Over the summer, Lara Fabian – Eurovision 1988’s second biggest star (hi Celine) – charmed us silly with the joyous “Quand Je Ne Chante Pas”, the first cut off her new album “Ma Vie Dans La Tienne” (My Life In Yours). Now, in anticipation of the record’s 6 November release, Lara has just dropped the official video for the title track. And it’s giving us all sorts of feels.

The song recalls a bygone relationship, whether it was romantic or platonic is open to interpretation. We don’t know how it all ended, but regardless, Lara sings without regret or sadness. Of course, she’s not full of cheer either. The tone is downbeat, yet it’s more of a celebration of the special bond she once shared. She still loves the person, and feels protective over him or her. The soul mates are destined to meet again. It’s all rather emotional, particularly as we approach November, a month when people traditionally remember those they have lost. And once again, the Belgian singer’s exquisite vocals manage to retain the original meaning, nimbly sidestepping the language barrier. We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again – this is how French chansons should be sung.

Lara Fabian “Ma Vie Dans La Tienne” Official Video

The video opens with a contemplative Lara sat alone on the couch. There’s a gentle, ghost-like breeze blowing the curtains and turning the pages on an open book. But this isn’t a horror movie. Everything’s calm and serene. The clip is shot in a soft-focus, and there’s lots of white. Fabian reaches out to the camera, adding an extra layer of intimacy, as if we were the friend she misses. As the song continues, it grows darker. Still there’s a constant glow from Lara. The smile never leaves her face, as the memories come flooding back. It’s all very sweet and will warm you up quicker than you can ask for a pumpkin spice latte.

Another fab one from the Fabian? What do y’all think?

Watch our video review of Lara’s previous single “Quand Je Ne Chante Pas” at 8:23 in the clip below.

Lara Fabian “Quand je ne chante pas” Video Review

Lara Fabian “Ma Vie Dans La Tienne” Lyric Video

Lara Fabian – Ma Vie Dans La Tienne lyrics

Ferme la porte et pose ton manteau juste là
Assieds-toi près de moi

Ce que j’ai à te dire
Je ne le dirai qu’une seule fois
Je ne le dirai qu’à toi

Si j’avais su les torrents dévaler
Sur ma terre

Si j’avais vu les brûlures
Me ravager la chair

Si j’avais su tout ça
Ces impossibles allers-retours
De l’amour

J’aurais mis ma vie dans la tienne
Comme on mélange le sang des veines
Je serais restée près de toi

Des éléments qui se déchaînent
Tu m’aurais protégée de moi
Mon âme sœur, ma reine

Tant de temps que je t’aime

Donne-moi ta main
Je t’en prie ne la retire pas

Ce qui nous lie est au-delà
Organique, minéral, karmique
Ce qui m’attache à toi
Va au-delà
Si j’avais cru qu’il fallait ne pas y croire
Les oasis du désert ne sont jamais

Que des mirages
Si j’avais su tout ça
Les grandes promesses qui tournent court

En amour
J’aurais mis ma vie dans la tienne
Comme on mélange le sang des veines
Je serais restée près de toi

Des éléments qui se déchaînent
Tu m’aurais protégée de moi

Mon âme sœur, ma reine
La prochaine fois
Peut-être dans mille ans
Je sais déjà

Que dans un autre monde
Tu mettras ta vie dans la mienne
On ira où nos cœurs nous mènent
Tu resteras là près de moi
De tes espoirs, tes joies, tes peines
Je te protégerai de toi

Tu mettras ta vie dans la mienne
On ira où nos cœurs nous mènent
Tu resteras là près de moi
De tes espoirs, tes joies, tes peines
Je te protégerai de toi
Mon âme sœur, ma reine

Tant de temps que je t’aime
Tant de temps que je t’aime
Tant de temps, de temps, de temps que je t’aime
Tant de temps, de temps, de temps que je t’aime



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9 years ago

@Nott: Way better than a duet … Lara writing a song for Céline … Céline has always claimed she’s just a singer and feels blessed having so many people giving her songs … in French I’d love to see Lara, who has always been a songwriter, writing one for Céline.

9 years ago

She has amazing voice! <3 If she returns to Eurovision i can see her winning the whole thing with the ideal right song for her..
She is lovely singer..
Lara is the best selling female belgian singer of all times!
And the 3rd best selling Belgian singer ever too!
Belgium needs Lara to succeed the 2nd victory in Eurovision!

John Egan
John Egan
9 years ago

Charles is exactly right. This isn’t a romantic love song. It’s beautiful and wistful and emotional, but about friendship lost.

9 years ago

I am still very impressed with Lara’s album ‘Le Secret’ from 2013. Almost every track there is full of deep emotions and soul-searching with skillful orchestrations and brilliant arrangements. Judging by her 2 new singles, she appears to be at peace with herself and radiates beauty from inside and out. The French lyrics are beautifully put as an intimate open letter to a twin soul expressing mercy and gratitude to a kinship that defies time and space. I feel the sincerity in her voice served by the tender and lush melody and this is probably what her fans have grown… Read more »

9 years ago

@Charles – it’s a good thing they both keep busy these days, I wouldn’t mind if Lara and Celine recorded a duet in French, that might be something really special.

9 years ago

@Nott: Plus, Lara is releasing an English album in 2016, whereas Céline’s will be released in 2017.

9 years ago

ask to Lebanon to debut at eurovision 2016 send a e mail for support them [email protected]

9 years ago

Lara Fabian for Belgium or France in future at Eurovision.

9 years ago

@ Charles – you’ll have to wait till March next year when Celine releases her upcoming French album (apparently) hahaha

9 years ago

With all my respect I have to inform you that the song does not refer to a past lover gone by … she’s actually referring to her best friend, Natalie, and there is a celebration of their friendship with a nostalgic twist due to the passing of time and how one would do all it takes for the other. That is what “Ma vie dans la tienne” really stands for and this is the story behind it. By the way, will anyone say (hi Lara) the next time an article about Céline pops by? I hardly think so …