I love his voice but the song isn’t my favourite. I’m from England and I am so fed up of how eurovision is just about voting for neighboring countries. I think he was the best and I really wanted him to win, he should have at least come in the top 5 I think. Ever since eurovision I can’t stop listening to his music and I’ve downloaded every single song he has ever sung. Love him <3
14 years ago
i like it buut hte lyrics dont make scence kinda but nice beat
I love his voice but the song isn’t my favourite. I’m from England and I am so fed up of how eurovision is just about voting for neighboring countries. I think he was the best and I really wanted him to win, he should have at least come in the top 5 I think. Ever since eurovision I can’t stop listening to his music and I’ve downloaded every single song he has ever sung. Love him <3
i like it buut hte lyrics dont make scence kinda but nice beat
nice song
i like it alot 9 points good job