FYR Macedonia has been at or near the top of our Junior Eurovision 2016 poll for days, and it’s not hard to see why after Martija Stanojkovic’s first rehearsal. Serving Caribbean cool, she was confident, poised and laidback — no easy feat when the stakes are as high as this. Three dancers slowly lead the way to introduce Martija. With on-point vocals she and her dancers delivered killer choreography, bursting full of energy to light up the Mediterranean stage. She hints at love with pink and white staging, and makes full use of the runway — adding dynamism and variety.
Junior Eurovision 2016: FYR Macedonia’s first rehearsal
What do you think of Martija’s first rehearsal? Is she leading your way this year? Let us know in the comments section!
Photo: Andres Putting (EBU)
Is Martija’s performance more effective with the new camera’s angle or not, that is the question now. Any comments beneath Martija’s post about the Macedonian JESC entry: performance, staging, song, comparison between first and second rehearsal are welcome here! 😉
Wow! For once no personal attack! I am proud of you!
Watch Martija’s second rehearsal, it was stunning and captivating as ever, a little change to the camera’s angles though! 😉
All my charges < you being extreamly annoying
Nothing less from a fanboy! Your persistence is stunning!
pretending and lying = lobbying against Martija = IQ hopeful trolling
+ swearing = Jesc blocked-account partying 😉
Sanja You are an ass 😀
PS: Just to clarify – I am female. Now when you write another novel in answer to my three sentences use “she” 😉
OMG. this is becoming monotonous and repetitive. Are you a spokesperson to Rhin, or is he yours?.He must be standing for “the most people” for you, because except for the troll that WB blocked, it is only you and Rhin who think that I am “stuffing my opinion down your throats”. What I find fascinating about you and Rhin is that you two are just like Siamese twins. He continues your train of thought and you crop up as his savior when he is silenced. Although I told him not to be a crybaby, he had to run to you… Read more »
@Sanja: You have a serious problem, mate. Everybody is entitled to their opinion. It looks like you are under the impression that you comments (which soon will reach the length of a novel) are helping Martija… Well, most people do not appreciate being grabbed by the collar, and stuffed your opinion down their throat. Anyway, my two cents are that in a live performance this does not really stand out. The choreography pales compared to Belarus or Armenia and the song reminds me of Oluja last year. There are too many strong songs and performers this year:-) I think that… Read more »
First, I am not a boy. This again implies sexism. Obviously, it’s beyond your IQ capacity to understand that a straight girl could be a fan of a girl, which again proves all my arguments against your opinion. But of course it’s only your opinion and it doesn’t really concern me that much, neither do I think that it is worthy of being changed. Also, speaking of your opinion of the Macedonian entry, it is obvious that it is not being lowered, but it’s low as it is, for reasons, most probably beyond music, only known to you, in addition… Read more »
@Sanja, yes I misunderstood the meaning last time. I got it just after I had posted my reply but though: whatever. I wasnt actually expecting anyone to take notice.
Aside from that…
Sanja, sorry for writing something like this but… Cool down man! Aside from some matters not concerning the Martija’s song directly I moderatly like the entry but seeing you being such a fanboy and trolling every slightly negative opinion is pissing me off (most probably not only me) and lowering my opinion of the Macedonian entry as well.
Cool down!
Martija leads the way not only after the first, but also after the second rehearsal.
She had the best rehearsal and really slaaaaayed:
Junior Eurovision 2017 – Skopje! :)))))))))))))))))))))
I am so grateful to the WB that they erased his comments. Judging by the way how he referred to Macedonia and Martija, he is a hater and a troll and I think that I know where he comes from. In that, I just want to mention that I know many nice and friendly people in the country where he comes from. Unfortunately the Macedonian music entries are swarming with trolls and haters who think that they do something for a political cause. In fact they belong to the ranks of various kinds of psychos who demonstrate severe mental aberrations,… Read more »
Who is this J(ESC) party??
I can’t seem to read any comments from that username anywhere and yet nearly all comments here are reffered to him/her
+Jesc Party Well, you stated your opinion loud and clear, but I think what you refer to as “your opinion” is neither objective nor personal, but rather prejudiced and biased. In fact I think you would support anyone who is competitor of Macedonia out of spite, no matter whether his rehearsal was good or not. Except you, everybody else agrees that Macedonia, Poland and perhaps Italy had the best rehearsals today. This is why Macedonia and Poland are in the lead in the poll. BTW. your prejudice is obvious not only to me, but to everybody else by the fact… Read more »
JESC Party just wanted to mention “FYR“ as much as (s)he can, because (s)he is greek. So don`t expect much positive reactions regarding MACEDONIA!
+J(ESC) Party
Then, don’t reply. Anyway, I don’t see why you write so much beneath this post when you don’t seem to be among the ranks of the Macedonian or Martija’s fans this year. You’ve already stated your opinion, so it wouldn’t hurt that bad if you don’t reply and leave some more space to Martija’s fans to write something nice beneath her post.
Last but not least, don’t be too surprised if it turns out that Martija is an underdog who may well win this competition.
+Jesc Party
On the contrary, it will be so cool if she wins, it will satisfy the army of her fans all over Europe and beyond. I honestly believe that it would be very fortunate if she wins because Martija is deservedly at the top due to her vocal ability, charisma and captivating performance. Macedonia has the catchiest song this year and I believe that both juries will vote for it. And not to forget, her victory would also boost the Macedonian Eurovision spirit. So, Martija for the win! :))))))))
+Jesc Party
Well, luckily the wiwi jury and the Eurovision fans are of a different opinion. She is first in the wiwibloggs poll, leads the way at the first rehearsal, second in the wiwi jury review, first or second by the number of JESC views and second or first in most of the top ten predictions. So, I don’t say that she will win, but I just say, judging by all her results, that she COULD win. I mean you certainly have the right to have your own opinion, but you’d better come to terms with this possibility.
+ Rhin
I think you didn’t get the point. No matter what the camera’s angles are, Martija’s movements are cool, smooth and so appropriate to the melody. She knows exactly the right measure. I’ve seen all her live performances in Pinkove zvezdice and energy is certainly not the thing that Martija lacks.
As for George, not that he doesn’t dance well, but one of the reasons why he is always at the bottom in all rankings is because his dance is deja vu in Eurovision.
Only pointing it out.
*Rhin that’s just a rehearsal they never have all the camera angles. You got to wait till the actual night
I think she is higher in my top now. The performance is cool and she has improved vocally. I really hope F.Y.R. Macedonia will do well for once!
Yess! Hahaha, she slaaaaays!
Go Martija, go. Gooooo Macedonia! :))))))))))))))))))))
They should change some of the camera’s angles. It is not enegetic enough for a dance song. Cyprus have the better dancers for now.
She’s so GOOD! :O
My before the show favorite SLAYS