It’s their birthday week, but the brothers Grime are breaking with tradition and becoming gift givers rather than receivers. Fans are sure to welcome the twins return, but whether they appreciate the present – their new single “Ferocious” – is another matter.

The track marks yet another milestone in the long-touted Jedward re-brand. Ever since the threatened name change last summer, the boys have been moving towards a new “indie” sound. Their last release, “Free Spirit”, was a marked departure from previous efforts, and “Ferocious” continues down the same path. The bubblegum days are dead and buried. R.I.P. fun.

We like moody, angsty, pretty boys as much as the next person (look at our love for Softengine) but Jedward simply aren’t designed to fit into this mould. They’ve always been a happy go lucky pair of messers, and the serious label doesn’t sit comfortably with them. Just look at the clip below. The two of them are itching to jump around like mad yokes! Set them free, for all our sakes!

Given the notoriously bad acoustics in RTÉ, it’s hard to judge the song from this performance alone. Alas it’s clear that something’s amiss. The lyrics are darker than usual, which is fine. If only they weren’t so darn repetitive. It seems that they decided to write half a song, and then just sing bits of it over and over again. Come on. We expect more! They’ve tried to create a “Roar” for the Jed-head generation, but it’s more like a “Meow”.

Jedward “Ferocious” Live

If y’all like the song more than us (which admittedly, wouldn’t be that hard), it’s available to download now.

Jedward “Ferocious” Lyrics

I’ve been through struggles
Dodged a lot thrown at me
Some people in the world
Don’t want you to succeed
I spotted your true colours
I saw through the disguise
I figure you’re a user
You’re only full of lies

Now it’s bright
I’m standing like a lion
Not caring what you say
Crawl away now you poison spider
Don’t ever stand in my way

I’m setting free my inner wolf
I will be ferocious
And I’m setting free my inner tiger
I will be ferocious
And I’m setting free my inner wolf
I will be ferocious
And I’m setting free my inner tiger
I will be ferocious

Ferocious, ferocious
I will be ferocious
Ferocious, ferocious
I will be ferocious
Ferocious, ferocious
I will be ferocious
Ferocious, ferocious
I will be ferocious

Life is never easy
Don’t ever pack it in
Deal with all the highs and lows
Don’t let them say you can’t
Come out of the dark
Found the courage within
Now I know for a fact
I can face anything

Now it’s bright
I’m standing like a lion
Not caring what you say
Crawl away now you poison spider
Don’t ever stand in my way

I’m setting free my inner wolf
I will be ferocious
And I’m setting free my inner tiger
I will be ferocious
And I’m setting free my inner wolf
I will be ferocious
And I’m setting free my inner tiger
I will be ferocious

Ferocious, ferocious
I will be ferocious
Ferocious, ferocious
I will be ferocious
Ferocious, ferocious
I will be ferocious
Ferocious, ferocious
I will be ferocious

Ferocious, ferocious
I will be ferocious
Ferocious, ferocious
I will be ferocious
Ferocious, ferocious
I will be ferocious
Ferocious, ferocious
I will be ferocious

I’m setting free my inner wolf
I will be ferocious
And I’m setting free my inner tiger
I will be ferocious

You can follow all of our Ireland Eurovision 2015 news here.

Photo: Screengrab via RTÉ Youtube

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10 years ago


Anyway, i thought they were over. The song is nothing special.

10 years ago

they are just awful dancers and terrible at timing and after all these years it hasnt improved…
crappy song.. theyre hot. thats it.

10 years ago

Besides the age, they have the same circus. It;s not impressed me

10 years ago

The song despite being far from the cheesy bubblegum crap that made them Eurovision famous it still quite a very not-that-overly-special pop song. And for someone like these 2 kids … I would never expect anything better than this or too damn different than this. After all they are still two young kids …. (trying too hard to be part of this whole game for some bizarre reason … fame maybe who knows). But while everybody here complements the style change, the supposed maturity in the lyrics (they’re still kids … what could they even say that could wow a… Read more »

10 years ago

I love Ferocious! The song is absolutely amazing and I am so proud of them writing it on their own. They are just the best! =:) xx

10 years ago

On balance I liked it, especially the meaning/lyrics of the two verses hidden in a clubby, feel good, fist pumping dance tune. However, I agree the Ferocious refrain does get repetitive and the song might have benefited from another verse.

BTW I think the lyric in the chorus is ‘Now I’m standing like a lion’ – hence the play on words with pride. That’s quite clever actually – although as I’m the Queen of the Misheard Lyric don’t take my word for it. 🙂

10 years ago

If Ireland brings them back to Eurovision this year like it’s rumoured, I don’t want to hear all the Irish fans complaining when they place horribly again.

10 years ago

I’m a proud Jedhead! I think they are amazing and really inspiring, they make music, music videos and so much on their own! They care about their fans, and spreads so much love wherever they go! I think Ferocious is an amazing song and have a great meaning! =:) I’m really proud of John & Edward!

Helena's fan
10 years ago

I want them back but I am afraid they will win (3rd time lucky?) I don’t want Jedward to bring Eurovision to Ireland. Just let them represent San Marino! Then I wouldn’t have problem

10 years ago

It’s such a amaZing song. When I first heard the preview I didn’t expect it to be this good. It’s way better then I had expected 😀 Well done guys! I’m excited to hear even more awesome song s from you guys!! <3

10 years ago

I really liked the song and performance and I’m a Jedward fan. It’s a great track with a club feel and lyrics that a lot of us can relate to. Really looking forward to hearing the rest of their new album, and can’t wait to see this song live at their Dublin concert on Friday.

10 years ago

I like that they are finally saying something real with their lyrics. Been waiting a long time for the real Edward and John to emerge as Jedward really pleased it’s been worth the wait.

10 years ago

I like it a lot!
But the word ferocious gets a little annoying after hearing it so much

Lisa Hafey
10 years ago

Sorry you didn’t like it Padraig, but contrary to what you may think, fans are aware of the change in direction in John and Edward’s music, having been introduced to it with earlier release, Free Spirit. And – in the main – we’ve embraced it – because THIS is what they’re like. The previous image was one largely foisted upon them – this is the real them. And gosh – they’re 23 now – why should they behave like “happy go lucky messers” all the time if that’s not what they actually are? Certainly doesn’t mean they’re not fun anymore.… Read more »

10 years ago

As a fan, I loved it! it’s a brilliant EDM track, they’ve moved on from the bubble gum pop and it suits them! They’ve something to say and their saying it in style! I’m looking forward to hearing this live in Ireland when I fly over next week for their mini tour.