Sweden’s Robin Bengtsson sang while walking on a treadmill. Italy’s Francesco Gabbani danced in step with a gorilla. And Bulgaria’s Kristian Kostov sang about a world in crisis against a monochrome dreamscape. But in the end Portugal’s Salvador Sobral won the day with his emotional ballad “Amar pelos dois”.
Dreamy from the very first note, his song took nostalgia and longing and turned it into something that’s painful but beautiful. Vocally Salvador was assertive yet soft, competent but never flashy. His quirky delivery added to the tenderness and charm. He closed his eyes, touched his face and went into a world of his own — yet one the audience could still access. He proved, perhaps better than anyone this year, that you don’t have to sing loudly to be heard, nor do you have to shriek to stir drama. It’s a sheer joy and one that avoids all Eurovision clichés.
He won in convincing fashion, taking 12 points from eighteen national juries: Sweden, San Marino, Latvia, Israel, Spain, France, Lithuania, Armenia, Iceland, Serbia, Switzerland, The Netherlands, Georgia, Hungary, Slovenia, Poland, the United Kingdom and Czech Republic.
He also won the televote, making him the first contestant since Conchita Wurst in 2014 to win both the televote and jury vote.
Owing to a serious heart condition, Salvador arrived to Eurovision a week after most of the other contestants and had to dispatch his sister (and songwriter) to rehearsals. Given how much he’s been through in recent months — including a hernia operation — his victory is all the sweeter.
During his winner’s press conference afterwards, a journalist asked whether he was concerned that his song doesn’t sound like a radio hit. Salvador was completely non-plussed by the comment.
“I never wrote a song to play on the radio stations, man,” he said. “My album came out in 2016 and nobody gave a shit. It’s jazz. That’s the way jazz is. And after this beautiful festival people got to know me and I’m thankful for that.”
Eurovision 2017: Grand final results
Eurovision 2017: jury results
The grand final saw a series of underdogs achieving new highs.
Bulgaria, which consistently failed to reach the Eurovision final until 2016, achieved its best-ever result by coming second.
Moldova, which hadn’t made the Eurovision final since 2013, also achieved its best-ever result, finishing third.
Germany didn’t exactly soar — it finished next-to-last. But it did avoid a three-peat at the bottom of the table.
Since I had some time on my hands, I did a different ranking, based on the full results (both from the juries and from the televote): 0 points for 26th place (awarded by the countries that didn’t make the final), 1 point for 25th,…, 24 points for 2nd and 25 points for 1st. There are some changes overall (not for the bottom 3, as could be expected): – firstly, the top 2 obviously doesn’t change, but 3rd place would go to Sweden, pushing Moldova and Belgium in 4th and 5th places, respectively; – France would make the top 10, in… Read more »
Public aside falling for the hype, I found it interesting to see significant changes in the way some juries have ranked Portugal Semifinal vs. Final: Sweden jury ranked Portugal 6th in Semifinal and 1st in the Final (including one jury member raising his rank from 15 to 6). Armenia and Czech Republic (from rank 4 to rank 1) with almost all their jury members ranking Portugal as 1 in the final after none of them had ranked it as 1 in the Semifinal. Slovenia follows closely raising the rank from 3 to 1 in the final. UK also ranked Portugal… Read more »
The difference in voting, particularly when somebody jumps from 15 to 1 between semi final and final, is definitely very interesting and giving an insight how Eurovision works. I think that the semi finals are used by the jury to assess who they want to be the next winner within the reality of who can be the winner. With Portugal and Bulgaria emerging in the lead and Italy a long standing favorite, they haf to decide where to place these favorites — not just who should get the coveted 12 points, but also how many points apart should the second… Read more »
Be warned, though; the gasps you heard, after Australia got only TWO televote points (next-to-last)–to go with its 171 jury points (dropping Isaiah from 4th to 9th)–is a HUGE warning sign for future Eurovisions, that this could one day happen to the jury leader! Imagine the jury leader with 300 points suddenly getting sent off with 60 televote points (360). Then imagine the jury runner-up with 250 points picking up 120 points from the televoters (370). Then imagine the 3rd-place jury finisher with 200 points picking up 180 televote points (380). Now imagine the 5th-place jury finisher with 150 points… Read more »
HEY!! WIWI JURY! Where are your scores for the stage performances? I’ve given you mine (including the semifinals a page or two back).
Crap. 🙁 It would have been so much more fun to read what you and the rest of the staff thought of the performances in the contest itself, and how they differ from what you thought of their studio recordings (my pre-contest rankings were based on their studio recordings AND music videos). 😛
And by the way, the scores you see below are based on 10 criteria, all graded during the live broadcast of the Grand Final.
DAYUM!!! 417 points under the old system!
Austria would have dropped like an avalanche (from 16th to 23rd) for getting no love from the televoters.
Germany and Spain would have got 2 points each.
Thanks, @quince.
Before this thread dies, let me post my full assessment of the Grand Final (be warned; this is incredibly long, and took me all of Sunday and early Monday to put it together): 9.65 Portugal (Salvador Sobral: “Amar Pelos Dois”) Winner with 758 points [382 jury (1) + 376 televote (1)]. His victory can best be explained by this… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8_CGhIwmnNU …The same strategy used by Anouk and her stage director for “Birds”, which is why the Dutch finished 9th at Eurovision 2013, after failing to qualify since the contest became a 2- or 3-day event in 2004. Because of this,… Read more »
Not bad, but very mediocre. Congratulations to Portugal, but in my opinion this song sounds like something I have heard many many times before, from another era. Some may say it’s nostalgic in a good way, but for me it’s nothing new, nothing interesting or even meaningful. That’s why I think it’s a bit ironic when Sobral claims this song is no “fast food-music” because Amar Pelos Dois is exactly that: Classic unoriginal ballad. It was very pretentious of him in his victory! Some musicians, especially those who write mostly jazz or clasical music, seem to think they stand above… Read more »
No gimmick is the new gimmick…pour les connaisseurs, this win is nothing more than ‘a Treachery of Images’ (“Ceci n’est pas une pipe”). Two main issues overshadow this victory, 1) his arrogance and dismissal of diversity in art, music, feelings and ways of expressing this and 2) the hypocrisy of so called fans of ‘real’ music 🙂 It is sad of how we follow the trends just because. How many will actually follow his music and listen to the song again? We live in desperate times of lack of imagination and acculturalisation and I would have been so happy if… Read more »
and yet he has broken the record of points possible ever in Eurovision: 85% in the old point system, including 20 times the 12 points… 🙂
I never said he wasn’t a deserved winner. Not relevant that he had the most categoric win. You are missing the point.
as posted by Alex.
Marius may have a point here. I can’t help feeling that Salvador was the “sensation” of this year’s contest, kind of like Conchita in 2014. He was the “anti-eurovision, anti-cheap music” guy with the oh-so-different-song and it became an almost compulsory token of good taste to vote for him, just like voting for Conchita in 2014 was proof that you were pro-LGBT. This doesn’t mean that the song wasn’t good per se, or that some people weren’t genuinely moved by the performance (Conchita also gave a very good performance, I think) and voted accordingly. Still, there is something about that… Read more »
Glad to see others with balanced views on all this. And don’t forget Finland’s win in 2004, another statement/sensation. Public aside falling for the hype, I found it interesting to see significant changes in the way some juries have ranked Portugal Semifinal vs. Final: Sweden jury ranked Portugal 6th in Semifinal and 1st in the Final (including one jury member raising his rank from 15 to 6). Armenia and Czech Republic (from rank 4 to rank 1) with almost all their jury members ranking Portugal as 1 in the final after none of them had ranked it as 1 in… Read more »
Congratulations to Portugal! <3
for winning the EuroVision Song Contest! 🙂
I casted 19 votes for Portugal! <3
Bernardo must be in Euphoria mood hehe 😉
See you guys in #Lisbon 2018! <3 🙂
Can we just forget Portugal for a moment and think about Israel? I have selected the “Israel” tag and tried to find any news about the Israeli broadcaster closing on this site with no luck. This might be Israel’s last performance for at least a while. The Greece’s national state funded broadcaster closed MadTV (a private broadcaster) took on the bill and the responsibility. And Wiwibloggs were quick to report and keep us all updated on that. But now a single mention about the same happening to Israel? Either they have little to no information or it’s just double standards… Read more »
Wiwi published article about this trouble, guess that was in April…
Israel’s singer has a hairy armpit? What do you think?
So what? Imri should have done better. He gave an excellent performance. He did not deserve 23rd place. He should have finished top 10. I’m very disappointed with Europe, especially with the televoting.
I’m from the country with mixed bag results over the years. Somewhere in the middle… I have to say, this was the last time I’ve watched Eurovision. The contest is overweight and very political. Voting system is bad insane. Don’t let me start on juries as they’ve lost their credibility a few seasons ago. In my modest opinion, ESC has reached rock bottom in absolutely everything it should never be associated with. Diasporas are the biggest myth, block voting comes and goes around like a bad smell. Accountability of anyone among ESC top brass is zero. Furthermore, this contest ended… Read more »
I agree with you on most things, especially the fact that countries that are at war can participate (Russia, Ukraine, Armenia Azerbaijan) is astonishing to me. let’s add Belarus as well, because you know …dictator. Actually ever since this whole lot of far eastern european countries have started participating, the block voting, political voting and drama in general has annoyed the sh*t out of me. I don’t want to exclude anyone, but countries such as Azerbaijan should not be a part of this. The juries from Armenia and Azerbaijan keep putting each other last, and the fact that EBU has… Read more »
Greece in 2006 was not bankrupt
May be now is a good time to remember thr OGAE poll and how disastously wrong it ended up being… Moldova who finished 3rd receiving zero points, and Portugal and Bulgaria out of top five. May be next year we can be spared the daily update on useless repetition of the wrong winners? How about weekly updates at most? By the way wiwi nailed it this year. They did not try going for the third–may be because felt they could not get it right. But Bulgaria and Portugal were spot on, additionally in the UK one winning the juries and… Read more »
A few thoughts: -First of all, congrats to Portugal! One of my favorite songs from the beginning. Also, congrats to Bulgaria as well – Kristian is going to go far. -As for the actual show, it gave off odd vibes at times and was…awkward. The perpetual, plastered-on smiles from the hosts did not help. Most everything came off as stilted and robotic. The interval acts left much to be desired, except for Onuka. Never heard of them before, but they were a pleasant surprise. -I also found the exchanges between the hosts and the Finnish and Lithuanian representatives to be… Read more »
I want to add one thing to your list after I was finally able to watch the show: – the time of divas wowing us with their great voices and ‘i will survive’ type of songs is oficially over. The best female singer of that genre was 12th france and she stood out because of using french, being last and pretty. Belgium – the least diva-ish solo female singer did great with very non-diva style song. And it’s high tume because that genre nowadays doesn’t sell at all (maybe with exception to Adele but she has that realness of portugal;… Read more »
– Why do they add normal songs by guest to a song contest? It was great with a parody ‘love love peace peace’ in 2016, but every one in 2017 was okayish at best and only make the show seems endless. Make funny snl style skits about making the show. Invite circus or magicians – it’ll be 1000% better and mord fun to watch!
“Amar pelos dois” by Salvador Sobral is already in the top 15 of more than 30 countries. His brilliant album “Excuse me” is also in the top 10 of several countries. His single and album are number 1 in Spain and Portugal, the album is number 1 in at least 5 other European contries… Well done, Salvador!
My final thoughts: Glad this edition is over now. It was actually great. My best evening was 2nd semi but that’s due our atmosphere we created and specific relatively calm contest playlist. First, comparisons. Stage came out as better than ’16 even though I was initially ranting about how could it be better and less banal. Camera work though were often leaving me wish it to improve and sometimes was so banal and boring. It was clear because watching videos from rehearsals lots of acts looked pretty nice just from venue. Sound was nice in 2nd semi and final. Hosts… Read more »
So, biggest surprise: completely flopped Aus which I liked and listened quite a lot. Yikes 😮 Than similar with Aze and Norway. UK singer, I believe, was a bit too overplaying and her vocals were as a wall coming into us. A bit disbalanced and not that nice song. I just wish BBC to make kind of own festival and to turn back at british singers and groups that try themselves to live well in music world. A lot space to work and create there… Not much surprises for rest but due to most points coming for two entries it… Read more »
He came across very arrogant at the end too – implying he makes ‘real music’ and belittling his competition in the process. Very unsportsmanlike and very against the spirit of Eurovision.
He was talking about all the music not eurovision itself. why do people get offended?
Because everyone put a lot of efforts in their entries and basicly Salvador is saying that his product is “real music” and the other is trash.
I really liked his performance (not the actual song or staging). It was sensational… but I hated his behaviur during jury points and after that. My personal winner was Bulgaria….another wasted Eurovision this year 🙁
^ Eunice.
Nuno – it’s still not in the spirit of Eurovision to call a certain type of music ‘real music’ just because it’s to his taste and/or his own music!
He should respect that different types of people like different types of music.
My favourite was Italy by miles but Bulgaria were truly amazing in the final and I wouldn’t have been too disappointed if they’d won.
The only people who are offended are the ones who didn’t like Portugal’s song, and who are therefore not happy with his win.
There was nothing offending in his comment, and he certainly didn’t attack any of his fellow contestants. 😉
It’s nothing to do with if you like the song or not – to call your song ‘real music’ and to label stuff that isn’t your music as inferior, then I find that very arrogant.
Yes, that comment would be very arrogant. Thankfully, this is absolutely not what Salvador said. 😉
He actually repeated his message during the press conference: “People listen to songs because they’re thrown at you,” he said. “You have to like this because we’re going to play it 16 times a day and force you to like it”. It’s a critique of the music industry, as indicated by his comments “We live in a world of fastfood music”.
He didn’t label any song, any genre, nor any of his competitors as inferior. You can choose to interpret it as such, but these are not the words he said, sorry.
Thank you for the clarification!! 🙂 See, that was his point – and tons of people misinterpreted it as a slam on the competition. To all the people worried about this comment of Salvador’s – don’t be insecure about your taste in Eurovision music. Take pride in it, and you won’t worry about what anyone says. Eurovision music is generally passionate regardless or it wouldn’t be here.
I’m from Portugal and I think he was arrogant either. Salvador doesn’t have a filter between his brain and his mouth, he thinks, he says. We have seen it often in the previous days. But I think that this characteristic made him win this contest because all emotions come out without a filter too. If we listen to his previous interviews we can see that he have had allready this speach even before the semi final. Cheers
Yet even if it’s not a criticism against his opponents, he’s still labelling his own song as ‘real music’. Therefore, arrogant.
It’s arrogant to believe in what you make? Please…
Oh, please if you exclude some really good entries (3 or 4) the rest were crappy ballads and generic pop songs!
I like to see Portugal win, I even like the song but I strongly dislike Salvador’s performance and personality. Everything about this year’s Portuguese entry seems so produced and fake, from his hipsterish neglected look to the facial expressions which are the jewel on the crown – they felt like a morbid display of neurotical tics.
If someone cares to listen to what an honest, traditional and beautiful Portuguese contribution sounds like, listen to their 1976 entry by the great master of Fado -Carlos do Carmo: “Uma flor de verde pinho”.
A beautiful song from Salvador Sobral. You thank me later.
Congratulations Portugal. You deserve it. Record points ever, record 12 points given, unanimously highest score from jury votes and televote from 42 countries with 400 millions people. Beautiful and a hearthbreaking song. Eurovision made history.
I’m thrilled about Portugal’s win, but we should put the record number of points in context: that’s only because of the new voting system. Under the 1975-2015 system he would have had close to 379 points: still amazing but also still less than Rybak. The real indicator to compare winners now is the points vs. max. number of points available. This year, the maximum a country could score was 984 (41 countries * 24 points), and Salvador scored 77% of that. It’s still less than Rybak (almost 79%), but also less than Brotherhood of Man in 1976 (80%), less than… Read more »
you are so wrong! to compare you must translate into the old system, he would have gotten 417!
and 20 sets of 12 points!
meaning he got 85% of total votes in the old system, more than even the UK in 1976, previous record of 80%…!
How screwed over was the UK tho!? Seriously, people always complain that the BBC never put any effort into the contest, that the song is mediocre and boring and that the staging is average and dull. Then suddenly, they pull it all together into an act well worthy of the top 10 and it flops for generic ballads and pop songs like Australia and Sweden. But otherwise, Portugal was definately the winner of the night. The other acts I would have liked to have seen win were Armenia (who were also screwed over) and Italy.Moldova deserved a good place and… Read more »
The UK was supported by the juries, not by the televoters. Could it be a Brexit effect? I mean, the UK did give the finger to the rest of the continent almost a year ago, and T. May has made several comments recently about “other EU countries teaming up against her” and “wanting to bring the UK down” (she said that during a speech as part of the UK elections campaign, and that got a lot of publicity in European newspapers). There’s some kind of emerging rivalry (which, in my opinion is totally stupid since all these countries have been… Read more »
Nah, I think honestly it was the combination of a middle-of-the-road song with the fact that the UK had to perform after a long break. Western countries still vote for Russia despite all the controversy about them.
Firstly, thank you Wiwibloggs for another excellent year. It has once again been great following all the action through you guys, and can’t wait to do it all again next year. 🙂 Overall, I personally think that this year was the weakest in a little while. The hosts weren’t as bad as I was expecting, but they could have been a lot better. Initially I thought the stage was tiny, but then seeing it in rehearsals it was HUGE! I do think it might have been the reason why some of the semifinal entries failed to qualify, but who knows?… Read more »
Looks like I missed out Belgium for some reason. >< 4th place is fantastic. A huge improvement from her semi final performance in my opinion so I am really happy for her. I was a bit scared that the emotional side would drag it down, but she managed to make it look impressive. Thoroughly deserved.
Congrats, Portugal, this is the first time to win. Job well done, Portugal!
I couldn’t be happier with Portugal’s victory. This win is also historical for many reasons: First time a long time competing country wins, giving hope to other countries to follow its steps (hello Iceland!) First time since 2007 that a country wins singin 100% in its own language. Maybe next year we will hear more languages in Eurovision, which I’d love. Moldova being the most succesful country (and only one in the Top 10) from the ex-soviet block. It was very refreshing not having Russia in the competition capturing a ridiculously high amount of votes from their neighbours. I also… Read more »
Have just done the calculations – if the results used the pre-2016 system, Portugal would have collected a record amount of points (417 to be exact!) overtaking Alexander Rybak as the most successful song in Eurovision history. Another note using the pre-2016 system, Switzerland would have qualified from Semi-Final 2 rather than Denmark who would have finished 15th in the Semi-Final. The rest of the results from the final make for some interesting reading, including both Spain and Germany narrowly missing out on nil points to finish joint-last with 2 points each. This is the link to my pre-2016 voting… Read more »
First of all, congratulations to the Sobral siblings, Portugal and to all that supported this masterpiece (including myself 😉 ) It was absolutely wonderful and incredible to see how Portugal dominated both the jury and televote. I was jumping and crying of joy and when the Sobral siblings did the duet, my boyfriend and I sang (well, butchered) and slow danced to it. Also, I wanted to thank Wiwibloggs for an amazing coverage. While I did not necessarily agree with all of your assessments, it was refreshing and brought a different perspective that sometimes I didn’t thought of. But I… Read more »
Why is everyone surprised with Moldova? People write here something like “I loved the song, but did not expect it to do well”… So what made you not to expect high results? Bookies? It seems that we somehow believe the bookies more than we trust our own opinion. Same with Italy, I didn’t find anything special about it, and I have to admit bookies made me believe I can win… I think we should listen to our own tastes more and not be biased by public or bookies opinion. Moldova was great and it should have done great, as it’s… Read more »
Moldova was a bookie favorite! 9.33% of all bets were on Sunstroke Project
This year’s results are a bit shocking. A few points I want to comment: – Look at the top 4: Portugal, Bulgaria, Moldova and Belgium; who could imagine this a few years ago??? I’m very happy for them, maybe Spain could turn into a powerhouse someday… I’m sad some of my favs didn’t make it to the final or place low like Macedonia, Latvia, Finland or Azerbaijan… but, on the other hand, I feel good with Moldova’s 3rd place, Belgium’s 4th, Hungary’s 8th (thanks to the gypsy diaspora, but…), Norway’s 10th or the UK 15th making it out of the… Read more »
I completely agree. And I am very happy for all of them. I would not have minded Bulgaria winning, but I think Portugal deserved it and I am very happy that after 53 years they won. Also Moldova–I think they did better without Russia bulling them and dominating the scene. There act was a perfect example of what a ESC should be. Great job, Moldova. I love Kristian, while he is vocally amazing, I think Russia used his youth and love for his Russian fans to manipulate him to say some things that were taken out of context and were… Read more »
I completely agree. And I am very happy for all of them. I would not have minded Bulgaria winning, but I think Portugal deserved it and I am very happy that after 53 years they won. Also Moldova–I think they did better without Russia bulling them and dominating the scene. There act was a perfect example of what a ESC should be. Great job, Moldova. I love Kristian, while he is vocally amazing, I think Russia used his youth and love for his Russian fans to manipulate him to say some things that were taken out of context and were… Read more »
Estonian people vote gave 8 points to Hungary both in semi and final and we dont have that many roma except in the town of Valga, I think. people just liked the song. besides, a lot of the roma in Europe wouldnt be able to even afford a phone.
Just sharing my thoughts here I won’t comment on #1 and #2, since neither of them had anything for me. Congrats for the 1st win to Portugal. Moldova was brilliant. Entertaining and classy. This is how pop songs should be presented at Eurovsion. Italy had a top song with a really charismatic singer, and still couldn’t make the Top 5. It lacked something special to score higher. Sweden… Doesn’t matter what trash they send, a good result is guaranteed. It came off as a cheap song trying to look expensive. At least it was better than their 2016 entry. Romania… Read more »
This is sooooooooo dull – I love all of the top 7 apart from Portugal! So the way to win a song contest in 2017 is to send a song from the 1930s? The song doesn’t go anywhere! Never Give Up On You – original – “it doesn’t go anywhere, it needs a revamp” (a view I agreed with) Amar Pelos Dois – “it’s so simple and beautiful!” I don’t understand the difference. Have Portugal fans been hiding under a rock for the last few months? The song has been out for ages and only in the last week or… Read more »
I really hate the song (it was my 41 this year) but congrats! I’m kinda glad a non-English song can still win Eurovision in 2017, and maybe this’ll make more countries send songs in their own languages! Also congrats Portugal for finally winning!
I don’t like how arrogant and bigheaded the way of his talk is. If he thinks that he is over- Eurovision so why did he participate on the firsthand? And thats very funny he thinks that his sister is the best composer in the world. I mean really? With a song just a copy of La vie en rose?
Salvador was right about refugees.
It is easy being a celebrity and have opinions about refugees… Its not him who has to suffer the consequence
Hmmmm, not very happy with this result. I just really disliked the song and his attitude, but obviously I am wrong as millions of people voted for it. The winning formula for eurovision is to send a genre of song that hasn’t been seen at eurovision, and Portugal certainly was that. I think a lot of countries and artists have a lot to learn from the competition this year. Italy did not win through arrogance and complacency and really bad staging and camera work. Spain after years and years of corruption in the selection process, has finally been exposed this… Read more »
I really like when people that don’t like the result have a good tune like you and don’t hate. You have the right attityde!
(I was happy that Portugal won, but I which Belgium whould have done better!)
… From sweden
Armenians are not Gypsies. Borat is not Armenian but Kazakh. Armenians are not trolls they are a good diaspora working in the media, banks, management across the world. Armenians are Whites and Aryans. Armenia is the mother of Europe. Russians and Ukrainians are Mongols. Israel and Turkey are not Europe. Azerbaijan is Negroid and not Europe, they herd a sheep, sell vegetables and fruits, work in cotton plantations.
Armenians are 1st Genocide of 6,5 millions dead. Armenians are 1st Christians. You are all children of King Hayes Hayastan 5000 B.C. See Bible.
Defensive much? We don’t care, your country is not the center of the world.
What is your coutry?
Look at his name, what do you think is his country?
In psychology we call such people as you “people having inferiority complex”.
He isn’t Armenian. This is a azeritroll who tries to set up people against Armenians by posting such provocative messages. These braindead creatures can be found on every possible social media platform.
Look, Armenians don’t have such a complex. You barking up the wrong tree. Ffs make at least a quick research on issues you don’t know.
Mark, your effort is inconclusive. I am so done with reading Armenian cries here, we are not here for reading how Armenians are first Christians and such holy they are and calling everything they dislike Azerbaijani. You make Swe23 right by doing these. Please stop it.
First off, congrats to Salvador and Portugal! A deserved victory. It’s not among my top favorites, but I see why it won. It’s lovely, authentic and original. I am only sorry that Salvador didn’t come off as modest or acknowledged the tough competition he had.
Best for me were ITALY, AUSTRIA, UK, MOLDOVA, NORWAY and BELGIUM (her best performance ever!)
But, honestly everyone except Spain did well and the voting was tough. There were at least 15 songs deserving of victory.
I really hope that Poland will not return to that “contest”.
Thank you Kasia for your time and good luck in the future.
I voted for Italy and I’m devastated that Francesco is not at least third. Maybe is it a sign for Italy to withdraw from this fake competition?
Congrats to Portugal, you are not my personal winner, but enjoy your time.
It doesn’t sound like you’re much of a fan, just stop watching and go away!
Oh, stop it with all this ‘XY should withdraw’ nonsence. Nobody should withdraw, not even San Marino. The quantity and unity is what makes this contest great. Kasia did well. She was gorgeous and she managed to qualify. Not everyone can win. She surpassed the great entries of Finland, Switzerland, Ireland, Malta, Latvia and Macedonia. Stop pouting and have patience. It paid off to Portugal.
This winner song is so effortless, sounds like a revamp of Billie Holiday song
never plagiarism…
plagiarism is germany, belgium, bulgaria, serbia, for example…
Just an advice for Germany and Spain: do sth. Send better songs. Not only will you have better results but also you will increase the level of good songs and you will make this contest better. Just an advice to Italy and the Italian fans: Don’t get upset you didn’t win, though you were the favourite. And it’s the 2nd time this happens. Don’t blame the system, don’t say “I don’t care about Eurovision any more”. Don’t reject this competition and don’t withdraw. Keep up the good work! Keep sending such good songs. Since your return in 2011 you have… Read more »
As an italian myself, I’d say our song was surely funny and somehow ‘new’ but definitely not the Best! I am not even a fan of IlVolo but Mengoni was absolutely GREAT and Nina Zilli made an amazing job too. The real problem is that the ESC in Italy does not work, people don’t care about it!
It was probably my fave song from this year’s final. Well, more like definitely, and by a big margin. To me it was the best.
It’s a song I can see myself listening to over and over again (in fact, straight to his Vevo video I went after the telecast).
Same for me. I’ve become a personal fan of Francesco now.
I’m a fan too!!
Another thing I love about Eurovision is that you discover artists from different countries or young talents around the continent. And Francesco is a good example. I loved him in San Remo, I loved the song, the context and I respect him as an artist.
Now I want to listen to his new album “Maggelano”! I didn’t have the chance yet! it will be interesting!
Marco Mengoni was amazing! I loved this song and this performance so much! But my favourite are Il Volo!
Some other highlights for me: 1st: Australia 4th with the juries and 2nd or 3rd to last with the televote!! That’s a big gap! They really pushed them here, but people didn’t like Australia. Since 2015, I have seen juries support Australia a lot and this year wasn’t an exception. Televoters don’t care if it’s Australia, they vote what they like. 2nd: Moldova’s 3rd place was another shock!! It was unexpected. They did great with the televote, even better than Italy. Their best position ever, and it will be difficult to break. They made Moldova proud. I don’t know if… Read more »
Composer of Greek song looked very angry why?
First of all, I would like to congratulate Portugal for their historical win and what a win this is ! I’m so happy for Portugal even though my two favorites were The Netherlands & Hungary but Portugal & Italy were in my Top 10. 🙂 They broke a new Eurovision record by scoring the most points with 758 points which is amazing. I’m also very happy that the winner has won both the jury and the televoting. It might weird but I think that Portugal’s win might maybe mark the return of the live orchestra which might not be mandatory… Read more »
Firstly, the right song won. No doubts. To all those of you who griped about the excess of ballads (and they were many!), a ballad won! At the end of the day, any song type can win provided it is quality and sung skillfully as Salvador said. I could have lived better without his comment at the end which was basically something like – all the other songs were crap except mine. That was unkind even though it was mostly true. I have grown so tired of the bloc voting with scandinavian counteies, Greece and Cyprus, etc. it is tired,… Read more »
Salvador’s statement about the music’s “quality” has to be put in perspective. This statement came from a person/artist who is not mainstream in his homeland nor abroad. His type of music he is singing and creating is not and never will be mainstream. So, you have to understand that as an artist he is a bit frustrated cuz it is hard to survive as a musician if your music doesn’t sell all the time. And when you think of all these factors, his statement sounds a reproach to the music industry in general, popular masses, and especially any media that… Read more »
If it takes you so long to justify his words it only shows me that they rubbed you the wrong way too. Bottom line – when you win, be gracious and thankful. It’s not the time or place to re-educate the world
I completely agree with Colin and it takes a while to explain so others can understand. If it wasn’t at that time, then when is a good time to re-educate the world? Have you seen all hatred the poor guy received since he won Festival da Cancao and the insults towards his unique way of performing in social media? It was just horrific and can make anyone defensive and a bit confrontational. It is true that he could make his statement more elegantly but he is known for his brutal honesty.
Uh, did you miss him saying thank you during his final performance? I think you did.
I am not a fan of the song but I get why people voted for it because it was sweet and simple and Salvador is a quirky and likeable guy, but personally is still find it boring. However I am pleased that after over 50 years, they finally got their victory. I am delighted Moldova got thrid place, a fun catchy song with a energetic performance, it was my favourite of the final. Was disappointed with Italy’s performance. I will always love the song but I think the staging let him down. Shocked Armenia did so badly, I thought that… Read more »
So, in the year when we should CELEBRATE DIVERSITY the winner closes the show by basically saying “only my music is real, the rest is pure sh*t”. Congratulations to the winner on being so open-minded and respectful of the otsers…
I don’t think that was his intention but personally I feel the same way you did. It’s like you get the county’s 1st win ever and there he is talking down other countries who did the “fast food music” way which gets them great results.
He should watch his words now since he is a ESC winner, he doesn’t need any drama going into ESC 2018 like this past year.
Yep. In his interviews he refused to acknowledge there might be value to other songs, too, and repeatedly distanced himself from Jamala anytime he was compared to her (in terms of being another winning jazz singer-composer whose lyrics are not devoid of meaning). Although I love the Portuguese song, it did come across as a bit arrogant. Anyway, this contest is about songs, not personalities. At least, he’s genuine
That is not true. In his interviews, he always acknowledged Italy’s song and quality and once in Kiev, he acknowledged Finland and Belguim. He even did covers of the last two songs with his sister.
Sorry but u are putting words in his mouth, or at least misinterpreting what he actually said. He never said “all the other acts were shite” – what he said (& which is in fact mainly true!) is that pop music has increasingly become mostly a churned out quick-buck commodity & that we should remember to go back to the roots of what music is/should-be about, i.e. heart & soul (& not a quick cash-in!) I think he was just proud that people recognised the honestly in his song and said so. … (Also remember that when he earlier tried… Read more »
Congratulations to Portugal and Bulgaria for excellent placings that are beyond what these countries would normally expect. Both sent great songs and productions and either would have been a worthy winner.
More importantly, great job to MOLDOVA! They may never top this result and it is fitting that their best result is from the Sunstroke Project, a band that represent Moldova and love Eurovision. Their enthusiasm was infectious and they managed to remind us that sometimes, doing what you are good at, as well as you can do it, can be appreciated.
Congratulations to Portugal.Not the type of song I usually hear but music won yesterday. Im sure they will host it great.My very early prediction for next year its Sweden , Belgium or Bulgaria!
#SOFIA2019!!!! 🙂
The fake Portuguese patient stole the Eurovision. Bulgaria will never get first place from the judges. : ((
1960 and with sombode who has talent like Poli, but not with favored lack of talent person like Kostof.
I think Belgium or Netherlands next year but I also want my sentimental favourite Hungary to win.
An OTT singer that played the sympathy card well. Mediocre boring song that will be forgotten by tomorrow. Sad ….
“be forgotten by tomorrow” hahahah
Disgusted by how badly UK was scored. I’m Australian but even I have to admit there is no way we were better than the UK this year. On a positive note I’m really happy for Blanche she really improved throughout and her scores reflect this.
What’s next?
Anastasiya and Maria Tolmachevy hosting next year’s contest?
Sweden did great! Proud! Robin was very pleased !
The first question he got from the Swedish press was:
“5th place. Are you disappointed?”
Next was “Only 8th in the tele vote. How do you feel about that?”
I’m amazed Robin managed to keep his cool.
He could have said:
“I don’t give a, I don’t give a, I don’t give a **** what you others say.” 😀
Or even better…
“Sorry, I can’t go on with these questions.” 😛
That would have been awesome, but alas he is a Swede and must act accordingly.