If the wave is risin’, then just keep on ridin’! That seems to be the mantra of Eurovision 2014 winner and European Queen of Tolerance Conchita Wurst. In her latest fly-the-flag moment, Conchita has posed for the Wann hast du entshieden? campaign, which aims to combat homophobia by asking the simple question When did you decide to be straight? Organisers from Enough is Enough, the group behind the campaign, say that this question has become one of Conchita’s favourite, “because sexuality is not a decision. You are who you are!”

In recent months Conchita—half woman, half sausage, and 100% activist—has been on a whirlwind tour of Europe, promoting LGBT rights and equality every step of the way. She sang at the Life Ball in Vienna (accompanied by Jean-Paul Gaultier), filmed a video for “Es Wird Besser”, the Austrian version of “It Gets Better”, and sang at London Pride, where she told us that she will not be competing on Celebrity Big Brother UK. She also said that singing at gay pride was like coming home: “We’re a big family. It’s cheesy, but it’s true.”

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10 years ago

Yes it is that Timbardur says sorry for Conchita and also that do same misstake as Loreen but agree with Timothy leave Conchita now wait and see !

10 years ago

Conchita will do things in her own time. Stop being so demanding!

10 years ago

Loreen won the ESC 26May2012. She released her album, including Euphoria, no earlier than 22October2012. Why does everybody have such a hurry with Conchita’s album?

10 years ago

I think we leave Conchita let’s see what she comes up with if she do!

10 years ago

Too late? Eurovision ended merely two months ago. It hasn’t even began lol

Laurel S
Laurel S
10 years ago

If you think she’s going to be a flop because she’s not made an album yet — why do you care? Why do you keep trotting out the same comment every time an article about her pops up? Don’t you have something better to do by now? I wonder if, looking back, I would find comments along the lines of “she’s not picked her song yet? she’s clearly only interested in shocking with her appearance”. She did, after all, only pick “Rise Like a Phoenix” very close to the deadline… Seriously though. She’s not particularly fading from public attention (she’s… Read more »

10 years ago

“It’s very sorry that Conchita skip her music career for all these engage of campaigns not having with music to do. Very sadly for an Eurovision winner loose his chance!” It was the best thing for human rights and equality in Europe that Conchita won and uses this time after ESC victory for promoting things that makes our world a little bit better place for us and particularly for the young ones so they don’t need to be discriminated and bullied like our generation’s minorities has been. Just a reminder to all: in the future it might be your child… Read more »

10 years ago

I read comments of that article and must say Emmelie de Forest is a musician and have cred in music business ! Conchita Wurst has not so he/she is the flop of these two not making an album at all

10 years ago

I read comments of tjat article and must say Emmelie de Forest is a musician and have cred in music business ! Conchita Wurst has not so he/she is the flop of these two not making an album at all

10 years ago

It seams that Conchita team write here .. 7 mounths (!) for a song talk for itselfs! Lol. I agreee with the others here below

10 years ago

It is common to release a crappy album and flop like Emmelie de Forest, is it? She is obviously working on new material as has been mentioned countless times. Quality just takes time. Remember how long it took her to decide on ‘rise like a phoenix” ?? Like 7 months ?? Yeah, she’ll release new material when it’s ready and not rushed into a flop.

10 years ago

I don’t understand why participate in esc for a public of about over 150
millions of people in tv’s biggest show in the world not release an album same time! Shouldn’t every artist do that?

10 years ago

It’s already too late. Conchita should prepare an album and songs before and recorded direct after winning. Now’s too late ..

10 years ago

I must admit, that I think if she wants to be the international superstar (she often said she wants to become an international star and make music, even winning a Grammy), she needs to release some songs or at least an album very soon, instead of doing other things… so she could earn money and get recognized by music industry, otherwise she will soon remain forgotten by music-buying society (like it happened with so many ESC winners before unfortunately).

10 years ago

Conchita will remain as an LGTB activist/celebrity/phenomenon that no one will remember in a couple years…like Dana International (who is a Eurovision legend and her victory was all over the news and important for the LGTB community but she is a one-hit wonder)

Conchita sings more at gay prides than on TV shows and when they ask her on TV, it’s just an interview about her beard, Eurovision victory, the hate from Russia and that’s all. No interest whatsoever about her music. a shame!

10 years ago

It’s very sorry that Conchita skip her music career for all these engage of campaigns not having with music to do. Very sadly for an Eurovision winner loose his chance!

10 years ago

conchita is turning more into some sort of symbol instead of a singer…..