Some have been cautiously hailing the 2020’s as the renaissance of the Big 5 at Eurovision. That’s Spain, Italy, France, United Kingdom and Germany, who automatically have a spot in the Eurovision grand final due to their financial contribution to the contest.

Italy soared to victory in 2021, securing the first Big 5 victory in over a decade. France followed closely behind in second.

Now in 2022, a number of the Big 5 are once again seen as favourites to fight for the trophy.

We previously asked you to vote for your favourite of these five countries’ Eurovision 2022 entries.

After counting 7,433 votes, we can now reveal the result …

Spain’s Chanel a favourite of the Big 5 at Eurovision 2022

There were three strong favourites in this poll. But taking the poll position is Chanel from Spain. As soon as she performed “SloMo” for the first time at Benidorm Fest, many were pointing to Chanel as one to watch this Eurovision season. Her booty-hypnotic dance moves have continued to wow many during the pre-party season and put her in a good position going into Eurovision rehearsals.

It was close, but Chanel squeezed ahead with 2,197 votes – that’s 29.56% of the total.

In second place we find the UK’s Sam Ryder. He’s heading to Turin via a detour to space and is hoping to finally bring the United Kingdom back to the upper realms of the leaderboard. Sam has garnered a lot of support for his entry “SPACE MAN” and that also shows in this poll, where he earned 1,937 votes (26.06% of all those cast).

The final position on the podium is for Mahmood & Blanco. Representing the host nation, some have been speculating they could bring Italy a second win in a row – a feat that hasn’t happened since Ireland did the triple in 1992-1994. Their song “Brividi” secured 1,788 votes in our poll (24.05%).

Slightly further behind, but still with over 1,000 votes, is France. The country has decided to ditch their main language and has instead chosen a song in Breton. Despite the language change, many are still loving the blend of Celtic folk and techno beats that Alvan & Ahez are bringing with “Fulenn”. They were awarded 1,221 votes (16.43%).

If there’s one Big 5 country y’all think is not having a renaissance in 2022, it’s Germany. Their representative Malik Harris trails very far behind the other four. His song “Rockstars” only picked up 290 votes (3.90%).

Poll results: Which Big 5 country has the best entry at Eurovision 2022?

  1. Spain: Chanel – “SloMo” – 2,197 votes, 29.56%
  2. United Kingdom: Sam Ryder – “SPACE MAN” – 1,937 votes, 26.06%
  3. Italy: Mahmood & BLANCO – “Brividi” – 1,788 votes, 24.05%
  4. France: Alvan & Ahez – “Fulenn” – 1,221 votes, 16.43%
  5. Germany: Malik Harris – “Rockstars” – 290 votes, 3.90%

Total votes: 7,433

Do you agree with the poll results? Could Chanel give Spain their first Eurovision victory in 53 years? Shout out your thoughts below!

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2 years ago

Funny how this poll was absolutely in line with the actual televoting.

2 years ago

The amount of people complaining about how much they dislike a song all the time is so stupid XD.

1. Those hate comments just generate more visits, more traction and more hype to the candidates.

2. If you invest all that energy and time in supporting instead the songs you like you won’t need to feel angry all the time.

My top:

  1. Spain
  2. UK
  3. Italy
  4. Germany
  5. France
2 years ago

How bad is the envy! You look very picky! Relax!

2 years ago
  1. Italy
  2. UK
  3. France
  4. Germany
  5. Spain
The truth
2 years ago
Reply to  Ralf0711

1. Italy/UK – like them both equally
3. France
4. Germany
5. Spain

Mr X
Mr X
2 years ago
Reply to  Ralf0711

My ranking order is quite similar

UK 11/12
Italy 10/12
France 9/12
Germany 6/12
Spain 3,5/12

2 years ago

Slomo romanticizes the Playboy world where women are objects as toys for men. The opposite of the message from Netta. How can you as a thinking person be both a fan of Slomo and TOY? Reflect on the lyrics in the two songs! In interviews, ask about the text and what it signals to young women. Having a hot teenage daughter, I hope I managed to give her self-esteem and values ??that her value is higher than that she should be someone’s toy and need to “make all the daddies go crazy” and that she would not “Take a video” that men can watch on in… Read more »

2 years ago

Slomo romanticizes the Playboy world where women are objects for men. The opposite of the message from Netta. How can you as a thinking person be both a fan of Slomo and TOY? Reflect on the lyrics in the two songs! In interviews, ask about the text and what it signals to young women. Having a hot teenage daughter, I hope I managed to give her self-esteem and values ??that her value is higher than that she should be someone’s toy and need to “make all the daddies go crazy” and that she would not “Take a video” that men can watch on in slomotion to… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Gunilla

That interpretation that you make about the song is totally false. Do not think with a sick mind and you will see. The song was written by a Canadian woman, she is very famous in Germany. Why don’t you complain about the Latvian song where she says that she likes to eat juicy pus*y? I don’t see you in that video complaining what a hypocrite you are. I also don’t see you in the video from Italy where she says she mixes drugs and tears. Is that the value you give to your daughter? How about the Greek song where,… Read more »

The truth
2 years ago
Reply to  Gunilla

Very good interpretation. Just what I have thought. Just like in the past half naked women were used to sell whatever product, now Chanel-type women have gone back to sexualised self-promotion to make up for any deficiency with their bodies.

Mr X
Mr X
2 years ago
Reply to  Gunilla

I don´t like neither SloMo nor Toy…

The truth
2 years ago

A cheap show with a good degree of eroticism trying to sell quite a mediocre and revisited song with sex reminiscent of how women were sexualised into selling cars in the past. This vote is indicative that either many Spaniards voted for their own country or else that many people have small minds which are existed by gyrations. The other big five songs, maybe with the exception of Germany, are miles ahead of this music hall/gentlemen’s club ditty.

2 years ago
Reply to  The truth

mediocre commentary from a macho mind that would surely like to see women wearing burkas. We live, we decide to be sexy, sing, dance and do whatever we want without a man or a woman telling me how to do my job. Maybe you never feel pretty me and many women do. You confuse feminism with machismo. Please go live in Saudi Arabia you will be happy there

The truth
2 years ago
Reply to  Zussan

Wow what a butthurt Spaniard. Don’t need to become so hysterical mate. As long as you enjoy the cheap show. I am sure it is very feminist to go to some gentlemen’s club and watch women sexualising themselves for the enjoyment of macho men.

The truth
2 years ago
Reply to  Zussan

Not a very logical comment. Macho men enjoy women to uncover themselves for their own gratification. Now feminists, who screamed at women being objectified, want women to sell themselves using their body. Wow! Macho men do not want to see women covered from head to toe, rather you would find them in gentlemen’s club watching women selling themselves. If Chanel does not have a successful musical career she could always try her future in a Playboy type joint. After all she is a liberated feminist.

2 years ago
Reply to  The truth

What a shame comments, denigrating a woman who is only doing what she likes and it is her job, singing and acting. I am sorry to tell you that you have a rotten mind and a black soul. I hope that no woman or man crosses your path and I hope that your children do not suffer with a father or mother like u. I do not answer toxic comments Chiao

The truth
2 years ago
Reply to  Zussan

Women who use sexism denigrate themselves mate. They do not need my help. It is not about what women (or men) wear, or dance or act. They can sing even without clothes for all I care. That would not even bother me. It is how you project yourself,
which cheapens one. You can judge me all you want. It does not bother me one bit. My children will be raised to achieve their dreams without gimmicks, or using their bodies. So they’ll be fine and honest.

2 years ago

Alright, so that means that HOPEFULLY the UK actually uas a chances of entering the Grand final’s top 5 as the best top 5 member! Unless the BBC wants to ruin yet another excellent song withva terrible staging… PROVE ME WRONG, UNITED KINGDOM, THIS TIME YOU’RE HEADING FOR GOLD! <3

Esc addict
Esc addict
2 years ago

Personally I like Malik’ song but “the wiwi readers” have decided since the beginning that Germany doesn’t deserved love this year which is a real shame seeing what is hyped as hell on this site.
Uk France Germany are my picks here. I always prefer the underdogs rather than the overhyped fandom predictable favorites.

2 years ago

4 amazing songs, 1 dud.

2 years ago

De los 5 grandes me quedo en ese orden… Coinciden con mi gusto
1 España
2 Reino Unido
3 Italia
4 Francia
5 Alemania

Los tres primero están dentro de mi top 5 en la final de Eurovisión junto con Suecia…. Me encantaría que ganase España, aún así cualquiera de los 3 primeros de los grandes me encanta

2 years ago

Girl, the necessity to drag the Spanish act cause you don’t like it, in every post.

2 years ago
Reply to  Mi7kel

You dont know her acrobatic skills because she does not perform any acrobatics. If you can tell the difference between acrobatics and dancing is your problem and ignorance.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jonkonfui

man… chill