With all 43 entries now released, we’ve been listening to the Eurovision 2016 entries and have discovered more of those “Wait, what?!” moments. Misheard lyrics are one of the joys of Eurovision, whether they’re caused by the singer not enunciating well enough or by the listener not really paying attention. We’ve put together a list of eight of the best moments from 2016 — giving the acts plenty of time to sort themselves out before Stockholm!

1. Spain: Barei – “Say Yay!”

What we heard: “Come on and raise your bottom, cry”
Correct lyric: “Come on and raise your battle cry”

We know what you’re thinking, but this lyric is obviously about Barei channelling her inner nanny. She’s a Spanish Mary Poppins, disciplining a naughty child by administering a jolly good spanking. Why, that’ll teach that little brat. No other possible meaning. The instruction can be heard at 0:53.

2. Ukraine: Jamala – “1944”

What we heard: “Don’t swallow my soul, arseholes”
Correct lyric: “Don’t swallow my soul, our souls”

When we first heard this, we were like “Yaaassss, Jamala! Don’t hold back, girl! Tell those arseholes who is boss!” But apparently this is not what she is singing and she is actually making a serious statement. About some arseholes. The spirited line can be heard at 0:30.

3. Malta: Ira Losco – “Walk on Water”

What we heard: “I can’t get off on your love”
Correct lyric: “I can’t get enough of your love”

Ira delivers a big soul-pop tune, describing the romantic turmoil in her life. But with it comes the shock confession: “I can’t get off on your love”. Don’t worry, Ira — we hear there will be plenty of single guys at Eurovision! The line can be heard at 0:51.

4. Finland: Sandja – “Sing It Away”

What we heard: “Sing it away, I’ll munch your balls away”
Correct lyric: “Sing it away, all my troubles away”

Sometimes when you love someone, you might show them how much you love them by munching on their balls. Obviously we mean delicious savoury cheese balls that have been made as a snack food for a Eurovision screening party. The tasty line can be heard at 0:37.

5. FYR Macedonia: Kaliopi – “Dona”

What we heard: “Doughnut, doughnut, doughnut, doughnut, doughnut”
Correct lyric: “Dona, dona, dona, dona, dona”

Sweden has the tradition of fika — a social coffee break, where one might also enjoy a sweet treat such as a cinnamon bun, but Kaliopi has a different snack in mind. Conveniently, Kaliopi can just sing her song at the Globe cafeteria and she’ll have her fika ordered for her and four friends. The carbolicious line can be heard at 0:44.

6. Poland: Michal Szpak – “Color of Your Life”

What we heard: “You need to know there’s no life without beers”
Correct lyric: “You need to know there’s no life without tears”

Dude! Beers are awesome! Michal will be pleased to know that Sweden has a long history of brewing, going as far back as the Viking era. So many beers! Skål! The brewtastic line can be heard at 1:30.

7. Belgium: Laura Tesoro – “What’s the Pressure”

What we heard: “I see massive balls weighing down people all around”
Correct lyric: “I see massive walls weighing down people all around”

A few years ago we saw a documentary about a guy who had scrotal elephantiasis. Poor fellow. It really affected his life, his ability to work. Fortunately he had surgery and had all the excess tissue removed — a modern medical miracle. That’s what Laura is singing about, right? Hear the lyrics at 0:51.

8. San Marino: Serhat – “I Didn’t Know”

What we heard: “I got to pee inside your mind”
Correct lyric: “I got to be inside your mind”

You’re thinking, it’s lucky that the visual metaphors of the old “I Didn’t Know” music video didn’t extend to that line about peeing. But then Serhat holds up the fancy bottle full of yellow liquid and suddenly it all makes sense. Terrible, awful sense. The evocative line can be heard at 0:23.

What we heard: “I’ve got to say I am a dick tit”
Correct lyric: “I’ve got to say I am addicted”

A meeting has been called at San Marino Television. Serhat has something to tell the HoD. “Guys, while I did think that the original version of “I Didn’t Know” was perfect, now that I’ve heard the disco remix, well, I have to say I am a dick tit. It’s obviously the superior version and it must go to Eurovision.” The line can be heard at 0:44.

What lyrics have you misheard? Share your favourites below!


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8 years ago


8 years ago

abandoned him by the hundreds in the hour of his greatest need. “King Renly’s shade

west,” announced Lord Tywin. “Our cousin Ser Daven is reforming the remnants of his

8 years ago

No, im sorry, i still can’t hear walls instead of balls in Belgium, i lewis thought it was balls and i can’t hear any other word.

Also, from YouTube:
Actual – We shiver as we step into the cold, cold night.
Misheard – We shave our ass, we step info the cold, child night.

8 years ago

I saw this in Youtube

“I need economy, I need an aspirin”

8 years ago

I don’t mishear anything in Poland’s song.

8 years ago


Actual lyrics: “harbour’s near, no more fear, wall of clouds disappears”
Perceived lyrics: “harbour’s near, no more fear and our clothes disappear”

I don’t know if this was really for IVAN HAHAHA

8 years ago

@Hugh, it is pure accident 🙂 just like it happened to Verka Serdyuchka with her “Russia goodbye”. Verka then said “clear your ears”, but then I ask myself “why someone will add to his song Mongolian words that mean whipped cream?”

8 years ago

Spain: “Come on and raise your bottle cry”
Finland: “Sing it away, how much it goes away”

8 years ago

My misheard Norway for ‘when your sucking frogs in water’

8 years ago

For the original version of Fairytale (Perralle) I heard for the chorus;

Perralle, per du-op
Hu du du-op
And a vince pertu
And heroic pertu
Scat now bow wow bow wow ow ow

United Kingdom
United Kingdom
8 years ago

Look Spain has fallen on charts, (I’m from United Kindgom), and I must say BAREI SAY YAY is Eurovision. This HAS TO WIN. ATTENTION – The Bookies are placing it lower therefore people will not vote for it as they will only vote for the ones they like becuase they get THEIR MONEY. THIS IS NOT FAIR. The best song NEVER wins , ITS TIME WE DO SOMETHING BAREI SHOULD WIN! I’m from the UK and look ITS AMAZING!!! This contest will be a STEAL if she doesnt WIN! GOOD LUCK SPAIN !!!!!!

Mark Pumphrey
Mark Pumphrey
8 years ago

1. Dami Im. The Sound of Silence. The lyric: “Now my heart awakes to the sound of silence.” What I heard: “Now my heart awakes to the sound of sailors, And it beats to the sound of sailors, And it beats to the sound of sailors.” 2. Nina Kralji?. Lighthouse. The lyric: “’Cause there is a light, Guiding my way, Keeping me safe when oceans rage.” What I heard: “’Cause there is a light, Guiding my way, Keeping me safe and enchanté.” 3. Sandhja. Sing It Away. The lyric: “Sing it away, All my troubles away.” What I heard: “Sing… Read more »

8 years ago

Someone overreacted lol

David Who
David Who
8 years ago

I thought i was mis-hearing Montenegro’s song lyrics until i read them and discovered they ARE actually singing about penetration! Not a family show then.

8 years ago

“I’ve got to say I am a dick tit” *dead*

8 years ago

You guys left out a good one, in Iveta’s song I always hear “Shook my life like an earthquake Norway could never have”, and I still don’t know what the actual lyrics are.

8 years ago

Pretty sure the ‘our souls’ line is not completely an accident 😉

8 years ago

“Your enemy might be your old man” from Hungary’s song

8 years ago

In Icebreaker my friend started laughing and said “When you’re sucking frogs in water”

8 years ago

Switzerland: I heard: “Not afraid of our uncles”
Real: “Not afraid of our own ghost”

8 years ago

Omg you guys, it’s a joke, no need to get your panties in a twist, it’s funny.

8 years ago

Ok people need to chill down…wiwi does this misheard lyrics post every year. It’s super funny! Stop complaining

8 years ago


That is exactly what I heard the UK entry as until I read the lyrics. I thought it sounded a bit too saucy the way I heard it!

8 years ago

Maybe my ears are better or my mind is not as dirty, but I cannot manage to mishear these lyrics as they are supposed to be misheard.

jr esc nl
jr esc nl
8 years ago

of course because everyobody loves san marino right -__-

la la la
la la la
8 years ago

Yes, this Robyn Gallagher person seems to be obsessed with balls…

8 years ago

Too many content about balls.

8 years ago

In Ligthouse, I hear “There is a light, guiding my way, keeping me safe from all this rain”

8 years ago

Really an author should clean ears. This is ridiculous post.

8 years ago

It seems to me, that your blogs are fairly biased. You ignore or deliberately leave out some of the countries. Do you get some money for ‘advertising’ some of them? Are these your personal favorites? You should find the right balance.

8 years ago

im guessing this is supposed to be funny. im cringing.

Olga from Latvia
Olga from Latvia
8 years ago

IMMATURE written all over it!

Arsehole, bootoms and balls – seems like that’s the only thing you think about.

I don’t hear almosts none of them while listening. (for example I heard “Come on and raise your battle cry” straight away”. At least you didn’t wrote cum on and raise your bottom)

8 years ago

Misheard from Iveta’s song:

Misheard: Shook my life like a nutcracker wohohoh
Real: Shook my life like an earthquake

8 years ago

“I’m a dick tit” ahahah best line ever.

8 years ago

How about UK:

Misheard: I cum a lot when I’m with you
Actually: I come alive when I’m with you

8 years ago

I heard Sandhja singing “I want your booze away,” but then I realized that didn’t make any sense and then just assumed the line was in Finnish XD

8 years ago

What we heard: “I see massive balls weighing down people all around”

No Name
No Name
8 years ago

Still laughing so hard at “I am a dick tit”. Best misheard lyric this year!

8 years ago
8 years ago

I didn`t know :))))))))))))))))))

8 years ago

I always thought Finland’s song said “I want your balls away”, and thought Sandhja is either horny and/or makes grammatical mistakes haha

Stephen Colville
Stephen Colville
8 years ago

Laura’s actual lyric is “massive walls”, not “massive thoughts”.

Padraig Muldoon
8 years ago

Also for Poland, when he sings “all these things” I hear “all this stinks”. Very apt imo.