They were amongst the favourites of this year’s Uuden Musiikin Kilpailu in Finland, but now they are out! The band One Morning Left and their entry “Puppy” has been excluded from participating in the Finnish national final due to a breach of contract.
National broadcaster YLE sent out this press release:
“Unfortunately, One Morning Left will not be seen at this year’s Eurovision Song Contest because the competition rules have not been fully complied with,” commented Anssi Autio, executive producer of UMK . “The decision was also based on the EBU Eurovision Song Contest rules, which state that such a violation of the rules is a clear obstacle to the five-member band to continue. Yle and One Morning Left have discussed the matter and agree on the reasons for the decision.
Finland’s biggest music show, Yle’s Uuden Musiikin Kilpailu, will culminate on February 8th at Tampere’s Nokia Arena, where six artists will take the stage this year. According to the rules of the competition, there is no need to add a new representative to replace the one who leaves.”
The band posted on Instagram saying, that they would withdraw from UMK and dismantle the band following serious accusations against lead singer Mika Lahti:
“We have been informed that serious accusations have been made anonymously on social media against a member of our band. According to the accusations, Mika Lahti allegedly communicated with a minor in the IRC-Galleria between 2007 and 2010, either knowingly or unknowingly.
The accusations have come as a complete surprise to the band members, UMK, Yle and all parties and companies that have worked with the band. The accusations do not target the other current members of the band, but the accusations clearly concern Mika Lahti.
The other members of the band; Leevi, Juuso, Miska and Dennis have left the band immediately and have expressed their great shock at the accusations. The other members of the band and other partners completely disavow the allegations. The accusations made do not correspond in any way to the values of the other members of the band or the partners of the band.
In light of this information, One Morning Left will not continue in the New Music Competition, but will withdraw from it on this date. At the same time, all activities of the band will be terminated and the underlying One Morning Left company will be dissolved immediately.
Mika Lahti denies the accusations. He is also ready to file a criminal complaint against the unfounded allegations.
We apologize for the inconvenience caused to UMK, other artists, Yle, the audience, the band’s fans and partners. The other members of the band would never have joined the band if they had known about the possible inappropriate behavior.
We ask that the media or the public do not contact the band’s members or partners about this matter. We also ask for peace of mind for the Uuden Musiikin Kilpailu working group.
We will not comment further on this matter.”
Updated with the statement from the band
And there was a song called “Puppy”.
This season is chaotic AF. Can’t every artist from every country behave, please?
I was correct last year to decide not to be as involved in the whole pre-season this year, cuz what the actual f is goin on?!
The 2025 season is surprisingly close to somehow being an even bigger mess than the 2024 season. Oh dear.
Off topic, but quick poll…
Do you still listen to Michael Jackson?
Upvote for YES
Upvote for NO
Will we still get the video where the acts listen to all the other songs for the first time?
it’s already out
Oh, thanks
They deleted it as well as the Puppy video
The UMK team is editing it currently, it’ll be uploaded without OML or reactions to their song from others.
The important question here is: Who’s gonna keep the puppy?
He’s gone to live on a farm
Nice to hear that!
First artists withdrawing or getting disqualified, then Moldova withdrawing, and now this?
I’m gonna say it: 2025 is a terrible year to be a Eurovision fan.
On a similar note, Israel just chose their artist who was a Nova survivor. They’re totally going to make their entry political.
They should have a lifetime ban
They should not get a lifetime ban. You’re bonkers. Eurovision is about music. Not politics. Before you throw the Russia card, I never supported Russia’s exit of Eurovision.
I forgot that was happening the night. I hadn’t paid attention.
We still won’t hear the actual song until March
Why does wiwibloggs not cover Israeli Eurovision news?
There is whole article on it now. Patience.
The article just went up.
I would like to say: this isn’t some secret “Erika Vikman for the win mission” going on: a groomer/p**ophile has gotten caught on his behaviour – that is what is going on. It’s a bit more than just messaging.
I don’t think Erika has it in the bag as much as the fandom thinks, though
this is honestly for the best, both for the public and for finland’s national final
puppy obivously was a contender for the ticket to basel, purely based on the televote power of it, we would just have seen a repeat of last year where windows95man won purely because of the televote
i have nothing against windows95man as an artist or their entry, but finland deserves a fresh breathe of air musically
rasmus, signing off
I wanted Erika to win, but I’m just saddened at this news because they would have definitely gotten 2nd if they didn’t win. Now we’ve seen many artists get excluded from their national finals this cycle. Erika will win so easily now.
Erika’s live vocals is not that good, so I would not say “easily”
Sorry but this is messed up. Why everyone overreacts based on the accusations?! That’s not the court ruling if I understand correctly! It’s just accusation! I can accuse all other bands members of raping me as a kid. Will they be excluded? Are these only accusations or there is more evidence than the article doesn’t mention? Anyway YLE and other band members should just continue until they have the court ruling, unless the vibe in the band went totally toxic for cooperation
finally someone with sense
There’s a lot of people who have been more forward with their stories on how Mika Lahti has approached teenagers after their shows for example, and apparently these stories have been told in “Metaltoo” that happened after “Punkstoo” (an anonymous Instagram account which where dedicated on bringing sexual harassment stories to the public exposing groomers, violence and more within the music industry)
I am normally innocent until proven guilty camp but band being disbanded and the statement saying it might be knowingly kinda confirms in my eyes.
Crazy to condemn someone based on anonymous allegations on social networks…
I wonder if the rest of the band actually asked the accused if it is true. What was his answer? Maybe he admitted it.
It also annoys me so much that it’s because of accusations on the internet
Anonymous accusations on social media?
That’s not how society should function. The accuser needs to go to the police ASAP. Only THEN should repurcussions follow.
What a world…
“What a world” bros acting like he knows the full story and has seen all the evidence. I hope common sense becomes present in your life asap.
I’m going by the bands own statement.
i knew something was off with the “singer”, he gave me the creeps the moment i saw him…
No. That’s a silly way to judge. Creeps cone in all shapes and sizes, the most pleasant and handsome man could be a monster, and a greasy unwashed scruff could have a heart of gold.
Creeps COME in all shapes and sizes
Oh dear.
Looks like the puppy was officially abandoned.
I’m ready for Neea, Nelli or Erika to take that crown.
2025 ESC season is here like ” oh bitch, yiu thought 2024 was bad?
Soundcheck! Soundcheck!!! It *doesn’t* sound good.
The right decision was made obviously but I’m already tired of all thsese drama and we’re not even yet in the heart of the season… promising…
Who’s next?
Hoping for Goldilocks or Viivi now then. A great contemporary popsong or a really beautiful and emotional ballad!
Erika is definitely going to oversexualise her performance so she will flop in the semifinal most likely…. eurovision viewers do not vote for acts like Ronela, Olly or Nebulossa where staging is heavily imitating sexual conduct.
And before people start pointing out the success of Poland 2014 again…that was only a short moment of butter churning – not an entire performance entirely sexualised.
I would love if Goldilocks wins. The song is such a banger and really different from what we would except from Finland.
Goldilocks wont be able to bring than song live. Its full of autotune.
Like Erika suddenly learned to sing you mean? LoL.
As if Erika is such a vocal powerhouse lmao
If the rumours are true this is the best decision that could come out of this, better safe than sorry.
Yeah, not a very good look would it? Probably for the best at this point.
The song was trash anyway. So happy for Erika now!
So great song. It would be a huge hit in Europe. Other songs are mess. Finland made very bad decision.
Oh, dear. Not great news. Alas poor Puppy, we barely knew ye.
If the allegations are true, I won’t be listening to it again.
it was apparently against one member, and the other 4 left because they were so angry from it.
I never liked puppy from the very beginning, so it was never in my national finals playlist. I don’t miss the song.
Why not? Why punish 4 other people’s work and effort for the sins of one man? The fact that they have acted so responsible in this matter proves that there is some respect to be given to those other members… and listening to their work would be that.
Why not? I just wouldn’t enjoy it anymore, that’s all. I’m not trying to punish any innocent band members, and I don’t blame or judge them. The fact remains that there is now a big stain on their product.
I find that stupid. So because one team member behaved badly the hard work and artistry of other members should just be ignored?
Ignored by me, yes. You do what you like, Denis.
Continuing without him would also be a bit challenging as the accussed member is one of their lead singers.
it could have been worse it could have been the BBCs act linked with it
So many disqualifications this year sadly.
I think that the televote will give 80% of the votes for Erika Vikman then and she will win easily. Like her song but rooting for Neea and Viivi.
I have my doubts, she’s not a vocal powerhouse and Finns don’t like her as much as the fandom does, so she could win but not in a landslide like the fandom assumes
Yall, even if UMK hadn’t shut them out, there would still be no OML anymore as the other members quit the band on the spot. So no need to blame UMK for this one.
Yeah, the other members disbanding makes me thing something actually happened. It’s still off-putting that they didn’t announce a backup entry tho imo
The UMK has stated that it’s because there’s only 2 weeks until the finals, and they don’t have backups prepared for cases like this. It wouldn’t be possible to get an artist, release their entry and get a good performance for them on top of any type of marketing etc in such a short amount of time. Just wouldn’t be fair for anyone.
Oh no, this makes me so sad. First of all – i love this song, and it was my favourite. Second, so upsetting and sad if the rumours are true – which they probably are since it is the band members themselves that decided this. And third: why don’t they have a back up entry ? Just like Norway…still some time for the contest, I am sure they could find a replacement entry.
It’s too late for a back-up. The songs have been revealed, staging prepared, videos released. The ship has sailed. Man overboard.
They officially posted that they aren’t looking for a replacement entry. Having a backup is really expensive lol. Like the budget of each song at umk is wild.
I think the people from UMK realized that One Morning Left would win over Erika. This is sad news. They were definitely the best choice for Finland
No no no, not everything is a sinister conspiracy. The band themselves acknowledge it as a fair decision. They KNOW what they did.
Or at least what one of them did
no, these are accusations and not something that has been confirmed
Nothing to do with that! One of band members was discovered unappropriate contact(harrasment?) with underage years ago and this resultet disqualification.Don’t know the details.
again only accusations
This ain’t no conspiracy. Erika doesn’t have this in the bag as the fandom thinks lol
What the four other (ex-)members of the band said on Instagram is terrific: the main singer is accused of disconduct with minors. The band (and their label) are discontinued from this day.
We needed a drama iceberg per year before: we need an iceberg per week nowadays.
Oh. How fcking awful. Puts UMK in perspective.
omg what’s going on today! now justyna in poland :O
What happened with Justyna?! 😮
Has Justyna pulled out?
same than Knut, I see nothing about Justyna, do you have some info?
What the hell are you on about? If you’re implying that she withdrew, I don’t see any evidence of it. Don’t put out a statement like that and just leave it hanging.
bros trolling
are songs about dogs not allowed
i’d love to joke about kitty lobby (i’m full into it), but the real reason is hugely darker than this.
Hated that song with a passion. Not a loss.
DQvision 2025.
The “no rules” mantra in Finland only lasted until 2024 was over…
At least it was the (now former) band members themselves that took action in their own hands first, rather than letting the reasons behind their disbanding simmer until UMK was over or YLE found out themselves. If what’s rumoured to have happened is true, very good reaction time from the rest of the band members (I think their lead singer has been anonymously accused for relations with a minor more than a decade ago in FB). If the accusations are false however, it’s a damn shame to be honest. In the end, I just hope we get the clear answer.
What was better, retrospectively? Pretending to have “no rules” or to feel like a “paskana”?
Without them, I see no world in which Erika is not winning UMK.
Well, it clears a pathway for her. She actually isn’t my number one favorite for UK, (it’s nightmares for the record) but I would rather have her go to Eurovision than these guys. I really did not like puppy.
I already feel like a broken record, but I don’t think Erika is a surefire winner yet as most of the fandom thinks
Today is so crazy.
Without the party. What a day.
Honestly, Finland dodged a bullet here. ICH KOMME for the win.
Thank God!!!
Sad for them
On the other hand i wanted something “else” from Finland this year so im like no stunned…
LOL what is happening to Eurovision this year XD
It appears to start where last year’s Eurovision left off… although in this case the One Morning Left guy actually seems to have done something to merit disqualification, unlike Joost Klein.