nuno feist portugal festival da cancao 2017

In 1995 musical producer and composer Nuno Feist made his debut in Portugal’s national selection for Eurovision as a singer. Since then he’s entered Festival da Canção as a composer eight times and is now ready for another shot at the trophy. Make no mistake: He is stronger than ever.

We recently spoke to the enthusiastic and relaxed composer. While he cannot yet publicly reveal the deepest, darkest secrets about his song and act for this year’s contest, he was able to give us insight into the process by which he chose his act and, more generally, his Eurovision dreams.

“I’ve been working on this project since October, when I got the call from RTP,” he says. “I had time to think and re-think the song, make mistakes and get back up again. It’s an intense project. I’m excited about the final product.”

To call him a diehard fan is an understatement.

“My love for Festival da Canção and Eurovision is so big. When I faced the joy of creating this song — with Nuno Marques da Silva — I wanted to do it with Eurovision in mind, because at the end of the day we all want a song to make an impression in Europe. I really care about this contest and I want to make a difference.”

Of course the secret everyone wants to know is the name of the singers behind every single entry at this year’s Festival da Canção.  The press conference is set for later in January, but Nuno has already teased his choice.

“I made my choice very early in the process. We contacted said artist and it’s all set. There were no other names on the table. We’re both excited for this adventure.”

Are you excited to know which singer will give his or her voice to Nuno Feist’s song? Who would you like to see on Festival da Canção stage? Let us know below!

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7 years ago

It’s hard to seek out educated people on this topic, but you sound like you know what you’re speaking about! Thanks

8 years ago


8 years ago

@Pablo: If the only thing you want is nothing more than another copy-pasted recycled version of the other 2 songs Catarina had to sing, but did not represent in any way who she really is as singer, then I’m sorry to tell you … you live under a cloud of illusion. Would you ask Aretha Franklin to sing a Katy Perry song? No! So the same goes for Catarina … leave her out of the rubbish or give her a truly decent remarkable song that fully screams her style.

Walter Pinto
Walter Pinto
8 years ago

I like him but feel that his songs sound very dated, but admit they have a certain retro charm. I LOVE “Sonhos Roubados” from 2014, my favorite from that year. His entry from 2011 was also original & interesting and the songs with Vanessa (especially Alvorada) were incredibly powerful. I also think he puts a lot of though in the presentation so looking forward to see what he comes up with!

8 years ago

ugh, we have more singers than Katia Aveiro and Catarina Pereira…

an esc fan
an esc fan
8 years ago

As an emergency solution, please Portugal, send a diva like Lindita 2017 or Iveta 2016, no experiments and no sister of Cristiano Ronaldo.

8 years ago

Is there any possibility for Catarina Pereira to be chosen by any of the composers? Someone Portuguese can solve my question? Thanks 🙂

Hettio Marinove
Hettio Marinove
8 years ago

I want Portugal to win in 2017!!!

8 years ago

Never can listen Yola Dinis’ song. It’s sound too similar with russian song Lebedinaya vernost’

8 years ago

The singer will be Yola Dinis! He didn’t confirm, but he left enough clues 😉

8 years ago

This kind of news dont make any sense. Or you have something or dont write because I still dont know the name of the singer, type of music, or however! Please be more informative next time. For example write that is already known that Celina da Piedade will be the singer for her own song…

8 years ago

And again here we are talking about performers and singers when nobody has a single clue what the songs sound like … and yet those songs are the key that will help those singers and performers make an impression … I mean … nobody wants to see Barbra Streisand sing Hit Me Baby One More Time, do we? Ops it’s Eurovision … madness and wackiness are overwhelmingly allowed to the point where making a fool of yourself entertains fans. How can I forget that? Nuno Feist could have so easily waited until the week of FC to show us both… Read more »