San Marino’s Senhit continues her #FREAKYTRIPTOROTTERDAM with the latest in her series of covers of Eurovision classics. This month, the “Freaky Queen” celebrates her birthday by interpreting Cliff Richard’s 1968 song “Congratulations”, but takes glam inspiration from David Bowie with a circus twist.

As always, Senhit hasn’t just covered the song. Along with artistic director Luca Tommassini, Senhit has created a music video that takes the song to even freakier heights.

In the “Congratulations” video, Senhit’s costume takes inspiration from Ziggy Stardust — David Bowie’s androgynous glam alien creation. The video also pays tribute to the acclaimed 1963 film 8 1/2 by the Italian auteur Federico Fellini.

Senhit wears a number of glam costumes, including a dapper blue suit and a red 1980s jumpsuit. She’s joined by a freaky circus troop, including a marching band.

The video takes place on a beach at night and there’s a lot going on. At one point, we are introduced to Snow Black and her seven dwarfs. The scene also features light sculptures of rock icons Jimi, John, Ziggy and Freddie by Marco Lodola. It’s a freaky party and everyone is invited!

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Senhit’s #freakytriptorotterdam continues with “Congratulations” ? Here’s what she has to say about her latest dreamwork with @lucatommassinidreamer: “In this video I became David Bowie as a contemporary pop star, leader of the circus which clearly inspired by Fellini's“ 8 1?2 ”, a film that I love. With Luca we thought it’s the time to pay homage to one of the greatest musicians, transformers and precursors of all times, I myself have always been inspired by him, the timeless song "Life On Mars" has always been a part of my repertoire. With Christian Rìgano and Luca Scarpa we enjoyed working on the arrangement of "Congratulations", a very important song for the ESC, also citing Gwen Stefani sounds. We mixed sounds and colors to recreate a great circus also on a musical level, which gives the idea of joy, freedom, party! We scream to the world that we are happy, proud of who we are, in whatever way they define us: artists, outcasts, dreamers, freaks. Ours is a dance of expiation and rebirth, a liberating cry that starts from a beach, among other things today, on my birthday, and reaches the whole world!" #eurovision #senhit @senhitofficial

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A freaky birthday celebration

The joyous atmosphere of the video also serves as a birthday celebration for Senhit, whose birthday is today, 1 October. Tommassini explains, “I imagined a circus with an invisible tent, a show that also celebrates Senhit’s birthday, extending everyday life to an apparently irrational dimension.”

Senhit described the ideas behind the video:

“We mixed sounds and colours to recreate a great circus also on a musical level, which gives the idea of joy, freedom, party! We scream to the world that we are happy, proud of who we are, in whatever way they define us: artists, outcasts, dreamers, freaks. Ours is a dance of expiation and rebirth, a liberating cry that starts from a beach, among other things today, on my birthday, and reaches the whole world!”

In Senhit’s #FREAKYTRIPTOROTTERDAM series, every month the Eritrean Italian diva releases a cover of a Eurovision classic. Previous covers have included “Cheesecake”“Everyway That I Can” and “Ding-a-Dong”. Senhit will represent San Marino at Eurovision 2021 with a new song.

The team at wiwibloggs wishes Senhit a very happy and freaky birthday!

Read more San Marino Eurovision news here

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4 years ago

omg this sooo good and artistic!!! wow! It looks expensive, how does she pull such expensive videos?

I just wish she has a better song for Eurovision, maybe this pandemic was a good opportunity for her to find the right song. I am sure staging will be excellent.

4 years ago

Haha. I was hoping for Silvia Night.