The Wiwi Jury — our in-house team of music unprofessionals — is reviewing and rating the 37 competing songs in Eurovision 2023. Next we review Sweden, who have chosen Loreen with “Tattoo”.

Do we think a second Eurovision victory is on the cards for Loreen? Read on to find out!

Loreen – “Tattoo” (Sweden Eurovision 2023)

Review: Loreen – “Tattoo”

Oliver: Loreen is unstoppable. Alongside her expert songwriting team, the former Eurovision champion takes a handful of simple ideas to create something greater than the sum of its parts. “Tattoo” keeps the audience on the edge of their seats with its jaw-dropping stage show, powerhouse vocals, and satisfying pre-chorus motif that builds and drops exactly when it needs to. Sometimes, these high production value numbers lose heart and authenticity. But Loreen pours emotion into every word, every movement, and every moment. Sweden might have just secured its seventh Eurovision trophy.

Score: 10

Deban: Loreen’s artistic excellence comes with a strong visual identity. “Tattoo” is golden, and without a doubt gunning for Eurovision victory. Infusing her nomadic identity in this breathy solo piece, Loreen grips viewers from start to finish with a melody that touches their core. When she is in pain, you feel her suffering. She creates an enigmatic stage atmosphere whilst twinning it beautifully with movement, wardrobe and the accompanying set design. As a total package, this raises the bar.

Score: 9.5

Dayana: Impeccable vocals with an even more impeccable performance. The staging is one of the most memorable ones this year; however, the song itself is just too easily forgettable and doesn’t do it for me. It’s of course curious to see how the energy will be different from Loreen’s previous entry at Eurovision. At the moment I get alien and outlandish vibes, which is definitely an experience, but this is only when watching the performance – like I said, the song itself doesn’t awaken any significant emotions in me.

Score: 7.5

Jonathan: It’s no easy feat to come back to Eurovision as a past winner. Yet, despite having evolved in her musical sound since 2012, Loreen still proves that she is a masterful artist and performer. “Tattoo” has an underlying production that gets the listener’s heart racing. This is then overlain by gorgeous strings and outstanding vocals to give the song an emotional pull. The staging is just a cherry on top that rounds out a complete package. At the heart of it all – Loreen. A lesser artist would be swallowed up by everything, but Loreen commands the performance from start to finish and even takes it to new heights. 

Score: 10

Renske: In 2012, Loreen didn’t stick to the clichés that the song contest can bring about. And this year, she proves once again that doing your own thing at Eurovision is the way to go. “Tattoo” is a track that is modern and fits in with all current music trends without feeling “made”. The Swedes like to choose quality and they were again not mistaken to send a pop effort. There are more creative and innovative tracks around this year, but “Tattoo” feels like a song that both casual viewers and Eurovision die-hards will embrace.

Score: 9

Sweden Eurovision 2023 ranking

In the Eurovision 2023 Wiwi Jury, we have 20 jurors but only have room for five reviews. The remaining scores are below:

Antranig: 10

Cinan: 10

Diego: 9

Forrest: 9.5

Kristín: 6

Lucy: 7

Luis: 9.5

Pablo: 8.5

Rick: 9.5

Ron: 9.5

Ruxandra: 10

Samuel: 10

Simon: 10

Tom: 9

William: 10

We have removed the highest and lowest scores prior to calculating the average. This is to remove outliers and potential bias. We have removed a low of 6 and a high of 10.

Wiwi Jury verdict: 9.31/10

What do you think of Sweden’s Eurovision 2023 entry? Share your own score and review for Loreen’s “Tattoo” below!

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1 year ago

Her career seems like a massive failure that showcased that Melodifestivalen’s main goal is ‘One hit wonders’, none of Sweden’s latest representatives have much career after Melodifestivalen, unless they participate in it again.

Makes Eurovision look bad, as winners and ESC participants barely have careers afterwards.

John Lundvik, The Mamas, Tusse, Robin Stjernberg, Robin Bengtsson, Frans to name few – haven’t made any hits, haven’t appeared on Sverigetoplistan, Spotify Top-50 or anything like that. Dead careers.

Dj C
Dj C
1 year ago

Too bad the majority of her music is STOLEN from
No doubt about it

1 year ago

You know, I don’t get it why is there so much hate but at the same time everyone wants her to win! I’m a huge Loreen fan it self so I want talk about everything from ESC because you already know my opinion but I just don’t get it.
And Finland is not my genre

Doctor Benway
Doctor Benway
1 year ago

I don’t understand the buzz surrounding Loreen. “Euphoria” wasn’t an extraordinary song and the choreography was a bit ridiculous. Here again, “Tatoo” is far from being an unforgettable song, the lyrics are a bit cringy and the scenography is not that impressive.
People should stop doing too much with her. She’s not a queen of anything. Hope Käärijä puts Loreen at his right place.

1 year ago

It is this kind of climate in these comments here and on many other fansite that is the main reason why EBU decided to have all rehearsals behind closed doors.

I for example hated Serbia last year, did I brag around whole Internet behaving like a jerk about that? NO

You just have to accept that something that YOU don´t like can be something other people like, you just have to accept that, and if you can´t, the problem lies within you

1 year ago

She’s 2nd in my top, one of the best pop song of this year. You know what?

“Violins playing and the haters crying
When the stars align then next year we’ll be in Sweden”

Åsa S
Åsa S
1 year ago

Wiwi jury scores, Sweden 2011-2023:
1. 2023 Loreen “Tattoo” (9.31)
2. 2012 Loreen “Euphoria” (9.25)
3. 2022 Cornelia “Hold Me Closer” (8.94)
4. 2016 Måns Zelmerlöw “Heroes” (8.44)
5. 2014 Sanna Nielsen “Undo” (8.35)
6. 2020 The Mamas “Move” (7.88)
7. 2018 Benjamin Ingrosso “Dance You Off” (7.75)
8. 2019 John Lundvik “Too Late For Love” (7.61)
9. 2017 Robin Bengtsson “I Can’t Go On” (7.58)
10. 2011 Eric Saade “Popular” (7.50)
11. 2021 Tusse “Voices” (7.14)
12. 2013 Robin Stjernberg “You” (6.92)
13. 2016 Frans “I Were Sorry” (6.29)

1 year ago

hahaha what an immature song. this song is kind of raw it is life a draft, unifhinshed. I dont like it.

Loreen is a berber tho and berbers received me so nicely in Morocco

1 year ago

My ranking: 1. Georgia 10 2. Armenia 9 3. Austria 9 4. Finland 9 5. Spain 9 6. Serbia 9 7. Latvia 8.5 8. Estonia 8.5 9. Portugal 8 10. France 8 11. Australia 7.5 12. Slovenia 7.5 13. Croatia 7.5 14. Sweden 7.5 15. Azerbaijan 7 16. Malta 7 17. Lithuania 7 18. Italy 7 19. Iceland 6 20. Czechia 6 21. Ukraine 6 22. Switzerland 6 23. Moldova 5.5 24. Belgium 5 25. Denmark 5 26. Israel 5 27. Germany 5 28. Norway 4.5 29. Albania 4.5 30. Cyprus 4.5 31. Romania 4 32. Netherlands 4 33. United… Read more »

1 year ago

The staging is a 10 but the song itself is a 5, maybe a 6. Therein lies the problem. This feels like a triumph of staging visuals and budget, not of music. And staging always matters, it can elevate or destroy a song, but this pushes that idea to the extreme in a way that leaves me slightly uncomfortable with the large gap of quality between song and stage show. The song itself touches on the well-worn topic of “right person, wrong time” that Cornelia did better last year. with a dozen songwriters trying to make it a modern hit,… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Felix

Agree 100%

1 year ago
Reply to  Felix

Agreed a victory for sweden this year will give a sign that money is the winner in eurovision only competing with politics more

1 year ago

Swedish Eurovision entries never have a music video and they’re there made up just for ESC and nothing more, which has made Swedish songs too unauthentic. These aren’t made album in mind, only Eurovision result in mind. Soulless and dull; pain, rain, weight gain – what rhymes will they figure for next year, songwriters will be same as usual. Next problem comes from the fact that many Swedish entries take far too much from others. Almost every year we hear how they steal from other songs, this year from Mika Newton’s “V Plenu”, ABBA’s “Winner Takes It All” and Pont… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Kirill

I hear similarities with “Frozen” by Madonna; especially in the breakdown part. But I agree, Sweden always send well produced but unauthentic and soulless songs. The only one I really liked from the last 10 years was “Hold Me Closer” by Cornelia, this one had more soul and really came alive on stage and I still stream it on Spotify. Otherwise Swedish entries are always for fast-consuming (Robin Bengtsson 2017, Benjamin Ingresso 2018, Tusse 2021 or Eric Saade 2021… c’mon Sweden, don’t you have anything more interesting?)

1 year ago

Wow, such a surprise! Not… How predictable…

1 year ago

She did NOT just beat her own record!!!

1 year ago

Dayana had it right. Loreen does all the work. The song itself sounds good because it is a mix of already hit songs and that worked for Mans Zelmerlow back in 2015 so if you paired an artist like Loreen with a song like “Tattoo” you have a killer mix even if it is nothing original. It’s hard to imagine any other country winning tbh. Maybe Finland but I don’t think the jury will support it as they will support Sweden. Sweden is my 4th this year. 1. Latvia (9) 2. Spain (8.25) 3. Slovenia (8) 4. Sweden (8) 5.… Read more »

1 year ago

Thank you, Wiwi Jury, for your effort in organizing this event, and giving us an opportunity to be a part of it. It was enjoyable reading your comments and your ratings. Wiwi Jury is a good part of why I love April. 🙂

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
1 year ago
Reply to  Colin

Indeed, thank you to everyone who was involved in the Wiwi Jury this year. This may not be the best ESC year musically, but it has sure been entertaining and educational reading all of your opinions and viewpoints. N.B. Only one of my comments was permanently filtered this year, so 36 out of 37 isn’t bad (especially considering I wrote some if them while I was in hospital).
Enjoy ESC everyone. Next up is rehearsals.

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
1 year ago

“Tattoo” is a nice song on its own. It’s pretty to play on the piano, with a nice sequence of riding motifs in the Pre-Chorus in particular. It is nothing new or stand-out. But when Loreen is added to this song, the bar is raised so high that it’s floating somewhere outside the earth’s atmosphere. “Tattoo” sung by Loreen is a spiritually moving experience. Loreen’s emotive (and nasal) voice, combined with her expert performance acting abilities, make “Tattoo” front runner in the odds for 2023. Personally, Sweden is only my 3rd favourite. This is because Latvia’s song really connected with… Read more »

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
1 year ago
Reply to  Purple Mask

Ooo a typo: rising* motifs!

1 year ago

The thing about ‘Tattoo’ is, I can instantly recall the performance – the props, the lighting, the movements, the Freddie Krueger fingernails, Loreen getting oximated by the smoke machine – but I aways struggle to remember the melody. I have to mentally force myself to it, repeating the ‘tattoo-o-o’ bit in my head until I finally get it right. Part of me wants to believe that “Tattoo” is just a collective dream we’re all having, because reliving “Euphoria” 2.0 feels so surreal. I have to pinch myself to make sure I’m not trapped in someone’s Eurovision fanfic. The angels crying… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Skiwalko

My terribly exciting ranking: 1.      Austria 9/10 2.      Serbia 8.5/10 3.      France 8/10 4.      Latvia 8/10 5.      Slovenia 7.5/10 6.      Croatia 7/10 7.      United Kingdom 7/10 8.      Italy 7/10 9.      Lithuania 7/10 10.  Malta 7/10 11.  the Netherlands 6.5/10 12.  Portugal 6.5/10 13.  Sweden 6.5/10 14.  Moldova 6.5/10 15.  Finland 6.5/10 16.  Iceland 6.5/10 17.  Norway 6.5/10 18.  Georgia 6/10 19.  Spain 6/10 20.  Australia 6/10 21.  Poland 6/10 22.  Estonia 6/10 23.  Armenia 5.5/10 24.  Albania 5.5/10 25.  Czech Republic 5.5/10 26.  Denmark 5.5/10 27.  Belgium 5.5/10 28.  Germany 5.5/10 29.  Azerbaijan 5/10 30.  Israel 5/10 31.  Ukraine 5/10 32.  Greece 5/10 33.  Romania 4.5/10 34.  San Marino 4/10 35.  Ireland 4/10 36.  Cyprus 4/10 37.  Switzerland 3/10   I realise that I’ve been somewhat conservative with my scores, but at the same time I don’t… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Skiwalko

Freddie Krueger fingernails lmaoo.

Benito Camelo
Benito Camelo
1 year ago

*pretends to be shocked*

Benito Camelo
Benito Camelo
1 year ago
Reply to  Benito Camelo

Regardless, props to Dayana bc she nailed it with her review, I think most of us (at least in the comments) agree with her review

1 year ago

Congrats Sweden on your victory. See yall in Stockholm 2024

1 year ago
Reply to  Lars

Right?.. We all know this is happening. Or probably Helsinki. I swear this year’s Eurovision is just a lost of time. Too predictable. And there’s too much average songs anyways. Even the “Top songs” are so weak and average compared to the previous years.
Can’t wait for 2024 already.

1 year ago


1 year ago

My final top 37: 1) Spain – 10 2) Finland – 10 3) Latvia – 9.5 4) Armenia – 9 5) Austria – 9 6) Serbia – 8.5 7) Sweden – 8.5 8) Croatia – 8.5 9) Czechia – 8.5 10) Georgia – 8 11) Moldova – 8 12) Norway – 8 13) Germany – 8 14) Malta – 7.5 15) Portugal – 7 16) Slovenia – 7 17) Belgium – 7 18) Cyprus – 7 19) UK – 6.5 20) Australia – 6.5 21) Switzerland – 6 22) Netherlands – 6 23) Albania – 6 24) Lithuania – 6… Read more »

1 year ago

My final top 37 before the rehearsals and the live shows (it has been slightly changed from the places I have been giving in my Wiwi jury comments but there haven’t been any enormous changes): 1. Sweden 2. Italy 3. Serbia 4. Latvia 5. Spain 6. Armenia 7. Australia 8. The Netherlands 9. Greece 10. Cyprus 11. Georgia 12. Lithuania 13. Estonia 14. Finland 15. Austria 16. Moldova 17. Switzerland 18. Azerbaijan 19. Germany 20. Slovenia 21. Ireland 22. Albania 23. United Kingdom 24. Czechia 25. Iceland 26. Portugal 27. Norway 28. France 29. Ukraine 30. Romania 31. Malta 32.… Read more »

1 year ago

For me the song It is ok but I prefer something different winning Eurovision and since I dont think It Will be Spain, I Hope It is Finland. Tattoo IS good but It is too much the typical Eurovision song.

1 year ago

I don’t understand why people think this is vocally excellent, she is really struggling in the higher register and is heavily supported by backing vocalists in those parts. Song is great and definitely a contender, but the vocal issues are so obvious in the live version that it’s becoming really irritating to see everyone, and especially juries never marking Sweden down for shortcomings.

1 year ago
Reply to  funkerman24

I prioritize passion and feeling over hitting notes exactly right.

1 year ago
Reply to  funkerman24

I think its the delivery itself, how raw it is that makes people like it, not necessarily being technically on point.

1 year ago


1 year ago

I wish we could discuss “Tattoo” without making the whole thing about Loreen and if she should or not win Eurovision again. But I know it’s impossible. I feel it’s inevitable that some will overrate it because they have an emotional connection to the performer (don’t get me wrong, I have one too) and others underrate it because they don’t want her to win again (she wouldn’t be my winner either). The thing is this is a solid pop song (the lyrics could carry less clichés, but they’re serviceable), very well produced and powered by amazingly-crafted visuals (it’s Sweden, we… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Sabrina

To whom it may concern, here’s my final WiwiJury ranking:

1) Finland, Latvia and Spain: 9.5
4) Austria: 9
5) Armenia and Serbia: 8.5
7) France, Portugal, Slovenia and Sweden: 8
11) Australia, Georgia and Italy: 7.75
14) Czech Republic: 7.5
15) Moldova and The Netherlands: 7
17) Croatia, Estonia, Lithuania, Norway, United Kingdom and Ukraine: 6.5
23) Belgium, Germany and Malta: 6.25
26) Denmark: 6
27) Azerbaijan, Greece and Iceland: 5.75
30) Cyprus and Switzerland: 5.5
32) Israel and Romania: 5
34) Albania: 4.25
35) Ireland: 3.5
36) Poland and San Marino: 3

1 year ago
Reply to  Sabrina

Your ranking is very, very similar to mine! Well, the obvious difference I see there is that Czechia is actually my winner but we have 4 top 5 songs in common (swap Spain, my #6, with Armenia)

1 year ago
Reply to  Dani

That’s a lot in common already! And I must say things could be different about how I reviewed Czechia if they hadn’t a bunch of iffy performances during the season. I’m really hoping they achieve to bring the vibe from the music video, because I still believe in their potential. And I don’t want the country leaving Eurovision, they’ve been bringing quality since their return.

Benito Camelo
Benito Camelo
1 year ago
Reply to  Sabrina

Your ranking is very similar to mine, and my top 3 is the same as yours! 😀

1 year ago
Reply to  Benito Camelo

It’s curious how these 3 songs and performances have so little in common, but you, me and Colin ended up with the exact top 3. 🙂 That’s why I love music, sometimes things can’t be explained, we just feel them, right?

1 year ago
Reply to  Sabrina

Our rankings at the very top are *really similar* this year! My top 37, as per my pre-ESC rating, reflected in my Wiwi Jury scores: 1) Finland / Spain / Latvia = 10 4) Austria / Serbia = 9.5 6) Italy / Estonia / Moldova = 9 9) Armenia / Czechia / Norway = 8.5 12) Sweden / Georgia / Malta = 8 15) Portugal / Cyprus / Croatia / Australia = 7.5 19) Slovenia / France / Netherlands = 7 22) Romania / Switzerland = 6.5 24) Lithuania / Azerbaijan / Germany = 6 27) UK / Poland =… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Colin

I’ll try and do the same. I didn’t give them grades out of them initially but it would probably be looking like that (songs with the same grades are in the order of where they are ranked): 1) Czechia / Latvia / Armenia = 10 4) Finland = 9.5 5) Austria / Spain = 9 7) Georgia / Moldova / Croatia / Portugal / Serbia = 8.5 12) Slovenia / Australia / Estonia / Sweden = 8 16) Lithuania / Germany / Norway = 7.5 19) Ukraine / Albania / Malta / France = 7 23) Switzerland / Italy =… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Colin

As usual, we agreed much more than we disagreed. But sharing a top 3 is outstanding! I calculated our biggest differences: Belgium (2.75 and I was the kind one), Estonia and Poland (2.5, now you were the kind one) and Iceland (2.25, and it was my time to be the good cop again). In Gustaph’s case, the whole vibe of the entry is endearing to me, even if the song is just OK. As I also have a soft spot for Diljà’s stage presence. Estonia is easy to explain, you’re normally more attracted to piano ballads and theater sounding songs… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Sabrina

I don’t remember where I read someone describing it like this, but I couldn’t stop calling it this way since then! 😀

1 year ago
Reply to  Sabrina

I usually use the term “The Loreen Sandwich” for the entire staging but panini press is also hilarious 🙂 .

1 year ago
Reply to  Thanos

Fair enough! But will we have a Croque Loreenier in Liverpool instead? 😀

1 year ago
Reply to  Sabrina

Point on, Sabrina! We agree once again. 🙂

1 year ago

And Loreen has just won the OGAE ESC 2023 Poll. A good day for Tattoo.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jimmy

Sweden won it last year and finished 4th.
Let’s hope history repeats itself. Fair result

1 year ago

I don’t really get the negativity in the comments; this is a very weak year with mediocre songs and she stands out. Plus I think Sweden deserves to catch the Irish record because they really love this competition and they always do amazing hosting. And this is a song to listen to after the contest unlike most others.

Benito Camelo
Benito Camelo
1 year ago
Reply to  Chris

You’re already wrong if you truly believe that this is a “very weak” year

1 year ago
Reply to  Benito Camelo

No, IT IS actually very weak year. The songs this year are so random and average. Pretty sure this year’s contest will be remembered as one of the weakest of the decade. Bye

1 year ago

Honestly, I don’t think this is the best song of 2023… but it is my most played. The lyrics are somewhat lacking, sure, but that doesn’t take away from the addictive energy and passion on display. I love it! Star quality all over.

1 year ago

The song itself is a 5/10. Everything else is great.

1 year ago

Moroccan oil – moroccan roots? (???)

1 year ago

As always way too predictable

1 year ago

Haha I love the way Wiwijury is biased. 9-10 scores for Sweden only because it’s Loreen, while other great songs, like France, Spain or Italy which are real art scored by someone for 5-6:) i agree that the Song is not that memorable, and noone will remember it in few years.. i also don’t understand what innovative is to sing inbetween of two LED screens.

1 year ago

ehhhh, i can’t agree with this scoring higher than Euphoria did. I feel like there’s a power creep in jury scores these days.

1 year ago

The girl is a consummate stylist, no doubt; but I think she could very well be vulnerable when it comes to substance. And as I’m about to complete my 3rd round of evaluations, I’ve got at least 4 ahead of her overall because of the substance element.

1 year ago
Reply to  CookyMonzta

What substance do you think it’s missing exactly? Seems pretty subjective to me

1 year ago
Reply to  Lumostark

Everything is subjective. Even the Wiwi jury has made some bad calls in the past, and not necessarily at the very top. I just think the competition she has this year (as opposed to 2012) is a lot stronger. Consider Käärijä, whose lyrics are laced with drama, and the music (the best this year, in my opinion) just adds to the drama. That’s an example of substance… …Once more, we have yet to see what they will put on stage, and Loreen and her crew may either have to abandon the hovering screen (which, when last I read, weighed 1,800kg!)… Read more »

Amar pelos dois
Amar pelos dois
1 year ago

Sweden 6,5/12

Maya G
Maya G
1 year ago

Dayana’s review pretty much sums up what I think about Tattoo.
Loreen is indeed a great singer and a fantastic performer and the staging is truly captivating, but to me it all feels inauthentic and forced when the actual song (and this is a SONG contest) is so uninspired and mediocre. Sure Loreen and the show give it a boost and make a strong impression, but I’m still left with four words: All sizzle, no steak.

1 year ago
Reply to  Maya G

I struggle with the notion she is a great singer. It’s very suspicious that she only performs in poor light (lip synchibg psrts?) but even then her diction is atrocious.

1 year ago
Reply to  Maya G

“All sizzle, no steak”. You’re almost in the same ballpark as per my assessment above. She is going to get big points for her style (which she has by the trainload), but will the public penalize her on substance? I wish she had come with a tune similar to the tech-rock of “Statements”, or one of the songs on her album Ride (particularly, “’71 Charger’). That would have invited more of the element of substance in her performance.

1 year ago

don’t exaggerate, it s not worth it 10 or 9 , just 6 , euphora is amazing , Tatoo is booring

1 year ago

Dayana has literally covered every single thing I’m feeling about this entry. I’d only add that, despite Loreen’s artistic excellence, this song feels rather artificial, like there’s zero emotion being emmited out of the entry, with Loreen making sure of covering that flaw as much as she’s able to with her spectacular performances. The lyrics at some parts are unforgivable being so bland and predictable (“Violins playing, angels crying” screams so much early 2010’s which was a period I didn’t really like in Eurovision), I don’t like the similarities in rhythm with other compared songs of the past like “The… Read more »

1 year ago

let’s call a spade a spade: literally the only reason this song has such a high score is because of Loreen. If ANYONE else were singing this song, it would get, at most, a 7. This “jury” already lost credibility when it gave ‘Bridges’ a 5, but this is an absolute joke. I just can’t believe how much Wiwibloggs has gone downhill in the last couple of years.

1 year ago
Reply to  escfan34

Yes, agree. It’s sad. Especially the bot that if this was any other singer with this song, regardless how good, would not score anywhere near this well.

Jesper Hjellnes
Jesper Hjellnes
1 year ago

I first thought this had to be the highest Wiwi score ever, and then I saw Cyprus entry for JESC 2014 got an even higher score (

I also saw someone mention a national final entry from Finland in the contest

1 year ago

There’s a classic, tried-and-true quality to this song, and to me that’s both a strength and a weakness. It really sounds like it belongs in a Eurovision hits medley (and enough contestants have tried their hand at it that it’s already halfway there). The chorus is sticky and the melodic variation in the second verse is nice (that’s the part that almost gets me there). It’s well-performed. And yet… I feel like I’ve heard this before. It’s not the first pop song to use a tattoo on the heart as a central metaphor (the rest of the lyrics neither bother… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Zanoni

Argh I was thinking of another song that mentions a heart when I wrote this. Make that “tattoo as a metaphor for an enduring memory of love” or something.

1 year ago

Outrage with this website run by William Every year you suck up to Sweden Are you in the pockets

1 year ago
Reply to  Yom

lmao stop the count!

1 year ago

It’s perfectly fine if people think the entry as a whole is not that great or that other entries are just more authentic and interesting, but i can’t stand the argument that “y’all only hype it because it’s loreen”. Other former winners have returned too, such as forever eurovision darling alexander rybak, and weren’t nearly as hyped as loreen, because their returning act simply didn’t stand out. Not only winners for that matter, but memorable runner-ups, televote winners etc. I don’t appreciate tatoo’s entry because of loreen’s name, i don’t care about that at all. It’s because of her powerful… Read more »

1 year ago

I mean it’s good, but not this good for me. I’d give it a 7/10, it really is playing with fire with those Winner Takes It All and other things that were stolen. I don’t see this winning this year.

just an esc fan
just an esc fan
1 year ago

This is definitely not something new, Loreen herself has songs sounding similar. But the way she performs it simply elevates this to the roof for me. Her vocals are simply insane, she never fails to amaze me. Production is amazing too, as always a really professional entry from Sweden. Obviously it’s not the most original in lyrics and instrumentation but these aren’t so important when there’s Loreen. She can just make every song better. Realistically, I can’t see how this’ll get less than around 300 points in juries. Many people will also vote for her as well for different reasons.… Read more »

1 year ago

Just to note, you do realise that since the voting system changes in 2016, the only entries to get 300 points or above in the jury was 2017 Portugal and Australia 2016. Most entries that have gotten around that 260-280 mark has been the jury winner of their respective years.

So on that assumption, you think its winning the jury.

Roly West
Roly West
1 year ago

10/10 She is for sure my winner NOT because it’s Loreen but because this is pure TALENT. Yes, there are the haters who just say it’s overhyped by fans but let’s be honest it’s not! She has such a wonderful way of transporting you into her world and not many people can do that. Stunning vocals, stunning visuals the whole package!

1 year ago
Reply to  Roly West

As someone who has given a somewhat critical review of this entry, I don’t know if suggesting this song is overhyped should necessarily be considered hate. I think like myself there are a number of things in the reviews that for example the Wiwi jury members have listed as part of their reasoning for marking down other entries such as “genericness” or lyrical content and despite this song containing those elements, only one review which is posted in this article alludes to “genericness” and none of them relate to the lyrical content despite that being a factor to not rate… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Escfan

ofc I forgot to finish the sentence (facepalm)

seems like a strange thing to do.

Iván el Conquistador
Iván el Conquistador
1 year ago

Imagine if Loreen enters at number 2 in the finals. Would she be capable of winning? That curse must be broken.

1 year ago

Low key, not to sound like i’m in favour of intentional sabotage but I genuinely would be interested to see how this entry could do performing 2nd in the final. I think again unless fans of the song are vexxed that their favourite has been given the death spot, I think it would be interesting to see what could happen to a favourite if they’re given a potentially unfavourable running order spot. If this song does draw the first half though, I would be shocked if it wasn’t given 10th,11th or 13th in the running order (13th would be my… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Escfan

Exactly, I think it would be the ideal experiment to test the validity of that claim (not that there’s no evidence to back it up) but if you want to see if 2nd could really hamper any countries chances of winning, including a favourite, it would be interesting to see if putting a favourite there would significantly hamper its chances

1 year ago
Reply to  Escfan

i feel like the 2nd running order spot only came across that way so far because of most of the time ballads being put there and obviously ballads aren’t as strong memorable as uptempo’s or some midtempo’s i don’t think Loreen will perform as 2nd in the final although she has a later slot in the semi now, wouldn’t be surprised if she draws like 7th or 8th running order slot i feel Norway could really draw a later slot should they qualify from show opener slot, or Armenia should they qualify from 2nd position in semi 2 (not impossible… Read more »

1 year ago

10. Loreen – Tattoo (Sweden) – 8/10 – the lyrics are confusing in their content and enunciation, but the instrumentation and visual presentation is everything that a Eurovision song should be. Lots of drama, lots of musical build and an instantly memorable hook. I do crave a big musical explosion at the end of the chorus, but it never materialises, thus leaving me a little unfulfilled. Nevertheless, this song is classic Eurovision, it successfully ticks a lot of boxes.

Fierce Queen
Fierce Queen
1 year ago

I think the people who hate Loreen’s entry should advocate for the entry they like and try to support it. There is no negative vote in Eurovision, so it will not make a difference if you are bi tch ing about it #calmdown

1 year ago
Reply to  Fierce Queen

I think people can feel a bit frustrated, but ultimately yes, the way to counteract this winning on the night is to vote for your favourites and or the songs you think could win that youd prefer to win.

No harm in sharing opinions though once it remains respectful and not veering into bullying territory which in this comments section, as far as I can see it hasn’t.