The Roop Pabandom is Naujo 2021

It’s D-day in Lithuania. And for many that “d” represents “Discoteque”. We asked our readers who should win the final of Pabandom iš naujo! 2021 and the overwhelming majority rowed behind The Roop. A whopping three-quarters of our readers are backing last year’s winners to strike gold once again.

The Roop should win Lithuania’s Pabandom iš naujo! 2021 with “Discoteque”

After counting a total of 2,554 votes, we can confirm that The Roop hoovered up a massive 1,911 votes. That’s an amazing 74.82% of all votes cast. And it’s not just in our poll where The Roop are out in front. “Discoteque” has become the fastest ever Lithuanian video to reach a million views on YouTube. It’s also breaking Spotify records. Meanwhile, Lithuania is leading the betting odds for Eurovision 2021 on the assumption that Vaidotas, Robertas and Mantas win Pabandom iš naujo! 2021.

Here’s how Robyn reviewed the song for the Wiwi Jury: “It’s a relief that this is a really strong grand final so if/when The Roop win, they will have (again!) earned their win. “Discoteque” is The Roop taking things to the next level. The song might sometimes feel like TikTok bait, but it’s clear that the song also alludes to the stress of being at home in lockdown when you’re desperate to just go out and dance. The song offers solution to this dilemma — one lyric says it all “By dancing on my own / I’m healing wounded soul”, with the suggestions that come May, Europe may join in with dancing alone. The fun choreography and energy make “Discoteque” a pleasure to experience”.

Coming a very distant second is Gebrasy with “Where’d You Wanna Go?”. The singer-songwriter attracted 406 votes or 15.9% of all votes cast. Having topped the vote with both the jury and the public in the two qualifying rounds, he’s seen as The Roop’s main competition. He might be a long way behind the “On Fire” trio in terms of streams and poll votes, but underdogs do have a reputation for upsetting the odds.

Here’s what our Renske wrote about Gebrasy in her Wiwi Jury review: “Funnily enough, only after the semi-final of Pabandom iš Naujo!, I discovered that Gebrasy is actually Audrius Petrauskas — who I remembered having great vocals. But back then, Gebrasy performed songs written by author writers that did not always suit him perfectly. “Where’d You Wanna Go?”, on the other hand, is his song from all perspectives. It was written by himself and showcases his musical talent and capability to tell a story. Even if this doesn’t win Pabandom iš Naujo!, Lithuania has a fine singer-songwriter in its back catalogue with Gebrasy”.

The other four acts don’t seem to be in contention at all. Between them, they could only muster about 10% of the votes in our poll.

Poll results: Who should win Lithuania’s Pabandom iš naujo! 2021?

  1. The Roop”Discoteque” 74.82% (1,911 votes)
  2. Gebrasy “Where’d You Wanna Go?” 15.9% (406 votes)
  3. Martyna Jezepčikaitė “Thank You Very Much” 3.01% (77 votes)
  4. Voldemars Petersons “Never Fall For You Again” 3.01% (77 votes)
  5. Titas & Benas”No” 1.88% (48 votes)
  6. Evita Cololo “Be paslapčių” 1.37% (35 votes)

Total Votes: 2,554

Do you agree with the results? Are The Roop your winners? Could Gebrasy surprise? Let us know below.

Follow all of our Lithuania Eurovision 2021 news.

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Ria van de Velde
Ria van de Velde
4 years ago

Congratulations to The Roop. I like their song and I am happy for them that they have a second chance to represent their country. But I like Gebrasy ‘s song more.

Jimmy Smit
Jimmy Smit
4 years ago

Come on The Roop! They absolutely deserve to win tonight!

4 years ago

even if the jury gives 12p to someone else and 10p to the Roop, they would still win since televoting counts in case of a tie.

I don’t think we will have a surprise tonight, The Roop have the hype and the audience loves them. However, I think they are overrated, On Fire was much better.

4 years ago
Reply to  Alex

No it doesn’t. The Lithuanian NF rules state that in a tiebreaker, it is the juries pick that wins. That’s why there’s lots of nervous Fans that even if the Roop win the televote , if they don’t win the jury in a tiebreak, they lose out.

4 years ago
Reply to  BadWoolfGirl

Agree, last year they won thanks to intrnational jury mixed with lithuanians

Pastora Soler
Pastora Soler
4 years ago

The jury MUST BE professional, not your cool friend. 12points for Gebrasy.

Pastora Soler
Pastora Soler
4 years ago

I’m #TeamGebrasy until the end but I think those results are gonna be the reality in some hours.
TOP3 – >The roop, Gebrasy and thank you very much.

4 years ago

Honestly, I don’t think any of the other acts would even want to win ahead of The Roop. For different reasons, they’d be in a Manel Navarro situation with regards the actual fans. Wouldn’t wish that fallout on any of the finalists, they all seem nice.

4 years ago
Reply to  Briekimchi

I wouldn’t want to wish that on anyone. But wouldn’t just be the artist in the crossfire. The jury and the broadcaster could get a lot of toxic heat. You Invite your 2020 winner back, give them an advantageous position, only to end up not winning their own national final Despite a record-breaking successful song? That’s not gonna play out very well in the press.

4 years ago

That’s exactly what has been on my mind, Both the vast popularity gap between the roop and gebrasy, although his own accomplishments shouldn’t be dismissed just because they’re smaller than the roop’s , and how much heat the jury and broadcaster could face if anyone other than the roop win tonight. It could get very ugly and toxic, and I don’t want gebrasy to get caught in the middle of it. Weirdly, I had an anxiety dream where I was crestfallen that not only the roop didn’t win the jury, they didn’t win the televote either, which is stupid because… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  BadWoolfGirl

Happy birthday!

4 years ago
Reply to  Ieva

Thank you. I hope Lithuania makes the right choice tonight

4 years ago

The Roop has an original, not before seen style, which isn’t to everyone’s liking. It was a shame we didn’t get to see it last year on the Eurovision stage. With that being said, I don’t think they will go this year on last year’s fame. Their song is miles ahead of the other contestants, that’s why they should win.

Pastora Soler
Pastora Soler
4 years ago
Reply to  Stella

I don’t agree. Barbara Pravi is much better than this. Thousands of times. Jury will vote for her.

Jimmy Smit
Jimmy Smit
4 years ago
Reply to  Pastora Soler

Barbara Pravi isn’t a contestant competing in Pabandom is naujo though, which is obviously what Stella means.

4 years ago
Reply to  Stella

Everyone can be original, the thing is that the Roop have a very weird and kitsch way to express originality which might put off juries. I am sure they will be in top 3 in televoting because of their weird performance (outfits, movements etc) and Lithuanian diaspora (12pts from UK, Georgia, Ireland, Latvia and Estonia are on lock).

4 years ago
Reply to  Alex

And Norway

4 years ago

This may be unpopular but I don’t really get the hype with Discoteque to be honest, I have tried but I simply don’t like it

4 years ago
Reply to  Nate

And I don’t get the hype with Gebrasy’s song. Guess what. That’s normal. Because if everyone had the same opinion this wouldn’t be a contest. All songs don’t need to cater to you alone, or anyone for that matter. It’s ok to dislike smt. Doesn’t mean people need to go along with what you want or the other way around. Whoever wins, we just deal with it. It ain’t our choice to begin with unless you’re from Lithuania.

Last edited 4 years ago by DDRaven
4 years ago
Reply to  DDRaven

And I’m just expressing my own opinion without saying that I like other songs, so I don’t think there is any need to use that attitude with me

Pastora Soler
Pastora Soler
4 years ago
Reply to  Nate

You are not alone Nate. And things will be in their place in May. TOOO MUCH HYPE.

4 years ago
Reply to  Nate

I agree, it’s not as good as On Fire. Overrated song and not a fan of the silly movements