The Eurovision 2019 betting odds are constantly going up and down.

And following performances at Eurovision in Concert, things have been mixed up quite a bit.

Russia’s Sergey Lazarev now finds himself back in second place according to the bookmakers, surpassing Switzerland’s Luca Hänni.

The latest Eurovision 2019 betting odds from our friends at Eurovision Oddschecker show that Russia’s odds to win the grand final have narrowed to as low as 4/1. That means he’s now passed Switzerland, which has dropped to third favourite.

While Switzerland’s Luca Hänni took to the stage in Amsterdam last weekend, we’ll have to wait and see what Sergey Lazarev will present at the rehearsals in Tel Aviv. He’s not doing any promotion stops at all as he’s busy rehearsing and bringing his tour to several countries in Europe.

Many people praised the great choreography from the Swiss Eurovision star. Moreover, with weeks to go until the showdown in Tel Aviv, he’s got enough time to bring his vocals up to the top notch. As he told us in our interview in Amsterdam, he’s even rehearsing on a treadmill — so do keep an eye on “She Got Me”!

Also up are Sweden (up two to 4th place) and Cyprus (in 7th). Neither act performed at Eurovision in Concert. Iceland’s Hatari see themselves down one spot to 6th while Greece’s Katerine Duska slides one to 8th favorite to win. Indeed, Katerine was sick and couldn’t bring the performance people expected her to do. We’re hoping that she has a quick recovery to bring her A game in Tel Aviv!

What do you make of the latest changes with the bookies? Is Russia a possible contender to win? Or do you think the bookmakers overestimate the impact of last weekend’s live performances? Let us know down below!

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5 years ago

i think if the contest was not political the United kingdom could be a dark horse

5 years ago

A song about hate mentioned as a possible winner, a dark horse. Dare to dream that this will not happen.

5 years ago

betting odds mean sweet nothing- NO WAY WILL RUSSIA win this eurovision – the only votes they will get is the ones they buy for bribes

5 years ago

Still these results are meaning nothing…

5 years ago

Since everybody is like this, here it goes,:
If Arcade represented Sweden or Russia everybody would be like “oh another pop song. Generic, cliche, overrated. Will only do well cause it’s Sweden. Why cant they send something risky for once?
But you know, it’s Dutch. Then it’s a masterpiece, a deserved winner. Authentic. Even though it’s just as generic as every song competing. But hey, it’s Dutch

5 years ago
Reply to  Denis

so true. people are pathetic.

5 years ago
Reply to  Denis

I don’t know if you noticed it, but the Dutch entry got a LOT of hate comments as well, i think even more than Sweden, It is a fact that the (top 5) favourites got a lot of hate every year.. but don’t worry, Sweden, NL and Ru will do very well this year, just ignore the haters and enjoy the contest.

5 years ago
Reply to  Denis

Arcade is not ‘another pop song’. It’s very different from the others. And the Dutch never had a masterpiece in the last decades, apart from Sieneke 😉 . Let us enjoy this good ratings for the first time!

5 years ago
Reply to  Leon

Er… The Common Linnets in 2014?

5 years ago
Reply to  Hub

Leon is making a joke, Hub. Sienkes song was one of the worst songs ever. Poor thing could not sing, did not speak a lot of English, which is very uncommon for a Dutchman and the lyrics were really stupid.

Aline Van Rossem
Aline Van Rossem
5 years ago

People are too harsh for Switzerland. Some critical persons just sit and wait with their loop and they are WAITING for a fan favourite to mak 1 mistake or to sing bad for 5 seconds and then they are ready with all there negativity. I’m sure Luca will slay when it matters!

5 years ago

I have the feeling we will have a surprise winner this year, I just don’t know what can it be.

5 years ago
Reply to  oli

It will be a big suprise, like Finland or San Marino.

5 years ago
Reply to  Tomatinho

LMAO sure

5 years ago
Reply to  oli

I’m still thinking that we’re going to get another 2016 scenario, where neither the jury winner nor the public winner gets the victory, but a third country comes from behind and snatches from them

5 years ago
Reply to  Nikki

@Nikki: I am trying not to let the faves or the least-faves for many people control my personal opinion, but there might be a possibility that you are right. All I know, is: this year is gonna be a tough and hard-fought-for battle! No one can just relax, and expect victory will come to them; they all need to bring their A-game, in EVERY aspect, this year! @Loin dici and Nicolas: I (indeed) wouldn’t rule out Australia just yet. I mean, gosh, that song keeps stuck in your head. And she can sing, always a plus with juries. So, can’t… Read more »

Loin dici
Loin dici
5 years ago
Reply to  oli

I’m feeling it’s either Australia, Italy or Sweden who would snatch the crown. I mean, they’re surely not people’s most favorites, but once they get into rehearsals… things will change. Sweden would be the jury darling as always.

5 years ago
Reply to  Loin dici

Australia no way, 30 points from televote will already be an achievement.

5 years ago
Reply to  Nicolas

“30 points from televote” I doubt it. Australia got a lot of haters, but a lot of supporters as well. And the people who support it usually really likes it, as its very divisive and people either love it or hate it, but in Eurovision it doesn’t really matters who hate you, just who love and will vote for you.

5 years ago
Reply to  Serafina

That’s all very subjective though because youtube comments/views does not reflect on the ammount of people who will be watching it in May so… The fact that die hard eurovision fans have mixed feelings about a song does not mean the masses aren’t gonna love it, I mean… Norway and Moldova did fantastic last year and they were the most hated songs amongst eurofans.

5 years ago
Reply to  oli

I really hope you’re right, Oli. The contest needs that. I don’t think it can be Switzerland, because I suppose it wouldn’t be a surprise that a smudged copy of last year’s runner-up could succeed.

5 years ago

Seeing the mash-up of this year’s Cyprus, Malta and Switzerland and last year’s Cyprus, I was wondering if there are examples of songs that won (or became second) in a year, and were ‘copied’ in some way the year after (because that particular sound did brilliant), and then that song won. I know Russia 2016 tried to copy Sweden’s 2015 entry, but did not win. If it did, that particular sound would have won twice in a row. Is there anyone who has mucho understanding of the ESC and/or loves statistics, and is willing to educate me?

5 years ago
Reply to  Rob

The sound of Russia 2016 and Sweden 2015 weren’t really that similar, the only thing the Russians copied was the performance/staging. And well, I would say it was the other way around: Sweden 2015 did not win (the televote) but Russia 2016 did.

5 years ago
Reply to  Rob

Although not identical songs, but Turkey 2004 and Ukraine 2005 sounded similar. I remember loving both, but they both share the same vibe.

5 years ago
Reply to  Rob

Come to think of it, I have always thought that Sweden’s “Waterloo” and Netherlands’ “Ding-A-Dong” sounded familiar (1974 and 1975). But I wasn’t born that time, so I dunno if one can compare the two with each other. Also, there were far less countries participating in the ESC back then.

5 years ago
Reply to  Rob

Denmark 2013 — Ireland 2014
Sweden 2012 — Germany 2013
Azerbaijan 2017 — Bulgaria 2018 — Azerbaijan 2019

Those are three I can think of but there would surely be more…

Loin dici
Loin dici
5 years ago

Seeing the Eurojury results, I’m seeing another win for Sweden. Oh well.

5 years ago

As much as I like Sergey and his voice, the song is just not a contender for me. My favorite ballad of the year is from Israel! Love it. Russia will do well though I think!

5 years ago

Well … As for the Netherlands , it’s fair enough to be first . I don’t know about their staging cause I can’t imagine something wow that fits to the song but I am quite sure they ‘ll make it . Russia is overrated enough to my way of thinking . I know they may have the best staging and Ukraine is out so neighbours are gonna vote for Russia but I don’t know about the televote . I mean he has won the televote once but with that song , they won’t even be in televote’s top 10 .… Read more »

5 years ago

Ok let’s talk about the top 10 of bookies. First of all bookies always win._ Netherlands: Just a nice song, I can say very nice one but boring song. Nothing really special. But in order to avoid a Russia winning…the ”matrix” has created the ”winner”. Suddenly…thousands of supporters are creating hype. True or flase flag, in my opinion the song has over 50%+ to win. Russia: A nice old-fashioned game of thrones-boring song. Nothing really special. But in order to succeed a strike…the ”antimatrix” has created the ”thread”. At the moment…we’ve silent supporters…or they’re not any supporters ? In top-10… Read more »

5 years ago

Come on no need to take a preparty that seriously. The sound system will be 100x better @ESC. Everyone was in the condition of a concert, not meant to be broadcasted to millions of people unlike Eurovision.

5 years ago

Iceland is just bad!!! cant understand all the hype. soooo overrated.

5 years ago

Iceland…. sorry …. worst thing ever….

5 years ago


5 years ago

Check this out! Great mash-up.

5 years ago

Just like this:

5 years ago

Conan, Mahmood and Duncan – I wish one of them will get the victory. They deserve it just because they wrote their Own Personal Story with deep meaning and people felt it, without super team, PR or etc. So go Portugal Italy The Netherlands ! !!!!

5 years ago
Reply to  Yana

Agree! One of these amazing and talented queer kings should win!
I would be totally happy:)

5 years ago
Reply to  Kris

Wait so Duncan is gay too? It’s been confirmed? Drooling…

5 years ago
Reply to  LawStudent

Duncan is openly bi and currently (as he said himself on local tv) has a lovely boyfriend 🙂

5 years ago
Reply to  Kris

It’s not very nice to talk about it here. I am sure you don’t have evidence for any of them, just rumors, and if they or anyone of them support LGBT community, it’s do not indicate their orientation. In any case, its not our business !!

5 years ago
Reply to  Yana

Why we can’t talk about it here? They are on public eye artists, and what do you mean we dont have evidences?
IF Duncan or Conan openly said they have boyfriends its means they are out and proud,
why its not nice or how it offensive to anyone?

5 years ago
Reply to  Susane

Give me please link where Conan is telling he has a boyfriend? And as I said its not our business even they are public figures. Like for me I don’t care, they are great singers this is what should be discussed.

5 years ago
Reply to  Yana

well you can’t tell people what they should discuss or not, if you dont like talk about anything but artistic thing then dont , no one force you , but let people discuss what they want, ( if its not offensive to the artists)

and Conan never ever hide he is gay, why it s even a question lol

5 years ago
Reply to  Yana

there is nothing wrong to discuses how queer our artists are, we still live in the world where homophobia doing pretty well and millions people struggle living in the closet and constant fear being kill or torture for who they are, we need out and proud celebrities to help others to keep fighting and give a hope, especially to younger generation,we need these examples of successful people who dont hide and dont ashamed who they are.
So i have nothing but respect to artists who living openly and proudly lives, its very inspirational

5 years ago
Reply to  Yana

Exactly my choices! They are great entries. I would only add Austria to this mix.

Nguyet Huynh
Nguyet Huynh
5 years ago
Reply to  Yana

I love them too <3

5 years ago

Danemark is the winner

Says OGAE Slovenia.


5 years ago
Reply to  Nicolas

Oh wow. You are not even joking. They gave a high amount of points to Poland, too!
I knew it was a small club but even with 35 members, ending up with Denmark as your winner is amazing.

At least it’s not just the same old boring set of results, right?

5 years ago

Netherlands song is boring as hell.

I expect Cyprus, Iceland or even Malta to snatch the trophy.

I want to dance!!! And have fun

Best from Spain

mark dowd
mark dowd
5 years ago
Reply to  Miguel

sobre gustos no hay nada escrito

5 years ago
Reply to  Miguel

La venda ya cayó !
Y solo quedó la alegría !

5 years ago
Reply to  Miguel

You wanna dance with Iceland? how the hell are you dancing?!

5 years ago
Reply to  Miguel

arcade isn’t boring, its about duncan’s dead music school friend

5 years ago
Reply to  Miguel

And you wanna be superficial and tasteless… good for you!

5 years ago

The problem with Russia is that the song is too dramatic. It’s okay when he delivers concentrating on the songm but het most likely doesn’t. I loved his earlier song in the contest, ýou’re the on;u one, still listen to it and enjoy it very ;uch> But it was not a winner for me. Too much show, too much illusionism, it distrackted from the song. In the end the composition and the singer are the most important> Watching his video this year I think he has not learned. Most of the time the simplest shows take the price. The fact… Read more »

5 years ago

The next pre-party is the Spanish one in Madrid, right? Because we won’t get a taste of the artists live till that.

5 years ago
Reply to  Marcelo

No it’s London.

5 years ago
Reply to  Marcelo

Riga is next i thought

5 years ago
Reply to  Marcelo

The next one is Riga but there are only 2 confirmed acts for the pre-party. They might thinking to cancel the party because of low population

5 years ago

Meh, I still don’t know what’s so great about Sweden and Cyprus. I don’t dislike them, but I don’t see them as contenders really. At this point, the Netherlands are obviously the ones to beat. But who would be able to do that? I still see Italy or Iceland as the biggest contenders (But then again, we have the jury problem with Hatari….). I feel like everybody just forgot about Italy, because Soldi’s been out there for such a long time, but guys you should stop sleeping on Italy, I can definitly see it happen. Who else? Russia? Doubt it…… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  Weißbrot

I see Malta as a dark horse. Very unlikely, but that *could* pop with amazing staging. Most others just feel impossible.

5 years ago
Reply to  Weißbrot

For me, Italy is the obvious jury winner.
We’ve seen previously that Italy can also do well in the televote…definitely a big contender.

At this moment, I see Italy, Netherlands and Russia contending. Iceland might be behind them…and then maybe a surprise entry…Israel perhaps?

5 years ago
Reply to  Briekimchi

tbh I want an italian win to happen soon, but I’m not really sure how he’d stage his song Like, Netherlands, Russia, Iceland, …I can sort of picture how each of them would do it. But when it comes to Italy, I’m not sure, …and Italy has been missing the mark on staging lately. Staging is a large part of what cost Francesco to only place 6th. And as great as Ermal and Fabrizio were (their song was worthy of that high televote score), their staging was kind of boring actually Italy needs to step up in the staging department… Read more »

5 years ago

Mahmood is in Tel-Aviv working for the staging with Attilio Cusani, the director of his video-clip. Hope the are doing well 🙂

5 years ago

What cost Francesco was the horrible song not the staging

5 years ago
Reply to  Melody

I suggest lezzioni di Nirvana, Melody 😉

5 years ago
Reply to  Weißbrot

I still think that a victory for Italy is possible

5 years ago
Reply to  Weißbrot

I agree that Iceland and Italy are able to beat The Netherlands. And depending on how politically influenced the Jury votes will be – in my point of view Russia is also a contender. His song is written for the stage.

Sweden is overrated! for sure. Cyprus wrote a good bop but it is not good enough to win – in my point of view.

5 years ago

Italy and Island are for me true winners becouse they are completely original. I absolutly love The Netherlands, Switzerland, Sweden and Russia songs but I want different winner this year!!!

5 years ago
Reply to  Tonks

I am there for Mahmood and Hatari, but we should say that Arcade is a gem and deserves everything. Hope this will be the top 3 whatever the order is.

5 years ago
Reply to  Baloonbleu

Same, that’s also my top 3.

5 years ago
Reply to  Tonks

It depends on what you call ‘original’… for Eurovision, Hatari are definitely something new, but in their genre they’re not very special. I’ve seen better bands at my local highschool. Italy is a different story, of course.

5 years ago
Reply to  dutchie

With Iceland it is more than the song…

5 years ago
Reply to  Tonks

I wish all three of them could win!! So many good songs this year… I even wish San Marino the win, it’s so damn catchy! 😀

5 years ago

Cyprus and S.eden are the two most overrated songs,both of them are nothing special,we have heard this kind of songs a million times before!They don’t des.rve to be that high in the odds!They go up because all the other songs drop in the odds ,so it is not that they deserve it…cyprus is a copy paste of fuego and cyprus will be like bulgaria last year,barely top 10,there is no originality.Sweden is only because it is Sweden.We have songs like Greece,Iceland,Portugal that scream art and originality and i will vote for them!

5 years ago
Reply to  David

I totally agree!!!

5 years ago
Reply to  Tonks

Glad to see that there are other people who want to support originality and artistic participants!

5 years ago
Reply to  David

Agreed 100%. But let see its very excited to watch over it this year

5 years ago
Reply to  David

I agree, although I find myself dancing to Cyrprus?… What is wrong with me? ehehe

5 years ago
Reply to  David

omg. the jealousy… the delusions.

5 years ago

I think Cyprus will have Bulgaria 2018’s fate. Trying to repeat the success from last year will backfire. The staging will be good for sure, Tamta is talented as well but repeating Eleni’s formula will not end well with jurors at least. I don’t expect big televoting numbers either. Iceland will gather massive attention which will either translate into a Lordi/Conchita victory or kinda fail like Poland 2014. Sweden is a good song but the performer doesn’t have charisma. I guess it will have the fate of Austria 2018. I still believe Russia will have the biggest staging and get… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  Alex

I think John Lundvik is really charismatic.

5 years ago
Reply to  Alex

As far as I’m concerned, it’ll be either a dutch (if they nail staging and Duncan learns to be and works on being really emotionally convincing) , russian (if their staging gets them enough televote support) , or icelandic (if the juries don’t underrate them TOO much) victory

I use to think switzerland was a strong winning contender as well, but I’m not as sure about that now as I was before after his performance in amsterdam.

i think you’re absolutely right about cyprus being the next bulgaria tho

5 years ago
Reply to  Alex

Just to show how similar “Fuego” and “Replay” are – it really is freaky as hell, and almost could become some weird form of a duet :.-):

5 years ago

I think Tamta’s being underrated here, I think her entry is going to stand out in what could be a sea of men. Obviously Malta’s got a bop too, but I think Cyprus is likely to do a lot better than them, and there is Greece who I think could really return to form. I think out of entries from Netherlands/Russia/Switzerland/Azerbaijan/Sweden/Italy somethings going to flop. I also have increasing confidence in iceland, but I still think that there song has a very niche or unusual message for a Eurovision entry, and they need to do a better job of making… Read more »

5 years ago

All these moves are kind of irrelevant now.

5 years ago

Honestly I don’t see any real contender aside from the Netherlands

5 years ago
Reply to  Kobi

This. But Italy will slay too! Overall, the Netherlands is my winner. Master song, great singer and proved himself live.

Polegend Godgarina
Polegend Godgarina
5 years ago
Reply to  Kobi

arcade itself issa regular ballad, it’s not a ‘real contender’ more than 5-6 other songs are tbh

5 years ago
Reply to  Kobi


5 years ago
Reply to  Kobi

Italy, Russia and Greece are strong contenders, imo

5 years ago

He wasn’t that bad in EiC. 😀

Krispy kreme
5 years ago

Sweden and Russia are my least favourite. I hope the deserving acts like Iceland or Italy win

5 years ago
Reply to  Krispy kreme

I think it’s either gonna be iceland or the netherlands (i’d rather have iceland, but at this point i’m starting to accept it might be the netherlands)

5 years ago

those odds…. if Cyprus moves up its because others go down and not on own merit. wat hing Iceland laat saturday i would reckon they should raise instead of fall. Switzerland didnt disappoint either if you imagine the rest of the potential in tel aviv…. odss say nothing untill weve seen it all once at the rehearsal week.

5 years ago
Reply to  hebbuzz

totally agree…cyprus goes up cause the others drop…..i think that this year’s Amsterdam preparty was not a good one….all the participants got harmed by it

5 years ago
Reply to  David

I mean, is it really a surprise that Amsterdam would make a bunch of people’s odds drop? Most of us weren’t there and rely on youtube videos to judge, and let’s be real here- all those eurovision in concert videos look and sound like they were filmed on a 1996 kodak potato

It’s like that every year. The Amsterdam videos are always such poor visual and sound quality

5 years ago
Reply to  hebbuzz

I think Iceland will jump in the odds to the top 3 once rehearsals and staging stuff starts. We just need to wait a bit longer.

5 years ago

Where is the daily digest?

5 years ago
Reply to  Nvm

That’s what I also would like to know. It’s been days without daily digest! 🙁

5 years ago
Reply to  Rob

As if I’d care about the odds, ogae polls and Spotify charts. I want news about the artists, I want to know who they are… 🙁

5 years ago

Sweden and Russia, only high on the odds because they’re Sweden and Russia. Let any other country perform those two songs and they’d be out of the top-10. And the stupid thing is… the odds seem to be right, at least concerning Sweden. The Eurojury are already loving John Lundvik.

5 years ago
Reply to  dutchie

No it’s not. But nothing of what he stated was fact. It was opinion. And opinions can be jealousy.

5 years ago
Reply to  Denis

I’m not jealous, why should I be when Holland is at the top of the odds. I just think that certainly Russia is way overrated… imagine if Slovenia had sent the same song, it would have been 25th. The bookmakers take diaspora voting into account, not the quality of the song, which is abysmal.

5 years ago
Reply to  dutchie

If Slovenia sent that song they probably would have been a bigger favourite than they are now. And if Russia sent that Slovenian song no one would notice it. It’s to quiet. That is due to song..

5 years ago
Reply to  dutchie

Imagine if sweden sent Arcade, then everyone would have said that it is just the same, an good looking singel male vocalist – same old, nothing new, not taking a risk, overrated just because it is Sweden….so on

5 years ago

I like the Swiss singer but unfortunately there is nothing original in his entry: the song is when “Despacito” met “Fuego”.

Polegend Godgarina
Polegend Godgarina
5 years ago
Reply to  VlaD

yeah bc there’s something original in most other favorites to win ? it’s pop music, it’s all been done before.

5 years ago
Reply to  VlaD

because Arcade is very original lol

5 years ago
Reply to  VlaD

The song is fun and catchy as f*ck, but it misses that special something to be a winner. I think it will end up between 3-5

5 years ago

Someone know how the bookies ranked conchita and jamala before first rehearsals!? Any information?

5 years ago
Reply to  Mufasa

Conchita was very underrated by bookers before rehearsals, she wasnt even in the top 10.
Around 14-15 if I remember correctly.
Jamala was lower top 5

Liam Lindsay
Liam Lindsay
5 years ago

Switzerland will be a contender, its just down to the EiC performance and taking the pre-party/promotional performances in to account to determine a countries chances isn’t really a good method, it just determines how they sound live in a large audience similar to the contest itself. Now with that out of the way, here’s what I think is going to happen, Netherlands, Switzerland, Greece, Cyprus and Norway are contenders for the Top 5. Russia, the song is hit or miss for me…it’s good quality but, just lacks a oomph for me to consider it for a Top 5, It will… Read more »

5 years ago

This year is weak, there will be tormenting movements and surprises all over. My heart is with Hatari, I can only hope they will do well.

5 years ago
Reply to  Yaa

I’m hoping for some surprises, tbh. I mean, I really like the Netherlands and a part of me would be very happy to see them win, especially after so long. But another is secretlty praying that we don’t get another year where the winner ends up being the one we’ve been expecting all along. I want some thrill.

5 years ago

So… Basically, everyone from top10 (but Netherlands) who took part in concert dropped, right? Damn xd I mean, it doesn’t mean that rest won’t drop as well. We’ll have to wait to see what they got.

5 years ago

I love Sergey as an artist and as a nice person, but i still dont get how Russia with this song could be in top 5….

Krispy kreme
5 years ago
Reply to  MikolasFan

True, maybe Russia are putting all the bets on though

5 years ago
Reply to  MikolasFan

He got 3rd place in 2016 with a weaker song than Scream, so he could very well end up in the top 5 again.

5 years ago
Reply to  MikolasFan

None of the other songs will win televote or jury in a landslide. There are no clear winners this year, so he can fill the gap by doing decent with both votes. Russia has built in neighbor votes and he is also a great performer that will win a lot of juries. He can be top 3 jury and top 3 televote, so that’s how he can win.

5 years ago
Reply to  gilpgilp

He will not win, Western jurys will not vote for such a bland and generic 90’s ballad.

5 years ago
Reply to  MikolasFan

Just because it’s freakin’ Russia! That’s why!

5 years ago

Replay Slay
Queen Tamta will slay !

5 years ago
Reply to  Ari


bop-whop-a-lu bop
5 years ago
Reply to  Ari

The only song that I don’t replay is “Replay”

5 years ago
Reply to  Ari

I agree! After a little research I realized that she has one of the best voices this year and she is an amazing performer

5 years ago
Reply to  Ari

Skase mori kipraia Pali ta idia

Ioa Ioa
Ioa Ioa
5 years ago
Reply to  Jack

Lmao xD

5 years ago
Reply to  Jack