Another Thursday, another series of rehearsals for Melodifestivalen 2016. Today the good people of Gävle welcome the Semi-Final 4 artists, who include bookies’ favourite Molly Sandén and Melfest veterans Panetoz, Dolly Style, Martin Stenmarck and Linda Bengtzing. The semi has already had plenty of drama with the unfortunate leak of Molly’s “Youniverse,” which led producers to reveal short clips of all the songs for a 24-hour period. But now it’s time to see how they’ll give these numbers life on stage as SVT share 30-second rehearsal snippet. This is live and rolling, and we’ll be updating throughout the day as SVT shares its video previews.
Melodifestivalen 2016: Deltävling 4, Gävle
Eclipse with “Runaways”
William: Rock entries at Melfest tend to get the exact same treatment — red lights, white strobes, a bit of fire and the drummer seated on an elevated platform. It looks great, but it’s just a bit predictable at this point. The band sound great and look confident, though the melody sounds old school, nodding to Jon Bon Jovi, among others. I hope that the lead singer doesn’t wear a tank top on Saturday evening. I find the frequent display of his armpits a bit gross. Ain’t nobody gotta see that.
Sami: “Runaways” is a decent rock song and the band looks great on the stage. The chorus is very catchy and I like the melody. Too often the melodies in rock songs are completely forgettable, but this is a pleasant exception. I’m not yet sure if they have a shot at the final, but I will for sure blast this from my speakers — and loud!
Read the full “Runaways” lyrics
Dolly Style with “Rollercoaster”
William: If this snippet is anything to go by, then this Roller Coaster is going to crash. Their music tends to be catchy and monotonous, making it perfect for their pre-teen audience. But this melody isn’t nearly as infectious as “Hello Hi” and the backing almost seems too deep and low for their light and fluffy image. Something isn’t connecting for me.
Sami: I’m not sure how to react to this. Should I laugh at it or take it seriously? And what’s the audience for this? It’s too trashy for the little kids but too childish for anyone older that. They talk about being low and being high — and I feel like they were high writing this. It’s so repetitive and so annoying, that I can’t even hate it. It just makes me laugh.
Read the full “Rollercoaster” lyrics
Martin Stenmarck with “Du Tar Mig Tillbaks”
William: For a split second I thought that I had passed out. Martin is a sexy bitch, but this performance is just so cruise ship. The staging is non-existent, the melody uninspired, and the overall feeling one of, “Can this end already?” I’m beyond disappointed. There is a big camera trick coming — it looks like his image will fade in and out of pictures on the LED. But I’m already worried someone will have a seizure from the dizzying effect.
Sami: This is beyond boring, especially if you don’t understand the lyrics. There’s just nothing interesting happening and Martin doesn’t give the song lift. The effects what we saw with the pictures on the LED look amazing, but I fear they are going to give me a headache after a while. I’m sure Swedish people won’t make the same mistake twice by sending Martin to Eurovision as this would do even worse than he did back in 2005.
Read the full “Du Tar Mig Tillbaks” lyrics
Linda Bengtzing with “Killer Girl”
William: Linda is rocking a shaved head — and that’s about it. This song is dated and bland, and includes an awkward and forced reference to Instagram. It lacks personality and drive and is a huge letdown following the heights of her 2011 entry. Colour me disappointed!
Sami: Dated, boring, uninteresting. So far at Melodifestivalen 2016 none of the schlager acts have made it through — and this won’t either. I liked Linda back in 2011, but “Ta mig” in 2014 started her downward spiral. This accelerates it.
Read the full “Killer Girl” lyrics
Frans with “If I Were Sorry”
William: This snippet has me in two minds. The simple spoken word segment could be the yin to an over-the-top and memorable chorus with lots of backing vocalists. Or it could signal three minutes of bland drivel. If the latter proves to be the case, not even Frans’ endearing charm and baby face will be enough to save him. PS: WTF is up with that Lena-esque Cockney accent?
Sami: It’s a fine song and Frans’ way of singing it is quite unique. But it may be too boring to advance. It’s one of those songs that you don’t mind listening to, but you just can’t remember any of it afterwards. The staging looks a little boring, even if the LED-wall looks nice. Hopefully there is more coming in the remaining 2:30.
Read the full “If I Were Sorry” lyrics
Panetoz with “Håll Om Mig Hårt”
William: Finally — a group more concerned with having fun than looking polished. This is a hot mess and that’s why it’s so endearing. The chorus feels very authentic to them and it brings a tropical — but not kitsch — vibe to chilly Sweden. This feels slightly cheap but is just so inviting.
Sami: This is all over the place — but I love it! The song is similar to Koza Mostra’s Eurovision entry and they have that same energy on the stage. The choreography looks a little clumsy, but that’s actually refreshing in Sweden where everything looks a bit too perfect. Obviously this isn’t going to win, but I hope this makes it to the final.
Read the full “Håll Om Mig Hårt” lyrics
Molly Sandén with “Youniverse”
William: I didn’t like the snippet that leaked and I really don’t like this. I think the bookies are betting on hype rather than quality. She has a great voice — no doubt — but this relies on production rather than soul or, say, a melody. The lyrics are atrocious. The electro sounds slightly annoying. And the repetition of “Youniverse” is beyond irritating. In any event, she’ll def go to the final. Maybe producers should put her after Lisa Ajax in the running order so they can share the same smoke.
Sami: I never liked the song that much and I don’t really get all the hype around Molly. The song is fine, there’s nothing wrong with it but it’s a little bland. The staging is also weird — why there is five people in this “youniverse”? I still can’t see this as a winner and if it wins, I will be very disappointed.
Read the full “Youniverse” lyrics
Read more Melodifestivalen news
Photo: Janne Danielsson/SVT
I want the molly back from junior eurovision! give her an amazing song for once! jesus.
the swedish only know one trick. holding a long note in a single word. it is like they are sending the same song every year, only slightly modifying it. time to close the circus. and why are they always presenting middle-aged milfs as “girls”? ughh I am feeling sick.
How on Earth someone would think that Molly’s song is the winning one in Sweden? Oh, c’mon!
Lisa Ajax, Oscar Zia, Robert Bengstonn (!!!) even had better songs and better presentations.
So, Molly, get your seat back in the bus, there are new drivers in town.
And btw, this week songs are mediocre at best. Last week’s Deltavling was the best, for me, personally.
I have to say the only song that has made any real impression on me in Melfest so far is I Will Wait by Isa. The song isn’t even that great, but Isa really sells it with great vocals and an inspired performance. She’s just way better than Molly Sanden… but in Melfest apparently it’s the name that counts. Once she gets to the finals it will be different for the international juries.
we should pick Oscar… we will probably end up in the middle of the field whatever song we choose this year. we have to try better enxt year…
I think Ace, Robin or even Isa could win this year, I don’t really like Oscar’s song it is boring!!!
This is the semi with the biggest names but the one I like least.
The only one I find somewhat interesting is Frans. I will not be surprised to see him going direct to the final, to make one of the youngest MF lineups ever.
I don’t see what’s attractive about Molly’s entry and I still think it’s between Wiktoria and Oscar, with Ace and Martin also in with a chance.
Molly Sandén … 🙁 Very disappointed … this is not and will never be a song I can clearly see and feel Molly’s soul, voice and artistry … Freak sound 10000% better than this and coming from “ego-focus-on-my-body” Danny Saucedo … I even expected way more and way better. Even voiceless Ace Wilder sounds better than this … and this is not a compliment for any of the girls. Right now: Robin sounds like the the most reliable winner to be very honest with you.
I have only one comment: the amount of obsession for staging and LEDs is just beyond scary ,,, it really means to me that nobody is truly listening to the songs and are rather too distracted by what goes around the singers … not a very musical attitude specially when in the outside world of Eurovision you have an Adele singing, just singing and nothing needs to happen … and everybody listens and they want o listen … listening in Eurovision? Is sugar-suffocated by staging and LEDs … very disappointing approach and expectation when certain songs ONLY require ONE thing… Read more »
Molly is quite good, maybe not as exciting as I had hoped but shes up there, reserving full judgement until I hear the whole song. Dolly Style…apart from those aged 5 and under I cant see the appeal.
Only Oscar can win MF now with Robin and Ace coming up just behind him alongside Molly. Wictoria….ugh don’t get the hype, shes just dull and the song is nothing special. I can see Oscar challenging at Eurovision if he wins MF
VERY disappointing line-up. After three great semi finals, this is definitely the worst. I can’t see a song worthy of going Direkte Til Finale.
Ace Wilder FTW!!
Actually in 2013 Yohio was the favourite, in Sweden anyway, but the juries didn’t want him. I still think this years songs are much better and compared to the songs chosen so far for Esc many songs in the final and AC is far better actually. But that’s a matter of taste. Oscar seem to be a name that is mentioned alot. Also Robin and Wiktoria. And that could be a sign that the final has turned out to be even and strong. Not weak. I’m not sure why the bookies place Sweden high, but if it’s only because of… Read more »
well we all know jury wise sweden cant do no wrong i think thats the reason the jury votes will be revealed one by one instead of televotes and sweden are overated when it comes to the jury. so bit by bit we will see they get more points then they deserve for 40 odd minutes im still confused on how robin managed to get 3rd in jury votes
Yeah, a disappointing line-up, unfortunately. If Martin Stenmarck couldn’t get to the final with “När änglarna går hem”, then he hasn’t got a chance with this. There’s still some hope for Linda Bengtzing, though “shaved head” doesn’t really scream “schlager”, does it?
Ace Wilder for the win!!
Whole nations also can be corrupted.
Bookies are just corrupted pseudo-experts as many jurors or even more.
For some reason my comment isn’t coming up.
I said that at this rate, Oscar has the upper hand. Maybe it’ll be another 2013 situation where the AC contestants were better than those who were DtF. I still hope Isa can pull a Robin and win it. But for now, I think Oscar will win it.
With that said, that might end the whole guy-girl thing but continue the one-word title trend. Hmmm, you think “Popular euphoria you undo heroes, human.” could make a good lyric for a song? LOL
Only weak, dull, pathetic and boring people vote for weak, dull, pathetic and boring craps. This is whole obvious truth.
Say no to pathetic, pseudo-deep craps! Samir & Viktor to Stockholm! Only they can make a show! The rest is very weak, pathetic and boring.
Hope Frans made it to the final or at least to the Andra.
As for Molly I’m sooo dissapointed! I’m sure she could do much better. She’s among the better ones, but no winning material. I’m just not feeling Youniverse! Youniverse! It’s really terrible right now. Maybe the full song is better. But the performance is like Robin Stjernberg and Lisa Ajax in one.
For me Wiktoria, Isa, Robin , Ace, Oscar, David have better song than Molly who is favorite to win and favorite for SVT.
1. Dolly Style
2. Panetoz
3. Eclipse
Then I don’t particularly care after that. I think this year is becoming Ace’s to lose, but I’ll hold out some hope ISA will pull off a victory
Wictoria for the song or Ace for the staging, with these songs it’s almost obvious that any of them could win this. I don’t really get the hype around molly, her song is so bland and she looks like she’s uncomfortable
I’d have to agree with others here. If you don’t compare it to ‘Busy Doin’ Nothing’ then ‘Don’t Worry’ is a smasher (despite being not as good). Ace for the win I think.
Dolly Style is the only really good entry from this semi I think. There line up is new and improved and their music gets better and better. This time, unlike ‘Hello Hi’ I fell like it appeals to more ages than just the young teens in the audience. I’m sorry but ‘Youniverse’ is ‘YouniTrash’. How the hell does ‘There’s only you, there’s only Youniverse’ work as a lyric? It doesn’t, it sounds lazy, but it’s Molly Sandén so she’ll go through probably. 1. Dolly Style 2. Panetoz — 3. Molly Sandén (because she’s going to qualify because people vote based… Read more »
Now I think Oscar Zia will win. This semi is worst of all, I can’t even pick one song which I can listen on repeat. Molly’s song is alright but she’s clearly overhyped for being the last one in the last semi final.
Ace or Robin must win! These two can also win eurovision! Molly cant.After hearing that snippet I cant understand why is she a big favorite? Does Christer Bjorkman believes that after Loreen and Mans can win eurovision with youniverse? Euphoria and heroes were very good full of energy songs and both of them became hits all across Europe.Youniverse is mediocre as a song and also the staging isnt spectacular.After Mans Sweden needs Ace or Robin.Ace has a song which can turn into a hit with a spectacular and energetic staging.Robin is a nice guy with a good song and pleasant… Read more »
wow all the songs this year are crap! hey should of sent sarha might aswell send a fun song to the final not like any are going to win Oscars song is way to serious imho Sweden needs to show a fun side to them this year
Molly and Panetoz should qualify, even though they’re not Final standards.
I don’t care about who goes to Andra Chansen, as the rest of the songs are pretty awful.
I can oficially say Oscar Zia should win.
Everybody thought last week was the worst semi-final but this week is a whole new level. I don’t like any of them personally (based on the snippets). Molly definitely not winnin’ this!
It’s Oscar as number 1 for me. Yes, I know his voice is not the best. But the song and the staging is so great! Robin and Wiktoria works too if I can’t have him 🙂
1. Molly
2. Frans
3. Eclipse
So disappointed. I don’t like any of the songs.
O_O Definitely back down a step from the heights of last week. From the first 5 I think Eclipse would be top of my list? Whatever goes to AC will hopefully pave the way for Saraha & Boris to qualify.
Linda worst song that she ever had at MF , like Martin song, for me he had best song in 2014, than 2005 than 2016. But his song is one of better song in this not good semifinal.
@MGR Please. Stop. You’re complaining and spreading bullshit on every single article, please just stop complaining or go away.
I’m always amazed by how Linda Bengtzing can always deliver such horrible entries. She’s always outdoing herself by delivering a more awful and awful and awful song each year.
Dolly Style their 30 secs audio clip was amazing and the second best song in this semi, however the live performance seems a little bit weak and already done by them last year, but better! Little bit dissapointed, but maybe its good live. Molly will clearly own this semi final, without a single doubt. The last 4 songs have a good chanche of getting through. Martin seems a bit lost, and his song is the worst this year and its getting boring for 3 full minutes. Wiwi bloggs is right about Eclipse, all rock entries get the same staging and… Read more »
My top 3.
1. Dolly Style
2. Eclipse
3. Martin Stenmarck
If anyone is skijumper, pushing to cross country skiing predominantly does not make sense. If someone has no idea about Eurovision, this should give up from this contest.
Eclipse clearly copied entry of Norway in ESC 2005.
This is another proof, that also at Eurovision you need to effort. Just being of Dolly Style or Margaret or Jamie Lee Kriewitz or even Isa and Ace Wilder is not enough.
And this is clearly worst song of Dolly Style.