Tonight Eesti Laul 2020 continued.

Twelve acts took to the stage in Semi-Final 2 and six advanced to the grand final.

The qualifiers are Jaagup Tuisk, Inger, Uku Suviste, Traffic, Shira and Uudo Sepp.

Eesti Laul 2020 Semi-Final 2 Results

The acts which advanced to the Grand Final were chosen by two rounds of voting.

The first round combined results from a professional jury and televoting to pick the first four qualifiers.

A second final round of televoting picks two further qualifiers.

They were Shira and Uudo Sepp.

Eesti Laul 2020 Semi-Final 2 Qualifiers

Jaagup Tuisk – “Beautiful Lie”

This could have easily been a generic sad boy anthem, but interpretive dance and that rain effect made this one of the standouts in Semi-Final 2.

Inger – “Only Dream”

A colourful performance in every sense of the word. This was a charming ditty from Inger, with a fun if somewhat mismanaged kiss cam effect added in.

Uku Suviste – “What Love Is”

Staging elevated this. Some might say the motifs here – chandelier, candle strewn stage, neutral outfit – are textbook. But textbooks are written as guidance for good results for a reason.

Traffic – “Üks kord veel”

Sometimes traffic can be a pain, in this instance it was a total delight. The campside fire sing-along start was charming and the second half put real energy into the delivery. A delight.

SHIRA – “Out in Space”

A vision in white, Shira stepped out on stage with a mission to take us into the stratosphere. And homegirl took us there. Serious vocal firepower on offer here.

Uudo Sepp – “I’m Sorry, I Messed Up”

Uudo sounded fabulous and the performance looked great. The issue is that most of these visual cues have been seen before, which made it feel a little derivative at times.

Eesti Laul 2020 Semi-Final 2 Acts

Viinerid – “Kapa Kohi-LA”

For fans hungry for something different at Eesti Laul 2020 “Kapa Kohi-LA” delivered. Not enough for a spot at the final alas.

Janet – “Hingelind”

Janet brought a touch of kimono-she-better-do-cool to tonight’s semi-final. A softer moment amongst some of the noisier songs on show at Semi-Final 2.

Merilin Mälk – “Miljon sammu”

The calypso flecked Estonian bop we never knew we needed! Merilin was in fine voice tonight and gave the performance real gusto.

German & Violina – “Heart Winder”

Still no idea what a “Heart Winder” is. However, this busy performance glossed over that. Bright dresses, hypnotic stage design and fun camera engagement from the frontman.

Ziggy Wild – “Lean on Me”

This was a welcome slice of old school rock and roll with a fiery stage show. Leading lady Laura sounded strong and owned the stage.

Mariliis Jõgeva – “Unistustes”

If you’re a fan of the Frozen franchise you’ll be a fan of “Unistustes”. Mariliis is a compelling performer and she sang well. But this performance lacked impact.

The final of Eesti Laul 2020 will take place on February 29. Twelve will become one as Estonia picks its’ act for Eurovision.

What do you make of tonight’s results? 

Get more Estonia Eurovision news here

Photo Credit: ERR

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Khaled al-Assi
Khaled al-Assi
5 years ago

All the 4 songs coordinated by Karl-Ander Reismann( Stefan, Inger, Shira and Rasmus) are in final and strangely enough its Uku vs Stefan vs Victor Crone plus Stig Rästa again because of Traffic : D Tho this year they have to face Jaagup Tuisk whose choreo is done by Eghert Sören Nömm ( he was behind moves for Kerli – Spirit Animal and Getter Jaani’s Rockefeller Street ) . Gonna be interesting final. I bet either jury or televote can be a wildcard that can change all or soundsystem and televote. It aint over till its over.

Khaled al-Assi
Khaled al-Assi
5 years ago
Reply to  Khaled al-Assi

Lyricstranslate translated Heart winder into Estonian as Südamete Õngitseja – Basically fisher of hearts

5 years ago

Oh, ‘Beautiful Lie’ is captivating. Such a beautiful song and such a lovely staging/choreography. This is the one that should win Eesti Laul for sure and could get a really nice result for Estonia.

5 years ago

the only thing I remember from Uku’s performance is that he hangs right

5 years ago

I prefer ”Heart winder” over ”Only dream”, but if we don’t count that, the results were perfect. So glad Uudo Sepp went through.

Ria van de Velde
Ria van de Velde
5 years ago

Uku Suviste – “What Love Is” and Jaagup Tuisk – “Beautiful Lie” are my 2 favorite songs for Estonia. I would be very happy if one of them will win the ticket to Rotterdam

Polegend Godgarina
Polegend Godgarina
5 years ago

i’ll never understand the estonians’ fascination over inger…

5 years ago

I would love to have Ziggy Wild in the final. Most of the Eesti Laul’s entries this year are so well behaved and sweet, they brought a completely different energy to the stage. I believe Jaagup confirmed his status of favorite. He did great and the performance was very slick. I still wanted to feel it a little more while watching it though. Glad that Shira made it, but I want to know why they put a piano there during her performance if nobody would play it. She deserved better staging.

5 years ago

Anyone know where to get the full split results from?

5 years ago
Reply to  Kenan

Split results won’t be revealed until after the final. Only jury top 4 in random order is announced in semi-finals.

5 years ago

I’m just glad the televoters pushed Shira through.

5 years ago

Traffic were my nice surprise. Loved that performance. It was them with the crowd and a very warm atmosphere.
I still have a problem with Jaguup and it’s that I just don’t feel anything with that song and I can’t even remember the melody after hearing it tbh. He was good tho

5 years ago

Not a bad semi and I’m okay with the qualifiers… as I wasn’t really attached to any one song in this whole selection in truth. My top three of the qualifiers are : 1. Uudo – great vocals and just really enjoyed his performance. My winner overall as of now, he really sold this song to me. It’s not my type of song but I really enjoyed this more live than studio(just like Arcade is better live to me than studio) 2. Jaaup – very good vocals and a nice performance. Still not my style of song as I did… Read more »

5 years ago

They might aswell just cancel the final because it is pretty obvious Jaagup will win. The voters generally are drawn to the hyped, eurovisiony songs and that performance was Eurovision ready. I do have the same problems with the song as others (Billie and Duncan say hi!), but I doubt that most normie viewers actually care. ESC Semi-final 2 is seen as the weak one so I would not be surprised if this somehow actually won the semi. It has Jury bait written all over it and televoters can get on board with it.

Roy Moreno
Roy Moreno
5 years ago

The effect of water going up is just whay Demy wanted in 2017 but here it actually looks good xD

5 years ago

Not quite what I would’ve chosen but not far off.
Prediction-wise, I got five out of the six.

Just to clear up, I watched the show and thought Uudo was a jury qualifier and Uku was a 2nd round qualifier. Did I misunderstand? In this article (and on wikipedia), they had Uku qualifying 1st round and Uudo 2nd. Which one is it?

5 years ago
Reply to  Briekimchi

In the 1st round of qualifiers, jury has the power of 50% of the final result. Uudo was 1/4 of the jurys favourites. Afterwards, televotes were added to the votes of the jury. Tele has also 50% of the power. That’s how the first four got through, including Uku. In the 2nd round of qualifiers, only televote decides, which two songs they want to see in the final aka 100% televote. That’s how Uudo got through.

5 years ago
Reply to  Numero

Thanks! That was complicated for me to follow at 4am. 😉

5 years ago

Glad my fave, Uudo, made it 😉

5 years ago

I’m not a huge fan of “Beautiful Lie”, but Jaagup impressed me very much. He was vocally on point throughout the whole performance, the choreography was slick, there was a lot going on in terms of the visuals but they matched the song’s mood perfectly. Overall he really felt like a winner tonight and I wouldn’t mind him going to Rotterdam.

5 years ago

As an estonian, I have a feeling that Uku is going to win. He was not in the jury’s top 4, which means he got a lot of votes (same goes to Synne from the 1st semi). Uku seems like the biggest favorite among estonians. I personally want Jaagup to win. I voted for him today and will also vote in the final.

Other Estonian
Other Estonian
5 years ago
Reply to  Numero

OMG. No Uku please!

5 years ago
Reply to  Numero

Well I mean if he wasn’t in the top 4 for the juries then there is no way he will win. The discrepancy will be too big for it to win.
Also where did you get the split results from?

5 years ago
Reply to  Kenan

Well, last year the jury put Victor really low, but tele pushed it in the superfinal and won. The same could happen to Uku (sadly).

Epix Eurovision Guy
Epix Eurovision Guy
5 years ago
Reply to  Numero

I think Jaagup will win. He got the biggest cheers from the crowd and the whole audience was blown away and shaking (I know. I was there xd). The tele version is supercool as well and it will be even better in the final I’m sure.

5 years ago

Someone knows who were the 4 jury qualifiers?

5 years ago
Reply to  GIOLO

Inger, Jaagup, Uudo and Traffic

5 years ago
Reply to  Numero

Thank you

5 years ago

Armenia’s winner is Athena…the s?ng is average but she has many fans!
On the other hand, Ulrikke was fantastic (she will win)
( however Lisa was really cute)

5 years ago

The right qualifiers, maybe Ziggy Wild should have made it too but well done to the voters. Jaguups performance was very promising and looking forward to see how he improves it for the final

5 years ago

Pretty much Perfect Results