Deban: A good example of a song where the ‘Vision’ in Eurovision saves the day. The staging is dramatic and really does convey the mood of the song. Iceland is famous for mountains, glaciers and active volcanoes (and no, I’m not talking about Hera Bjork). It was a clever move to pack all of those images into the song’s videologue, whilst changing the language of the song to English.
Clearly, this track is a grower. I wasn’t won over on the first few listens, but now, I’m slowly getting swayed. I wish the duo hadn’t maxed out with the six-people-on-stage limit. It’s far too many, but I’m glad the back-up singers are kept in the background. Anyway, let’s hope nothing erupts into the airspace again..I’ll need to leave Baku on the 28th of May, when my visa expires.
Wiwi: Singers are symbols of their nation at Eurovision, so it’s only fitting that Iceland is performing in front of a giant LED screen with sweeping images of snow-covered mountains. The stunning visuals match the drama of Greta and Jonsi’s voices. It’s classy, understated and mature—everything we’ve come to expect from Iceland at Eurovision. And boy can Greta get down on a fiddle. I just hope her blond locks don’t get in the way of her strings and her bow. There were a few close calls today!
Meows Kitty: A very polished performance during the first rehearsal for the Icelandic duo Jonsi and Greta. The stage setup is perfect for the song with icy blue lights and images of glaciers on the LED screens. The violin solos are powerful and the female vocals also come through very strongly. The male vocal is less audible in comparison, and the cream coloured trousers look slightly out of place while everyone else is donning black…hopefully he’ll change into something that befits the drama of this song for the semis.
I love the song. In my top 5. It is more beautiful in their native tongue but easier for the masses to understand when sung in English. I think it would be outstanding if they could mix the two languages into the song. A verse here in Icelandic, a verse there in English. I’m all for mixing it up to appease a wider audience and to honor one’s representing country.
JONSI IS THE HOTTEST BOY IN EUROVISION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!