Goodbye ‘Kedvesem’ and Hello ‘Hé, Budapest’!
ByeAlex, one of the most divisive acts in 2013, managed to make it to 10th place at Eurovision—and ‘Kedvesem’ became a fan favourite all over Europe. If you have his album, ‘Hé, Budapest’ won’t be a surprise. But for casual fans it marks a very different sound. Messzir?l is a modern rock song, Az én rózsám is inspired by Hungarian folk music and Nekemte is a confession.
And now we have this song which is lovely and just gets stuck in your head after you watch the video, which looks like a weird dream full of puppies, kittens, hamburgers, raccoons, ice creams and other weird things. Sometimes you can see artwork from his sister Amiizmus who made the background for Kedvesem in Malmö. As he cycles over a tunnel he appears in a store, on a bridge and in front of a few famous places in Budapest. This crazy travel has ended with two twerking-girls.
If you need a few minutes to process all of this (Team Wiwi totally did…) just watch the video:
This video is funny but it’s still ByeAlex and I think that’s the most important thing. He can be different but is still true to himself.
He’s not the only one with a new single out though. Other Hungarian stars are making new music too. MTV just published a recap video of fresh music in Hungary. All of these artist has connection with Eurovision or at least with the Hungarian National Final, A Dal.
As you know, Kállay-Saunders sings his heart out in Juliet, Bogi Feels so right and Laura Cserpes is just an angel like always. However you can listen to a few other songs in that video.
MTV also made a Spotify list, where you can listen to every Eurovision related Hungarian song. Have fun!
Do you like Hé, Budapest? Or do you have another favourite new song from Hungary? Comment below!
I think Hungary has a chance to win Eurovision very soon, if they stick to their great NF!