So Azerbaijan have won the inaugural edition of Türkvizyon. Quelle surprise! But how did everyone else do? You can read the final scoreboard below. And watch the above clip to see how each country allocated their points.

Draw Country Language Artist Song English translation Points Place
09 Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Azerbaijani Farid Hasanov “Yasa” Alive 210 1
02 Belarus Belarus Turkish Gunesh Abbasova “Son Hatiralar” The Last Memories 205 2
07 Ukraine Ukraine Turkish Fazile Ìbraimova “Elmal?m” My Apple 200 3
06 Tatarstan Tatarstan Tatar Alina Sharipzhanova “Üpkälämim” I’m Not Resentful 192 4
08 Altai Republic Altai Republic Altai Artur Marlujokov “Altayym Menin” My Altai 189 5
01 Turkey Turkey (host) Turkish Manevra “Sen, Ben, Biz” You, Me, We 187 6
05 Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnian Emir & Frozen Camelsfeat. Mirza “Ters Bosanka” Moody Bosnian Girl 187 7
11 Kyrgyzstan Kyrgyzstan Kyrgyz Çoro “Kaygyrba” Don’t Worry 183 8
04 Kazakhstan Kazakhstan Kazakh Rin’go “Birlikpen Alga” Forward together 178 9
10 Northern Cyprus Northern Cyprus Turkish Grup Gommalar “Havalaniyor” It rises up 175 10
12 Uzbekistan Uzbekistan Uzbek Nilufar Usmonova “Unutgin” Forget me 173 11
03 Republic of Kosovo Kosovo Turkish Ergin Karahasan “Su Prizen” The Next Exit 151 12

So what do y’all think? Were Azerbaijan and Farid II deserving winners? Will Türkvizyon be back next year? And most importantly will y’all be watching? Let us know below.

Padraig Jude contributed this report from Ireland. Follow him on Twitter at @PadraigJude. And while you’re at it, like our Facebook page to stay up-to-date with the latest Eurovision news and gossip.

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11 years ago


11 years ago

Que alguien me explique si Turkia, se retira de esc por que el voto de jurado vale el cincuenta por ciento y esto, mismo lo hacen en su propio festival, viva la coherencia.

11 years ago

It is strange that some participants represented countries (Turkey, Belarus, Bosnia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan) and other represented regions (Kosovo (although it is recognized as a country by many), Altai Republic, Tatarstan, Northern Cyprus – recognized only by Turkey).

I am sorry to say this, but it looks to me that the competition has a strong political flavor, with regions seemingly representing areas Turkey is hoping to become independent one day. That makes the festival basically a propaganda tool.

11 years ago

A few pals and I reviewed it for fun.. but I think what you have to have to keep in mind is that it’s a baby, in its initial stages and that less stable countries are involved. So, there were LOADS of big hiccoughs :’) Hopefully next year we see better organisation lol! I had perfect streaming oddly enough on TRT & TMB. Overall, I really enjoyed it in an educational way. There were definitely similarities to ESC (the name, postcards, mini flag ceremony), but differences of its own that make it Turkvizyon: No time limit on the songs, mostly… Read more »

11 years ago

If I am to be brutally honest, this “event” is disgraceful and only builds new barricades between East and West. What the heck are countries like Ukraine and Belarus doing there and what sort of event is that with countries that are not even recognized by anybody?

11 years ago

UK should send Borat… hahaha

Melissa J
11 years ago

If they want Turkvizyon to be a success, they have got to invest some more money into better graphics and decent online streaming. Also, it seemed to be very disorganized. We didn’t even have a final participation list until the Wednesday before the contest!

11 years ago

THIS IS AN OUTRAGE! I WANTED UZBEKISTAN TO WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

11 years ago

A little bit irrelevant, but is Kosovo going to be able to participate next year? Russia doesn’t consider Kosovo an independent country, and they’re the hosts next year. Most people from Kosovo have a Kosovan passport and those aren’t accepted in Russia. I know the contestant from Kosovo in this year’s Miss Universe competition was unable to compete because the Russian government wouldn’t let her enter Russia (which was hosting) because she had a Kosovan passport.