Joker Out Carpe Diem Eurovision 2023 Slovenia

The Wiwi Jury — our in-house team of music unprofessionals — is reviewing and rating the 37 competing songs in Eurovision 2023. Next we review Slovenia, who have chosen Joker Out with “Carpe Diem”.

Are we ready to live life to the fullest? Read on to find out!

Joker Out – “Carpe Diem” (Slovenia Eurovision 2023)

Review: Joker Out – “Carpe Diem”

Lucy: My winner of 2023 is Joker Out from Slovenia. I was raised on British indie from the 90s-00s — there was no Kidz Bop in my world — and when I hear songs like “Carpe Diem” I’ve never been so grateful my dad had amazing taste to bless me with. This song takes me back to going to gigs of cool indie boys in dive bars in my teen years, and gives me that euphoric feeling of just letting go and enjoying the music. The song of course is about making the most of life and taking the fun experiences where you can – and I absolutely shall, whilst going nuts when they perform in Liverpool.

Score: 10

Oliver: With virtuosic guitar riffs and drum fills, Joker Out serve up fresh alt-rock with a tinge of Britpop perfect for the Liverpudlian crowd. Effortlessly suave, the boys have enough energy and stage presence to have a huge televote demographic lapping at the palm of their hands. But for all its qualities, “Carpe Diem” is missing a piece of magic. The journey from zero to 80 is far too slow, and the sluggish pre-chorus prevents the song from ever making it to 100. Unfortunately, the structure leaves the song feeling stagnant after two minutes. Regardless, this deserves applause for its masterful production and live performance.

Score: 6.5

Luis: “Carpe Diem” is Slovenia’s clearest shot to Eurovision victory ever. Joker Out have charisma for days, the song is an absolute earworm and they have the ability to be very big across the continent. This is how you do an internal selection: pick a band with great potential, allow them to shine with their own song and support them to the maximum. Slovenia’s best result at Eurovision so far is seventh place, but I’m quite certain that record has an expiration date: May 13, 2023.

Score: 9

Antranig: “Carpe Diem” is definitely not the worst song of Eurovision 2023, but it is the most forgettable. I have listened to it a number of times and can find very little that stands out to me. This just feels like Part 2 of their Eurovision 2022 entry — and that one didn’t go so well. Having said all of that, all is not lost. Joker Out are clearly great performers and will put on a great show in Liverpool. There are also no songs in their semi-final that are remotely similar, which may help them stand out. Find the right staging and this could be a real grower.

Score: 4.5

Jonathan: “Carpe Diem” did slightly pass me by on first listen. But after watching Joker Out’s live performance, I was hooked. The five of them have so much charisma and they get you swooning as they stare directly down the camera and into your soul. Of all the bands at this year’s contest, Joker Out are bringing the most contemporary hit. The carefree Britpop sound might be reminiscent of others, but singing in Slovenian helps give it that extra spark many across Europe won’t have come across before. Slovenia’s best entry in many years.

Score: 8.5

Slovenia Eurovision 2023 ranking

In the Eurovision 2023 Wiwi Jury, we have 20 jurors but only have room for five reviews. The remaining scores are below:

Cinan: 9.5

Dayana: 8.5

Deban: 7

Diego: 8.5

Forrest: 5.5

Kristín: 7.5

Pablo: 7

Renske: 8

Rick: 7.5

Ron: 3.5

Ruxandra: 9.5

Samuel: 9

Simon: 8

Tom: 7

William: 8.5

We have removed the highest and lowest scores prior to calculating the average. This is to remove outliers and potential bias. We have removed a low of 3.5 and a high of 10.

Wiwi Jury verdict: 7.75/10

What do you think of Slovenia’s Eurovision 2023 entry? Share your own score and review for Joker Out’s “Carpe Diem” below!

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1 year ago

A really enjoyable and playful brit indie rock entry by Joker Out, it wholesomely encapsulates the excitement and the endless fun of our teenage and early adult years. It is a perfect song to dance and sing along to, while the band is extremely charismatic and the overall product has such a nostalgic feel about life’s greatest times. At first, I was rather indifferent towards the entry, since I needed time to adjust and find some impact but in the end, this has become one of my higher qualifiers of SF2. It is definiteky a right step forward, since I… Read more »

1 year ago

This is just boring and repetìtive… #34 for me

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
1 year ago

There are lots of little musical hooks to grab onto, combined with a cool retro look and sound. However, there is no defining melody in this song in order to make it memorable enough for my top 10. “Carpe Diem” is perhaps emblematic of ESC 2023 as a whole in that it’s just there enjoying itself in denial of the drama that is going on around it.

1 year ago

Im sorry this song so bland and forgettable, at least their 2022 entry more catchy than this song.

1 year ago

My winner of 2023! Carpe diem is such an earworm!! When they were first announced, I was so happy as I was already a big fan. I recommend listening to their other songs, like Gola, Omamljeno Telo, Demoni etc. They’re very good. But I’m just a bit concerned about the staging. Well they said there’s gonna be a twist in the staging, so fingers crossed for top 10!

1 year ago

“Carpe Diem” has been flying under the radar (as it normally happens even with the best Slovenian entries), but I still believe Joker Out can get a very good result for their country. There’s something very cozy to their sound, even if this is a rock song. The chorus just melts in our ears and the guitar riff following it is always a blast to me. The vocalist has one of those tones that everybody will be pleased to hear, from kids to senior citizens. Plus it doesn’t hurt that every single member of the band is a sight for… Read more »

1 year ago

Year after year I wonder what planet Antranig lives on with his reviews

1 year ago

Very likeable band and really nice, energetic song. They are charismatic performers and know how to get the audience going. I have no doubt this will do well for Slovenia and they absolutely deserve it. My #11 this year 🙂
Just a slight disagreement with this song being “the best slovenian entry in recent years”, I personally prefer “Sebi” haha.

1 year ago

I like both the song and the band very much. A high placing would be deserved.

1 year ago

i knew it would be high with wiwibloggs.

the song is really nice, best slovenian entry since 2011. the boys are charming with stage charisma.

however, it’s a bit overrated by the community and will not as good as many fans hope in the final

Amar pelos dois
Amar pelos dois
1 year ago

Slovenia 10/12 – but not the english version

Lil Krumpy
Lil Krumpy
1 year ago

I hope they’ll demonstrate the importance of character in an entry by placing well.

1 year ago

I have no idea why there is a hype here. Guessing televote will prove me right.
They seem like great sports, just don’t think the song is strong.

Yoda Bor
1 year ago

I don’t understand “the most forgettable”
I can understand you don’t like this song (I’m not agree but) but forgettable?

Ben Kelly
Ben Kelly
1 year ago

I love it, it’s catchy, they are super charismatic and fun and it’s my favourite rock song along with Latvia. I love it that they sing in Slovenian too. I’m very positive they’ll qualify easily. I can’t vote on semi 2 but at the final I’ll definetly grant them some votes.

1 year ago

There’s a cliche about sports halls of fame amongst people who obsess over such things: “It’s not the Hall of Very Good.” It’s an argument for keeping standards sky-high and what’s supposed to be the pinnacle of achievement. To me, Joker Out are this year’s Very Good band– there are no flaws in the package. It’s fun and danceable. The instrumental sections are cool. The lyrics are solid. It’s got breakout hit potential. I think I just crave a stronger sense of unique identity– an X factor like Sudden Lights’ soul, or Voyager’s “look at this cool thing I can… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Zanoni

I like their carefree natural-ness, if that’s a thing. Voyager’s “look at this cool thing I can do” spirit seems to be the opposite of that, to me at least.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jonas

That seems kinda true, and a reasonable difference in preference.

1 year ago

Slovenia (along with Croatia) is the country that’s been waiting the longest for another top 10 spot, and it seems like their stars have finally aligned in the form of Joker Out. The band has a pretty varied repertoire, but with “Carpe Diem” they’ve decided to hone in on their easy-going, boy-next-door image, evocative of their biggest hit to date, “Umazane Misli”. Stage presence is what makes or breaks a Eurovision entry, and Joker Out have charisma for days. “Carpe Diem” is a smiley, hedonistic escape from the grey world of tedious paperwork and greedy corporations, a celebration of genuine,… Read more »

1 year ago

16) Slovenia – I really had a difficult time trying to place this one. It should be something I’m really into, but there’s something missing to really bump it up to the higher ranks. It’s a nice little song and definitely one of the best Slovenian entries, they’ve proven to be really good live, and the lads have genuinely been great on social media. This will definitely get some votes from us in the UK, but I’m struggling to place this one any higher. Still, a 7/10

1 year ago

I fell in love with the song and after giving a listening to Joker It’s other music, I fell in love with their music and their personalities.
Top 4 for me, and I hope they reach as high in Liverpool.

Also- Off-topic, I mentioned Hanna Waddingham to a pattern designer I support in Patreon, I had a crowdcast with and she past a whole minute needing about her and Ted Lasso. I might get something inspired by her soon. She also talked about Hannah’s singing voice. Should We be expecting something in that area?

1 year ago

Alongside “Aija”, “Carpe Diem” is the best rock song this year. Joker Out are also a nice addition to the Eurovision line-up, they seem to be loving the path to Eurovision and giving a lot of hilarious moments. When the song was released I have some doubts as how this would be translated on stage, but the first live performance cleared all my doubts. They really delivered and you can tell they enjoy the song on stage. It was imressive with just a “simple” (but thouroghly staged) camera work and lighting in a TV studio. This could be the best… Read more »

1 year ago

Clearly this year’s ‘darlings’ – pretty faces, huge personalities….a little bit of a ‘5 Seconds of Summer’ vibe around them. The song is pretty ‘pedestrian’, but you can be sure they will ‘bring it’ live and easily qualify for the final….the public are going to love this. Will be a top ten contender in the final? Maybe…but I think there other other acts that will be more popular with the public…the juries….not sure sure they will pick up votes….the viewers have their backs.

Korotán Korí
Korotán Korí
1 year ago

I am really worried about this one. First of all, they don’t have any guaranteed points in the semi. Second of all, the song seems to have been quite forgotten recently. At the beginning of the OGAE Poll, Slovenia got points regularly, now it doesn’t get points regularly. And finally, the Euro Jury on EuroVoix also puts it very low. I think it has only been in the top 10 of Estonia, Serbia and I think Lithuania. Other songs that are way more unpopular have gotten way more popularity there, I don’t think Slovenia is even in the top 30… Read more »

1 year ago

Winner vibes!!!

Anna Annita
Anna Annita
1 year ago

My winner !!!

1 year ago

SLOVENIA – This song is so cute and joyful throughout! The guitars are well-placed, the melody is nice, and the vocals are inviting. The guys feel happy, and they transmit the playful energy well on stage. The message is to ”seize the day” and enjoy. There’s a certain authenticity here, and people feel that. The music video is fun and laid-back as well. The song offers a fresh dose of serotonin with each listening. At first, I was afraid that people wouldn’t think it’s competitive enough, as it’s not overtly in-your-face, but turns out that this song is quite popular.… Read more »

1 year ago

I am really surprised at how well received this has been. “Carpe Diem” is not a bad song, by any means, it’s a very lively, happy tune with a lot of variation in the melody, and although the instrumental relies mostly on the guitars, there is a lot of creativity in how they are played. The verses have a bigger indie feel to it than the chorus, which has a slight retro tinge, particularly because of the high-pitched backing vocals. Overall, I enjoy the live version much more than the studio cut, which bodes well for Eurovision. Nevertheless, I can’t… Read more »

1 year ago

landslide semi 2 winners for 110% sure

best ever Slovenian entry by far

although stands no chance against the almighty superpower that is Loreen in the final

1 year ago

Slovenia this year has done everything right. It does something unique, the entry delivers everything well in the way it wants to, and they’re great live performers. The touch of psychedelia is very interesting and the instrumentation in the chorus is wonderfully done, as well as the backing falsettos ‘echoing’ the lead vocal. Slovenia is among my favorites this year, and I hope for them to finally get a new best result after 2001. 7th place is a tall order for a country that tends to struggle like Slovenia does, but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible. It’s a 9/10 for… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Vivian

I liked Estonia and Denmark that year, though Slovenia easily deserved top 3 that year

1 year ago

YES! This is, without a doubt, the best entry Slovenia has ever sent to Eurovision.

And to the amazing boys behind this epic song, I have just one thing to say: prepare your rocket ships, it’s time to blast off to the stars!

1 year ago
Reply to  SunChine

Nope, the BEST Slovenian song IS Maja Keuc’s No One.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jonkonfui

I loved both Tinkara Kovac and Maja Keuc.

1 year ago
Reply to  Steven

Tinkara = generic ylva/linda-ish song
Maja = who??? i really don’t know how her entry goes anymore

Rambo Amadeus
Rambo Amadeus
1 year ago
Reply to  SunChine

Can’t agree with that at all when Slovenia 2019 is right there, Carpe Diem is nice enough but it’s not a special and transcendental entry the way Sebi manages to be.

1 year ago
Reply to  Rambo Amadeus

we don’t need another depressing snooze like Sebi

Rambo Amadeus
Rambo Amadeus
1 year ago
Reply to  Rambo Amadeus

My 2019 top 3 are (in no particular order) Slovenia, Italy and Portugal, so I fully agree.

1 year ago

I think they will win the SF2.

1 year ago

I think that the fact that they are very handsome and have a great stage presence significantly improves the overall package. The song itself is forgettable unless you speak the language. It’s a 7.5/10 for me.

1 year ago
Reply to  Steven

“The song itself is forgettable unless you speak the language.”

Well, speak for yourself.

1 year ago
Reply to  SunChine

You too!

1 year ago

20th place: SLOVENIA: I started off liking the song more than now, yet it gradually slid down in my personal top a bit. It’s a cute and pleasant song with some Britpop influences that I always like but it many times borders to being cheesy for me. The lyrics are no masterpiece but they didn’t have to be for what Joker Out are trying to achieve here. I like the instrumental guitar breaks as well. I think they won’t have much of a problem qualifying as they offer unapologetic fun, come off as very likeable and all that will be… Read more »

1 year ago

I believe they will do great this year. Best result, gor sure. They have such a cool vibe, and indescribable charisma. Soo down to earth, always interacting with their fans, spreading love. Also, they have such a great discography.
My prediction is top 5, but in the last few days I thought is there anyy chance next ESC to be held in Ljubjana??

1 year ago

Last year, Slovenia suffered one of the most unjustified last places you’ll ever come across in Eurovision, a last place that almost single-handedly encapsulated how useless juries can be at Eurovision unless they’re given a set of actual musical criteria to work off. Strangely, despite doing away with their usual traditional process, Slovenia have ended up with, what is in many ways, a similar act. If you’re going to scrap your national final, you’ve got the make sure that the entry you’re sending is completely worth it. Well, this is clearly the best Slovenian entry of all-time for me so… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Briekimchi

I would also like to take the time to appreciate Joker Out’s participation in the Eurovision community during the season and how much they’ve really embraced the experience. They’re great guys and really deserve all the success!

Leo M
Leo M
1 year ago

Love this song – my 2nd place this year. Such a fun song and the band have got great charisma. Can’t wait to see it on stage in Liverpool. Could be a winner for semi final 2 and would love to see finish top 10 in the final

1 year ago
Reply to  Leo M

I think I literally wrote every single one of your sentiments into my review. Great minds!

1 year ago

I love the song, I am glad they let in in Slovenian. Plus they have so much charisma. I’d really love this to be the best Slovenia result ever (they need a top 6 though, which is not easy).
I vote in the 2 SF, let’s see live performances, but there is an important possibility that my votes are for them.

1 year ago

As a Eurovision enthusiast, I’m always on the lookout for musical acts that bring something captivating and thrilling to the table. So, before I dive into the song, I’d like to take a quick moment to touch on another matter. In my opinion, Eurovision is about the whole package that the representative offers, not just a good song, and the Slovenian guys are undoubtedly a good example of this. This band not only brings their Eurovision song to the stage, but also offers a diverse array of interactive experiences for people who are passionate about Eurovision to enjoy, seeking a… Read more »

1 year ago

18. Joker Out – Carpe Diem (Slovenia) – 7/10 – this is not as edgy as I wanted it to be, but it’s still a nice dancey-rock number. The song reminds me of a trendy, clothes commercial and the performers look surprisingly like the models who would be expected to appear in them so I expect this to resonate quite well with a Europe-wide audience. The band is aesthetically pleasing in both a visual and musical sense.

just an esc fan
just an esc fan
1 year ago

I love this song so much even if there’s nothing new or special about it. It’s enough for me that it seems like it’s straight from their hearts and they’re feeling it on stage.

Also wow they’re hot. Although that doesn’t affect the song ranking at all.

Rating: 9/10 (5th)

Luke A
Luke A
1 year ago

Slovenia is my number 3 this year wouldn’t mind them winning at all been near my top from first listen

Rambo Amadeus
Rambo Amadeus
1 year ago

Well, this is the last review for a SF2 country so might as well post the full ranking here:

1st. Austria8.44
2nd. Slovenia7.75
3rd. Iceland6.78
4th. Australia6.69
5th. Belgium6.67
6th. Denmark6.64
7th. Lithuania6.53
8th. Georgia6.44
9th. Armenia6.36
10th. Cyprus6.08
11th. Greece6.03
12th. Albania6.00
13th. Estonia5.83
14th. Poland4.81
15th. San Marino4.14
16th. Romania3.64

Feel free to comment.

1 year ago
Reply to  Rambo Amadeus

Good job! I mostly agree on qualifiers, would love to see Estonia in the finals but not sure which of the 10 qualifiers I would swap….

However, I think Romania is severly underrated here. Shall it qualify? Maybe not, but for sure does not deserve to be dead last and with such a low score. I think it should outperforme at least one or two entries in this semi….

1 year ago
Reply to  Rambo Amadeus

In terms of qualifiers, I would just swap out Lithuania and Armenia for Albania and San Marino.

1 year ago
Reply to  Rambo Amadeus

Not far off.
I’d rather Iceland were in the NQs and then you can give me any of Romania, Poland, Albania or Greece instead.

1 year ago
Reply to  Rambo Amadeus

swap Cyprus with Greece

and swap Lithuania with Albania

but otherwise i’m ok with that

1 year ago
Reply to  Rambo Amadeus

Austria and Slovenia deserved their high scores. The ratings of Iceland and Belgium are quite padded for my taste, and I’d like to see Estonia and Romania qualifying instead.

Ria NL
Ria NL
1 year ago

Slovenia is one of my big favorites this year. I like the song and the band very much. I hope to see them back in the big finale and wish them a lot of succes in Liverpool.

Esc addict / Shut up and watch my ...
Esc addict / Shut up and watch my ...
1 year ago

Nice score! Good luck to them!