I like it more than My Choice, since We Are One at least has some pop-rock elements that even if they are uninspired, are closer to my personal taste. At the same time, I understand why people are criticising it the way they do. As you mentioned in your review as well, among the worst things one can do at ESC nowadays is present a middle-of-the-road, typical song: with only 10 countries getting points from each other country’s voters, it is certain to be completely overlooked.

1 year ago
Reply to  Colin

Ooo….”Our Choice” being the comparison act for “We Are One”. As much as I agree with the reasoning behind it, my comparison act is actually Moldova’s 2019 entry, “Stay”. Perfectly generic, cookie-cutter example of its genre, performed moderatedly ok with no real character or entry.
Here’s to Wild Youth getting hold of that sand artist…

1 year ago
Reply to  Briekimchi

To be fair, I have Our Choice rated higher than We Are One, while I gave Stay exactly the same 4.5/10. The comparison was that, despite not being that bad in general, both seem to lack the bite to advance in such stack fields of their respective semis. Stay, while indeed a better comparison, quality-wise, was still in the semi with similarly likely NQs The Dream, 22, and That Night. Our Choice actually outranks X My Heart on my list, but I had a bigger prospects for the latter one to actually advance.

Benito Camelo
Benito Camelo
1 year ago
Reply to  Colin

I think another 2018 finalist that made it to the final “undeservedly” was Melovin, I don’t know much about 2018, but I’m sure that a better entry than his was left behind too

1 year ago
Reply to  Benito Camelo

That’s a bit harsh on Melovin. Whatever deficiencies were in the song were more than made up for when it comes to the live performance and the effort made there. It was a great opener for me!

1 year ago
Reply to  Benito Camelo

Montenegro was certainly the most underrated song from that semi, but if I could take one qualifier out to put Inje in, that would be Australian version of “We Are One”, called “We Got Love”.

1 year ago
Reply to  Colin

In semi 2, it would also be my personal NQ, but closer to the qualifying line than it is in semi 1. Currently, Ireland is my 32nd, but last out of semi 1 entries.

1 year ago

IRELAND – Last year, we had Malta providing the formulaic unity anthem. This year, it’s Ireland. It comes off as less condescending and more clueless in its attempt at global unity than Emma’s entry did, which makes it more likable. Still, how to argue that it brings anything new or creative to the stage? The guys feel happy and genuine, which is this song’s best asset. That, and the fun, singalong chorus. Its very cheesy lyrics can bring some positivity within the right context, but this is such a typical package, and thinking that it can make an impact nowadays… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Colin

Although it might be less condescending that “I Am What I Am”, I’m pretty sure the Irish delegation bought it from the same place. 😉
Your last sentence feels like the sort of thing I’d see on my school reports. I like it.

1 year ago
Reply to  Briekimchi

Oh, yes, it belongs to the same back pocket of ”what a Eurovision entry sounds like” where Malta 2022 also got it from.
Thanks. 🙂

1 year ago
Reply to  Colin

I’ve only written my review now (like I said before, I only had the time to write about my favorites and even if I don’t like it nearly as much as you, I believe you’ll be happy to see that I gave “Due Vite” a positive review), but I came with the same comparison in mind. I agree that Emma’s song was a little more irritating. Here, they’re singing vague words, there she was trying to put herself on a victim’s position. On the other hand, I feel she had less input on the decision process to take that song… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Sabrina

I am very happy with your review of Italy! When Due vite won, I expected a lower score from you. On one part, it might be a product of an incredibly strong competition in Sanremo, some of which have spoken to you personally more. On the other, the song might have grown on you? In any case, great!

I might have overrated Ireland… Despite of a less than rave review, I still feel like I overestimated its singalong chorus and meme likability, because it’s admittedly as derivative as possible.

1 year ago
Reply to  Colin

I agree a lot with what William has written, I believe the 3 minutes version made “Due Vite” much more compact and efficient. So it grew a little on me, yeah (I guess I would give it a 7 when it won Sanremo). Though I guess it also benefited from standing out so much on this lineup.

If Lazza, Madame, Colapesce Dimartino or Elodie happened to won Sanremo, they would rank higher for me. Tananai would probably land in the same position, Ultimo would be a little lower.

1 year ago

IRELAND – Last year, we had Malta providing the formulaic unity anthem. This year, it’s Ireland. It comes off as less condescending and more clueless in its attempt at global unity than Emma’s entry did, thus making it more likable. Still, how to argue that it brings anything new or creative to the stage? The guys feel happy and genuine, which is this song’s best asset. That, and the fun, singalong chorus. Its very cheesy lyrics can bring some positivity within the right context, but this is such a typical package, and thinking that it can make an impact nowadays… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Colin

This first review contains two grammatical errors, so I fixed it, and posted again. Too bad that we don’t have THE EDIT BUTTON anymore. The upper review is the better one. Thanks!

1 year ago

Maybe true meaning is lost in transla… Oh wait

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
1 year ago

Most of you know what I’m going to write here: This song is not to my taste. I don’t need to explain why, do I?
N.B. I honestly wish Wild Youth all the best, and I’m sorry that I don’t like this song.

1 year ago
Reply to  Purple Mask

I’d be thrilled if he does, but Purple is really careful with his negative reviews, as some people were attacking him before for that. Some industry people who can’t handle constructive criticism. But he used to have quite well-written negative reviews a few years ago. For instance, he really dissected Moldova 2018 and gave it a really bad score. It was a fun read. Still, I understand him being careful now. I just wish if there was no need for it, and that people were more chill about criticism.

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
1 year ago
Reply to  Colin

Thanks Colin, that recollection of yours is about 90% accurate with mine. The main difference here is that I also remember complimenting DoReDoS on their group vocals in the last eight seconds of the song. To Ari: As I understand it, as long as you don’t have pop music industry connections or aspirations, then you should be fine to post your honest reviews, but obviously please be careful if you do have connections. On the other hand, Chris Harms (Germany 2023 Lord Of The Lost) posted two whole YouTube videos of his reactions this year, so I don’t see the… Read more »

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
1 year ago
Reply to  Purple Mask

The only difference between our reviews on Ireland 2023 would be that I would focus more on the music than the lyrics. Other than that, it would read very similar anyhow, so you’re not missing out on much.

just an esc fan
just an esc fan
1 year ago

This is the most uninspired, basic, unoriginal song to step its foot on the ESC stage this year and this is exactly why I rank this so low. Don’t buy mello rejects! They won’t save you at all! It seems Ireland will place last in its semi for the 3rd time the last 4 editions..

P.S. Would rank this higher if the singer showed any improvement but he still can’t reach the notes in the chorus.. at least don’t run away from the mic when the chorus is up, it’s the definiton of second-hand embarassment.

Rating: 1/10 (36th)

peter m
peter m
1 year ago

Correction….You find it to be the most uninspired, basic, unoriginal song. It’s not a melfest reject btw. Conor and Ed wrote the song with a Swedish writer. It wasn’t submitted anywhere else.

just an esc fan
just an esc fan
1 year ago
Reply to  peter m

in that case, its very surprising how they managed to do such a bad job

1 year ago

He’s not running away from the mic during the chorus but has rather more noble intentions. In an interview he says that he doesn’t feel it fair that he gets all the attention as lead singer when the other guys have great voices. He keeps silent in the chorus to give them a chance to shine. Personally I disagree with him. He’s the lead singer, it’s his job to do the singing. There are certainly ways to get the others’ voices involved but you still are the main singer. Look at how Australia brings in the second singer, or how… Read more »

1 year ago

As a song, I feel this has been very harshly judged by fans this year. Yes, it heads towards being a being a bit generic and with predictable lyrics, but you could make that point about a good ten or more of the 2023 songs. For some unknown reason, this entry has been singled out for all the criticism and derision. The performance by the band in Madrid showed that this is far from a total no hoper or the ‘guaranteed last place / nil points in the semi final’ that its critics claim. I’m not entirely convinced either by… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Ron

I’d agree, swedens song this year is also generic lyrics but everyone is letting that song pee all over them.

Benito Camelo
Benito Camelo
1 year ago
Reply to  Europotato

Honestly WOA has moved me more than Tattoo, but it feels like saying such a thing is forbidden bc down votes pour down if you say something even slightly negative about “queen Loreen”

peter m
peter m
1 year ago

“We Are One” is the “Love is On My Side” of 2023. People are going to see this in rehearsals and only then will they realise that it’s qualifying.

1 year ago
Reply to  peter m

I highly doubt it. Love Is On My Side was amazing musically and had something to offer lyrically as well. The Black Mamba were also good performers. We Are One, even if it’s listenable, is just bland and with little to offer musically. I wouldn’t personally put it last and it would actually qualify in my personal top of the first semi final (believe it or not 🙂 ) but I don’t think that’s a likely scenario in the actual contest.

Peter M
Peter M
1 year ago
Reply to  Thanos

I see it qualifying. I’m not comparing either of them from a musical point of view but in the sense they were not well received by the fans and were given absolutely zero chance of qualifying before the contest. The Black Mamba wasn’t even first choice with the televote or jury in Festival da Cancao.
It’s going to come across much better in a big arena, for sure.

1 year ago

Good looking band members + active social media push + very mediocre song+ public only semi voting = a surprise grand finalist.

Benito Camelo
Benito Camelo
1 year ago
Reply to  Scott

I do agree (and wish) that this can surprisingly make it through to the final. Btw generic ? mediocre

Benito Camelo
Benito Camelo
1 year ago
Reply to  Benito Camelo

The question mark here was intended to be a “not the same as” symbol

1 year ago

30) Ireland – The revamp made things slightly better, hence why it’s slightly higher on my list than the original was. However you just know that if this was our (the UK’s) entry, we’d be dead last on the final scoreboard. The lyrics are probably the worst part, unfortunately. That’s all I can really say. 4/10

1 year ago
Reply to  Emily

“No, I don’t care about them all
‘Cause all I want is to be loved
And all I care about is you
You’re stuck on me like a tattoo
No, I don’t care about the pain
I’ll walk through fire and through rain
Just to get closer to you”

Those are the lyrics of the chorus of the red hot favourite to win this year’s Contest (!)

1 year ago
Reply to  Ron

Oof, those made me shudder.

1 year ago
Reply to  Ron

There’s certainly a lot of questionable lyrics this year huh

1 year ago
Reply to  Ron

But it does illustrate the pointlessness of focusing in on the lyrics of any entry and especially in the context of televoters in the semi final….televoters are hardly going to be on the lookout for which song has the best or cleverest lyrics. Finland for example (a great entry) almost sounds like a basic football chant.

1 year ago
Reply to  Ron

I don’t really focus as much on lyrics than I do anything else, it’s more like Ireland’s song is pretty basic and the lyrics pretty much solidify that thought (and more or less the same thought as my last place this year…). I guess it depends on the type of song more than anything else. Finland’s a good example where I think the lyrics nor the vocals matter too much to make an impact. Folks would just get with the vibe more than anything.

1 year ago
Reply to  Ron

I still think the fans are way more concerned about this than the general public will be. Assuming that the televoters will award it nil points just because they don’t like the title of the song or think it’s generic is being extremely presumptuous.

1 year ago

irish one direction, great anthemic pop banger <3


1 year ago

The fact a lot of the wiwi jury ranked this higher than Estonia is concerning

1 year ago
Reply to  Donkey

I was wondering that, blimey.

Esc obsessed
Esc obsessed
1 year ago
Reply to  Donkey

Personally, I understand why Ireland was placed higher than Estonia. Estonia is one of my lowest ranked songs this year.

Benito Camelo
Benito Camelo
1 year ago
Reply to  Donkey

Not that much, Estonia’s only highlight is Alika’s voice unfortunately :/

1 year ago

At this point it just feels like piling onto poor Ireland, and that’s nothing I enjoy, so let’s get this over with. “We are one” relies on an uplifting chorus with a lot of reverb on everything, wide synths, a lot of guitars, choirlike backing vocals. The songwriting is not very imaginative, this is a song for a large crowd to sing along to, nothing wrong with that, but it rarely leads to a huge amount of sophistication. The relatively trite lyrics complement this nicely. The biggest issue I have with this song, is a personal one, though. I just… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Tibor

Ah…nice to see somebody else who doesn’t get on with the voice of the vocalist. I feel like a lot of people are just complimenting it, just to find something to compliment. Maybe, they genuinely believe it’s the “least bad” component of the entry.

1 year ago

Ireland is known as the land of poets and scholars, not the land of AI-generated cliche lyrics.

I really dislike this song, and I think Wild Youth know they made a mistake choosing this song for Eurovision. It’s a huge shame because Wild Youth have so much potential and they could’ve gained some sort of European career from the exposure, but ultimately they’ll flop and be forgotten about weeks after the final. A great shame.

1 year ago

23. Wild Youth – We are One (Ireland) – 6/10 – if I place the hideous cliches into a nicely secure, locked box and deny all knowledge of them, then this is actually a perfectly acceptable middle-of-the-road life affirming little ditty. It is not ground-breaking in any way, but it’s not a bad three-minute listen and ticks off quite a few of the things about Eurovision which the general audience very much enjoys, even if we will never openly admit it.

1 year ago

This one just feels like a terrible miscalculation to me. Aims for U2, ends up as Official Inspirational Anthem for a sporting event. I don’t feel its soul, and it’s certainly not taking me anywhere interesting or new. 2/10

1 year ago
Reply to  Zanoni

Going into the weeds of the jury details, I couldn’t believe that Alika topped out at two 7.5s yesterday, and this managed two 8s. In the comments for the former you saw some passionate support, and I’m really not expecting that here.

1 year ago

Diego scoring this higher than Due vite… well that’s a choice

1 year ago
Reply to  Shanahan

I did the same unfortunately – both of them are quite predictable and very middle-of-the-road in my opinion.

Benito Camelo
Benito Camelo
1 year ago
Reply to  Shanahan

Indeed, but I get it. Due Vite does nothing for me either