It’s been six months since the head of Malta’s Eurovision delegation passed out on camera. That was exciting. But not as exciting as learning the 24 artists vying to fly the Maltese flag in Baku. Fabrizio Faniello, who finished ninth at Eurovision 2001, is among the contenders. Here’s the complete list.

1. Amber – Answers with your eyes (Ray Agius & Alfred C. Sant)
2. Anna Azzopardi – Still waiting (Samuel Bugia Garrido & Athanassios Nakos)
3. Annalise Ellul – Whoop it up! (Elton Zarb & Deo Grech)
4. Claudia Faniello – Pure (Philip Vella & Gerard James Borg)
5. Corazon Mizzi – Mystifying eyes (Paul Giordimania & Fleur Balzan)
6. Danica Muscat – 7 days (Philip Vella)
7. Deborah C feat. Leila James – You make me go UH UH (David Vervoort & Patrick Reiner)
8. Dorothy Bezzina – Autobiography (Magnus Kaxc & Gerard James Borg)
9. Eleanor Cassar – I want to run away (Paul Giordimania & Fleur Balzan)
10. Fabrizio Faniello – I will fight for you (Papa’s song) (J. Beoerham, N. Edberger, R. Uhlmann, W. Fenech & F. Faniello)
11. Francesca Borg – Take me far (Marco Debono & Doris Chetcuti)
12. Gianni Zammit – Petals on a rose (R. Abrahamsson, A. Aly, N. Numhauser & T. Fenech)
13. Isabelle Zammit – Walk on water (Paul Giordimania & Fleur Balzan)
14. Janice Mangion – While her eyes still glow (Elton Zarb & Rita Pace)
15. J. Anvil – You are my life (George Georgion)
16. Jessica Muscat – Dance romance (Phillip Vella & Jessica Muscat)
17. Kaya – First time (Georgios Kalpadikis)
18. Klinsmann – No way back (Paul Albela, Klinsmann Coleiro & Jonathan C. Spiteri)
19. Kurt Calleja – This is the night (Johann Jamtberg & Kurt Calleja)
20. Lawrence Gray – In your eyes (Philip Vella & Cher Vella)
21. Nadine Bartolo – Can’t get away (Philip Vella)
22. Richard Edwards – Look at me now (Jan Van Dijck & Richard Micallef)
23. Romina Mamo – DNA (Michael James Tanczos & Gerard James Borg)
24. Wayne Micallef – Time (Wayne Micallef)

You can listen to snippets of each finalist by clicking here.

Fabrizo at Eurovision 2001:

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13 years ago

Dear Malta.

Send Claudia, please. Poor girl’s been in like ten finals and never wins. And some years she’s been better than the winner.

