The Eurovision 2024 season is beginning to heat up. Over the course of the next few months, we will all fall in and out of love with scores of new national final and Eurovision entries. But that doesn’t mean we forget about the artists from past contests.

Contrary to the commonly perpetuated myth about the song contest killing careers, we’re always thrilled to report that singers associated with Eurovision are thriving.

Here is our latest weekly roundup with a selection of the songs and music videos released recently by Eurovision stars.

New music from Eurovision artists: 2024 | Week 5

Kalush Orchestra – “Янголом”

For their first song of 2024, “Янголом” (“An angel”), Kalush Orchestra are slowing things down and bringing the emotion. Ukraine’s Eurovision 2022 champions put the focus on sung elements, though Oleh does still contribute a rap verse. Lyrically, they discuss a person who provides them with support and who they would struggle to be without: “You will always be there for me / You are an arrow / Stuck in the chest / Will not forget / An angel / Without which I am nowhere.” The group go into more detail about the message of the song in the accompanying video’s description:

“‘Yangolom’ is our new song that tells about one of the strongest feelings in the world – love. Where an angel symbolises a loved one without whom life loses its meaning. We hope that it will find a response in your soul. And that it will stick in your chest like the arrow from the song.”

Ksenia & Din – “Sexy Mamama”

Ksenia whipped up a Hurricane at Eurovision 2021, but she’s been the quietest of the trio since their separation. However, we’re delighted to say she is back on the scene with a new collaboration alongside Din. The pair deliver the sultry single “Sexy Mamama”. In the lyrics, Din is very forward with his advances towards Ksenia; but, the Eurovision alumna gives a little warning on what he’s getting himself in for: “And again, be careful, because I cheated on him there / And there’s no one to watch, I’ll come just like before / And everywhere she painted and look at the little girl singing lala / Little sexy mama”.

Remo Forrer – “Heaven or Hell”

“Holding on is going to tear us apart / But a head isn’t as strong as a heart / We’re lost, ’cause from the start / Like fire and ice, we roll the dice / Either heaven or hell.” In his new power ballad, “Heaven or Hell”, Remo Forrer is coming to the realisation that he and his partner need to go their separate ways. Nonetheless, the Swiss singer is finding it difficult to take that step and move on. Remo was involved in writing the lyrics for the song, and he explained why he feels so connected to them:

“‘Heaven Or Hell’ is definitely my most personal song to date. I experienced the story in pretty much the same way and it really bothered me for a very, very long time. It’s about breaking up – but you can’t get this one person out of your head. The thoughts keep going back because, as the text says, ‘A head isn’t as strong as a heart’. The feelings are simply stronger than the head, but in real life it doesn’t work – a dilemma.”

Alyosha – “Феромони”

Alyosha is picking up on the signal of love. Ukraine’s Eurovision 2010 representative has detected the “Феромони” (“Pheromones”) of her partner and is reciprocating with signals of her own: “And here pheromones are pheromones alone / They fly and prefer someone to catch them / It penetrates both me and you / Love rules the world again.” Musically, the track is a solid pop offering with a 45-second bridge interlude.

Mimicat – “Peito”

Mimicat is saying it with her “Peito” (“Chest”). The Portuguese star brings us an emotional song that highlights another side of her music following her fiery appearance at Eurovision 2023. In the lyrics, Mimicat sings to a loved one who she is no longer with, wishing they could return and hug her tightly: “I miss you my love / What do I do with this pain / That doesn’t fit in the chest, doesn’t fit in the chest / Come back to grab me / Around the waist and squeeze me / Against the chest.”

Agnete Saba – “HATE AT Æ ELSKE DÆ”

Agnete Saba took time during 2023 to work on her musical sound and hone her craft. Now she’s ready to reveal the results of all this effort with the new single “HATE AT Æ ELSKE DÆ” (“Hate That I Love You”). Norway’s Eurovision 2016 star begins the song with an electronic beat, before then transitioning into more of a light-punk-pop style from the first chorus onwards.

Marius Bear – “Kiss Me in the Morning”

After releasing a series of mellower songs to end 2023, Marius Bear is brightening up his music for 2024. “Kiss Me in the Morning” marks the start of a new chapter in the Swiss singer’s music. A song about the joy of life, the Eurovision 2022 alum notes how his mornings became a lot better after his partner arrived on the scene: “And everybody wants a piece of you / But this beauty in the hoodie started talking to me / And my feet left the ground / ‘Cause she’s so sweet / I want to know how you kiss me in the morning.”

Justs – “Baltajos Palagos”

Justs returns with the new single “Baltajos Palagos” (“White Sheets”). Latvia’s Eurovision 2016 representative delivers a broody mid-tempo track that grows into a soft-rock offering. Justs sings of a former lover who is engrained on his mind and who he wishes was still close to him: “In white sheets / We were enveloped suddenly / One night stands / Shown by the moon […] When you are not there / In lonely evenings / I don’t have the strength / I want to give up.”

Engelbert Humperdinck & EMIN – “Help Me Make It Through the Night”

“Help Me Make It Through the Night” is a country ballad that was first released by Kris Kristofferson in 1970. A year later, Engelbert Humperdinck included a cover on his album Another Time Another Place. Now, the UK’s Eurovision 2012 act is recording the song again alongside Azerbaijani singer EMIN — who so happened to perform as the interval act at the contest in Baku. The two singers perform a classic rendition of the song alongside a band and strings.

Who See – “Živi i zdravi”

You’ll be pleased to know that Eurovision 2013 alumni Who See are “Živi i zdravi” (“Alive and well”). The Montenegrin rap duo have released this song for the new film of the same title. The movie revolves around a bride who decides, two days before her wedding, she no longer wants to get married. Who See are guests at this wedding, and despite the mayhem that ensues, they still propose a toast to celebrate everyone’s good health: “Now everyone will get drunk, the music will continue until 4 / Now it’s our turn, we’ve stopped in the circle, the grandmother is at the table and chaos is brewing […] I won’t recover for days, come on, cheers, that we are alive and well.”

PAENDA – “Burning Bridges”

“Burning bridges day in, day out / Always taking the back road / So you don’t have to think about / The things you might be needing / Whilst you keep on bleeding out.” PAENDA’s partner is going through a difficult time. However, instead of trying to face their problems head on, this person is constantly “Burning Bridges” to escape from the torment. Austria’s Eurovision 2019 star pairs the lyrics with an electronic beat that is supplemented with further bass notes during the chorus.

Kasper Bjørke feat. Systur – “Conversations”

“Conversations” is the premiere single from Kasper Bjørke’s new upcoming EP. The music producer and DJ has collaborated with Icelandic trio Systur for the song, with the Eurovision 2022 sisters providing vocals for the chilled yet groovy offering. They lyrics act as a heads up from Systur on what a suitor can expect from them should they be in a relationship: “There will be times when I push you away / Just because I’m afraid you don’t want to stay / There will be times when I want to cry / I won’t be able to tell you all the reasons why / Something’s broken deep inside / I’m trying to fix it but I- / Give me some time.”


New national final songs from Eurovision artists

As fans will attest, once you’ve got the Eurovision bug it’s hard to let go. So it’s no wonder that every year some past participants of the contest want to have another chance at representing their country.

Here are the new songs from Eurovision stars released this week that have been entered into a national selection for Eurovision 2024.

THE ROOP – “Simple Joy” (Eurovizija.LT)

“All my life / I’ve been thinking I need something more / Now I’m fine / I’m enough with my own simple joy.” It’s always important to appreciate the simple things in life. And that’s exactly what THE ROOP are doing with their new entry for Lithuania’s national selection. The group are evolving their sound from what they delivered on the Eurovision 2021 stage, instead deciding to match the song’s theme and keep things simpler. They explained on social media:

“We present, we are excited, and we are moving forward. The song is about finding joy in everyday moments – those times when we feel content and self-sufficient. What do we need to fully accept ourselves and our lives? There is light in every day that guides us through difficult stages. The song ‘Simple Joy’ differs from the previous Eurovision hit, ‘Discoteque’. It’s important not to repeat, but to progress. Every era has its own themes and sound. We feel that there’s no need for monochromatic costumes or strict choreography now. We believe that what is needed is an ease with whistling and encouragement to travel through life at that pace. This time, we want to explore fundamental questions and real values – such as genuineness lost in a world full of artificiality. In the music video, Vaidotas seems to taste the end of the world, thus experiencing his daily routine with new eyes.”

Which of these new songs is your favourite? Have we missed out on any? Do you have any artists you want to shout out to? Let us know in the comments.

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1 year ago

OMG… Justs just getting hotter and hotter as the years pass….WTH?! He is soo freaking beautiful