Tere Estonia! Eesti Laul 2015 — Estonia’s national selection for Eurovision — will stage the second semi-final on February 14. So the Wiwi Jury — our in-house panel of musical unprofessionals — is busy reviewing the ten acts that will compete. Up next it’s Kali Briis Band with their song “Idiot”. With a title like that, did the jokes write themselves? Read on to find out…

Reviews: Kali Briis Band’s “Idiot”

Angus: This just doesn’t quite work. It can’t decide whether it’s rock, innovative electro or Florence style ethereal warbler. Those three elements don’t work together and the bizarre musical cocktail served up here leaves a foul taste behind.

Score: 2.5/10

Anthony: Yawn. Continuing with the soft rock theme of Eesti Laul this year, here’s another entry from another band. Although the song name “Idiot” doesn’t suggest a joke act, it’s simply dull and would get lost very easily amongst the rest. And for a good reason too, as this feels dreary from start to finish.

Score: 1/10

Chris: The only thing that stops this being a trainwreck is the female singer, who manages to wrangle through the awful tune, cheesy lyrics and horrible production. So little about this works and it just feels incredibly cheap. This would look bad compared with some of the Swiss web entries – and that says it all.

Score: 2.5/10

Josh: Oh look, a band with a female singer! Oh wait! We’ve already seen a billion of them in Eesti Laul this year. This song is pretty dull. It sounds incredibly 80’s and I really do not like this. I think they just make themselves look like idiots.

Score: 2/10

Patrick: “Hey do you want to make a silly song and send it to Eurovision?” They likely asked each other that while producing this experimental crap. It’s like they have thrown all kinds of music melodies together and waited for a result… Sorry!

Score: 0/10

Kali Briis Band

Ramadan: They probably tried ever possible sound effect known to man…but where’s the actual melody? I honestly don’t have anything good to say about this song. Hot mess.

Score: 2/10

Robyn: This song needs so much work. The lead singer has a really weak voice and can’t hold a tune, and the instrumental parts are lacking melody and are too reliant on quirky riffs. The song doesn’t start coming together until the girl singer joins in on the second verse. But by then it’s just too late.

Score: 1/10

Sami: The singer sounds very weak in the live performances and the song is so boring. The instrumental parts are quite nice, but they really need to work on their live vocals. Nothing would make me want to vote this if I was in Estonia.

Score: 2/10

Sopon: The singer’s voice is the worst I’ve heard – worse than Bob Dylan! This song leaves a more putrid taste in my mouth than a rotten tuna sandwich covered in expired mayo. I think I’ve gotten the message across.

Score: 0/10 (can we give negatives?)




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9 years ago

WTF? This is one of the coolest songs in the selection! Sometimes the Wiwi Jury just gets things so, so wrong…

9 years ago

My favourite song in Eesti Laul this year. Providing the guy gets more confident with his singing, I don’t see why we shouldn’t see it in the final.

9 years ago

I actually think the pink-haired woman sings pretty well 🙂