Yesterday the Wiwi Jury — our in-house panel of music unprofessionals — travelled to Moldova where we paid a visit to Stefan cel Mare Park in Chisinau. We found a shady area where we could discuss Lidia Isac‘s song “Falling Stars”. Did we fall in love? Or did it make us fall apart? Read on to find out!

Lidia Isac – “Falling Stars”

“Falling Stars” reviews

Chris: “Falling Stars” feels very underrated to me – it’s got a good beat, Lidia’s English diction is good and the chorus is remarkably memorable. My fear is with Lidia; whilst she’s shown that she can perform well on occasion, I’d worry that she wouldn’t be able to do that consistently in Stockholm. If she can keep it together for all three minutes – particularly where the song starts to lull slightly by the end – I’d almost be happy with this qualifying.

Score: 5.5/10

Angus: This is a falling star that rapidly turns supernova. Lidia has a beautiful voice but an ugly song. “Falling Stars” is way behind the musical curve and the performance is something straight out of Eurovision 2006. Back then, Lidia would have cruised to the top 10. Today? She’ll be lucky to make it into the top 15 in her semi-final.

Score: 3.5/10

Anthony: I loved both entries equally from Doinita Gherman and Lidia Isac at this year’s national final. So I was glad Moldova chose one of my two front-runner favourites in the end. Having seen her official video for “Falling Stars”, I can understand Lidia’s decision to lower those higher notes slightly. As she demonstrated on Romania’s national final, when she’s on form, she can deliver it confidently when it comes to live performances.

Score: 8.5/10

Bogdan: Lidia’s song has grown on me a lot since the live audition. The pitch of the song was lowered so the delivery is not strained and shouty anymore, and so “Falling Stars” becomes hella catchy. I found myself humming the chorus for days after the national final, which is a good sign. Of course, the song remains generic pop, but at least not all hope is lost that Moldova can qualify from a very difficult semi-final.

Score: 7/10

Robyn: Lidia’s presentation of “Falling Stars” has improved with every public performance she’s given. So it’s reasonable to expect that with Team Moldova’s history of strong staging, Lidia will bring a decent performance to Stockholm. But yet it still doesn’t quite feel good enough. She still does the that weird yelp on “didn’t mean to leeeout you go”, like she doesn’t have the technical ability to sing it. The song needs a power diva to lift it beyond being a generic dance track, but Moldova isn’t delivering.

Score: 4.5/10

Deban: The much needed revamp is a good effort, particularly the chorus which has been remastered to maximum effect. “Falling Stars” is a dance number which will keep you stomping the floor, and shaking your tail feather. I have journeyed with this entry, and I’m pleased with its progress.

Score: 6/10

Edd: Being the only EDM number in the whole contest, the sounds of synths are a breath of fresh air. That said, the song is really quite dated and lacks personality, so she should take her outer-space theme and run with it. Instead of the 2005 rock-chick sound, the song needs modern, synth-infused verses (a la “Paradisio”). And the chorus needs far more layers for full power. But with the right pyro and an expensive stage show (astronaut backing dancers, please), I can really see this coming to life.

Score: 7/10

Kristin: Oh Moldova. You’ve done it again. Honestly, when Belarusians withdraw because of corruption, there has to be something wrong with the whole set-up! With that said, Falling Stars is by no means a bad song. It just portrays a singer that has zero feelings for it and a dull stage presence. Lidia needs to loosen up, and let herself go. At the moment she looks like she’s doing her laundry and regretting her choices in life.

Score: 5.5/10

Luis: “Falling Stars” is probably the most generic song this year. This is late 2000s electro pop, without a single identity mark that can make it stand out. As for Lidia, she needs to work her facial expressions (and a bit of her vocals). She is suffering from the same fate Boggie suffered last year: she keeps the same facial expression during the whole performance, and this, plus the song itself, that doesn’t manage to transmit any feeling. It’s making her chances of qualifying fall faster than her stars.

Score: 3/10

Mario: “Falling Stars” is a slight step forward from previous attempts and the only sensical effort from O melodie pentru Europa, yet the singer’s shaky vocals in some parts turn everything into dust. Since it’s in semi-final one, with no Romania in it for some buddy help, I’m afraid the Moldovans can only wish for better luck next year.

 Score: 3.5/10

Padraig: On paper, “Falling Stars” is a decent entry. But in reality it falls short on so many levels. The production is lacklustre and uninspired, while a dated air hangs over the whole arrangement. However, the biggest crime is the mismatch of song and artist. Lidia is a fine singer, but her vocals simply don’t suit the song. Even with the pitch lowered, her voice still sounds strained. It’s looking like Moldova will be sitting out the final once again.

Score: 4/10

William: Slightly dated and totally disposable, this is the kind of music I love. Lidia has upped her vocal game in recent months and gives this Euroclub banger a degree of class. I love how her voice warbles like a mad woman on “let you down”. Sadly, the song loses its momentum about halfway through and rather than shaking my thing, I’m shaking my head in disappointment. Even so, this could get Moldova back to the final.

Score: 5.5/10

In the Wiwi Jury we have 40 jurors but only have room for 12 reviews. The remaining 28 scores are below.

Antranig: 6/10

Bernardo: 6/10

Cristian: 4/10

David: 7/10

Dayana: 6/10

Denise: 6/10

Diego: 7/10

Forrest: 3.5/10

George: 7/10

Gökhan: 5/10

Jason: 4/10

Josh: 3.5/10

Judit: 4/10

Liam: 9/10

Marek: 2/10

Maria: 4/10

Max: 7/10

Mike: 4/10

Mikhail: 3.5/10

Patrick: 4/10

Renske: 6/10

Rezo: 1/10

Sami: 7/10

Sinan: 5.5/10

Steinunn: 2.5/10

Tobias: 3/10

William C: 5.5/10

Zakaria: 4/10
















The highest and lowest scores are dropped prior to calculating the average score. This is to remove outliers and reduce potential bias. We have removed a low of 1 and a high of 9.



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8 years ago

This is song is great. It is really worth for top 10. Hopefully, Lidia will work hard on the show performance and her voice.

8 years ago

This is seriously the most underrated entry this year! It’s really catchy and judging from Lidia’s live performance in the romanian national selection, she really can sing! I just can’t stop listening to it!


8 years ago


8 years ago

Neither the song nor the singer. Bottom entry. 4/10

8 years ago


me too, i feel sorry for her too 🙂

8 years ago

I kinda feel sorry for Lidia here, because that preview video makes her look like a completely smashed 40-year old Malibu housewife who just had plastic surgery, and she actually is a very lovely young woman. That said, this song is what I’d like to call a checklist song- it checks off all the necessary qualities the song needs to have, but it really doesn’t bring anything to the table other than that. Pretty bland overall, and she’ll likely be watching the final from… wherever people who don’t qualify go to watch the final.

RANK: 37th

8 years ago

probably suffer the same fate as Estonia in 2014- the end of the dance era has come :'(

8 years ago

This was Ibiza’s sound, back in 2005.

She can’t hit the high notes.

8 years ago

Probably the worst song in this year’s contest. How countries are still sending songs like this in 2016 is beyond me. Surely it would be better simply to not enter the contest? The singer is not able to perform well and it seems almost cruel to put her up there to sing to people with ears.

8 years ago

Really like this. Lidia is amazing live! Easily an 8/10.

8 years ago

This is nice to listen to… when it’s the studio version. I cannot withstand the atrocities that are the live performances of the national selection. I’m going to create an acronym to describe the many “nice” songs in this contest, including this one. NNM: Nice & Nothing More.

8 years ago

I can’t even…. NEXT

8 years ago


Horrible AND mediocre?? How does that work? The two have mutually exclusive meaning.

8 years ago

I just can’t erase the feeling that if this was sent from the likes of Sweden, Norway or Denmark, would have been propelled into the top10 easily. From both you Wiwi and the fans.

How hypocritical.

8 years ago

I LOVE this song <3333333 My 3rd of the whole contest! 😀 <3

8 years ago

This song has a small chance of qualifying… since it’s Moldova, don’t be surprised if it does. Moldova has dropped the ball the last two years, but this year they should be back at nearly full strength.

8 years ago

Okay song. Not risking anything. It doesn’t have a powerful meaning.

The singer, let’s say, has the same charisma as a stone. Sorry, that was harsh.

If this qualifies to the final, definitely shows this is a weak year in terms of overall quality.

8 years ago

The song is nothing original and as stated above, lacks originality and depth, it just seems like a song that was made in a hurry. I think Moldova will be a non-qualification for the third year in a row. Maybe they should bring back Aliona Moon or Pasha Parfeny in order to take them back to the final. Sorry Moldova, not this year. 3/10

8 years ago

Horrible and mediocre, one of the reasons I consider this year’s line up to be one of the worst.

8 years ago

Haters gonna hate. Meanwhile they will give Sergey’s outdated piece of crap 9s and 10s. If this was Swedish, Norwegian or Russian entries everyone would love it…

8 years ago

@Patrick: Never underestimate the typical eurofan taste, or lack thereof! This is easily one of the worst entries this year, and Moldova seems to have really lost the plot, judging by their most recent efforts…

8 years ago

Can’t wait for your review of Lazarev’s song!!

Ben Rafter
Ben Rafter
8 years ago

A good song and an average voice. I’m worried that this could be a borderline non-qualifier like last year.

8 years ago


I get you about the ‘dated’ issue. I have noticed that majority of this year’s songs have been called ‘dated’ in comments. Either dated has became a meaningless expression or… yeah, that’s it. Anyway, good songs cannot be dated, only old-fashioned or retro. Weather this is a good song… that’s debatable. It’s okay if you ask me. It’s a typical ESC entry, but so are Denmark, Ireland, Lithuania, Azerbaijan, even Russia to name a few. Nothing wrong with that if you know how to make a performance out of it.

8 years ago

I LOVE this song, also, I’m getting so bored of reading dated everywhere, why does it have to matter if the song itself is good?

8 years ago

How this can get an average of 5/10 is beyond me. It’s the trashiest of trashy europop and music like this deserves to be thrown into the rubbish bin. The production quality is terrible, voice is mediocre at best and the song is completely uninspired.

William has given ESTONIA and NETHERLANDS lower scores than this. Not sure how you could ever justify that.

At least San Marino has the benefit of being so bad its good. This is just BAD!


8 years ago

Ok, before the live performances in the Moldovan selection, this was the huge favourite. And now everyone seems to hate it… I still like it and I usually despise this sort of music.

irish esc
irish esc
8 years ago

nice song but it is boring and won’t qualify

william b – slaped for giving this 5.5 and serbia only 5 wtf??????? like.

8 years ago

Lidia, just give up already

our Douwe is gonna win this year 110% sure of it

8 years ago

“Falling stars” was written by the same songwriter as “Icebreaker” and I think both songs are boring and dated. However, Icebreaker got a lot of praise. My guess would be, Norway would receive the same praise with “Falling stars”, while Moldova would be dismissed with “Icebreaker”

8 years ago


well Slow Down a 2.5, Douwe Bob is a world-class superstar, definitely gonna qualify 🙂

Lucci Ricevo
Lucci Ricevo
8 years ago

My ratings:
Falling Stars: 9,5/10
Goodbye: 8,5/10
Say Yay: 7,5/10
What’s The Pressure: 7,5/10
Icebreaker: 7/10
Ghost: 5/10
Play: 4/10
Pioneer: 3/10
Slow Down: 2,5/10

Digital Style
Digital Style
8 years ago

And yes, I know I made a grammar mistake with the apostrophe.

Digital Style
Digital Style
8 years ago

This song is terrible. It’s the typical Europop we see in ESC. She cannot sing live at all. Her studio vocals are a lot better but not great. It is much, much better than last year’s, I’ll give her that, but it’s a horribly average song that does not possess any special qualities that almost every other entry has.

8 years ago

This song is not that bad.

8 years ago

It is quite catchy. Certainly a typical Eurovision song and nothing extraordinary, but enjoyable nonetheless.


8 years ago

definitely not gonna qualify, it’s just not good enough


very dated and boring 🙁

Bhrister Cjorkman
Bhrister Cjorkman
8 years ago

It is an okay song but I am pretty sure I have heard almost identical songs many times before. Besides, she can’t sing. Horribly off note and screaming.


8 years ago

How could anyone give this more than 4/10? Did you guys hear live version? OMG, my ears were bleeding when I heard it.

8 years ago

So far, this is my least favourite ESC song that you reviewed. The song really sounds dated to me and not in a good way. It is just very generic and I also don’t find it very catchy or memorable. I also think it won’t have a chance to make it to the finals. The jury won’t appreciate it and televoters won’t save it.

My votes:

Play / Say Yay: 9/10
Ghost / Pioneer / Slow Down: 8/10
What’s the pressure?: 7,5/10
Goodbye: 7/10
Icebreaker: 6,5/10
Falling Star: 4/10

Hanner McSinny/Calvin
Hanner McSinny/Calvin
8 years ago

Rather naff but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t enjoy the heck out of it. 8/10

8 years ago

Better than this score but without Romania unfortunately her qualification is hopeless imo.

8 years ago

I still don’t understand why people describe some ESC songs as “outdated”. The contest is not exactly the right place for new tendencies in pop music. If it were like that songs like Divine by Sebastian Teiller or Siren by Malcolm Lincoln should have placed higher in the final score. I don’t mind if the song sounds like 1967, 1990 or 2005, and most of the voters neither, as long it has a good pop vibe, people can sing along and has that extra ingredient that makes a Eurovision song timeless (as chessy as it can sound) Personally, I like… Read more »

8 years ago

This is too underrated. It’s nice song with a beautiful-voiced singer. I hope she can give us a good performence.

8 years ago

It’s the 3 minutes I will use to make drinks for my friends while we watch the first semi final.

Thank you MOLDOVA !!!!!!!!!

8 years ago

So underrated. Estonia, on the other hand, overrated as usual.