Poland has revealed the 10 finalists for Wielki finał polskich kwalifikacji — its national final for Eurovision 2025. That’s a mouthful, so we’ll be calling it Polskie Kwalifikacje for short.
Among the big names in the contest is Justyna Steczkowska, the 52-year-old star who finished second in Poland’s internal selection for Eurovision 2024 (behind Luna) with the fan favourite song “With-er Taro-horo.” The former Voice of Poland coach will compete with a song called “Gaja,” so expect something uplifting and mystical.
Fans of Junior Eurovision star Sara James will be sad to learn that she was originally selected for the competition, but withdrew prior to today’s reveal. She was replaced by Janusz Radek.
Not all of the artists have revealed their songs. We’re pasting what’s available for now below.
The national final will take place on Valentine’s Day — February 14.
Poland: Polskie Kwalifikacje 2025 artists and songs
Chrust – “Tempo”
Daria Marx – “Let It Burn”
Song coming soon!
Dominik Dudek – “Hold the light”
Janusz Radek -“In Cosmic Mist”
Song coming soon!
I’m voting for Kuba and Sonia, we need radio friendly song, that when you listen for the first time you are able to sing-along
Justyna is a Raiven and ‘Veronica’ wannabe….The song is unbearable, aggressive, and has too many elements crammed in. It’s impossible to listen to.
Lusterka is a top 10 material for Poland
Finally a song that stands out of their each years banal things
Poland : finally be audacious !!!!!
I liked Chrust så far
Finally, the Polish public will have the opportunity to choose their representative for Eurovision this year. I must admit that the proposals are average. None of the songs somehow captivates me with originality. It seems to me that on February 14
It is the live performance and vocal that will help us choose the best representative of Poland.
I’m so sad with Sara’s withdrawal. She applied with ‘Tiny heart’ which I think would be the best Polish result in years. She wanted to switch the song for ‘Psycho’ which is also an interesting song, but TVP didn’t agree to do so.
The other songs sounds pretty average to me. I keep my fingers crossed for Justyna, it would be really cool to see a retournee from 1995. 🙂
Good. One less English song in the mix.
“Tiny Heart” worked better as a potential ESC entry than “Psycho” so I’m not sure I trust her instincts as an artist. I still hope she shows up someday as a Polish entrant because talent is there for something spectacular.
Honestly it’s depressing to think that these are the 10 best Poland has to offer…
yessss justyna!!!
Too many English songs. Yuck (puke emoji)
Rooting for the Polish language songs.
Where is Isabell Otrebus? I heard she was in the mix ? come back, we miss you!
We don’t
Check out the song she is teasing was her entry on her social media – 100x better than all the songs in the Polish selection
Even then you have to perform it live and she showed in 2018 that’s not her forte. There’s no need for another Rafal or Luna.
The Polish selection is quite nice, still waiting for Justyna’s revamp.
Lusterka might be a risky choice, not sure if Europe’s gonna apprecate it.
Ok! Will Poland bring a song totally in Polish this time? We didn’t get a total song in Polish since 2011, we had a mix of English and Polish in 2014 and 2019 though. But unfortunately none of the 3 Polish songs in this selection really grabbed me, I know Tempo and Gaja are fan favorites but none of them did something to me I found them confusing and kind of disjoncted, maybe I’m too oldschool… but I prefered Pray and Hold the light personally, Rumours is cool but it lacks something, a bit of power. So I wanted a… Read more »
The point is to find best song, no matter. If it happens to be in English then so be it..
Gaja started off pretty promising but it never really fully took off for me… a bit of letdown compared to Witcher. Thinking back though, it was really her performance last year that wowed me, so hopefully she has another stellar live show up her sleeves! It’s also so short! She has 40 seconds to play around with.
Tempo and Lusterka are the only others that caught my ear with some kind of unique, interesting sound.
Also enjoyed Pray, but I started losing interest midway. Similar with Dominik’s song. I much preferred his last entry.
I read that Justyna will add a new bridge to the song to give it more dynamism so should end up closer to 3mins
I love Dominik Dudek, Chrust and Sw@da & Niczos, especially Chrust.
Justyna is just like Evangelia: great artist who does not deliver a great song.
Pray is a Melfest reject.
I haven’t listened to the others yet.
I was thinking Pray was more of a MGP reject this time. But I share the sentiment. 🙂
Lusterka is the one guys watch this space and don’t vote for popular name
Keep dreaming boy lol
Luterska sounds more Ukrainian than Polish. Undeniable Justyna is the one putting more effort into her song and has the greatest potential out of all the entries
Justyna is amazing! This could be a fantastic result for Poland with great staging. It’s like an upgraded more modern version of her last year’s entry. Very good beat in the chorus. Would be a great story for her to come back after 30 years! She was definitely robbed in 1995. I like Sw@da too!
Upgraded version of Witcher… No way. It’s a complete 3 min chaos.
You say that like it’s a bad thing
I think Witcher had moments where it sounded quite dated. Something that would do really well in 2014. This one has a very good modern beat in the chorus and indeed chaos is great, better than predictable. The song has a similar drive to Ukraine’s 2021 Go_A entry
And also I prefer that this song is in Polish.
“Lusterka” sounds good. I also enjoyed “Pray”.
Lusterka or tempo but probably the biggest name will win as usual in Poland.
Lusterka are amazing!
lusterka, tempo or gaja and I will be happy
All crap so far. Let’s hope Daria and Janusz have something good, if not no final for Poland this year.
This time around, there will be decided 100% by the public, no shady juries this time. It also means that if things go wrong, you’ve got nobody to blame but yourselves.
You could always blame broadcaster for “not doing their job and leaving it to fandoms and shet” 😮 there’s always a way to complain 😮
Yeah, there’s always something to complain about.
Justyna had a GREAT song last year but as much as you all want her to go to Eurovision, “Gaja” is not even as half good I’m afraid. I really don’t like it. Lyrically it’s bad, it’s very repetitive, lot of shouting and noise but nothing comes out of it. :(( This is the time to put emotions aside and look clearly.
She is an outstanding performer, don’t forget. This can only get BETTER!
I don’t doubt it love but you also gotta have a good song to be able to sell it.
Ell and Nikki had neither, and still won. Sad.
Well, it’s safe to assume it’s would be performance heavy entry. There’s lots of breaks and extra 30 seconds to spare.
Dominik Dudek or Justyna for me, but Lusterka and Tempo aren’t bad either.
PLEASE be Justyna. Poland got my hopes up last year, I couldn’t handle two years of disappoinment.
Happy 30th anniversary, Sama.
In fairness, I have not yet listened to the other nine songs… but still.
That could be the record for the longest gap between appearances at Eurovision, 30 between your first and second. But at the same time, we should give other songs a chance.
Her Gaja song is very poor.. complete chaos!
Other songs and artists will get their chance to beat Justyna. If they can’t rise to the challenge, that’s on them. I don’t believe in “once only, then step aside”, especially after a thirty year gap. May the best song win!
Speaking of gaps, Lys Assia should have represented Switzerland in 2012! Vicky Leandros could have represented Germany in 2006. Alas, ’twas not to be.
Also – Arvingarna are in Melodifestivalen this year. That would be a 32 year gap if they win. Massino Ranieri is in Sanremo next month – that would be a 52 year gap!
And 54 years since his first entry in 1971 (and what an amazing vocal performance that was).
As it is, Anna Vissi has the record between the first and most recent entry – 26 years between 1980 and 2006 for Greece. She also had a Cypriot entry in 1982 so even if counting only from that, it’s still a record 24 years. Carola is next, also counting to 2006 but from 1983, so 23 years.
If Justyna wins, she’ll be the record holder with full 30 years.
Didn’t Carola participate and win in 1991? Perhaps I am misunderstanding your point.
Yes, but it was between her first and last entries, in 1983 and 2006, respectively, so she’s second behind Vissi in that particular regard.