The Wiwi Jury — our in-house panel of music unprofessionals — continues to review the eight acts competing in the grand final of France’s Destination Eurovision 2018. Next we take a look at the Portuguese-born Lisandro Cuxi, who recently won The Voice of France. He’s singing “Eva”, but did we feel his modern R&B? Read on to find out!

Lisandro Cuxi – “Eva”

“Eva” reviews

Kristin: I surely get why Lisandro is such a fan favourite. The boy practically owns the stage, the audience and not to mention the song! “Eva” is power through and through, from the very beginning, Lisandro is taking control and giving his all in the performance. This has all the potential to rock the skirts (metaphorically speaking) off everyone in Lisbon. Definitely a very strong contender. I approve.

Score: 9.5/10

Lukas: Lisandro has a great voice, look and some serious dance moves. The song “Eva” is very good as well. He definitely stood out in the first semi-final. Since the song is very upbeat it needs more dancers on stage with Lisandro to lift the performance even higher. With some arrangements, this one can be a huge competitor to win France’s selection.

Score: 8/10

Bernardo: I’m still trying to understand how an 18-year-old has so much stage and voice control in such a powerful and uptempo track. It’s just mind-blowing. France may have its winner here. Young talent, and a well-produced pop track with an incredibly catchy chorus. It may not have a deep meaningful message, but it slays where it has to slay. And the guy has Portuguese roots. More points in my book. Well done!

Score: 9/10

Deban: “Eva” is an average song, however, Lisandro’s delivery elevates this to great heights. A talented singer, dancer and an accomplished trilinguist, Cuxi has won many hearts on both The Voice Kids France and The Voice of France. He is upping his game yet again, and baring it solo on his journey to Eurovision. No gimmicks here — this is raw talent!

Score: 8/10

Jovana: Lisandro has deservedly emerged as one of the favourites of Destination Eurovision. “Eva” is contemporary and radio-friendly, but still manages to stand out, mostly due to Lisandro’s vocals and onstage presence. The combination of French and English could guarantee it success in Lisbon.

Score: 9/10

William: This song may have one of the best pre-choruses in the entire Eurovision 2018 selection. It’s powerful and instantly likeable, mixing modernity and mystery with plenty of attitude and drive. Lisandro sells it, dropping smiles, powerful vocals and plenty of emotion. I’m totally buying into it….until the final 30 seconds when we learn that Eva, woman of strength and passion who doesn’t show her face, is a single mother. It’s a total mood killer, which is a shame as the rest of this is so, so strong. Tweak that and France is on to something very good indeed.

Score: 8/10

In our Destination Eurovision Wiwi Jury, we have 15 jurors but only room for 6 reviews. The rest of our scores can be found below:

Antranig: 8/10

Bogdan: 6.5/10

Chris: 7/10

Jonathan: 9.5/10

Josh: 9/10

Luis: 8/10

Natalie: 8/10

Robyn: 7/10

Steinunn: 7/10






Before calculating the average score, the highest and lowest scores are dropped. This is to remove outliers and reduce potential bias. We have removed a low of 6.5 and a high of 9.5.

Wiwi Jury Verdict: 8.12/10

See our list of Destination Eurovision 2018 rankings


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7 years ago

The safe choice for France – proven by Lisandro’s perfomance. One little weak part here – song doesn’t even try to sound original. Also, I haven’t understood why is there a Serebro-debut breakdown with him dancing it? That was too old to bluntly master it in this song.
Props to Lisandro, though.

7 years ago

Lisandro has everything a Eurovision entry needs to do well.
He’s a good singer, a great performer with the ability to deliever the message of the song. Also, his song is modern, radio friendly with a potential of a great live performance. I can easily see this on the Eurovision stage just slaying! My only doubt is that it’s not as original as we would expect. But it has its own identity.

One of my favourites!

7 years ago

I thought I was hearing French words that sounded like ‘she’s just a single mother’ in English and thought it was funny, then I found out those are the actual words :O talk about shoe-horning weird messages into pop songs #WeShouldPutDownOurWeapons

7 years ago

I can’t put together why a young boy like Lisandro sings about a single mother’s tough life. (A flirt with #metoo? :D) He seems to young for these kinds of lyrics and I can’t feel what he’s singing. That’s why I can’t take this song too seriously even if I find it to be the best among the french finalists.

7 years ago
Reply to  Milla

In his personal story his mother took care of him when he was young. The song is important to underline how difficult could be for a single mother to raise a child and earn money. Cordially yours.

mint green
mint green
7 years ago
Reply to  Milla

Young boys have mothers.
The theme remembers me about Ermal Meta-Vietato morire.

7 years ago
Reply to  Milla

For me in this song Lisandro just had a role of “narrator”, he tells from an external point of view the story of this woman. Remember when Phil Collins sang “Another day in paradise” he told the story of an homeless woman but didn’t have a role in the story himself. It’s quite the same situation.

7 years ago

If France selects this one it’ll be the cliche traditional choice… French song with English in between sounding like another traditional pop song. The part of the ‘single mom’ it’s just a big fat NO for me when you have amazing choices like ‘Mercy’ (my fav) and ‘Ok ou Ko’ (my other fav)! But, it’s just my opinion. Bonne chance to all of them, well deserved of Lisandro to be in the final!

mint green
mint green
7 years ago
Reply to  Frank

”The part of the ‘single mom’ it’s just a big fat NO for me when you have amazing choices like ‘Mercy’”

So you don’t like a song because it has the words ”single mother” but you like that…Mercy.
I want so much that songs like Mercy to not fool anybody anymore. So obvious exploitation of people’s feelings.

7 years ago
Reply to  mint green

I think he deserves to be in the final. I don’t think that his song has the same quality of Mercy, I didn’t say that Mercy wasn’t also an exploitation of people’s feelings, I just think that in terms of quality of the lyrics Mercy and Ok ou Ko are way ahead! Either way, Eva is also on my morning playlist and has I said before, I wish nothing but good luck to all of them! :)))

Max Mallet
Max Mallet
7 years ago
Reply to  mint green

At the end, all art in general is an exploitation of feelings, emotions and situations and that is not necessarily a bad thing.

7 years ago


7 years ago

This song is better live than on studio. Which for ESC is a good thing?

I have… waned my interest a bit. He is a (curseword) fantastic performer, but the song per se lacks some punch in the chorus and the following. English might be a bit damaging in places, could have been better blended in…

But that prechorus, that beat, that amazing high note? He is ready for the biggest of stages. Would be a killer entry for France.


Roelof Meesters
Roelof Meesters
7 years ago

Great song, AMAZING performer, but This didn’t really stand out. Ok ou Ko is still better.

7 years ago

Great performer but weak song.
My 6th liked out of the 8 songs.

7 years ago
Reply to  Mari(o)Vision

I agree. The guy can sing, he’s comfortable on stage, but the song is just meh, imo.

7 years ago

The best option together with Mercy and OK ou KO <3
Also can anyone explain the meaning of Nassi's staging? Anytime I watch his performance it feels so weird to me, maybe it's because I don't understand the words.

7 years ago
Reply to  ArmRus

As I am French, will try to explain. The song “Rêves de Gamin” means “Kid’s dream”. During the song, he explained how much, as a kid, he wanted to be a singer and perform on stage and how it was not the best at school, but teachers, cursus orientation responsible at school and his parents was worried about him not finding a “normal” job or failing his studies. Then, dancers alternatively represent (in grey and strict dresses) these people. If you look at the end, they turn on him with strict faces and pointing a finger on him to warn… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Jérémy

Ahh , that’s now clear, thank you so much!!

7 years ago
Reply to  ArmRus

you’re welcome ! ^^

Maria monteiro
Maria monteiro
7 years ago
Reply to  Jérémy

Hi Jeremy I am Lisandro Anti I live in England, and thanks for you splendid about my nephew music,

7 years ago
Reply to  ArmRus

This is “Rêves de gamin” complete lyrics traduction : “What do you want to do when you grow up? Asked me the teacher “Well, I’d like to sing for people To make their hearts a little less sad I would like to meet in 30 years On a stage in front of my audience To share love and then all my sorrows I was far from being the brightest I didn’t often have ten out of ten My math teacher, Mr. Mèche-Vent pretend I’m just a humbug That with life, with time I ‘ll probably finish Rmiste I close my… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  CyxCy

Sorry, for the school rating it’s 0 to 10 and 0 to 20, I was not focused enough last night …. I was told the same thing at school! XD

Derrick son
Derrick son
7 years ago

Forgettable song sorry..i predict a similar final position as alma…or even worst
France has a potential winner in their selection … lets see if they want really win that and be the next eurovision host ?

Derrick son
Derrick son
7 years ago

Forgettable song sorry..i predict a similar final position as alma…or ever worst
France has a potential winner in their selection … lets see if they want really win that and be the next eurovision host ?

7 years ago

My favourite of France’s national final <3 personally I’d pick this to win, but I don’t think he will. I think Mercy has this is the bag, but honestly I’m absolutely in love with this song and I think the performance is fantastic!

Maria monteiro
Maria monteiro
7 years ago
Reply to  Grace

Thanks Grace

7 years ago

Every one likes to compare this song to other Eurovision songs in the past. Yet what they miss is that all these songs they’re comparing it to finished within the top ten.

France has never gone full pop before, and I, for one am fully supporting France if they send this song.

Amir Fan Forever
Amir Fan Forever
7 years ago

I don’t care about production at all. LIVE is different.
Go Lisandro Cuxi.

7 years ago

For me it is an ok song and yes the boy can sing, but the production and the whole feeling of it is quite generic… I am not actually sure if this would stand out so much…

7 years ago
Reply to  L'oiseau

If this is generic, then every single song in Destination Eurovision is generic.

7 years ago
Reply to  Mark


7 years ago

Now i know the meaning of the song i like it even more. (if that’s possible) Could “Eva” be a victim of sex trafficking, it’s everywhere across the world, not even in Europe. It’s so relevant at the moment, this has the power to reach the masses, even to the most vulnerable of our society. With the right staging and Lisandro’s stage presence i am a firm believer this song should go to Lisbon. 10/10 Bravo!

Amir Fan Forever
Amir Fan Forever
7 years ago
Reply to  Rich

Yes I guess. ”Nobody ever see her face”
Love Lisandro Cuxi.

7 years ago
Reply to  Rich

* even in Europe

Amir Fan Forever
Amir Fan Forever
7 years ago

I like it. Go Lisandro!!!!
I don’t know where to put this but I want to thank Amir for giving Madame Monsieur only 2 points. Amir is moroccan and jewish and he understood the trick that MM is trying to do. Amir knows, because Jamala took his glory in 2016 with that awful song 1944. Thank you Amir for not falling for cheap lyrics.

7 years ago

your opinion is completely opposite of mine first of all the fact of Amir is Moroccan and Jewish doesn’t mean that he understand the refugees story lol second Jamala deserved to win not because the lyrics because the melody of her song has much feelings – i didn’t understand the lyrics when I heard 1944 for the first time and I really like that song. Masterpiece for me with a great fusion of trip-hop and ethno and two languages, it’s more than pseudo-political message. third when I heard the Amir’s song I disliked, I hate the cheap chorus YOOUHUH Also… Read more »

Amir Fan Forever
Amir Fan Forever
7 years ago
Reply to  desfolhada

I respect your opinion, maybe Amir song was not the best, but when Madame Monsieur sings about a newborn baby in dangerous situation, I cringe. Sorry but MM is only trying to get votes for emotional story.
Maybe is fair-play. In the 2000’s the happy songs were in power, now is a new era, a new trend. France wants to win, and you have to do…what you have to do. Go France, sing about unhappy babies. You have to do what you have to do.

7 years ago

My problem is that Lisandro is a really good performer, with great vocals and good stage presence (the less said about the dancing the better). But the song is incredibly average, Kiss You Goodbye levels of average.

Lady Gaga
Lady Gaga
7 years ago

I’m not really getting the hype around this, this is like a very dated, over produced mess. The artist maybe a good performer (not a fan of his voice, have heard other r&b singers who sound better & less whiny) but this song is not the one for him. If ever he continues to pursue a career in singing, he should ditch songs like these (which ages him) & go for the Weeknd sort of vibe. If the French do vote for this, expect a big flop in Lisbon. Overrated

7 years ago

I prefer Madame Monsieur by miles… Granted, “Eva” is well-produced – though a little generic to my ears – and Lisandro knows how to perform, but having a masterpiece like “Mercy” in your selection and sending “Eva” instead would be a shame…

7 years ago
Reply to  up!

Sending Mercy would be a shame since no one would vote for it. It’s forgettable.

7 years ago

In my opinion the song is too overrated whereas Lisandro as a singer and performer isn’t. I really wished, he had a better song but I can’t see France finishing in the top 15 with this song. If he didn’t win, I hope he would return with a better song next year, but I think he will (sadly) win. I would still give “Eva” 6 out of 10 points.

7 years ago

Great performer, average song. Totally overrated, and not the right choice for France.

7 years ago

Bonsoir Lisboa, Je pense qu’ Eva se qualifier ! Pas trouvé mieux. La chanson est bonne, pas assez Française à mon goût. C’est bien d’alterner entre Amir dans le style chanson rythmée et Alma plus poétique. Avec Lisandro Cuxi, on peut envisager un classement dans les 10 premiers à l’Eurovision s’il se qualifie. Est-ce qu’ Eva gagner ? Difficile à dire, ca va être serré entre Lisandro et Madame Monsieur tant le public Francais est imprévisible. Jury International : 1. Lisandro 2. Madame Monsieur 3. Malo ou Emmy Lyanna Public : 1. Madame Monsieur 2. Lisandro 3. Nassi ou Emmy… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Azotman

Avec le jury international, Igit is a strong contender. His staging was wonderful, the song is crafted beautifully, and he has that wonderful gravelly voice. And it is no mistake that he chose the westernmost and easternmost eurovision cities for his title. This is the only song that was made for eurovision. I think international juries will eat it up and enjoy the hell out of it. I sure did.

7 years ago
Reply to  Azotman

@KYLLITO, I disagree with you about Igit. He has a charming song but the jury didn’t rank him in the top 3 of his semi-final. I doubt with more jury members, he will score a better international jury rank in the final, even with a jury member from Israël. In the other hand, his song may touch the French public with the cities of Europe forming a heart and his classic style typically french. It will be difficult for Igit to rank higher than Madame Monsieur, Lisandro or Nassi. 100% french lyrics is a serious advantage regarding french televote. For… Read more »

7 years ago

You see a boy dancing with a song in a foreign language and the only words you understand is ‘ She’s just a single mother’ ! I be like whaaaaaaaaat?

That being said he is a good performer and can sing while dancing.
But due to the non-french nature of song I’m not a fan. A 7/10.

7 years ago

this song reminds me Mirror- Justin Timberlake

Paul D.
Paul D.
7 years ago

He is a fantastic performer, probably the safest choice France can make

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
7 years ago

Wow. It feels wrong to be critiquing this, given how amazing Lisandro is. The lyrics of the song are somewhat ambiguous, but I actually like that. It’s the music that’s a little bit stuck on four chords. I know it’s good R’n’B, I get it. Maybe it’s just not my genre. But I can’t deny the realness of Lisandro. 9/10

7 years ago

Party pooper here: Lisandro is an amazing performer and he owns the stage, but this song is just a formatted piece of plastic with Eurovision written all over it. The lyrics are super cringeworthy, especially when he repeatedly screams “She’s a single mother!” but somehow keeps dancing and jumping around… What the hell is that? I think he’ll win in a landslide, but after such a diverse and creative national final it’d be too bad that France ends up sending this to Eurovision. I’m not even sure it’d do well in Lisbon, I get Twin Twin vibes. I’d give it… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Bella

Same when Michael Jackson sang Billie Jean is not my lover… And the kid is not my son… and kept dancing.

7 years ago
Reply to  Fred

Ok, I said Lisandro was a good performer but let’s not compare him to Michael Jackson now (or worse, compare this song to one of Michael Jackson’s best work)… You can’t compare pigeons with eagles, lol.

You can have sad lyrics with an upbeat song, Stromae does it really like a boss. It just doesn’t work with this song, it’s awkward and makes you uncomfortable.

7 years ago
Reply to  Bella

I’m not comparing them as performers and I don’t put the songs on the same level. I was just reacting about the fact Lisandro keeps moving as he sings “She’s just a single mother”. It’s a “genre” 😉

7 years ago

William I think you’re missing the point of the song. Eva is a single mother who has to dance every night in a club to earn money and raise her little girl.

7 years ago

Am a little with William on this one. I mean, the single mother bit doesn’t put me off but considering that it only gets thrown in towards the end of an otherwise French-language song is a bit jarring. It’s a shame because this is SO good.

7 years ago

Lisandro is an amazing performer. His charisma and voice are dominating this song. The song is good too. It has a really powerful chorus and it’s engaging. It’s meaning is confusing me, though. What is this song about? Who is Eva? His girlfriend? Mother? Friend? Mother Earth? It’s a puzzle waiting to be solved. I like the song very much, even though there are songs that touched me more on the personal level.

8/10 for me.

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
7 years ago
Reply to  Colin

Agreed, the lyrics are ambiguous. But I think the mystery of not knowing who she is to him is quite compelling.

7 years ago
Reply to  Purple Mask

True that. It makes the song more specific and interesting. Might be an 8.5. Wouldn’t mind at all seing it at Lisbon.

7 years ago
Reply to  Colin

Eva isn’t a young girl, “Les vertiges de la nuit, ça fait des piges qu’elle connait” = “The vertigo of the night, it’s been years she knows” [“pige” is a familiar french expression, a synonym for “year”, this word introduce the idea of a very long time elapsed] “Eva n’est pas de celles qui tentent leur chance L’amour à la mort et les coups ça c’est déjà fait Eva ne connaît pas les jours d’absence Chaque matin, elle vérifie que le compte y est Elle quitte le club et sa routine Elle quitt’ra tout pour sa gamine Seule, au milieu… Read more »

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
7 years ago
Reply to  CyxCy

@CyxCy: Merci beaucoup 🙂
The only mystery that remains is… why is HE (Lisandro) singing about a struggling single mother?
1. He could have feelings for her.
2. He’s making a political statement.
3. The song is metaphorical.

7 years ago
Reply to  Purple Mask

@Purple Mask,
Lisandro Cuxi in his life has a mother who was taking care of him alone when he was a child. This is a song dedicated to his own mother. She was not dancing in a bar anyway it is a difficult situation. This was explained during the presentation of the song in the video before his performance at the semi-final.

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
7 years ago
Reply to  Azotman

Ah, right. Thank you. 🙂

7 years ago
Reply to  Colin

Salut à toi,
C’est le texte en anglais qu’il fallait traduire, les paroles en Français, on comprend. Perso, j’ai plus de mal quand Lisandro chante en anglais. C’est plus facile pour moi de comprendre l’anglais du style “awa, awa, i’ll be there”. L’anglais de Lisandro, Malo, ou Max Cinnamon, j’ai vraiment du mal.

7 years ago
Reply to  Azotman

Salut, je répondais simplement à Colin et Purple Mask sur le personnage d’Eva, si c’était l’histoire d’une femme jeune ou âgée, etc… Tout comme il y a quelques jours j’ai expliqué à quelqu’un d’autre les paroles de “Mercy”. Eva feels nothing but a heartache and she will be dancing, all through the night, nobody ever sees her face Nobody ever sees her face Eva feels nothing but a heartache and she will be dancing, all through the night, nobody ever sees her face Nobody ever sees her face Lisandro, Malo et Max ont chacun eu un parcours de vie, vécu… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Azotman

@CyxCy, Mercy pour les paroles en anglais, cela explique pas mal de choses en effet. dans les couplets en français, on comprend l’histoire assez facilement. Si tu ne prends que les paroles en anglais, “elle danse toute la nuit, c’est une mère célibataire, etc…”, les gens ont du mal à saisir le sens de la chanson, ce qui explique tous les commentaires un peu bizarres sur ce forum. J’arrive à comprendre l’anglais au ralenti. A vitesse réelle et prononciation correcte, c’est plus dur. Je pense que les paroles ne sont pas si importantes au fond. Je ne pense pas que… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Azotman

De rien, je suis contente de pouvoir aider un peu pour la compréhension de chacune des chansons. Et je vous félicite pour la fin de votre message avec tous les noms de chansons, c’est très bien trouvé.

7 years ago

8.12… That’s a freaking high score. I’d also give it an 8/10, but it’s not my favourite.