mirela contigo objetivo eurovision

Last night, the Wiwi Jury — our in-house panel of music unprofessionals — gathered in Madrid, the capital of Spain. While we enjoyed our relaxing cups of café con leche in Plaza Mayor (sorry, I had to), we reviewed Mirela‘s song for Objetivo Eurovisión 2017, “Contigo” (“With you”). Did we want to dance with her or were we better left alone?

Mirela – “Contigo”


About Mirela

Hailing from Aranjuez, Mirela has always had Eurovision on her mind. When she was 14, she completed in Spain’s selection for Junior Eurovision with “Conocí el amor”. She’s since tried three times to represent Spain at Eurovision: in 2007 with “La Reina de la Noche”, in 2008 with “Stronger” and in 2009 with “Nada es comparable a tí”.

Wiwi Jury reviews “Contigo”

William: From the cheap refrain of baila-la-la-la to the image of beautiful Mirela with her abs out to the use of the phrase “Mi corazón,” this oozes Eurovision clichés. It’s completely disposable and somewhat generic. But it’s also utterly fun and uplifting and the three minutes speed by faster than Edurne’s cape during her Eurovision 2015 dress reveal. One man’s trash is another man’s treasure — and I feel richer for having this in my life! Now get Mirela to Eurovision and on the radio asap.

Score: 8.5/10

Luis: They called from 2002 and asked us to send their song back. Let me keep it real: this is the last thing Spain needs at Eurovision. I’m totally fine with my country singing a summer song, but summer songs can be done much better than this in all senses. It’s trashy, cheap and the guitar seems to have been thrown in randomly. And those lyrics? If you were an English speaker complaining about the weird lyrics in the UK selection, this is exactly the same. It’s as if Ovi wrote them using Google Translate.

Score: 2.5/10

Bernardo: Bring me sunglasses, sun cream, and an orange juice with a lot of sugar. “Contigo” and Mirela are channeling major tropical house 30-degrees-on-the-beach realness. Of course it’s cliché, of course it’s dated. However, this a strong club hit contender — this will be on loop every single night at Euroclub and I’m already excited. Keep those strong vocals live and not even LeKlein has a chance.

Score: 8.5/10

Deban: Brimming with carnival energy, “Contigo” is a refreshing can of fizz on a scorching summer’s day. Objetivo Eurovision 2017 has been disappointing at every turn, but Mirela saves the contest. Yes, “Contigo” is probably a tad cliché and rather predictable, but it is also by far the most danceable, and memorable track in this selection.

Score: 8/10

Robyn: I’m all for Spain sending a fun, summery Spanish-language song that reminds people of their holidays. But it needs to be more than just that. “Contigo” is nice, but it comes across more as beachside bar background music. Not the sort of thing that could command attention on the Eurovision stage. It will be interesting to see how this comes across live at the national final.

Score: 5/10

Edd: If I’m honest, this is quite enjoyable, but it is absolute trash. The tropical production in the verses and occasional flamenco guitar sound great, although the chorus is pure Swedish glitter and extra (im)mature cheddar. It would probably come last if it went to Eurovision, but would be very much appreciated among the shouty ballads which rule contest nowadays.

Score: 7/10

Kristin: Aaah, an authentic beach banger! So 2006, so outdated, so much what I need right now. This is completely out of sync with everything that is going on in Eurovision 2017, and I like it. Sometimes even a ballad fanatic like myself can have enough of shouty violin feelings and just crave something fun, breezy and upbeat. Mirela does the trick. A true Latino anthem, which no one can get away with except for Spain. If this song would emerge in some other national finals, I would murder it without hesitation. But this..here….now. Yes please!

Score: 8.5/10

Patrick: Mirela is very beautiful and has a very pleasant voice which is very likeable. “Contigo” couldn’t be any more Spanish, with the traditional influences, the language and the summer beach party flair. I’m really happy to see an entry like this in the selection and I hope she will have brilliant staging prepared. I worry that the vocals won’t be as strong live, but maybe Mirela can show us a Spanish fiesta with her talent.

Score: 7.5/10

Our Spanish Wiwi Jury consists of 19 jurors from across the globe. However, we only have room for eight reviews. Here are the scores from the rest of the jurors:

Antranig: 7.5/10

Chris: 6.5/10

Dayana: 6.5/10

Forrest: 6/10

Jason: 7.5/10

Jordi: 7.5/10

Josh: 5/10

Jovana: 6/10

Ramadan: 8/10

Sinan: 6.5/10

Zakaria: 5/10







The highest and lowest scores are dropped prior to calculating the average score. This is to remove outliers and reduce potential bias. We have removed a low of 2.5 and a high of 8.5.

Wiwi Jury score: 6.85/10

Read all our Spanish Wiwi Jury reviews here

Read more Spain news here

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Chris (frostyw)
Chris (frostyw)
8 years ago

I’m bemused that some of the reviews (save for the one from the lone Spaniard) said something along the lines of, “This song is trashy, it’s dated, but I like it.” And their ratings reflect that. I also happen to agree; I’m really digging it!
If selected, it would be only the second upbeat non-ballad in the competition. We need more pos-i-ti-vi-ty.

8 years ago

When I listened to the song for the first time, I instantly liked it. It’s fresh, it makes you dance. It’s a happy and uplifting song. Then, I started to think how this song would do, if sent to Eurovision. Maybe it’s dated, maybe the lyrics are too simple or not understood. Maybe it could end up like Barei last year. Or like Laura Tesoro last year as someone said above. Personally, I like it when Spanish songs have sth that makes me think of Spain. And this song does exactly that. You listen to that and say “This is… Read more »

8 years ago

La canción es una basura. Sin paliativos. No podemos caer más bajo. Increiblemente los wiwi-jurados la puntúan alto, aún siendo conscientes que es de lo peor. Me alegro de que os recuerde a las canciones pegadizas que bailais los veranos españoles, pero recordad que seguro que estabáis bastante “contentos”. Ahora bien, escuchadla sin probar el alcohol, please. La letra no hay por donde cogerla, la música es un refrito de miles de canciones que jamás pegaron un verano y el estribillo no es simplón, es bobalicón: baila-la-la-la. Pido el destierro para el compositor de la “canción”. Harta estoy de RTVE… Read more »

8 years ago

Hope ESP and TVE send beautiful spanish language upbeat song Contigo by Mirela to ballad Esc2017 . Its stand out like last year’s grandfinal Top 10 song What the Pressure by Laura Tesoro.At the very difficult time people need magic .dreaming . happy song to listen too.

8 years ago

Love this song. Because of the guitar interlude before the last chorus, I look forward to see a little bit of Gypsy Kings featured on stage. That could be fun.

8 years ago

Where is her personality? This sounds like a regular spanish-pop song. Her voice is kinda meh too.

8 years ago

Sure this is cheap. But no more than Dinah Nah which everybody around here loved. At least Mirela sings something according to her age… Having said this, I think LeKlein is still the best option for Spain.

8 years ago

I love the happy vibes from this song! I thought the staging should be summer-themed with oceans lol
But I don’t like that ‘baila la la” part smh so annoying lol

8 years ago

The only thing that could safe this song from a Bottom 26 would be a great staging… and we all know that Rtve is not the best for that. Spain should dare to not send an Eurodiva for once. I think that Manel is the real best option, it sounds like something people in Europe could really vote for.

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
8 years ago

Bail-la-la-la [gunshot].
Manufactured cheesy dance-to-it-while-drunk glittery Spanish Costa Brava summer song.
But… Mirela is great. I love the singer; despise the song. Not much competition in Spain this year though, so it could win. And that’s annoying!

8 years ago

This is my #2 behind Manel. It is enjoyable, but it’s also extremely mediocre, cliché and dated.

8 years ago

My favourite. This is something I would expect to hear from Spain in esc. And yes, its not like the best song ever, but who cares, this one is all about fun, party, summer and all. Bring it on. Good luck Mirela!

8 years ago

I love how so mixed people’s reactions are with Contigo. 😀

8 years ago

I enjoy this song because it is generically pop. You can certainly get a Spanish vibe from this song. However, as many of the wiwi jury have mentioned, it is outdated and a little bit trashy…
For me, LeKlein (even though it wasn’t my favourite at first) seems like a much better option.
I still don’t get why objetivo eurocasting wasn’t good enough to select an artist for Spain.

8 years ago

This is from the dark times of Spanish Eurovision. The “La la la” part of the chorus needs to go. Getting terrible Las Ketchup vibes.

8 years ago

Honestly, I really don’t get why people enjoy this. I actually think this is probably one of the worse songs in Spain’s NF. Goes nowhere, feels early 2000’s, the song for me just seems to drag on, it’s pure trash (but not trashy enough that it’s good) and I wouldn’t be surprised if this got 0 even in the new system. It’s only positive is it’s mildly catchy that being said there are catchier and more enjoyable songs in this NF.

8 years ago

This is a breeze of fresh air to Eurovision that has become too stuck up and serious …. 10/10.

(J)ESC Fanatic
(J)ESC Fanatic
8 years ago

She should win. This is such a catchy and enjoyable song and could easily finish in the top 15 at Eurovision.

8 years ago

This song goes nowhere. Some Spanish eurofans think this is what Europe expect from us, but NO. This is her fourth attemp, she should try a fifth… because this isn’t his year neither. She has a great voice, but the song is just crap the sound comes from 2003 and Mirela don’t match the song, she sings it like a ballad. Thank god you don’t understand the lyrics because they make no sense! “Hands to the sky, feet for fail”, “If they bark from afar is a sign, you and I ride more”, … If this win, I hope those… Read more »

8 years ago

it’s fun but i’m over it after a couple of listen.

8 years ago

Sorry, but Mirela’s song doesn’t go anywhere. Mirela to Eurovision yes, with “Contigo” no.
It is the typical song hyped and hyped by everyone and then just flop in the final because nobody is going to vote for this song. Be realistic. It is back from the 2000s, with cheap lyrics that doesn’t even make any sense in Spanish

8 years ago

Top 15 material in Eurovision..With true staging and performance.Remember Israel Serbia in 2015.Its better than say yay for me..and between ballad it will shine????

an esc fan
an esc fan
8 years ago

@ Colin
Yes, I agree, it is important to think about all factors.
In Manel’s interview he said : I will not have fire or dresses with light …
I’m wondering if he was talking about Tako’s dress.
In this case it means that he is watching everything about ESC 2017.

8 years ago

Dare choosing something else than the fan-hyped Divas for once…
We all know this summery tune only is fan-hyped, and will end up in the bottom 5…
Eurovision in Madrid would be FAB, but will it ever happen again??

8 years ago

Mirela is a far better singer than this offering for sure, but with the present political climate in Europe and the rest of the world at the moment this will be a refreshing change. A much needed boost of love and energy to us all.

It will all depend on her live performance of course on the night which will determine her future. At present only Belarus is the only other country offering a slightly different upbeat sound. This could do very well on stage in Kiev amongst the dreary female ballads selected so far.

8 years ago

@an esc fan – You have right about that one. For an average viewer that 3 minutes are the only thing that matters. I do have an instant opinion of the song as well, but I rarely form a rating or list spot only after one listening. As a fan, I give myself a luxury of over-analysing the song and taking objective and subjective parameters into account. There are songs that are growers and there are ones that are decliners. For example, my instant opinion on Albania (Bote) was that I liked it. After listening it for few times, I… Read more »

8 years ago

With Mirela , Spain is strong contender for last place.My prediction from 21 to 26 place in final

8 years ago

It’s the only logical choice from this National Selection.

8 years ago

It’s a catchy song, the only Spanish entry this year that has real hit potential. It’s also way better than Say Yay!, it’s written by proper songwriters who know what a pop song needs. Yes, the lyrics are cliched, as is the production, but I think this will go down very well with the general European audience. I mean, they love Enrique Iglesias, who also sings mainly about bailar from the corazon.

8 years ago

“Dated” is the new black.

Contigo is a real earworm and this is one of a few genres that Spanish-language music really excel in.

Hopefully this is the one that gets sent to Kyiv.

Viva la Espanya!

Polegend Godgarina
Polegend Godgarina
8 years ago

While Mirela is an outstanding vocalist, I feel like this song makes her sound completely average. There’s too much unneeded drama going on with her voice and the music – given the lyrics, I’d like this song to be more chill and laid back. It’s by no means a bad song, but it truly has “song the Eurofans bop to but won’t vote for bc something better will come along so it will end bottom 5” written all over it.

an esc fan
an esc fan
8 years ago

@ Colin
I think is wise that you give more than one chance to a song, but in Kiev, singers will have only 3 minutes to convince viewers to vote for them, so I do judge a song after the first listening.
My favorite is Manel.

8 years ago

This is the kind of song that only eurofans like. Too bad that not only eurofans vote in the final night, Lol

8 years ago

I think the only good thing about sending Mirella is that I will be able to enjoy competition whitout worrying about Spain. I really don’t get this. People always tell us to send better songs, to send different things than the typical spanish-esc-song, but every year your favourite is some diva that we have sent thousand of times before, I really don’t get it. I know this year Objetivo Eurovision is a total mess, I really do, so why not take risks and send something “no eurovisivo” (as we say in Spain)? Why should we keep sending “divas eurovisivas” to… Read more »

8 years ago

From the first listening, it was obvious that Mirela’s song is the catchiest one. The chorus gets instantly stuck in your head after first listening. However… I do speak Spanish and lyrics are… simple (to put it nicely). We’ve heard these kinds of songs and they get nice fan response, but ultimately mediocre or bad results. It might win the televote, but the juries would bury it. Quite the opposite problem from Maika. While I appreciate people’s opinions, mine is that ultimately, five listenings later, I prefer to stick with a more deep song that needs time to sink in,… Read more »