lindita world music video revamp

At the end of 2016, Lindita triumphed above her rivals at Festivali i Kenges. With the right to be Albania’s Eurovision act in her name, Lindita has been hard at work revamping her winning song, “Bote”. From early on, we knew the song would be performed in English. Now — with some added flairs — it’s been revealed tonight as “World“!

Lindita — “World”

Lindita previously spoke to us about how she wanted to make the song more “Eurovision-like”. Without the restraints of Festivali i Kenges and the live orchestra, Lindita has ramped up the drama.

The song is now more polished, but still as dramatic as the original Albanian version. While the lyrics touch on the current topics, it is mainly about human equality. The opening lyrics “we’re so alike, yet different” also fit to this year’s slogan “Celebrate Diversity”.

Lindita — who has talked openly about her weight-losing process — looks beautiful on the music video. While the video has many hidden messages, it’s also just stunning to look at.

The People magazine cover girl now moves on to promoting her song. She’s already confirmed for Eurovision in Concert and we’re sure we’ll be seeing plenty more of Lindita on the road to Kyiv!

What do you think about Lindita’s new version of “World”? Do you like the way she’s switched the song to English, or should it have remained Albanian? Shout out your thoughts on the wiwibloggs app or in the comments section below!


*Buy the Botë t-shirt

*Buy the Botë phone cover

Read more Albania news here

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Llobera 4 Ever
Llobera 4 Ever
8 years ago

I don’t understand why so many negative comments, I think this is quite a decent revamp (not astounding either), if see can actually hit the climactic long note(s) and with a decent staging this song could be a surprise.

And yes, her name is ALL. Go Lindita!

8 years ago

I finally get it……within all that screaming i can finally understand what she is singing about.

“Bote” sounded like a screaming fest to be honest, but now with “World” it all makes sense. What a voice!.The visuals also helped too. The video looks amazing, hoping for an impressive staging in May.

This was the same case with last year’s entry also. I preferred the “Fairytale” version to listen to.

8 years ago

If your music knowledge is divided between ballads and uptempos, you shouldn’t even have the right to comment about this song. This is none of the above – this is actually closer to the symphonic rock genre, and it’s amazing as such! Being English the original language of the song (like “Paper” which some fools wanted in Icelandic), it’s absurd for people to ask for the Albanian lyrics when those only existed to compel with the rules of FiK. Overall, this is a major improvement from the version presented in December. It’s rich, it’s powerful and it delivers a punch… Read more »

8 years ago

Her Albanian is not weak. From the interviews, her English seems weaker. She has done school in Kosovo. She did not articulate it well, she meant to say she has a dialect in Albanian. And does not feel comfortable with it.

8 years ago

I am sure tha the live version is going to be stunning!!!

Justin K.
8 years ago

I think it makes sense for her to move to English considering that’s her stronger language (I believe she stated in one of your interviews that she feels her Albanian is weak). To me it sounds similar enough (yet a little stronger with the instrumental) for it to be just a lyrical revamp, but as much as I like the vocal runs at the end, I’m personally not feeling it. It’s not forced per se, but it sounds a little “try hard” if you get what I’m saying. She’s definitely got the vocals to do it, and to do it… Read more »

8 years ago

The language change did not bother me as much as expected (I still prefer Albanian btw) but too many rock guitars now. I still think it is an amazing song and should qualify. Lindita can flat out sing…

8 years ago

Last year’s revamp was an absolute disgrace, this year it’s decent, mostly beacuse the most obvious change is the language instead of the music. Still, the lyrics are very Love Love Peace Peace, quite cheesy.

8 years ago

I can finally hear her voice, in the Albanian version she was just mumble-shouting to pretty music. At least I know what she’s saying now, and this could most likely be a qualifier.

Donna Vey
Donna Vey
8 years ago

I even want her to go through because of the cool name: Lindita, like a sassy version of Linda, which now feels like something slightly less. Lindita, slay it girl!

8 years ago

I loved the part she says “for the life of me / I refuse to be / anything but free.” It is so powerful! Lindita knows how to slay a power ballad!

8 years ago

I don’t know about the English, but I do like the tightening up of the instrumentals. With some dramatic use of the LED wall and floor I could see this qualifying.

8 years ago

And they ruin another beautiful song. I could at least hear the words in the original. I can’t make out most of the words in this version.

janet kench
janet kench
8 years ago

And may I be as bold as to say, considering UK bought their re-vamped version out yesterday, this is how you produce a video and this is how you reach the top notes – sorry but I am from WALES and it hurts me terribly to say this.

janet kench
janet kench
8 years ago

ok i am a big advocate for each country to sing in their own language being bi-lingual myself but there is no denying this is a fab re-vamp, production is excellent and her voice stupendous, she has been one of my faves since it came out early on. Well done.

8 years ago

i really love this, but i definitely agree that the original was better! i feel like i can’t really make an opinion until i hear it live, though, considering i felt the same way about the original. the studio versions are good, but hearing the song live was so much better. we’ll just have to wait and see!

8 years ago

All drama and charisma is lost in the revamp. Can’t understand any word. Is it really English?? No final for Albania

8 years ago

OK, first, the revamp results were much better than last year’s. The problem is that the mystical atmosphere and the the beautiful Albanian language have been vanished. I’m still preferring the original version. I expect it will quality to the final in borderline.

8 years ago

Tell me about it! Albanians are not confident with their beautiful language and they wanna westernize. Ya guys tell them! ????????????

8 years ago

I like the Albanian version slightly more still, it was more captivating and interesting. Like another person mentioned, that piano in the first verse is kind of annoying actually. Otherwise, the revamp at least isn’t bad like last year. But sadly Albania has slipped from like 10th to maybe 17th now for me 🙁

Jr esc nl
Jr esc nl
8 years ago

@cersei lannister
I wonder why not a single Eurovision news Outlet has posted about this XD afraid of ukrainian government much?

8 years ago

Definitely not as tragic as France. Actually, song sounds quite similar, except that inclusion of one more language would add to diversity. Why can’t Albanians for ONCE stick with not translating their entry? In English it’s more obvious how repetitive the song is. Still quite pleasant.

8 years ago

For me the revamp has done nothing to the song, which is not necessarily a bad thing since Albania has a record of bad revamped songs in their catalogue (still crying for Perralle). Anyways I think that this won’t qualify, unless Albania does something incredible on stage, which I doubt (besides Lindita’s huge power vocals and stunning stage presence).

I agree that FiK should go through an important renovation (please not like Festival da Cançao did, that was tragic) or RTSH should find another way to choose their ESC entries, even if it’s with an internal selection.

8 years ago

The revamp is slightly better than the original, but it lost its magic and mystery. Better in Albanian. My feelings are contradictory in this one. One the one hand, I feel the same thing as their entry last year, when I really liked the chorus but the rest was just good. On the other hand, trying to use my imagination about how it will be translated on stage, I see potential. This song can have a Russia 2015 effect and the staging can elevate the whole performance. (Of course I don’t compare the two songs, it’s just how I felt)… Read more »

Cersei Lannister
Cersei Lannister
8 years ago

Jr esc nl : ”In other news: ukrainian police is investigating russian contestant yulia. She travelled to crimea accros russian land which can land her in ukrainian prison. Ukraine has already announced they won’t make An exception for her… Wow”

She went there to sing, after the referendum (internationally accepted).
Ukrainians are terrorists, what more proof do you all need?

Matthew ESC
Matthew ESC
8 years ago

It moved from my 25th to my 4th :0

So much more fresher but still has that epic orchestra vibe

And the song had a Really strong message that needs to be heard

8 years ago

This is really good, the revamp actually works for once. (I preferred it in Albanian, but well…)
Still like it.

8 years ago

I don’t know what you folks are smoking… this is way better than the original. And one of the best ballads this year. Finally an entry that gets what a big Eurovision ballad should be.

Paul D.
Paul D.
8 years ago

Yeas Albania that’s how you do a revamp 🙂 but I’m still worried about qualification, it’s going to be hard

8 years ago

Beautiful song <3

8 years ago

Magic is lost for sure.

8 years ago

It’s not bad, but I like the albanian version much better. Something was lost in that revamp.

8 years ago

Disappointed Albanian Guy

Problem with FIK is not song or revamp of song after festival and change language , old members of juries is only problem with your festival FIK. They chosen wrong song so many times .Juries is old like juries in Portugal this year.
With Klodian Kacani in 2014 , Albania would be in final, but jures push in points so hard Hersiana with not good song.

8 years ago

I really don’t get the rage/ disappointment going around. I really like this song it’s in my top 10.
From Canada with love.

8 years ago

Still just meh. It’s moved from 34th to 33rd… *slow applause*

They really need to abolish FiK as their NF. I haven’t likes any song this decade other than I’m Alive, and that was an entirely new song!! Just abolish FiK please Albania.

8 years ago

I’m really happy with the revamp. This time, Albania has done a good job (not like in 2014 or 2016). I knew Lindita would do a good job since she’s fluent in English. In my opinion, the song remains as good as in albanian. Albania is still in my top 10!!! Good luck Lindita!!

8 years ago

Only good revamp with engliish lyrics was in 2010 then 2009. They ruined their song with revamp in 2014,2016 and this year 2017. And I don t like when they change complete song from national final in 2015.

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
8 years ago

Albania’s best song. Albania’s best video. Simply stunning.
Also, I believe this song contains one of the longest held vocal notes in Eurovision history?
If the stage version is anywhere near as good as the video, then the juries will certainly have to give this one some serious points!
With the exception of Italy, I think 2017 is the year of the traditionally “underdog” countries. FYR Macedonia, Belgium, Bulgaria, Albania… these have all greatly surpassed expectations, in my opinion. 🙂

8 years ago

There is no way this can get out of semi 1 tho, and if she does it means she took the spot of a better quality entry

Leo M
Leo M
8 years ago

I like it more than the Albanian version but I reckon either in English or Albanian it would not qualify for the final

8 years ago

MY TOP 10 from I semi so far wait for armenian song to hear
1.Finland 2.Sweden 3.Portugal 4.Belgium 5.Moldova 6.Cyprus 7.Iceland 8.Albania 9.Latvia 10.Slovenia

Austrian Ari
Austrian Ari
8 years ago

These kind of songs are my least favorite: uninspired ballads pretending to be profound, when all they are is three minutes of meaningless noise. At least in Albanian, one couldn’t understand this crap. It’s wldo my least favorite melody, though, does nothing for me. Too bad really, Albania has so much potential, so many good artists and surely a couple of skilled songwriters. I truly went this one to stay in the semi final. Look what Elhaida Dani came up with after the FiK song was ditched. They had to quickly pull something together out of scratch. Elhaida remains the… Read more »

8 years ago

Magic was lost. Just went from my top 10 straight into mediocrity.

8 years ago

Honestly I prefer the Albanian version, I can’t understand what she is singing because of the screams. Hope on the semi-finals it will sound better, but now it’s not working for me. 😉

8 years ago

Sweden will beat this song……

Jr esc nl
Jr esc nl
8 years ago

In other news: ukrainian police is investigating russian contestant yulia. She travelled to crimea accros russian land which can land her in ukrainian prison. Ukraine has already announced they won’t make An exception for her… Wow

Polegend Godgarina
8 years ago

I like this revamp, but she needs to improve her screams. She has the same problem as the girl from Poland: she sounds nasal.

8 years ago

I much preferred the Albanian version…. Same as in 2016, they’ve killed the vibe….

8 years ago

When i first saw the author’s name of the article i expected it would be something like:
‘Which one would make you happier if Albania would be represented by Bebe Rexha or Lindita? Let’s make a poll of it,haha’
Thank God, it was about revamp. Not something insulting towards somebody.

8 years ago

Problem only Albania is in I semi with many countries with good qualification record and in I semi we have so much good song.
From I semi in final 100 %
For rest 3 place for final fight between Finland,Albania,Poland,Iceland,Georgia,Moldova,Cyprus,Latvia
I think that 3 will be Poland, Moldova, Latvia (surprise like Georgia 2016).
Only 3 countries don t have chance for final Montenegro,Slovenia, Czech Republic