If the odds are anything to go by, then 7 may prove to be a lucky number for Sanna Nielsen. Her song “Undo”, which our jury absolutely loves, is the seventh song she’s competed with at Melodifestivalen. When we spoke with her at the #melfest welcome party on Wednesday evening, she told us that “Undo” is the entry she has loved singing the most. As she told us: “I am so happy that I am older and I feel more secure as a person and as an artist.”

We now know her favourite, but which is YOURS? You can listen to Sanna’s seven songs below. The vote in our poll! Afterwards let us know what you’re thinking in our comments section.

“I går, i dag” (2001) 3rd place

“Hela världen för mig” (2003) 5th place

“Du och jag mot världen” (2005, duet with Fredrik Kempe) 8th place

“Vågar du, vågar jag” (2007) 7th place

“Empty room” (2008) 2nd place

“I’m in love” (2011) 4th place

“Undo” (2014)

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Now that you’ve voted, take a look at this old (but still hilarious) video of Sanna’s “real” voice. The last minute still kills us.

See our latest #melfest reviews and rankings on the Wiwi Jury page, and then vote for your favourite in our #melfest poll.

You can keep up-to-date with the latest Eurovision news and gossip by following the team on Twitter @wiwibloggs and by liking our Facebook page.

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10 years ago

I hate when people say deserve. You compete i the present not with the past.She needs to earn it simple as that it’s a competition not a reward for had and ong services. I vote for Micke Tonving back in 2005 hehe hes a funny guy thats for sure.

10 years ago

Hela världen för mig and Igår, idag are really good tracks. but Im in love and Undo is also great…

so many music pearls from this swedish star.

Please wiwibloggs put this poll up at the main page again. so we can get more reactions and votes.

10 years ago

Hela världen för mig, is the best song!

lucas menezes
lucas menezes
11 years ago

Good luck for Sanna! I’m knowing her history in Melodifestivalen now with this blog. Must be sad for her trying for so many times and winning none of them.

11 years ago

@Matt. That was the best one. It takes real skill to get the pitch and timing exactly right for maximum effect.

11 years ago

Geez that last video of her real singing ruined it for me. Can she actually sing??

11 years ago

Sanna for the win! It’s about time 🙂 Go Sanna!

11 years ago

“Undo” is one of her weaker songs and almost definitely won’t win. I was never a huge Sanna fan but she deserved to win in 2008.

11 years ago

Undo! Sanna for the win!

11 years ago

Undo is by far her most strong entry in my opinion. For as much as I support Helena this year and I must admit Sanna’s long overdue to win, so if she indeed wins I would also be glad because she deserves it.

11 years ago


11 years ago

Her best song is “Empty room”. That was her year to make it through but someone wanted Charlotte Perrelli to win and not Sanna 🙁

Anyway, Undo is a powerfull song and I hope that she wins the melodifestivalen. She deserves it!! Go Sanna!!!

Mary J
Mary J
11 years ago

She needs to “Undo” her hair from all previous years!