You couldn’t get two more polar opposite acts than Euroband and Greta and Jonsí if you tried. One duet is high camp, dance and pink. The other is dark, ominous and, with a bit of a stretch, has more than a passing resemblance to an all-conquering global Vampire franchise. As Eurovision duets go they’re both strong showings. However, in tackling the dangerous art of the Eurovision duet, Régina’s stark pink highlights and Greta with her classical string playing are clearly taking different approaches for victory.
“This Is My Life,” is about the fun-vote. You want to be dancing to it across Europe, getting carried away with the giddy melody and giving yourself over to the general high camp that it carries of. “Never Forget,” is about the proper music vote. It should appeal to the juries best of all. Here’s a genuinely serious effort, a real buzzword when it comes to jury success at the Contest. Appealing to the televoters is tougher for it. It isn’t instantly fun and catchy like ‘This Is My Life’, and despite the tension and elevated drama of the piece, ‘Never Forget’ is going to struggle to connect with viewers. The dreamy backdrop while gorgeous also makes everything a lot more severe on that stage. Suddenly Greta’s a victim and Jonsí’s the faintly terrifying Vampire come to slaughter her and those silhouette backing dancers.
On the whole both give a decent vocal showing. Euroband actually, despite the thumping, stronger Eurodance backing track emerge as the stronger vocalists as a duo. Friðrik and Régina offer much better harmonies and nail their solo sections. Friðrik especially delivers a killer vocal, and elevates this from being dangerously close to cruise ship territory to one of the best dance-songs we’ve seen at Eurovision in the 2000s. It might not be as classy as ‘Euphoria’ but it’s undeniably fun. Jonsí and Greta unfortunately both come across as nervous and breathy in their solo sections. They lack the polish that such a serious entry should demonstrate, and despite improving in their harmony section their let down by seriously dull staging. Admittedly there’s intensity to the piece that I dig, and the chemistry is at least there, but Greta’s intense violin playing just doesn’t match up to the barrels of energy Euroband threw at Belgrade in 2008.
It’s close peeps, but Euroband edge it out. Greta and Jonsí might have had a blunt instrument to bring to bear in the duel, but superior dance moves and vocals helped Euroband take the crown.
What do you all think? Did Euroband’s synchronized run in the bridge make them the stronger duo? Did Greta and Jonsí wipe the floor with Euroband as a classier entry? Vote in our poll below and then let us know what you think in the comments box!
[polldaddy poll=”7306344″]Angus Quinn contributed this report from the U.K. You can follow him on Twitter at @Angus_Quinn17. Then like our Facebook page to keep up-to-date with all the latest news and gossip.
Yeah, I’ll have to admit that, while both songs grabbed my attention, it was ‘This is my Life’ that I liked best of the two.
‘Never Forget’ was done better in the original Icelandic version. If they had performed that one rather than the English one, then they would both hold the same position in my rankings.
Greta and Jonsí got the most results? Come on! Their voices didn’t even work together like Friðrik and Régina did. Those two gave a killer vocal performance!
Greta Salome and Jonsi !!! I Love “Never Forget”
It couldn’t have been a more difficult decision, as both songs are among my all-time Eurovision favourites. However, I’ll go with the amazing Greta and Jonsi and their thrilling “Never Forget”.
Euroband is very Twinkie…all filling…but not calories…Greta and Jonsi was deep.
They both are awesome. But if i had to choose, i go for Greta & Jonsi.
Tough one. Euroband were pretty polished when they weren’t doing those stupid shoulder movements, and Greta shouldn’t have been allowed to smile because it just wasn’t the right kind of creepy for the song. But I’d pretty much forgotten This Is My Life the moment they stopped singing it whereas Never Forget stayed with me for weeks after. If I have to choose between insubstantial but polished and something more substantial but flawed, chances are I’ll go with the flaws.
At least Euroband had chemistry on stage, Greta looked creepy the whole time. That whole song her face looked like she was thinking, “I don’t even need this loser on stage with me, I have a violin so I’m sure to win!” And Jonsi is the epitome of a narcissist. So glad they finished so low.
Without Doupt it’s for me euroband!! There was energetic and so powerfoul on stage! I Really loved their perfomance!
Both songs are really good, but I think Euroband had a better performance. I love Jonsi and Greta’s video though.