Aidan Ritmu MESC 2022

On Monday he was disqualified from the Malta Eurovision Song Contest for allegedly breaking rules regarding the use of social media. But on Thursday Maltese singer Aidan Cassar was still fighting for his place in the competition — by threatening legal action against Malta’s broadcaster PBS.

The Times of Malta reports that Aidan’s lawyers wrote to PBS asking that they reverse their decision and “threatened further legal steps” should the broadcaster refuse.

The broadcaster has said that Aidan fell foul of rules. Rules 5.3 and 5.7 of the competition expressly forbid artists from doing promo after the names of the quarter-finalists were revealed. Aidan’s most recent post involved him introducing his dancers accompanied by the instrumental of his song “Regina.”

Here’s how a spokesmen with the broadcaster described the situation earlier this week.

“Every competition has its own rules. The regulations are there to ensure that the process is impartial and that all singers are given the same chance and the same opportunities, regardless of their individual means or resources. The competition takes place on the same equal level of promotion for each participant. There are clear regulations that state that no promotion can take place from the time the names of the quarter finalists are announced. We do this to give the same space in an equal way and above all so that no one takes an advantage in one way or another over the other participants.”

Aidan isn’t buying it. In his letter to the broadcaster, Aidan claimed that he was singled out for punishment since several other contestants also highlighted their song and participation on various channels.

He also said the broadcaster failed to let him defend himself. A petition launched on elaborates on how the “Ritmu” singer was done wrong in the eyes of his fans.

“We, the supporters of AIDAN, believe that the disqualification is unjustified and that the artist deserves a fair and transparent evaluation process,” they write. “We also believe that PBS’s regulations are rigid and restrictive, as they prevent local artists from promoting their art freely and without fear of being persecuted.”

TVM has shared details of the response PBS sent to Aidan and his legal team.

PBS said there is “no reason” for it to reverse its decision. It noted “that Cassar never denied that his behavior was in breach of MESC regulations.”

The broadcaster claims to have spoken to him “several times” about breaking the rules. It goes on to say that he “continued and even intensified” the behaviour. 

His lawyers said: “You know very well that your behavior – unlike others – persisted in open defiance to the regulations and to the warnings made to you.”


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2 years ago

What ever they send , its not going to do well anyway , next!!

2 years ago

What’s the point of sharing your opinion if any negative thought towards the majority is always ruled out? Though if it’s a collective hatred, then it’s considered normal. Huh? The fact that Aidan violated the rules doesn’t make him better knowing that “others did it too”. I don’t know why he caused so much drama. But! It was just a small chunk of an instrumental version, so it’d be taken down because of this? Also strange. The broadcaster hasn’t read through the rules itself, so it’d apply to all of the participants ? But good luck Malta in flopping anyway,… Read more »

2 years ago

I know this is a rather unpopular opinion but I think Aidan should drop the charges, make an English version of Regina (or at least an All Spanish or Maltese version of it) and ask SMRTV to invite him to participate in Una Voce Per San Marino.
Either that or he competes for San Marino, Luxembourg or Monaco for next year.

2 years ago

I’m sorry but Aidan didn’t respect the rules, he deserves his disqualification. Fame can’t allow everything !

2 years ago
Reply to  Someone

See the biggest issue is, we dont exactly know what happened, the broadcaster had been very vague about what happened and by allowing other acts to promote themselves in ways the previously stated were prohibited shows a bit of an agenda. Why can some acts do interviews, make posts, more than Aidan made and not get punished or dq’d?

Patrick Pastor
Patrick Pastor
2 years ago

When someone’s removed from a Facebook group for breaking rules, and then goes on to spam the moderators with long rants on Messenger about how everyone’s being UNFAIR to him.

Patrick Pastor
Patrick Pastor
2 years ago
Reply to  Patrick Pastor

Personally, I couldn’t care less about this. As long as his fans (or his detractors) don’t cause flame wars in the group I moderate, that is.

I will say that I think it’s a no-win for Aidan. If he loses the case, his career will take a lot of damage. However, even if he does win, the drama will keep going for weeks, and it’s not gonna help his image.

2 years ago
Reply to  Patrick Pastor

Well that’s a nice outlook. You sound like you’d fit in well working at PBS. Give them a message, your moderating skills would be a great asset for them.

2 years ago
Reply to  Patrick Pastor

“Look at me! Look at me! I am a FB group moderator! I have power!”

Patrick Pastor
Patrick Pastor
2 years ago
Reply to  Karl

Damn, good burn! Nah, don’t worry – I ain’t better than anyone else.

2 years ago

Both sides are entitled to defend their stances, and we know Aidan put his foot in his mouth by giving away several chunks of Regina’s framework all too soon. However, it breaks my heart to see him miss another chance of slaying at Eurovision (even if he was at fault for what transpired)…

Nikita Zhukov
Nikita Zhukov
2 years ago

I understand that Aidan is also in the wrong here, but good for him, honestly
Glad to see he’s not letting this slide
Although it does probably mean that he just destroyed any chance he had to represent Malta in the future, the broadcaster isn’t likely to invite him back to MESC after that incident (I’d assume Aidan himself doesn’t want to come back anyway now)
Anyway, Aidan for San Marino in the future, I guess
His music deserves to be heard on a global stage

Patrick Pastor
Patrick Pastor
2 years ago
Reply to  Nikita Zhukov

Yeah, any victory for him in this will be a Pyrrhic one.

2 years ago

This is ridiculous. He obviously went against the broadcaster’s rules that he knew about!! And he didn’t even deny it but said “the others did too”. LOL! Like a child defending his bad decisions to his mom. As simple as that, he got disqualified because he failed to follow the rules. The end of the story. Shame for the song but very me river, move on.

Patrick Pastor
Patrick Pastor
2 years ago
Reply to  Teddi


Him threatening legal action basically guarantees that the broadcaster will never ask him to compete again.

Even if he somehow manages to win this case, there’s no guarantee that the fans will unite around him. The best-case scenario at this point, would be a hopelessly divided fanbase and a mediocre result in the Eurovision final…..assuming that he would even make it that far.

He should have just accepted the news and moved on – at least then, he’d still have some dignity.

2 years ago

With this controversy blooming, I guess we’ve all forgotten that tonight is the last quarter final, huh, not that anyone is caring after this.

2 years ago
Reply to  BadWoolfGirl

I thought it would never end

The Voice of Reason
The Voice of Reason
2 years ago

It’s strange because in the EXACT SAME national final, the presenters are speaking MALTESE!!!

The Voice of Reason
The Voice of Reason
2 years ago

The rules in a NATIONAL FINAL should be the same as in Eurovision. Eurovision has NO rule about promotion. The only thing relating to time is the September release date. National Finals should try and replicate Eurovision as close as possible to make the transition as easy as possible for the artist and give them higher chances of doing well. There are NUMEROUS examples of artists coming in with large social media followings or posts about their song hyping them up only to flop. This is partially what the jury result is for! Aidan is like many artists who entered… Read more »

Patrick Pastor
Patrick Pastor
2 years ago

You’re allowed to promote yourself, but it has to be within the guidelines of PBS’s rules. It’s a small country, and they don’t want people with big fanbases having too much of an advantage.

Aidan WELL exceeded those guidelines, posting rehearsals and doing banner ads (more than what everyone else was doing).

2 years ago
Reply to  Patrick Pastor

According to the rules, no promotional material is allowed, which includes interviews,posts etc so I dont get why people are saying “within PBS guidelines”. They said no promotional material. The PBS have already contradicted themselves with what is and isn’t allowed so yes people are bound to post things that maybe aren’t allowed because the rules are so vague. Like the rule they have said no interviews or self promotion yet some contestants did them. Also and people have mentioned this several times, PBS haven’t gone , these posts are the offending posts, they didnt consult Aiden and immediately went… Read more »

Patrick Pastor
Patrick Pastor
2 years ago
Reply to  Escfan

Well, I read an article explaining this situation on Aussievision.

Not that that makes your opinion any less valid – the rules were pretty vague.

2 years ago

I am aware that Aidan was not allowed to do interviews with esc websites BUT LYNDSAY LITERALLY GAVE AN INTERVIEW TO ESCBUBBLE. I do not get the double standards of these broadcaster nor will I ever understand why Maltese people do not get mad with this situation.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jack

Social media posts are allowed as long as the artist has permission from PBS. Same with interviews. You will notice that the questions in the interviews are extremely similar for all of the artists, the same with the posts that the artists are making on social media. Aidan went overboard and shared content on his social media channels which he did not have permission to post. This is what he was warned for multiple times and the reason why he was disqualified. There is no double standards here from the broadcaster, Aidan agreed to abide by the rules but thought… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Jack

She claimed she had a permission from PBS to give an interview.
The double standarts are real.

2 years ago
Reply to  RxLou

So in other words, PBS can’t even follow their own rules that they set.

2 years ago

I get the idea behind no promotion, equal footing but unfortunately, I dont think 1. it was implemented into the rules correctly at all given how vague they are and how some artists who apparently aren’t breaking rules look like they are (posting more about mesc etc) 2. People will vote for their favourite song regardless if it gets promotion 3. Depending on how the song is selected (I’m assuming juries are still involved), the “promotional” aspect should only really affect a public vote, depending on the popularity of an artist etc. Jurors realistically shouldn’t even know the songs until… Read more »

2 years ago

Also on a side note relating to Ritmu, I unfortunately don’t think thats really anything to do with this situation. Sure its strange no juror gave him top marks, sure its strange that the fan favourite song wasn’t selected for ogae but the thing is, technically, you can put that down to preference or taste (as in the people who selected it just weren’t fans of it, not the “dig” implication).

2 years ago

PBS are probably saving him from humiliating himself from non-qualifying after hyping up everyone for 3 whole years. He should thank them not sue them.

2 years ago
Reply to  Madhat

disagree, the song’s not that bad plus I’m sure staging will elevate it.

2 years ago
Reply to  Madhat

I agree, the song wasn’t bad but not exceptional. And Aidan broke the rules and had an arrogant behaviour. It’s better like that.

2 years ago

Good for Aidan, glad he’s not letting a corrupt broadcaster drag his name through the mid for no justified reason. It’s clear if they are setting the rules of fairness to his social media posts than a fair process would involve many other ‘front running’ artists should be disqualified. After what they did last year, they are just acting absolutely ludicrous, Lord knows why I hope for not any discriminatry reasons.

Roger La
Roger La
2 years ago

This is the last quarter final today, right? Anyone knows if they will announce the results today?

2 years ago
Reply to  Roger La

They will not, because the voting only starts on the 3rd of February. But tonight we’ll hear all of the songs fully, so I’ll start arranging my top 39 (40?). It’s exciting!

The Voice of Reason
The Voice of Reason
2 years ago
Reply to  Colin

This is so stupid. Worst national final of this season now!

2 years ago
Reply to  Colin

Oh, absolutely! Plus the top 30 for PIN tomorrow. But 25 of those are already out, so it’s not that hard. 🙂

2 years ago
Reply to  Colin

Thanks, Una! Absolutely excessive! Ha ha ha… There’s no point in having a semi at this point. Just let top 16 from all heats qualify to the finals, and that’s that. At least that’s how I’d do it.

2 years ago
Reply to  Colin

Oh, another song has been released? I was going to correct you until I checked up and discovered that MoonBee has released her song. Just five left to be revealed.

Roger La
Roger La
2 years ago

I simply had enough of this Aidan stuff! I think he is behaving like a little boy with zero consideration to all the others. Winning is not by right, it is earned. I google translated an article from the PBS website, and it said that they have warned him several times, and while others obeyed, he kept persisting with self promo, and that his promo intensified further. If you are given more than one chance and keep playing superman, then you earn your punishment I suppose. I’m wondering how the other artists are feeling now that their experience is marred… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Roger La

If you had enough of Adian stuff, why did you open an article on WiwiBlogs about Aidan? And why did you go to a Maltese website and then translated it to English in the first place? I want a few more articles about Aiden and MESC and I did not go to that extent to open Maltese websites and translate articles to get more info. Seems like you can’t get enough and that you are a definition of a fan trying to hide so well by pretending to be a hater! Haters are the biggest fans!

Roger La
Roger La
2 years ago
Reply to  Amigo

I’m not a hater. What I meant is that this has been dragging on for a while now. I would like to see some kind of different news. If the news is there I check it out. Obviously, this has hit hard with you, it was not my intention to upset you. chill!

2 years ago
Reply to  Roger La

This is literally the second article on Wiwiblogs about Aidan’s disqualification. Yes, it has hit me hard since I respect him as an artist. I am still hit hard by Dotter or Erika not making it in 2020. But since you Are not a hater And I want to leave some positive energy on this post, here’s a hug And a kiss from a lover! :*

2 years ago
Reply to  Amigo

It’s also new information since the first article was published. It’s merely an update of what’s happening.

The Voice of Reason
The Voice of Reason
2 years ago
Reply to  Roger La

The Aidan news is very recent with only one other article on it and is actually relevant because he has the potential to give Malta their best televote result in a while or at least a qualification! Aidan is a huge name in Malta and the broadcaster is showing their double standards here for the world to see!

2 years ago
Reply to  Roger La

in which position are you working in the national broadcaster?

2 years ago
Reply to  Roger La

He is literally defending himself…
Imagine yourself in a situation when someone else is trying to drag your name through the mud. Wouldnt you fight back? I would…

2 years ago

Seems like his performance of Regina was taken down from YouTube. 🙁
That’s sad.

The Voice of Reason
The Voice of Reason
2 years ago
Reply to  Amigo

We need an upload of the full version pronto! I want to support him.

2 years ago

MESC—you can’t be promoting your song cause we are just gonna change it on you and give you some Melfest reject…so stop and try to make your song popular…we need to ensure all artists are all on equal footing so we pick the most popular artist and not the most popular song…also, if you’re going to be spending money marketing your song, please use that money to bribe us instead

2 years ago
Reply to  Jake

I LOLed way too hard at this!!

Nikita Zhukov
Nikita Zhukov
2 years ago

This is getting interesting
At this point I’m just waiting for the studio version

Roger La
Roger La
2 years ago
Reply to  Nikita Zhukov

Are any studio versions released? I’ve been looking on youtube but can’t find any

Nikita Zhukov
Nikita Zhukov
2 years ago
Reply to  Roger La

I’d assume they’re all getting released after tonight’s show, but I wouldn’t hold my breath just in case if I’m wrong
They seem to be taking down any unofficial videos of performances posted by some Eurofan channels

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
2 years ago

I wonder what the other artists in MESC are thinking now.

2 years ago
Reply to  Purple Mask

If they are prudent, they are checking their social media and deleting content that they aren’t 100% sure if it would be approved by PBS. Privately, they are probably empathizing with Aidan.

2 years ago

So, who is in the right – Aidan? PBS? Both? Neither? I’m going with both or neither based on facts already presented. PBS’s rules about promotion seem to be out of nowhere for a broadcaster that systemically treats their NF as a glorified talent show and subsequent internal choice. Changing the winning entry is a bad move to everyone involved in MESC or voting in it. Still… if they wanted to change that, equalizing the field of promotion has some aspects that may work. In that case, Aidan of all people, who was already a favorite before the songs were… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Colin

Lol, why would he stay silent, just so others can be in favor? This is a competition. Not a charitx event.
PBS should not even pick 40 songs to begind with. How easier would the selection and promo be, if it was this way?

The Voice of Reason
The Voice of Reason
2 years ago
Reply to  Colin

Aidan’s ‘colleagues’ have suffered even last year at the hands of the broadcaster. He is merely trying to save them from a corrupt one.

2 years ago

News! The song “CHA CHA CHA” from Finland is accused of copying another song called “WE GOT THE MOVES” by the band “ELECTRIC CALLBOY”, the song will probably be disqualified!

2 years ago
Reply to  Ritoli

The song is accused indeed. But it’s a long way from ”will probably be disqualified”. Every year, we get many plagiarism accusations. It’s already a white noise in most cases. Of course, this may turn out differently, and result in DQ, but I don’t expect it to. I also hope not, because *for once*, Finland may actually pick a song I think should win UMK. If he’s out, the frontrunner is probably Robin, with his okay, but not nearly as impactful entry.

2 years ago
Reply to  Colin

EBU will not allow this song to participate in Eurovision. The songs are too similar, in words, in the melody and even in the haircut of the singers.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ritoli

Move on girl

Roger La
Roger La
2 years ago
Reply to  Colin

Lol it must be the year of disqualified songs then

2 years ago
Reply to  Roger La

We’ve already had five this year.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ritoli

Not gonna happen. 😀 and nobody cares.

2 years ago

You like it or not, rules are rules
They are weird rules, sure but again all the singers must respect the rules!

The thing that bothers the broadcaster is that in Aidan’s recent post, he didn’t only post about his dancers but also introduced them by the instrumental of his song….

It wasn’t a simple interview, it was self promotion, and it’s wrong. The other singers are fools and respect the rules??

The Voice of Reason
The Voice of Reason
2 years ago
Reply to  Anne

If they are bad rules, why follow them? They are not even in Eurovision for gods sake! No wonder Malta hasn’t qualified since 2021!

2 years ago

That’s only two years ago. You act like Malta has been in the semifinal muck for several years in a row like Georgia and Latvia when in actuality they’re more inconsistent with qualification. The worst Malta has been is two years in a row for non qualification.

2 years ago

I remember Damir Kedzo from Croatia having issues with HRT (Croatian broadcaster not sending him to ESC next year, not inviting him to Dora as an interval act next year..) and everyone was saying he will not be back to compete in Dora, he will not do any business with HRT and in 2023 he is competing again. Aiden needs to take a year or two off from Malta’s national selection and come back in future with a more impactful song. YES, they did him wrong, but maybe in future they can work on their relationship and maybe they internally… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Amigo

It wasn’t THIS serious with Kedzo and HRT. He said that he’s disappointed for not being picked internally, seeing how Hurricane and so many other acts were, but he didn’t blow it up too much in his statements. He WAS invited as an interval act, but insisted on singing another song, while HRT wanted Divlji vjetre to continue the tradition. Neither side budged, and he pulled out of Dora 2021 as an interval. But never were there lawsuits or harsh words of this proportion.

2 years ago
Reply to  Colin

Yes, seems like you have more insight on Damir’s case. But all in all, Aidan and the broadcaster can work on their relationship in future definitely.

Speaking of issues in Croatia, wasn’t Jacques also in war with HRT and then they sent him internally? or maybe I am just projecting something. 😀

2 years ago
Reply to  Amigo

You remember right, but the conflict wasn’t between Jacques and HRT directly. He reportedly had a heated argument with his costume designer at the backstage of The Voice in 2015, and HRT was handling an investigation, as it happened at their facilities. It seems like the argument either wasn’t that big or it cooled down soon enough.

2 years ago
Reply to  Colin

Colin, give me some more tea on Croatia’s selection. Were there any other artists that had issues with HRT? (Except Nina Kraljic). I feel like you have a lot more on you. 😀

2 years ago
Reply to  Amigo

It’s not like a have a desire to diss on them, you know. 🙂
But yeah, Nina Kraljic is certainly *the big one* when it comes to calling out HRT. She had a seriously wordy text about the backstage handling of Dora 2021. Apparently, Bernarda’s sister supported Nina in everything she said about favoritism of Albina. Then again, Bernarda performed the subsequent year as well. The difference is – Uršula Tolj was out, Tomislav Štengl was in. So maybe there’s a hope for Nina’s return in some future as well. Both of her songs were excellent.

2 years ago
Reply to  Colin

Sorry to everyone that we turned this article about Aidan to a chat about Croatia’s national selection. Thank you for this, Colin! Yes, yes! Rijeka was amazing. Was my favorite in Dora that year. But Tick Tock has been on my playlist for so long too. Albina did a great job too. She brought all she had on that stage and elevated the song. So sad it did not go through. That was the best song Croatia sent since Nina Kraljic in 2016with Lighthouse!! Out of curiosity, do you think Lei Lei will win this year? Or do you think… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Amigo

Np, nice to chat, Amigo. Both Rijeka and Tick Tock are still on my playlist, and so is Lighthouse. Probably best 3 songs associated with Croatian ESC since our return in 2016.
Lei Lei has a good shot at winning, because they made a buzz, and the papers are reporting on them a lot. If you ask people outside Croatia, they have it in a bag. But I feel like it will be a tight battle between Harmonija Disonance, Let 3, and Damir Kedzo. I wouldn’t predict the winner yet.

2 years ago
Reply to  Colin

How do you feel about Dana’s Free Fallin’? Does she stand any chance?

2 years ago
Reply to  Amigo

The song is certainly in the upper half regarding popularity. I’d say that being in top 5 in Dora is a realistic outcome. I don’t expect her to win, but then again, I didn’t expect for Gustaph to win in Belgium either. There’s a plausible possibility that the juries and the televoters reward different entries to such degrees that someone who’s 2nd to one front, and 3rd to the other ends-up winning. If so, it might as well be Dana. Dora doesn’t have a recent history of big discrepencies between the juries and the televoters, but it may as well… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Colin

15 more days and we will know! I honestly hope that any act that ends up winning Dora this year, makes it to the final of ESC! Croatia needs this!

2 years ago
Reply to  Amigo

I also hope that. Thanks for your support. 🙂

The Voice of Reason
The Voice of Reason
2 years ago
Reply to  Amigo

I personally would invite Aidan to Spain, San Marino or another nearby country and invite him in as their representative or another competitor.

2 years ago

There is no way he will represent Malta in the future, especially after he threatened to sue. Let him try his luck in other countries.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ritoli

Senhit feat. Aidan for San Marino, maybe?

2 years ago

Welp, if it was as broadcaster says, he’d have to be delusional to try to sue them. So i assume they’re not telling everything. Anyways, that’s the most interesting thing about Malta this year for sure (ESC wise)

Sol Stevia
Sol Stevia
2 years ago

Malta just does not want to send him to Eurovision for some reason.

2 years ago

Hopefully, he does take it down the legal route so all of this, “He said, she said” is brought to light.
I am also very interested to know what the specific content in his posts was that was deemed in breach of the rules compared to the posts of the other competitors.

2 years ago

This guy is seriously delusional. He was warned about promoting his song on social media and ignored them. That’s on him.So much drama for a mediocre song that wouldn’t have won anyways.

Benito Camelo
Benito Camelo
2 years ago

I don’t believe every word PBS says and the treatment they have been giving Aidan has been ludicrous and outrageous.
Also, these shenanigans shouldn’t be happening, as the no-promo rule is ridiculous and several other contestants have breached it, but PBS only and arbitrarily went after Aidan.
With that said, I hope Aidan wins the lawsuit.

2 years ago

If things keep getting worse like this i don’t think we will ever see “Aidan – Malta – Official Music Video – Eurovision” in the next 10 years. He now against the whole broadcaster, maybe if he wins this case and comeback to MESC, i think jury gonna bury him so hard. But if he loes this case, i don’t think they will accept his entry in future (if he tries for MESC again) cause this whole drama will make some bad blood between them. I think he should try for another country if he still want to go to… Read more »

2 years ago

Im going to be honest, I’m not even mad that Aiden’s doing this. I mean, I fully understand that this clouds the experience of other contestants, especially those who will be preferoming tomorrow night but in relation to the situation, with how the broadcaster has acted in the past, I wouldn’t be surprised if they genuinely didn’t give him a chance, like when they said they warned him several times, I don’t know if I buy that. I think the situation unfortunately will just make the experience less enjoyable for the other contestants (although I wouldn’t entirely blame Aidan for… Read more »

2 years ago

The last sentence in the Times of Malta article reporting Aiden’s legal fight back said “Sources who spoke to Times of Malta said the gossip surrounding Aidan’s disqualification has demotivated some participants and overshadowed their experience of taking part in the national contest.” So the controversy is starting to weigh on a lot of people. Would we be surprised if some of the singers in the third quarter final just throw it because they don’t want to do it anymore.

Sol Stevia
Sol Stevia
2 years ago
Reply to  BadWoolfGirl

I think this will prevent some artists from wanting to come back in the future. Hell maybe someone ends up withrawing.

Frisian esc
Frisian esc
2 years ago
Reply to  BadWoolfGirl

Yup, this controversy is not going to go away this eurovision season so the eurovision experience of the maltese winner is already partly ruined by pbs.

2 years ago
Reply to  Frisian esc

But I don’t know if this controversy will still linger by the time eurovision happens in May. Most people watching Eurovision don’t really pay attention to the national finals like we do so they don’t always know or care about the scandals and controversies that can crop up.

The Voice of Reason
The Voice of Reason
2 years ago
Reply to  BadWoolfGirl

Aidan is hijacking this ship for the good, exposing it and he will go down with the captain of the ship, the Maltese broadcaster, but Aidan shall live, because he can swim!

Sophi Vox
Sophi Vox
2 years ago

So let’s state some facts; Even though the broadcaster released countless of articles about this case, has not yet revealed which social media post / posts (cause no one knows) ultimately was breaching the rule. The rules clearly state that”social media posts about mesc are strictly prohibited, and that an automatic disqualification will happen if these rules are not adhered to”. So let’s say Aidan did break this rule, which in fact he did. I say well done to the broadcaster for putting this rule in place. BUT where are the other disqualifications? I myself have seen countless artworks, stories,… Read more »

2 years ago

I think it’s a shame that he got disqualified because he had one of the best songs, but the rules are rules. Especially if other participants did the same thing, they need to be disqualified as well. If not, then PBS needs to get their act together.

The Voice of Reason
The Voice of Reason
2 years ago
Reply to  Mike

The thing is…the other participants did MORE than him!

Polegend Godnova
2 years ago

terrible move that’s only going to alienate him from tvm, he should just let it be… or even be glad he can come back next year with a song that, unlike regina, could do well. but good news for him is that there’s always san marino.

2 years ago

San Marino can be anybody’s… on the condition that they pay every bill. I’m not sure Aidan has that much money. Not many do.

2 years ago

Ik the San Marino selection became a whole thing last year for acts that didnt win other selections to join but I’m 90% that they’ve already selected the acts for their selection this year so Aidan for example wouldn’t be able to join if this doesn’t pan out in his favour.

2 years ago

It is like MNTHA (Supernova 2015) being petty in LTV’s instagram comments and on twitter for not being selected for third year in a row. They are talking trash about LTV but still hoping they will get picked for Supernova the next year. I liked them as an artist, but this behaviour is childish.

Aidan’s case might be more serious, have not been too invested in it as I don’t like his music.

2 years ago

am i the only one who remembers aidan’s entry to MESC 2018, which was blatantly plagiarized? wiwibloggs even wrote up an article on it when it happened. he had to revamp the entire song after PBS launched an investigation into him. so this would mark the 2nd time (that i can think of) that aidan violated the rules of MESC. sorry, but i really don’t feel bad for him.

2 years ago
Reply to  sam

He was 17 then, I don’t think it’s something that should be held against him forever more.

2 years ago
Reply to  sam

Remember when PBS neglected the will of the Maltese people and insulted them and the competing artists (including Aidan) by changing the song the people voted on with their money and sent to Eurovision a completely different song that was never a part of the national final to begin with?

You know, just normal PBS shenanigans.

2 years ago
Reply to  Karl

That’s assuming that the results were fair to begin with. It was kinda strange that the juries kept Aidan down.

2 years ago
Reply to  sam

I wouldn’t call it “plagiarized” as in he took someone else’s song and made it his own, but rather, from what I recall that time that, production-wise, audio stems used for his entry was what made his song “Dai laga” sound familiar in a way to those with a keen ear. It’s why he made some minor changes to the song at the time.

Benito Camelo
Benito Camelo
2 years ago
Reply to  sam

Bruh, it was 5 years ago and he was like 17-18 yo, no mms

2 years ago
Reply to  sam

But he danced on stage with another male guy to his very own uptempo song! He’s a eurovision saint! /s

The Voice of Reason
The Voice of Reason
2 years ago
Reply to  sam

He came back and followed the rules and came 3rd!

2 years ago

Have any of the other competitors complained about his posts? If they all agree that they don’t feel cheated, then just let him back in. It’s not that big of a deal. He was at no advantage, but now he will be unless they keep him out… so, lose-lose.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jonas

It would be nice if he was let back in, but it just feels wrong. The organisers spit in his face by disqualifying him. There’d better be a proper apology.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jonas

Tbh of like that but idk if they’d be given that decision to make, it’d be nice to see it though.

2 years ago

Lyndsay gave an interview to escbubble.
Where is her disqualification? You guessed it, nowhere. The broadcaster is corrupted and I hope Aidan wins the battle

2 years ago
Reply to  Voix

The rule is no SELF promotion on social media.
The participants can do interviews but not self promotion on twitter, instagram etc.

And the most important…not instrumental spoilers! The singers must respect rules

2 years ago
Reply to  Anne

But thats the problem, others did self promote but the issue is “whether they were given permission to” and with that, you need to ask, if theyre given permission to post promotional stuff then why isn’t another contestant. Also, if the Maltese broadcaster is so adamant about not posting promotional items on social media platforms, contestants shouldn’t be given the opportunity to do them to begin with seeing as that in and of itself is bending the broadcasters rules and tbh asking for trouble.

2 years ago
Reply to  Anne

Interviews ARE self promotion

2 years ago
Reply to  Anne

this is stupidity not rules. Spare me the lecture

2 years ago

This whole thing is just “he said, she said”. Nobody’s providing a rock solid evidence. This whole rule is just d*mb. What even are those “equal opportunities to promote themselves”? How do you do that? By banning everyone to do the promo for themselves? Some contestants are more popular than than the others and therefore get more attention… sure. But that’s just the way it is… How and why would you put restriction on something like this? Especially after he has already performed his song, it was put in youtube, many people probably downloaded it before all the videos of… Read more »

2 years ago

None of this makes sense to me.

Why did Aidan not stop posting on social media after the broadcaster asked him to stop several times? Why does the broadcaster have a ban on social media promo posts?

This whole situation is so messy and irrelevant, there must be more to this story we don’t know.

2 years ago
Reply to  Thallo

PBS is shady af. I do not take anything they have to say at face value and neither should you.

2 years ago
Reply to  Karl

Ever since PBS paid millions for Chameleon and Je Me Casse promo on YouTube I always found them shady.

Who the hell advertises a Eurovision song on YouTube adverts? It’s a music competition, not a campaign!

2 years ago
Reply to  Thallo

The broadcaster has a ban on interviews but Lyndsay spoke to escbuble. I guess they disqualify only those they want to…

2 years ago
Reply to  Voix

Unless it was approved by them.

2 years ago
Reply to  BadWoolfGirl

Thats the issue though, they seem to be very wishywashy (apologies for the terminology) with their rules. One minute its strictly no interviews, publicity campaigns etc, its all forbidden; Next minute, yeah they can do that interview, that post.

Like if your going to make a rule, stick to it and make it clear to both the contestants and the public what is and isn’t allowed, because atm, no one seems to know and thats a massive issue.

2 years ago

If they don’t reinstate Aidan, can Malta and Denmark please give up their spots for two more songs from Finland please?

2 years ago
Reply to  Karl

Denmark didn’t disqualify their artist.

2 years ago
Reply to  BadWoolfGirl

They might be referring to the overall quality of the selection which many describe as safe or subpar.

2 years ago
