After receiving a total of 258 entries, Icelandic broadcaster RÚV has now revealed the 12 songs and artists who will compete in this year’s Söngvakeppni Sjónvarpsins. The winner will represent Iceland at Eurovision in May.

There are a few familiar faces amongst the finalists, including Regína Ósk, one half of Euroband in 2008 and Erna Hrönn Ólafsdóttir, one of Yohanna’s backing singers in 2009. Stefanía Svavarsdóttir returns having last competed in 2013.

You can read the full list below.

Söngvakeppni Sjónvarpsins 2015 Participants

  1. Regina Ósk – “Aldrei of seint” (Never Too Late)
    Music; María Björk Sverrisdóttir, Marcus Frenell og Sarah Reede
    Lyrics: María Björk Sverrisdóttir og Regína Ósk Óskarsdóttir
  2. Stefanía Svavarsdóttir – “Ást eitt augnablik” (Love for a While)
    Music and lyrics; Sveinn Rúnar Sigurðsson
  3. Bjarni Lárus Hall – “Brotið gler” (Broken Glass)
    Music and lyrics; Axel Árnason and Bjarni Lárus Hall
  4. Sunday – “Fjaðrir” (Feathers)
    Music and lyrics; Hildur Kristín Stefánsdóttir and Guðfinnur Sveinsson
  5. Cadem – “Fyrir alla” (For Everyone) 
    Music; Daníel Óliver Sveinsson and Jimmy Åkerfors
    Lyrics; Daníel Óliver Sveinsson and Einar Ágúst Víðisson
  6. Elín Sif Halldórsdóttir – “Í kvöld” (Tonight)
    Music and lyrics; Elín Sif Halldórsdóttir
  7. Friðrik Dór – Í síðasta skipti (The Last Time)
    Music; Stop Wait Go (Pálmi Ragnar Ásgeirsson, Ásgeir Orri Ásgeirsson og, Sæþór Kristjánsson)
    Lyrics; Stop Wait Go and Friðrik Dór
  8. María Ólafsdóttir – “Lítil skref” (Small Steps)
    Music and lyrics; Stop Wait Go
  9. Haukur Heiðar Hauksson – “Milljón augnablik” (A Million Moments)
    Music; Karl Olgeir Olgeirsson
    Lyrics; Karl Olgeir Olgeirsson and Haukur Heiðar Hauksson
  10. Erna Hrönn Ólafsdóttir – “Myrkrið hljótt” (Silent Darkness)
    Music; Arnar Ástráðsson
    Lyrics; Erna Hrönn Ólafsdóttir
  11. Björn og félagar (Björn and friends) – “Piltur og stúlka” (Boys and Girls)
    Music and lyrics; Björn Þór Sigbjörnsson, Tómas Hermannsson og Björn Jörundur Friðbjörnsson
  12. Hinemoa – “Þú leitar líka að mér” (You’re Also Searching For Me)
    Music; Ásta Björg Björgvinsdóttir
    Lyrics; Bergrún Íris Sævarsdóttir

Each act will compete in one of two semi-finals, which will take place on 31 January and 7 February. The final is scheduled for 14 February. All three shows will be broadcast live from Háskólabíó, a movie theatre and concert hall.

Who do you think should represent Iceland in Vienna?


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10 years ago

Alright thanks ^_^

10 years ago

Where can I listen to them?