wiwibloggs knows we are playing favorites, but for all of y’all who want to play along, you can read the lyrics to Adelén’s Bombo below. The video is accompanied by the CD version of the song (hence the perfect vocals).

Bombo Lyrics

Come, come with me
Let the light get you to where I want you to be
You’re the one, one for me
Don’t deny what you want, we are young, we are free

Mi amor, in your eyes
I see love like a fire

The night is young, my heart is light
I know you wanna hold me so, boy, don’t fight
The night is young, you feel so right
Bailar al son del Bombo

Bailar al son del Bom-bom-bom-bom-bom-bo
Bailar al son del Bom-bom-bom-bom-bom-bo
Bailar al son del Bom-bom-bom-bom-bom-bo
Bailar al son del Bom-bom-bom-bom-bom-bo

Come, follow me
Let the beat break it down, take you straight to the sea
I will be, be with you
By your side, all along, this is where you belong
Corazón, in your eyes
I see love like a fire

The night is young, my heart is light
I know you wanna hold me so, boy, don’t fight
The night is young, you feel so right
Bailar al son del Bombo

Bailar al son del Bom-bom-bom-bom-bom-bo
Bailar al son del Bom-bom-bom-bom-bom-bo
Bailar al son del Bom-bom-bom-bom-bom-bo
Bailar al son del Bom-bom-bom-bom-bom-bo

Corazón, in your eyes
I see love like a fire

The night is young, my heart is light
I know you wanna hold me so, boy, don’t fight
The night is young, you feel so right
Bailar al son del Bombo

Bailar al son del Bom-bom-bom-bom-bom-bo
Bailar al son del Bom-bom-bom-bom-bom-bo
Bailar al son del Bom-bom-bom-bom-bom-bo
Bailar al son del Bom-bom-bom-bom-bom-bo

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Alisi Leina Kama
10 years ago

this is one of my number hit for 2014.. i love the adelen sing.. hope im her number one fan.. hahahahaah.. love the song…..

11 years ago

Es gracioso como pronuncia “Corazón”…
Como en las provincias de Andalucía, España…

una Noruega con alma latina 🙂 está muy bien

12 years ago

“Bombo” is a well-constructed dance song, and I have no doubt Adelén and her team could ensure the performance works for fans of the genre given time. It would be a perfectly acceptable and competitive entry at ESC.

But only one act can go to Malmö, and I would be disappointed if such a conservative option were chosen at the expense of equally viable, but more distinctive, alternatives.

12 years ago

she s beautiful…the song is ok?! i guess :)))

Mr. M
Mr. M
12 years ago

Sorry, it is Bogdan 😛

Mr. M
Mr. M
12 years ago

Give me a break Bogdac, she’s only sixteen and according to what I have read this is her first big gig. Margaret has 27 years and more experience.
I hope Adelén goes to Malmö, the song is really catchy!

Bogdan Honciuc
12 years ago

I’m sorry, but I find this song atrocious. It should be called “Bimbo”.

The live performance doesn’t help either. I get that she was nervous, but I bet that Margaret Berger was nervous, too, yet Margaret’s performance is light years away from Adelén’s, in all respects. What I don’t get is the hype!

(Mind you, that could be because I am exposed to way too many such “songs” and autotune-dependent “singers” on the Romanian music scene… To each, his own…)

12 years ago

Hey, if we don’t play favourites, what is even the point 😀
You’re impartial when it counts, and this is just bonus information, right?

And for anyone who hasn’t picked it up from other Spanish songs,
“Bailar al son del bombo” = Dance to the beat of the drum