Two new versions of Slovenia’s ‘Sebi’ have been released on Spotify. One version is an full instrumental version, the other titled the ‘Dare To Dream’ version.
The ‘Dare To Dream’ version has had a couple of changes from the original national final version.
The main change is song length: The “Dare To Dream” version has been cut to three minutes. The original was 3:19 but the EBU only allows songs to be three minutes long.
This means they have had to drop a verse at the end. The cut verse doesn’t take anything away from the song and the dreamy space-like atmosphere it brings. The ‘Dare To Dream’ version also has had more underlying beats added to it. Those help to enhance the atmosphere.
This version has been made available to YouTube and based on song length – and title – we can expect this is the final version for Eurovision.
Zala Kralj & Gašper Šantl were the winners of Slovenia’s national final, Evrovizijska Melodija (EMA). With their song ‘Sebi’, they were able to convince both juries and the audience, overcoming Raiven and her song ‘Kaos’, which had been favourite in the weeks ahead of the show.
So far Slovenia has released an official clip for ‘Sebi’ and more recently these two new versions of the song. There hasn’t been any announcements of performances at the Eurovision pre-parties in Riga, London, Madrid, Moscow and Amsterdam.
So chances are we will have to wait till May to see the new version of “Sebi” being performed live.
Slovenia was drafted for the first part of the first semfinal in Tel Aviv.
What do you think about the ‘Dare To Dream’ version? And is the instrumental version getting you in a calm mood also? Let us know in the comments below.
Best Balkan song by FAR! Even if Greece and Cyprus are included, it should still make a very good chance!
Just beautiful
Love this so much. Time to learn the lyrics and sing along to the instrumental~
Sometimes a whisper is more powerful than a shout.
To quote Lea Sirk: “I can’t f*cking believe this”. Because now I can finally listen to the instrumental as well as the Dare To Dream version in pure bliss.
Love listening to the instrumental version, as well as the actual song. So atmospheric. This song is really special. Hope they qualify from SF1.
This is such a big change from Hvala Ne, and you know what? I love them both.
Such a sincere song. No gimmicks, no show, no drama, no shouting, no eroticism, just some truly poetic lyrics and hypnotising music.
No eroticism, and yet it makes me feel sexy and cool. This is real life music. This is the kind of music I would listen outside the Eurovision bubble and that’s just what the contest needs.
I would love to see this win
My #1 of the year and perhaps one of my favourite entries ever.
I think there is a lot of great songs this year but it’s really time that Slovenia finally gets at least a solid result. Their best result is still seventh place from the nineties. They deserve better.
Totally agree with you. Slovenia has got the best song this year IMO.
On par with Hatari and Conan, an outstanding entry.
This is BY FAR my favourite song, the atmosphere it creates is amazing, and Slovenian is just perfect for a song like this. Please Europe, take Slovenia seriously this year!
This is really good, I hope the juries give it some love. Live it looks a bit awkward, but also strangely endearing. If there’s a song doing a Salvador Sobral this year, it’s probably this one.
Hvala ne was better, miles ahead
I agree. This song has a lot of potential that hasn’t been properly exploited. The revamp disappointed me as well. Slovenia will struggle to get a spot in the final, as much as this hurts me.
Official translation for those who are interested in the meaning of the song. P.S. translation loses all of the magic they were able to express in slovenian language. It’s like high poetry with music background actually. When your mind is full of thoughts, you can listen to my heartbeat. When your burden is heavy, you can come to me. Ask what keeps me going forward? Is it distance and success? Like a leaf blows with the wind and resists it, I go with the flow and resist it. You can’t always see the stars, just stay true to who you… Read more »
Holy crap this is beautiful. Thank you for sharing!
Is not my favourite but can be in my top ten depend how they do it in the rehearsals
Hope they qualify. A really emotional and atmospheric song, even if I don’t understand a single word.
Still happy, that their main mission has been accomplished (to share their music to a wider audience) very fast and in a dimension, they‘d never expected.
I‘m really looking forward to see ZalaGasper in May, and I hope that they at least reach the final, maybe even more (if they are able to recreate the mesmerizing atmosphere from EMA on the big stage).
This is still my favourite song this year. Topped my ranking the day they won EMA and never moved from there 🙂 I really wish them all the best, I’ll look forward for more of their ethereal atmospheres
Still hands down my favourites. Their music is incredible. I just hope they will launch more than a 4 song EP on Spotify soon, I need more tracks!
Cute but a they are copying MADAME MONSIEUR in their style.
Their style and genre is the same since their first music video FROM 2017.
Gašper has never watched ESC in his life, as he admitted.
I think they just both have the same taste but both of them are still unique in their own way. 🙂
No way!
their style is their own, sebi makes me feel relaxed when i listen to it which is very nice
and also a good contrast from last years hvala ne for sure, showcasing slovene language another side, in sebi it comes over more beautiful than in hvala ne that’s my personal opinion
hvala ne though had more show act quality ofc, but it doesn’t Always need a showy performance
You can downvote as you can but it’s the reality, all your replies means you are disturbed by my comment and it proves I am right.
What, It’s clear that their style is their own, how can you even think they’re copying Madame Monsieur?
Whoops, it seems like I replied to a reply instead of the original comment. My excuses.
Eurovision fans really need to realise the world is bigger than Eurovision. Most people do not remember every act as closely as we do, and many don’t watch the show at all. This is as absurd as saying Hatari is copying Lordi’s style.
Madame Monsieur? Not even close. I already mentioned that their style is strongly reminiscent of the Ukranian singer Luna:
i am waiting for the day when my favorite song finally wins eurovision.
i wish them all the luck, i think they deserve the win.
After 7 years my favorite song won: Amar Pelos Dois. This year I have many favorites song tow win: France, Lithuania, Switzerland, Italy, Estonia, Portugal and Sweden
As an Italy stan, I feel you. But I did actually like Believe and Fairytale all these years ago ( I just liked Greece, in both cases, a bit more)
What a lovely song, I wish them all the best!
bit more polished in instrumentals i notice as only change