Polish representative Monika Kuszynska has stayed pretty quiet since debuting her song last month. In one of her first promotional moves before Eurovision 2015, she has unveiled the Polish version of her song “In the Name of Love”. This translation, entitled “Obudz sie i zyj”, means “Wake Up and Live”. You can listen to it below and follow the lyrics.
Fans have had mixed reactions to her Eurovision song. Some have called it pleasant and well-composed, while others believe it’s dry and repetitive. I see both sides but love Monika’s voice to death — and that more than makes up for any shortcomings in my book. Taking out the somewhat clichéd English lyrics and putting them in a language I don’t understand helps us focus on the music, which is a huge strength. Do other fans see it the same way? Maybe they will know after giving this a listen.
Read all of our Poland Eurovision news here.
“Obudz sie i zyj“
Nie ma chwili do stracenia, zyjesz tu i teraz.
Na szukanie szczescia w innych Swiata szkoda Nas.
Tyle jest piekna, gdy umiesz patrzec klaniaj sie chwili, ktora trwa.
Masz swiat u stop,
Masz zycia cud,
Masz wolnosc, zew krwi,
Obudz sie i zyj.
Nie odplywaj w inny wymiar, tu jest nasze miejsce.
Nie pamietaj i nie planuj nie musisz nic.
Tyle jest piekna, gdy umiesz Patrzec klaniaj si? chwili, ktora trwa.
Masz swiat u stop,
Masz zycia cud,
Masz wolnosc, zew krwi,
Obudz sie i zyj.
Masz swiat u stop,
Masz zycia cud,
Masz wolnosc, zew krwi,
Obudz sie i zyj!
Ooobudz sie!
Masz swiat u stop,
Masz zycia cud,
Masz wolnosc, zew krwi,
Obudz sie i zyj.
Masz swiat u stop,
Masz zycia cud,
Masz wolnosc, zew krwi,
Obudz sie i zyj.
English Translation
There’s no moment to lose, you live here and now.
It’s a time waste to search happiness in other words
There’s so much beauty if you can look, bow to the moment which is going on.
You have the world at your feet
You have the miracle of life
You have freedom from the blood
Wake up and live
Don’t swim out anywhere else, this is our place.
Don’t remember and don’t plan, you don’t need to do anything.
There’s so much beauty if you can look, bow to the moment which is going on.
You have the world at your feet
You have the miracle of life
You have freedom from the blood
Wake up and live
You have the world at your feet
You have the miracle of life
You have freedom from the blood
Wake up and live
Wake up…
You have the world at your feet
You have the miracle of life
You have freedom from the blood
Wake up and live
You have the world at your feet
You have the miracle of life
You have freedom from the blood
Wake up and live
I’m American and don’t speak a word of Polish. And I find the Polish version much better.
I’m from Poland and I was proud of last year’s mix up of Polish and English. This year I’d opt for a mix of both languages, if it’d be done will go straight to the Grand Final!!! Good Luck Monika!!! 😉
My Dark Horse like The Netherlands2014
A mix like 2014 would be awesome! Please Poland!
Must sing in polish
Mixed version is good for me. If they will repeat what they did last year with My Slowianie/We Are Slavic, it might become acceptable and good to hear again once it’s performed on stage.
Still not a top contender according to me, but it does sound better in Polish. As for the SF2, I had ranked Azerbajain #10 and Poland #11, but I might switch them if Monika sings it in Polish!
A beautiful lady with a moving story. Though I’m not crazy about the song. I prefer Ireland or Switzerland qualify over this. I still think the word ‘song’ from Eurovision Song Contest should be important.
Much better than weak artificial crap from Sweden.
I just feel like the English has the edge! I feel like the Polish language in the second version decreases the beauty of the song!
I think it is such a beautiful song, with a pure, innocent meaning and has a beautiful singer but I would strongly advise (the only time I ever have) that Monika sings in English!!! 🙂 🙂 😉 <3
Actually, I would translate the words “zew krwi” as “the call of blood”. Sounds good both in Polish and English though.
Good artist but sorry that she not could present a good song, Poland seam to have problem 2015
Boring in polish. Boring in english.
I always thought Polish (along with the other Western Slavic languages) to sound kinda messy (no hate I love them all). I still love the song in the Polish version and the chorus sounds really good (the best part in both versions, especially after the key change) but I think I prefer the English version (first time I’ve ever said that).
I think the English version sounds better. She hits some really great notes in it. Having said that, the meaning of the lyrics in Polish is so much better! The lyrics in English are a bit generic. I would be happy with either song!
Such an improvement from last year…
Sounds much better in Polish
I hope she switches it to Polish because it’s even better than the English version (which I already love).
Poland could actually win in Vienna!!!!!
The song was already beautiful in English. But it is breathtaking in Polish.
Is this Molitva all over again but for Poland? It could well be.
WARSAW 2016!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀
POLISH BETTER! Send this one!!!!
It’s such a beautiful song, the best ballad this year.
I love this song so much! It deserves to do well in this competition ! It so underrated by the ESC fans!
Much better! Polish is beautiful..send this instead