Ten finalists, two rounds of televoting, and in the end just one winner. Koit Toome & Laura have snatched the crown at Eesti Laul 2017 and will represent Estonia at Eurovision 2017 with the song “Verona”. For them Romeo & Juliet appears to have a happy ending…

Koit Toome & Laura – “Verona” live at Eesti Laul 2017 grand final


The Estonians pushed the boat out tonight with a massive show held in Saku Suurhall — which Eurofans will remember as the arena for Eurovision 2002. It was all about glamour and fabulousness in Tallinn!

Laura was battling a cold prior to the performance, so had to skip the dress rehearsal. A stand-in took her place on stage while she rested her vocals and charged her diva batteries so she could slay when it counted.

Performing second in the running order, they didn’t have the pizzazz from their semi-final and many of us had written them off because of that. But, as in the semi, their staging was innovative and fresh. Laura served Miss Universe realness as she walked around the stage in her gown, and the close crop camera angles deleted the audience, creating an intimate setting for these two star-crossed lovers to shine.

After the ten acts had performed, a combination of 50% jury and 50% televote chose the three superfinalists, who went on to perform their songs again. Then it was all about the televote, which decided that Eurovision veterans Koit Toome & Laura were Estonia’s entrants for Kyiv.

Eesti Laul 2017 superfinalists

The voting lasted for more than an hour. There were more than 10 juries voting, including Mans Zelmerlow, Poli Genova and Alon Amir, who has served as the head of press of the Israeli delegation several times.

We especially loved this moment that Poli and Alon gave us.

After the jury voted, the first points of the televoters came in.

Four artists came on top, but only three could survive.

  • Kerli – “Spirit Animal”
  • Koit Toome & Laura – “Verona”
  • Rasmus Randvee – “This love”

Here are the points of the rest of the acts. Elina Born fans, look away. The digits you see next to Elina Born’s name reflect ONE point from the jury and ONE point from the televote. Ouch!

Eesti Laul 2017 final results

The drama was lit in Tallinn when the winners were announced. Rasmus was the first to be eliminated, and then Koit and Laura were declared the winners in a nerve-wrecking ending of the show.

  • Koit Toome & Laura – “Verona”
  • Kerli – “Spirit Animal”
  • Rasmus Randvee – “This love”

Eesti Laul 2017 running order

  1. Liis Lemsalu – “Keep Running”
  2. Koit Toome & Laura – “Verona”
  3. Whogaux & Karl-Kristjan ft. Maian – “Have you now”
  4. Lenna Kuurmaa – “Slingshot”
  5. Daniel Levi – “All I need”
  6. Elina Born – “In or Out”
  7. Ivo Linna – “Suur loterii”
  8. Rasmus Randvee – “This love”
  9. Ariadne – “Feel me now”
  10. Kerli – “Spirit animal”

Our readers’ favourite Kerli, finished second, while the Wiwi Jury favourite and Eurovision 2015 veteran Elina Born ended last with only two points.

Are you happy with the result? Who was your favourite in Eesti Laul 2017? Tell us in the comments section below. 

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8 years ago

@Karl: Let’s see how fair it would have been, without the super-final. If it had not been for the superfinal, they would have had to use the method used by such competitions as Melodifestivalen and UMK. There were 11 jurors on the Eesti Laul panel, all using the ESC points system. Therefore, each judge would have given away 58 points. In all, 638 points were distributed by the jury. Here was the jury tally: Kerli 100, Rasmus 77, Whogaux/Karl-Kristjan 71, Lenna 62, Liis 62, Koit/Laura 60, Ivo 57, Ariadne 55, Daniel 49, Elina 45. Since 638 points were distributed by… Read more »

8 years ago

Well, unlike Hungary (though Joci saved the night) and Malta, this one turned out the way I expected it to. The jury wanted Kerli, but the public was squarely in the corner of Koit and Laura. You can see from the tally in the heats that the end result was going to turn out this way. Here is how I saw it: 9.388 Koit Toome and Laura: “Verona” Maybe the public was thinking, if a duet worked before (Elina and Stig in 2015), maybe it could work again. Amid several performances that had one problem or another, Koit and Laura… Read more »

Aaron GR
Aaron GR
8 years ago

Well deserved win for Verona. I love how tuneful and dramatic it is. A little cheesy, okay, but very tasty.

Kerli’s staging was amazing, but her vocals were terrible. I honestly couldn’t tell what language she was singing in. The chorus was the only part she sang well, and that became very repetitive. Spirit Animal would’ve been an okay winner, but nobody needs to have a broken heart about it.

8 years ago

Oh, come on. Estonian Moon Children are just so pissed off- there were NO PROBLEMS with voting! Every year one group of fans will start complaining about the voting and how they couldn’t vote.

8 years ago

@Mot – truthfully, it wasn´t down, I got a vote through for each of the three I called on the 7th minute. I wish people would just appreciate that they have 10 good songs 4 their playlists, and stop fussing. they could play their favorite on Youtube and Spotify and Soundcloud instead of wasting time complaining and attacking. and Kerlis´ fans are leaving a seriously baaaaaaad impression right now, call them out, Moon Mother, please! It is so immature it makes me angry. it is a disservice to Kerli how her fans behave. the party was great and everyone enjoyed… Read more »

8 years ago

Even though Verona will be in Kyiv and I’m very happy for that (and I would be the same happy if it was Kerli) it’s impossible to understand this year’s votings everywhere…. how could Elina get 1/1 points…. SO WEEEEIRDD

8 years ago

I’m relieved countries like Estonia have chosen rubbish. It will make it easier for Italy, the only country with a winner song so far.

8 years ago

*2 parts of Eesti Laul Finals

8 years ago

NB!!! In between 2 parts of Eesti Laul there were news and in that news show Märt Normet (guy who runs Eesti Laul) said that they plan to strip winning song and it’s performance down to bare bones and build it up based on what works and what doesn’t. Be ready to see utterly different version of this song and performance..

8 years ago

Where can I rewatch the show??

8 years ago

I live in Estonia, and televoting was down for ALL singers via sms. So no drama, Kerli didn’t win cause most Estonians dont really like her. End of story

8 years ago

This year is truly horrible. It’s like back to the 90s.

8 years ago

I heard people could not vote for Kerli for like 10 minutes….. Second voting possible?

8 years ago

Sadly I don’t think this song well do well if it makes the ESC final. The vocals just aren’t that interesting, and the song overall isn’t really that memorable. But props to these two for winning the national final despite drawing #2 – how often do you hear about that happening?

8 years ago

I enjoy the second half of the song for sure. The structure is pretty strange though. First half of the song isn’t great, vocalists are only okay. I hope Laura was just having an off night. It’s kind of the alter ego of “In a Moment Like This.”

Why Elina last though? What a shame… she didn’t start her song well because it was a bit out of her range, but really, Estonia?

8 years ago

It’s just so unfair that you couldn’t vote for Kerli like 10 min because the lines were down 🙁

8 years ago

@Mark: I’m 1000% with you!

When I discovered wiwibloggs 3 years ago, I was thankful to them, among other things, that they showed me what I thought was the exciting national selections season (I previously had no idea I can watch pretty much every selection online). But after last year (when my favourites of the entire ESC season, the Hardkiss and Saara Aalto, were eliminated) and especially this year, I’M DONE! Too much heartbreak and dissapointment, it’s not worth it! Starting with 2018 I’ll only listen to the qualified entries and that’s it!

8 years ago

Dated, cheesy, repetitive, boring with a lack of emotion, cheap and forgettable.
This year is going to be one of the worst in Eurovision history.

8 years ago

Elina :'( This is one of the biggest crimes in Eurovision history! Shame on you! Who voted? Old people only? By that reaction she got from the the audience you could have expected a much better result. Last place is just undeserved & unbelievable. She would have been my favourite of the year 🙁 I’m so sad.
Anyway, have fun with not qualifying for the second year in a row. Verona is atrocious and was the second worst choice.

8 years ago

This is such a cringeworthy song that it’s laughable. That’s really the only positive I can see in it.

Haraala Birgitsdottor
Haraala Birgitsdottor
8 years ago

Disaster for Estonia. Throwing away unique, exciting spectacular from Kerli for a dreary cheese ballad. Thanks for helping Iceland win x

8 years ago

Remind me to never get invested in any national final ever again because they all end horribly. I think every nation should just do internal selections and save us all the heart break.

8 years ago

@Charles – What?? I don’t listen to either of those 2. Stop being an ass.

Grete Paia
Grete Paia
8 years ago

Best song and best singer won. Its Laura’s turn to win

8 years ago

Looks like Estonia hasn’t learned their lesson of what happens when you rely on 100% tele vote only..
When this don’t qualify or end up very low people will once again ask what went wrong and how come it didn’t do better..
Compared to the songs we’ve been gifted with from Estonia before, this is a step back. Not a bad song but it’s hard to see who would been impressed over something that you would find in Golden Hits clubs and bars, covering your favourites from past decades

8 years ago

Estonian people are saying that Kerli’s voting line was closed for 10 minutes. Don’t know if that’s true, anyway, Kerli should have won and I’m not a huge fan. Her personality is so magical, her perfomance was the best by far and even the international juries gave her the highest points (even the winner Mans).I’m so disappointed. Weird or different songs have no place in Eurovision and that’s sad. It’s all ballads, Aminata’s copies or cheap dance songs. SAD. The good thing about this is that Kerli doesn’t need Eurovision, she has a huge fan base who is proving how… Read more »

8 years ago

I like it. Nothing to difficult, it’s pure pop. And excecuted well too. Great voices. And I like the story in the song.

8 years ago

Yes! Very happy! Their performance was much better in vocals (despite her cold!) and staging this time around…right into my top 5! As for my other favourite,Kerli, her vocals were shaky and questionable…the song ended after about a minute in the first performance…what happened? Sounded like her vocals or the mic were having issues…it just ruined it for me. Her staging was great, but…Thanks, Estonia for sending Laura and Koit! 🙂

8 years ago

I haven’t been folloween Estonia’s NF, so I didn’t really have a favourite act (I was rooting for Elina because I like her but that’s all) and I don’t know the other songs. The thing is I can’t believe this song has won. I’ve listened it for the first time five minutes ago and I can’t see why people is so obsessed about it, they sound like singers that would sing for elderly at nursing home.

8 years ago

Marx, last year it was not so much the show but zero promotion and a crap still-life video. nothing happens. person meets wall. gotta have a story, some action! they were just… gotta do more fanbaiting, be clever, use social media more etc. but they did nothing at all! and I am now scared every year that our songs´ potential goes to waste again with incompetent marketing

8 years ago

Sorry, but this is terrible choice!!!

8 years ago

I didn’t expect Estonia to come dead last in the semi last year. I really liked the song. (every person has a different taste in music).

I’m glad Rasmus did it to the Superfinal! I was surprised but at the same time happy as I like his song.

Hope Laura and Koit have the same success Elina and Stig had two years ago! (loved them too).
Best of luck to Estonia!

8 years ago

Cheesyness level 1000.

8 years ago

Yes!! Yes!! Yes!!
This is brilliant!!
That was my favourite song! Absolutely love it!!
I wouldn’t mind if Kerli won, the Estonian NF this year was really good and with several quality songs.
Hope Laura and Koit do great in Eurovision!!

8 years ago

A lot to say about my second-year favourite selections but I’ll try short. The amount of worst wishes to country always amazes me, though not surprises. Basing on this attitude, I’d LOVE to say to diehard Kerli fans, that they should’ve tell her everywhere to fix her vocals. I was too polite by saying she slightly messed up in like third (last) part of the song. No, those moments were horrid at live. So, pyros and spectacular dances saved her entry. She could do better but instead looked like she didn’t gave a … About winners: I personally really like… Read more »

8 years ago

PP … Latvia ? with no chance ?Ok I’m not a fan , but this song is everywhere in top 10 + this is different , Cyprus.. I’ve heard ,his voice is not good so if he can’t sing live , he fails Belarus with no chance . It’s like Bosnia and Herzegovina 2016 , it’s catchy but i doubt , it’ll qualify, maybe borderliner.. Hungary is like “hit or miss” many people love it but many hate it. I think , the jury failed this song .. Austria is great in studio version but i can’t see that in… Read more »

8 years ago

Current plan is to build song up from the ground and make performance more fitting for a big venue like Eurovision.. ETV probably understood themselves that last year show was non excistent and that is probably why Jüri ended up on last place..

8 years ago

By “song” I meant song that won.. Verona

8 years ago

Few things I need to clarify..

First so called “superfinalists” did not perform again.

Secondly song will go throw rearrangment and performance of this song will be changed by international team (mainly Estonians and Sweds)

8 years ago

and for the last time, that letter in Rändvee s “ä” like you pronounce the vowel in @

I am still super hyped I got to see it on the spot, Thank you, Raadio 2 for invitations! But disappointed that I didnt see as many segway cameramen rolling around as they warned us (dont walk around, they will run over you? they weren´t rolling that much at all!)

8 years ago

@Purple Mask: No chance, that outfit was clearly one of the best things about Eesti Laul this year… Agreed on Rasmus tho, obvious choice for me from a somewhat disappointing selection (compared to last year’s, at least).

8 years ago

Estonia trying to have another Elina&Stig 2.0 and will have a San Marino 2015

They should have chosen Rasmus in my opinion

8 years ago

After doing some thinking, I’ve come to a conclusion why this year so many underdogs are winning (this following bit is purely my opinion). It’s the Trump effect. As we know, he was the apparent underdog all along, and he pulled of an almost miraculous victory. This might be resonating somehow within the eurovision community. I can’t find another explanation why the less impressive and generally worse songs are taking the trophies. And this didn’t begin like a month ago, it happened as early as FiK. Overall Mos harro and Shiu were the frontrunners, but Bote won in the end.… Read more »

8 years ago

I love a bit of cheese, but this is something extraordinary. All those moody stares, so intense, so ridiculous. Yet another dodgy song to add to the pile. I still don’t think we’ve heard a stand out winner yet from the selected songs.

8 years ago

I was really rooting for Rasmus, as I thought he could do a great perfomance with a kind of different song, and bring Estonia back to the final. But… say goodbye to your qualification for twice in a row

8 years ago


In I semi for me so far only 4 song who have chance for final from Finland , Moldova, Poland , Cyprus and Albanai,Georgia,Slovenia , Latvia with no chance for final
In II semi so far 7 songs who have chance for final from Estonia, Denmark, Belarus,The Nehterlands.,Austria,Switzeraland ,Hungary only Malta and Croatia for me don t have chance for final

So far better song till now we have in II semi final.

8 years ago

Kerli robbed. Again

8 years ago

I am sooo happy that the foreign juries loved Rasmus, especially Poli! This is promising, he is just 20 and he is already paving that road like a pro (but even already has a backup plan if music doesnt give? wow, talk about smart beyond years! Palju õnne kolmanda koha puhul, Rasmus, hääletasin….eee. telefoniarve pealt näen, mitu korda. also happy that Ivo still has it. everyones voices wavered a bit, but not him. the result was how it was, some songs were last just cause other songs happened to be even better. there was really no loser today. Maybe I… Read more »

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
8 years ago

Is this a good time to point out that Iceland has had a bit of a twist result, and that Lithuania is, well, Lithuania… :/

8 years ago

PP .. Really ? In SF1 will be Sweden , Greece , Azerbaijan , Australia , Iceland , probably good song has Czechia and maybe something from Armenia + chosen songs, compares to chosen songs from SF2 + Russia (if they won’t withdraw) , Romania (Yodel) and maybe Norway and Israel . SF2 is nothing . In my opinion , failed songs from SF1 will be better than most qualified in SF2.. :/