They are the tiny microstate landlocked between Spain and France and the only country to have never made it to the Eurovision final. However, Andorra may soon be making amends with Europe: the country’s government is reportedly in favour of giving Eurovision another shot.

After participating six times at Eurovision, Andorra withdrew in 2010 on the verge of the global economic crisis. Now, according to Catalan-speaking site El Nacional, the country’s government, led by the liberal party Demòcrates, is willing to allow the broadcaster the funds to take part at Eurovision.

Speaking to El Nacional, sources within the party said, “RTVA will be back at Eurovision, but we’ll have to evaluate the costs first”.

The Andorran government has members from two other parties, Liberals and Ciutadans Compromesos. Both appreciate the appeal of Eurovision and consider it a way of positioning Andorra’s music scene in Europe.

However, while Ciutadans Compromesos says coming back would be “positive despite the important cost it would have”, Liberals appear to be less convinced: they do believe Eurovision “is a show with a great media spectacle”, but they’re not sure whether coming back is “something that Andorrans are worried about”.

It’s worth noting that Andorra will most certainly not be making a come back at Eurovision 2020. It’s true that we’ve seen countries confirming after the line-up announcement (Australia in 2015 and North Macedonia in 2018, for example), but from what’s been published, it looks rather like Andorra will come back (if they eventually do) in the next few years.

Andorran Eurovision entrants back the idea

Just like Beyonce, Andorra may be back by popular demand. In fact, past Andorran Eurovision entrants are quite enthusiastic about the idea. Nick Gain, the leader of rock band Anonymous, said to El Nacional that they would have probably qualified with the current Eurovision semi-finals system.

In fact, Andorra came 12th in 2007 in the single semi-final of 28 participants, which leads some to think that with 20 countries qualifying instead of 10, they would have had more of a chance to make it.

Another singer who has been heavily backing the idea is Susanne Georgi. Andorra’s last Eurovision representative sang “La teva decisió” in Moscow, and our girl has definitely been trying to influence on RTVA’s decision to come back. “I’ve been speaking about it for a couple of years now with several politicians and the broadcaster, and it’s looking good”, she said.

Will we see Andorra at Eurovision soon? Will they break their curse and make the final? Who would you like to see representing them? Which is your favourite Andorran entry? Tell us in the comment section below!

Read more Andorra Eurovision news here

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5 years ago

I heard Aly Ryan is 0.0000001% Andorran 😀

5 years ago

Dear Santa Claus,
I have been a good boy this year. Could we have the following countries in Eurovision, in the 2020’s? It’s not necessary all at a go…
• Kazakhstan
• Slovakia
• Andorra
• Luxembourg
• Liechtenstein
• Morocco
• Lebanon
… and in a small gift, Monaco.
Isn’t it asking too much?
Thank you, Santa!

5 years ago
Reply to  Kirby

44 is maximum according to Jon Ola ….

5 years ago
Reply to  Tom

And what about Bosnia ? I miss them so much !!!

5 years ago
Reply to  Tom

I’m not sure why there is a limit. I’m sure they could accommodate more countries in the contest, by including a third semi-final. There are 56 countries with an active EBU membership, plus many with associate membership. If 50 countries wanted to participate, hypothetically speaking, there could be three semi-finals of 15 countries each, and the top 7 could qualify from each semi-final, giving a 26-country grand final. I doubt we’ll ever get that high a number, but one can dream.

5 years ago
Reply to  Africavision

There’s not an unlimited budget – two semi-finals are already expensive enough for shows that get a much smaller audience than the final. The broadcasters already whine about two semi-finals, I don’t think they’d be happy with three – also, with half the countries making the effort and paying the fees only to regularly never get to the final, resentment would build – overall, I think 50+ countries is way too many and is not feasible.

5 years ago
Reply to  Jonas

Oh okay, yeah that makes sense 🙂

Mr Vanilla Bean
Mr Vanilla Bean
5 years ago

Andorra is actually one of my favorites countries, my number 1 pick of potential returnees (well, maybe together with BiH and Slovakia), so yes all the way. I feel like this country belongs to Eurovision and so does Catalan. And yes, there is no doubt that they would have qualified in 2007 under the current system. Coming 12th in that endless field of participants and diaspora voting was downright heroic for Andorra.

5 years ago

Yes please, love that idea!

5 years ago

Why not 2020? I know its wishful thinking but from the reports the only thing left to do is discuss the finances of it and then they are good to go. That is like one meeting? I know its unlikely but is it a possibility? Macedonia were added after in 2018 and in 2015 australia werent confirmed till march. Plus we know that jon ola sand was trying hard to get Andorra back in 2015. So maybe

5 years ago

2007 they were ahead of the time. ‘We ust act now!’ I think Greta Thunberg would love them!

5 years ago

I hope they do make a comeback. I loved andorra’s entries.

5 years ago

they are not Cathalania who does that in Spain. They are Andorra:)

5 years ago

Looks like someone wants to challenge San Marino there 😀

5 years ago

…what??? Its Andorra?

5 years ago

Nina M, who sings “Je te laisse là” could represent the nation!

5 years ago

I just listened Anonymous – Salvem el Mon two days ago and thought, that it woule be great, if Andorra finally returns.

I really hope, that they‘ll actually do it bjt we‘ll see..

5 years ago

Actions speak louder than words. I’d love to see them back but until it happens I will continue to believe otherwise. That’s not to say it won’t happen though, nobody could predict a Czech return back in 2015!

Airell RM
Airell RM
5 years ago

Please return! 🙂
I think part of it is due to San Marino’s 2nd qualification and an actual decent placing for a microstate in modern ESC 😀

5 years ago

Yes! Now that would be a great addition. BTW, Andorra was robbed in 2007!

Polegend Godgarina
Polegend Godgarina
5 years ago

i actually really like all of their entries, can’t wait

5 years ago

Fantastic news! If Spain wins JESC on Sunday, and hosts JESC2020, maybe Andorra will debut at JESC next year! How awesome would that be? 🙂

King Serhat is winning
King Serhat is winning
5 years ago

Serhat happened. San Marino is fighting a big fight and winning for small countries.
comment image

5 years ago

Y’all gotta pay proper homage to Serhat. What he did this year may very well have a huge ripple effect for the little guys that don’t usually do well. (OK, it probably isn’t gonna do diddly for Monaco, but still).

5 years ago
Reply to  Joe

Nah, I feel differently. Serhat’s two entries were awful. He bought his way into the contest as a vanity project, using San Marino as a gateway. Much like Aly Ryan, except even worse – at least she’s trying to get there with music, not with $$$. Serhat was there representing Serhat, not San Marino. His result this year was mediocre, not much to be celebrated – if you’re looking for a role model to the little guys, look to Salvador.

Loin dici
5 years ago

Tamara can also be considered: six non qualifications and then winning the jury vote is a big fckin leap.

5 years ago

Why would Rosalia choose Andorra over Spain though?

Like sure she is Catalan but she makes it very clear that she is also a Spaniard. There isn´t really any reason she wouldn´t represent her country.

5 years ago

Hahaha Rosalía is not going to EUROVISIÓN…

5 years ago


5 years ago

Now this does put a smile on my face. So excited. It could turn out wonderful! Maybe one day we’ll get Luxembourg or Slovakia as well! Fingers crossed for Andorra to return in 2021 or 2022.

5 years ago

Given the fact that it’s been ten years since they last participated, I wonder what has happened recently that would make them want to return.

5 years ago
Reply to  Gorilla716

They have enough money I think.

5 years ago
Reply to  Gorilla716

Well, the conservatives have a point there…

5 years ago

Much like San Marino, Andorra has always been a country I want to see succeed in ESC. They have been underrated a few times, most notably in 2007, when they had a top 5 song. I’d really like to see them back.

5 years ago
Reply to  Colin

I said above, but I say it again. Andorra was robbed in 2007!

5 years ago
Reply to  Colin

I want Slovakia to succed also:)

5 years ago

Yesss, waiting for Luxembourg and Lichtenstein also

5 years ago
Reply to  Tom

And Monaco too!

5 years ago
Reply to  Porsteinn

And slovakia and Bosnia